Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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C05-100-06, page 163

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Record ID 442155

3 Kenilworth

Borrowed: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/5/23 (Friday).


Mr W. Elder
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Kenilworth; a romance
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Kenilworth, a Romance. By the author of Waverley [Sir W. Scott].
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1821. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 312 times in 108 borrowing records

Book Work

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Kenilworth, a Romance

Borrowed: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/5/23 (Friday).

Borrower: Mr W. Elder

Author: Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832), Genre: Fiction

Kenilworth, a Romance

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 442158

3 St. Ronan's Well

Borrowed: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/5/23 (Friday).


Mr W. Elder
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
St. Ronan's Well. By the author of “Waverley,” etc. [i.e. Sir Walter Scott.]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
St. Ronan's Well. By the author of “Waverley,” etc. [i.e. Sir Walter Scott.]
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1824. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 158 times in 58 borrowing records

Book Work

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
St Ronan's Well

Borrowed: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/5/23 (Friday).

Borrower: Mr W. Elder

Author: Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832), Genre: Fiction

St Ronan's Well

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 442161

3 Woodstock

Borrowed: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/6/9 (Monday).


Mr W. Elder
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Woodstock; or, the Cavalier: a tale of the year sixteen hundred and fifty-one, by the author of Waverley [Sir Walter Scott].
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Woodstock; or, the Cavalier: a tale of the year sixteen hundred and fifty-one, by the author of Waverley [Sir Walter Scott].
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1826. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 209 times in 83 borrowing records

Book Work

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Woodstock; or, the Cavalier

Borrowed: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/6/9 (Monday).

Borrower: Mr W. Elder

Author: Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832), Genre: Fiction

Woodstock; or, the Cavalier

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 442164

Qu. Rev. 101

Borrowed: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday).


Dr John Bremner
Gender: Male. Address: Broad Street, Kirkwall.

Book Holding

Genre: Periodicals
Quarterly Review
Volumes borrowed: Volume 101

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Quarterly Review
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1809-1967. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 636 times in 565 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Quarterly Review

Borrowed: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Dr John Bremner

Genre: Periodicals

Quarterly Review

Volumes borrowed: Volume 101

Record ID 442167

4 Saxon & Gael

Borrowed: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/7/22 (Tuesday).


Mr Robert Patton
Gender: Male. Address: Main Street, Kirkwall.

Book Holding

Christian Isobel Johnstone (Female, born 1781, died 1857)
Genre: Fiction
The Saxon and the Gael; or, the Northern Metropolis: including a view of the Lowland and Highland character.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Christian Isobel Johnstone (Female, born 1781, died 1857)
Genre: Fiction
The Saxon and the Gael; or, the Northern Metropolis: including a view of the Lowland and Highland character. (1814)
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1814. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 74 borrowing records

Book Work

Christian Isobel Johnstone (Female, born 1781, died 1857)
Genre: Fiction
Saxon and the Gael; or, The Northern Metropolis: including a View of the Lowland and Highland Character

Borrowed: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/7/22 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Mr Robert Patton

Author: Christian Isobel Johnstone (Female, born 1781, died 1857), Genre: Fiction

Saxon and the Gael; or, The Northern Metropolis: including a View of the Lowland and Highland Character

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 442170

Athenaeum 6 Nos. July-Decr. 1832

Borrowed: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/8/22 (Friday).


Mr Robert Patton
Gender: Male. Address: Main Street, Kirkwall.

Book Holding

Genre: Periodicals
The athenaeum : journal of literature, science and the fine arts
Volumes borrowed: Volume July 1832, Volume August 1832, Volume September 1832, Volume October 1832, Volume November 1832, Volume December 1832

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The athenaeum : journal of literature, science and the fine arts
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1830-1921. Pagination: 4623 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 21 times in 6 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals

Borrowed: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/8/22 (Friday).

Borrower: Mr Robert Patton

Genre: Periodicals


Volumes borrowed: Volume July 1832, Volume August 1832, Volume September 1832, Volume October 1832, Volume November 1832, Volume December 1832

Record ID 442173

" March 1834

Borrowed: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 18134/5/16 (Sunday).


