Books and Borrowing API V1
The data featured in this resource are copyright of the University of Stirling. Tables of data are available to download as CSV files, or as JSON data. All data taken from this resource must be properly attributed:
Books and Borrowing: An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers’ Registers, 1750-1830. 2025. University of Stirling.
Data are made available through a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This allows users to share and adapt the materials freely with the appropriate attribution but not for commercial purposes. Please see further details of this license here:

List of Endpoints
Library Borrowers
Returns a list of borrowers, including counts of borrowings, normalised occupations, additional fields and xrefs for a specific library, identified either by a numeric ID or non-numeric 'slug', or for all libraries by passing 'All'. A subset of borrowers with surnames beginning with a specific letter can also be returned.
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier borrowers. Mandatory.
- Either the numeric library ID (lid) OR library slug (multiple can be passed separated by a bar (|)) OR 'All'. Mandatory.
- Order type. Must be 'surname' or 'borrowings'. Mandatory
- Initial letter of surname (e.g. A) or 'Other' for surnames that do not begin A-Z. Optional
- Date range when borrower was active, consisting of start year and end year separated by a dash (e.g. 1750-1760). Optional or null if a further option is provided.
- Gender. Either 'Male', 'Female', 'Unclear' or 'Unknown'. Optional
- Data for Chambers library identified by its LID (41) ordered by surname (all data) as a JSON file: - Data for borrowers with surnames beginning with 'S' at the Royal High School identified by its slug as a JSON file: - Top 100 borrowers at the Advocates Library identified by its slug as a JSON file: - Data for Chambers library identified by its slug (chambers) as a CSV file:
Library Borrower
Returns the details for a single borrower, including counts of borrowings, normalised occupations, additional fields and xrefs
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier borrower. Mandatory.
- Numeric borrower ID. Mandatory
- Data for borrower ID 26366 as a JSON file:
Library borrower titles
Returns a list of distinct borrower titles, including counts of the number of borrowers with each.
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier borrowerTitles. Mandatory.
- Borrower titles as a JSON file:
Library borrower occupations
Returns a hierarchical list of borrower occupations with counts of associated borrowers
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier borrowerOccupations. Mandatory.
- Borrower active period (e.g. 1750-1800). Optional or 'null' if gender included
- Borrower gender (Male, Female, Unknown, Unclear). Optional or 'null' if library included
- Library (slug or ID). Optional
- Borrower occupations as a JSON file:
Library borrower settlement
For use in the autocomplete. Returns a list of settlements that feature the passed string anywhere in the settlement name
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier borrowerSettlement. Mandatory.
- Search string of at least two characters. Mandatory
- Borrower settlements containing the text 'black':
Library borrower street
For use in the autocomplete. Returns a list of streets that feature the passed string anywhere in the street name
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier borrowerStreet. Mandatory.
- Search string of at least two characters. Mandatory
- Borrower streets containing the text 'king':
Borrowings Through Time
The number of borrowings at a library or libraries over time, grouped by top-level occupation and further split by second-level occupation, with the unit of time either being year, or if a year is specified by month within the year.
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier borrowingsThroughTime. Mandatory.
- Unit of time: Either ‘null’ for years or a specific year for months within the year. Mandatory
- Grouping type: ‘occupation’ or ‘genre’. Mandatory
- One or more library ID (lid) or library slug separated by a bar (|) OR 'all' for all libraries. Mandatory
- Borrowings through time for occupations at Wigtown library, identified by slug, returning JSON data: - Borrowings through time for months in the year 1790 for all occupations at all libraries, returning CSV data:
Book Holdings
Returns a list of books, including book items, counts of borrowings, additional fields and associated editions / works for a specific library, identified either by a numeric ID or non-numeric 'slug'. Only returns a subset, either alphabetically by initial letter or author surname, or the most borrowed books (currently limited to returning the top 100 books).
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier books. Mandatory.
- Either the numeric library ID (lid) OR library slug. Mandatory.
- Order type. Must be 'title', 'author' or 'borrowings'. Mandatory
- The initial letter to return books for (captital A-Z) or 'Other' for book titles / author names that don't begin with an A-Z character. Optional. If omitted for 'title' or 'author' then 'A' will be returned.
- Data for Chambers library books with titles beginning with 'A', with the library identified by its LID (41) as a JSON file: - Data for Chambers library books that are the 100 most borrowed with library identified by its slug (chambers) as a CSV file:
Book Holding
Returns data for a book holding identified by ID, including book items, counts of borrowings, additional fields and associated editions / works
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier bookHolding. Mandatory.
- Numeric Book Holding ID (bhid).
- Data for bhid 34688 as a JSON file:
Book Editions
Returns a list of book editions, including works, authors and total number of borrowings for book editions. Only returns a subset, either alphabetically by initial letter or author surname, or the most borrowed books (currently limited to returning the top 100 books). A publication date range and a limit to one or more genres can also be supplied
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier bookEditions. Mandatory.
- Order type. Must be 'title', 'author' or 'borrowings'. Mandatory
- The initial letter to return books for (captital A-Z) or 'Other' for book titles / author names that don't begin with an A-Z character. Optional, but '0' or 'null' must be specified if a range is included. If omitted for 'title' or 'author' then 'A' will be returned.
- Publication date range. Optional, or a mandatory 'null' if no date range but genre is supplied. If supplied must be a start year and an end year separated by a dash (e.g. 1700-1750)
- Genre. Optional. If supplied must be one or more numerical genre IDs, separated by a bar (|)
- Data for book editions with titles beginning with 'A' as a JSON file: - Data for the 100 most borrowed book editions as a CSV file:
Book Edition
Returns data for a book edition identified by ID, including book work and authors
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier bookEdition. Mandatory.
- Numeric Book Edition ID (beid).
- Data for beid 580 as a JSON file:
Book Work
Returns data for a book work identified by ID, including authors
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier bookWork. Mandatory.
- Numeric Book Work ID (bwid).
- Data for bwid 16 as a JSON file:
Returns data for an author identified by ID
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier author. Mandatory.
- Numeric authorID (aid).
- Data for aid 419 as a JSON file:
Book Edition ESTC
For use in the autocomplete. Returns a list of ESTC IDs that begin with the passed string
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier ESTC. Mandatory.
- Search string of at least two characters. Mandatory
- ESTC IDs beginning T1001:
Book Edition Language
Returns a list of distinct book edition languages, including counts of the number of book editions with each
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier bookEditionLanguages. Mandatory.
- Book edition languages:
Book Edition Publication Place
For use in the autocomplete. Returns a list of publication placesthat feature the passed string anywhere in the publication place
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier bookEditionPublicationPlace. Mandatory.
- Search string of at least two characters. Mandatory
- Book edition publication places featuring the text 'lon':
Book edition publication date range
Returns the earliest and latest publication dates for book editions. Used in the range option on the book edition page.
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier bookEditionPubdateRange. Mandatory.
- Publication date range as a JSON file:
Borrower borrowing range
Returns the earliest and latest borrowing dates. Used in the range option on the borrower page.
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier borrowerBorrowingRange. Mandatory.
- Borrowing range as a JSON file:
Books Autocomplete
Returns a list of book holding titles (and number of borrowing counts) that match the passed string for a specified library. For use in the autocomplete on the library ‘facts’ page.
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier booksAutocomplete. Mandatory.
- Library slug or numeric ID OR NULL for all libraries. Mandatory
- String of at least two characters. Mandatory
- Book holdings containing the string 'rome' at Aberdeen library identified by slug
Book Editions Autocomplete
Returns a list of book edition titles (and number of borrowing counts) that match the passed string for one or more specified libraries. For use in the autocomplete on the site-wide ‘facts’ page.
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier bookEditionsAutocomplete. Mandatory.
- One or more library slugs or numeric IDs separated by a bar (|) OR NULL or ALL for all libraries. Mandatory
- String of at least two characters. Mandatory
- Book editions containing the string 'egypt' at Chambers or Advocates libraries identified slug|advocates/egypt
Book Holding Borrowings
For a given book holding ID, returns count of the number of borrowings per year
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier holdingBorrowings. Mandatory.
- Book Holding ID. Mandatory
- Borrowings per year for the book holding with BHID 35177
Book Edition Borrowings
For a given book edition ID at one or more libraries, returns count of the number of borrowings per year
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier editionBorrowings. Mandatory.
- One or more library slugs or numeric IDs separated by a bar (|) OR NULL or ALL for all libraries. Mandatory
- Book Edition ID. Mandatory
- Borrowings per year for the book edition with BEID 4444 at all libraries
Library book counts by initial letter of title / author
Returns a count of books by initial letter of the title or author to be used in the letter selection tabs
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier bookCount. Mandatory.
- Either the numeric library ID (lid) OR library slug OR the string 'Edition' to return editions rather than the holdings for a specific library. Mandatory.