Mr John Wallace
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Genre: Periodicals
The athenaeum : journal of literature, science and the fine arts
Volumes borrowed: Volume March 1834

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The athenaeum : journal of literature, science and the fine arts
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1830-1921. Pagination: 4623 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 21 times in 6 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals

Borrowed: 1834/5/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 18134/5/16 (Sunday).

Borrower: Mr John Wallace

Genre: Periodicals


Volumes borrowed: Volume March 1834

Record ID 442176

March Blackd:

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/6/3 (Tuesday).


Mr Robert Borwick
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Service Provision and Hospitality > Distiller.

Book Holding

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine
Volumes borrowed: Volume March 1834

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1817-1905. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 2526 times in 2041 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/6/3 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Mr Robert Borwick

Genre: Periodicals

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Volumes borrowed: Volume March 1834

Record ID 442179

4 Don Quixote

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1824/5/29 (Saturday).


Mrs Cowan of Papdale
Gender: Female. Address: Papdale, Kirkwall.

Book Holding

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Male, born 1547, died 1616)
Genre: Fiction
Don Quixote
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Male, born 1547, died 1616)
Genre: Fiction
Don Quixote de la Mancha : in four volumes
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1818. Pagination: 4 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 94 times in 29 borrowing records

Book Work

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Male, born 1547, died 1616)
Genre: Fiction
Don Quixote

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1824/5/29 (Saturday).

Borrower: Mrs Cowan of Papdale

Author: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Male, born 1547, died 1616), Genre: Fiction

Don Quixote

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 442182

March Xn: Inst.

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/5/30 (Friday).


Mr Robert Patton
Gender: Male. Address: Main Street, Kirkwall.

Book Holding

Genre: Periodicals
The Edinburgh Christian Instructor
Volumes borrowed: Volume March 1834

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Genre: Periodicals
The Edinburgh Christian Instructor
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1810-1835.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 733 times in 583 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
The Edinburgh Christian Instructor

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/5/30 (Friday).

Borrower: Mr Robert Patton

Genre: Periodicals

The Edinburgh Christian Instructor

Volumes borrowed: Volume March 1834

Record ID 442185

2 Modern Traveller 14.28.

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/9/12 (Friday).


Mr James Drever
Gender: Male. Address: Kirkwall.

Book Holding

Josiah Conder (Male, born 1789, died 1855)
Genre: Travel
The modern traveller [Conder]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 14, Volume 28

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Josiah Conder (Male, born 1789, died 1855)
Genre: Travel
The modern traveller
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1830-1834. Pagination: 33 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 106 borrowing records

Book Work

Josiah Conder (Male, born 1789, died 1855)
Genre: Travel
Modern Traveller

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/9/12 (Friday).

Borrower: Mr James Drever

Author: Josiah Conder (Male, born 1789, died 1855), Genre: Travel

Modern Traveller

Volumes borrowed: Volume 14, Volume 28

Record ID 442188

April Blackd.

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/5/20 (Tuesday).


James Urquhart Anderson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Librarian. Print and Book Trade > Bookbinder. Print and Book Trade > Booksellers.

Book Holding

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine
Volumes borrowed: Volume April 1834

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1817-1905. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 2526 times in 2041 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/5/20 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Urquhart Anderson

Genre: Periodicals

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Volumes borrowed: Volume April 1834

Record ID 442191

3 Lander's Journal

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/6/10 (Tuesday).


Mr James Barry
Gender: Male. Address: King Street, Kirkwall.
Occupation (normalised): Independent Means > Gentleman. Military > Navy.

Book Holding

John Lander (Male, born 1806, died 1839), Richard Lemon Lander (Male, born 1804, died 1834)
Genre: Travel
Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger : with a narrative of a voyage down that river to its termination [Lander]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

John Lander (Male, born 1806, died 1839), Richard Lemon Lander (Male, born 1804, died 1834)
Genre: Travel
Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger : with a narrative of a voyage down that river to its termination
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1832. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 55 times in 30 borrowing records

Book Work

John Lander (Male, born 1806, died 1839), Richard Lemon Lander (Male, born 1804, died 1834)
Genre: Travel
Journal of an Expedition to Explore the Course and Termination of the Niger

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/6/10 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Mr James Barry

Author: John Lander (Male, born 1806, died 1839), Richard Lemon Lander (Male, born 1804, died 1834), Genre: Travel

Journal of an Expedition to Explore the Course and Termination of the Niger

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 442194

1 Mutiny of Bounty

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/5/30 (Friday).


Mr James Barry
Gender: Male. Address: King Street, Kirkwall.
Occupation (normalised): Independent Means > Gentleman. Military > Navy.

Book Holding

William Bligh (Male, born 1754, died 1817)
Genre: Travel
Mutiny of the Bounty
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/5/30 (Friday).

Borrower: Mr James Barry

Author: William Bligh (Male, born 1754, died 1817), Genre: Travel

Mutiny of the Bounty

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 442197

1 Blackd:   17.

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 18134/6/6 (Sunday).


James Munro Linklater
Gender: Male. Address: Main Street, Kirkwall.
Occupation (normalised): Service Provision and Hospitality > Grocer.

Book Holding

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine
Volumes borrowed: Volume 17

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1817-1905. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 2526 times in 2041 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 18134/6/6 (Sunday).

Borrower: James Munro Linklater

Genre: Periodicals

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Volumes borrowed: Volume 17

Record ID 442200

1 M.cGregor.  1.

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/8/18 (Monday).


Reverend Mr John Armit
Gender: Male. Address: Westray.

Book Holding

John MacGregor (Male, born 1797, died 1857)
Genre: Travel
British America [McGregor]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

John MacGregor (Male, born 1797, died 1857)
Genre: Travel
British America
Language: English . Published: London | Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1833. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 18 times in 14 borrowing records

Book Work

John MacGregor (Male, born 1797, died 1857)
Genre: Travel
British America

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/8/18 (Monday).

Borrower: Reverend Mr John Armit

Author: John MacGregor (Male, born 1797, died 1857), Genre: Travel

British America

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 442206

1 Northanger Abbey

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/8/18 (Monday).


Reverend Mr John Armit
Gender: Male. Address: Westray.

Book Holding

Jane Austen (Female, born 1775-12-16, died 1817-7-18)
Genre: Fiction
Northanger Abbey ... Persuasion
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Jane Austen (Female, born 1775-12-16, died 1817-7-18)
Genre: Fiction
Northanger Abbey ... Persuasion
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1833.
Number of borrowings: 15

Book Work

Jane Austen (Female, born 1775-12-16, died 1817-7-18)
Genre: Fiction
Northanger Abbey and Persuasion

Borrowed: 1834/5/16 (Friday). Returned: 1834/8/18 (Monday).

Borrower: Reverend Mr John Armit

Author: Jane Austen (Female, born 1775-12-16, died 1817-7-18), Genre: Fiction

Northanger Abbey and Persuasion

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 442209

1 Mohicans

Borrowed: 1834/5/20 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/12/10 (Wednesday).


Reverend Mr Peter Petrie
Gender: Male. Address: Lynnfield, Kirkwall.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland.

Book Holding

James Fenimore Cooper (Male, born 1789, died 1851)
Genre: Fiction
The Last of the Mohicans ... Revised, corrected, and illustrated with a new introduction, etc., by the author
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

James Fenimore Cooper (Male, born 1789, died 1851)
Genre: Fiction
The Last of the Mohicans ... Revised, corrected, and illustrated with a new introduction, etc., by the author
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1831. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 33

Book Work

James Fenimore Cooper (Male, born 1789, died 1851)
Genre: Fiction
Last of the Mohicans

Borrowed: 1834/5/20 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/12/10 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Reverend Mr Peter Petrie

Author: James Fenimore Cooper (Male, born 1789, died 1851), Genre: Fiction

Last of the Mohicans

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 442212

3 Conder  20.21.22.

Borrowed: 1834/5/20 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/6/17 (Tuesday).


Mr John Wallace
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Josiah Conder (Male, born 1789, died 1855)
Genre: Travel
The modern traveller [Conder]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 20, Volume 21, Volume 22

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Josiah Conder (Male, born 1789, died 1855)
Genre: Travel
The modern traveller
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1830-1834. Pagination: 33 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 106 borrowing records

Book Work

Josiah Conder (Male, born 1789, died 1855)
Genre: Travel
Modern Traveller

Borrowed: 1834/5/20 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/6/17 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Mr John Wallace

Author: Josiah Conder (Male, born 1789, died 1855), Genre: Travel

Modern Traveller

Volumes borrowed: Volume 20, Volume 21, Volume 22

Record ID 442215

1 Blackwood Vol. 32.1832

Borrowed: 1834/5/21 (Wednesday). Returned: 1834/5/23 (Friday).


Mr Robert Heddle of Melsetter
Gender: Male. Address: Main Street, Walls; Kirkwall.

Book Holding

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine
Volumes borrowed: Volume 32

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1817-1905. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 2526 times in 2041 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Borrowed: 1834/5/21 (Wednesday). Returned: 1834/5/23 (Friday).

Borrower: Mr Robert Heddle of Melsetter

Genre: Periodicals

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Volumes borrowed: Volume 32

Record ID 442218

1 Hume's England 3

Borrowed: 1834/5/21 (Wednesday). Returned: 1834/6/10 (Tuesday).


Reverend Mr James Smellie
Gender: Male. Address: St Andrews.

Book Holding

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: History
The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1688
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: History
The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1688
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1818. Pagination: 10 vols.

Book Work

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: History
History of England [David Hume]

Borrowed: 1834/5/21 (Wednesday). Returned: 1834/6/10 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Reverend Mr James Smellie

Author: David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776), Genre: History

History of England [David Hume]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 442221

1 Alison's Fr. Rev. 2.

Borrowed: 1834/5/21 (Wednesday). Returned: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday).


James Urquhart Anderson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Librarian. Print and Book Trade > Bookbinder. Print and Book Trade > Booksellers.

Book Holding

Archibald Alison (Male, born 1757, died 1839)
Genre: History
History of Europe during the French Revolution [Alison]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Archibald Alison (Male, born 1757, died 1839)
Genre: History
History of Europe during the French Revolution
Language: English . Published: London | Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1833-1842.
Number of borrowings: 30

Book Work

Archibald Alison (Male, born 1757, died 1839)
Genre: History
History of Europe during the French Revolution

Borrowed: 1834/5/21 (Wednesday). Returned: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Urquhart Anderson

Author: Archibald Alison (Male, born 1757, died 1839), Genre: History

History of Europe during the French Revolution

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 442224

1  "  "  "  1.

Borrowed: 1834/5/23 (Friday). Returned: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday).


Dr John Bremner
Gender: Male. Address: Broad Street, Kirkwall.

Book Holding

Archibald Alison (Male, born 1757, died 1839)
Genre: History
History of Europe during the French Revolution [Alison]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Archibald Alison (Male, born 1757, died 1839)
Genre: History
History of Europe during the French Revolution
Language: English . Published: London | Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1833-1842.
Number of borrowings: 30

Book Work

Archibald Alison (Male, born 1757, died 1839)
Genre: History
History of Europe during the French Revolution

Borrowed: 1834/5/23 (Friday). Returned: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Dr John Bremner

Author: Archibald Alison (Male, born 1757, died 1839), Genre: History

History of Europe during the French Revolution

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 442227

Borrowed: 1834/5/23 (Friday). Returned: 1834/5/30 (Friday).

Borrower: Mr W. Elder

Author: James Boswell (Male, born 1740, died 1795), Genre: Travel