- Order type. Must be 'title' or 'author'. Mandatory
- Date range. Optional unless a genre is specified in which case 'null' should be used if no date is required. Dates must consist of a start year and an end year separated by a dash
- Genre. Optional. One or more numeric genre IDs separated by a bar (|)
- Counts of books for Chambers library identified by its LID (41) when books are ordered by initial letter of their title as a JSON file: - Counts of books for Chambers library identified by its slug (chambers) when books are ordered by initial letter of author surname as a CSV file:
Library borrower counts by initial letter of surname
Returns a count of borrowers by initial letter of surname to be used in the letter selection tabs
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier borrowerCount. Mandatory.
- Either the numeric library ID (lid) OR library slug OR 'All'. Mandatory.
- Order type. Must be 'title' or 'author'. Mandatory
- Date range when borrower was active, consisting of start year and end year separated by a dash (e.g. 1750-1760). Optional or null if a further option is provided.
- Gender. Either 'Male', 'Female', 'Unclear' or 'Unknown'. Optional
- Counts of borrowers for Royal High School identified by its slug as a JSON file:
Library registers
Returns a list of registers, including counts of pages, books, borrowers and borrowings, identified either by a numeric ID or non-numeric 'slug'.
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier registers. Mandatory
- Either the numeric library ID (lid) OR library slug. Optional. If omitted data will be returned for every library register
- Data for Chambers library identified by its LID (41) as a JSON file: - Data for Chambers library identified by its slug (chambers) as a CSV file:
Library register page
Returns a list of borrowing records and associated data for a specific register page, identified by numeric ID
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier page. Mandatory.
- Numeric page ID (pid)
- Data for the page with ID 768 as a JSON file: - Data for the page with ID 768 as a CSV file:
Returns a list of borrowing record IDs for a specified quick or advanced search text string. To retrieve the full data for the borrowings a subset of the returned IDs should be queried against the searchResults endpoint as described below. A quick search searches the following fields:
- Author forename
- Author surname
- Book work title
- Book edition title
- Book edition language
- Book edition publication place
- Book edition ESTC
- Book edition format
- Book edition genre
- Book holding original title
- Book holding standardised title
- Borrower forename
- Borrower surname
- Borrower normalised occupation
- Borrowing transcription
- Borrowing date of borrowing (search string must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-dd_yyyy-mm-dd for a range. Dates can omit -mm-dd or -dd)
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier search. Mandatory.
- start point. Either 0 or a multiple of 100. Defines which subset of data to return. Mandatory
- Filter query. Either 0 or a filter query as chosen by selecting a facet on the search results page, consisting of the type and the value separated by a bar, with multiple pairings separated by two bars, e.g. 'byear|1750||pubplaces|London'. Mandatory
- Sort. Either 0 (by library, register, page), sortDate (borrowing date), sortBname (borrower name), sortBocc (borrower occupation), sortAname (author name) or sortEdtitle (edition title)
- search type (either 'quick', 'simple' or 'advanced'. Mandatory
- Any number of search srings. Mandatory. Must consist of a search field and a value separated by a bar (|). For quick search the search field should be omitted and the value used on its own.
- All borrowing records between February 1790 and September 1792 inclusive: - All borrowing records involving the name 'Smith' as the full text of a field: - All borrowing records involving the ESTC code 'T155510': - All borrowing records with a field beginning 'ital*': - All borrowing records with a field that includes the text 'lawyer':
Search Results
For a passed list of borrowing IDs returns all associated data for each borrowing record. Can accept a maximum of 100 borrowing IDs at a time.
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier searchResults. Mandatory.
- List of IDs (comma separated integers). Mandatory
- Full borrowing data for a set of 100 borrowing IDs,900,915,925,942,6518,122039,184677,188679,188781,190005,194820,188601,194154,197771,281810,203408,297214,309634,345896,17731,96281,104567,118397,123281,143007,162471,169137,171990,173727,178647,291628,204476,284252,206339,287413,294640,296281,298186,299905,324016,326452,326752,206630,281201,296224,285557,296275,324019,326608,285914,292996,325438,324025,326551,327190,337616,339335,43351,43352,43353,43345,43347,43349,43350,43736,43727,43729,43730,43733,43737,43731,43732,43725,43735,43853,43854,43855,43867,43868,43863,43869,43864,43866,43862,43870,43856,43857,43859,43860,43861,43871,43852,311698,311701,311704,311707,311710,311713,311719
On this day
Returns a complete list of borrowing records for a specific day. Will default to current day unless a day and month are supplied
- Data type: Should be json or csv. Mandatory.
- Endpoint identifier onThisDay. Mandatory.
- Month and Day (MM-DD). Optional
- Whether a single randomly selected borrowing or the full set. Specify 'full' or leave blank
- Borrowing records for the current day as a JSON file: - Borrowing records for the 30th of June as a JSON file: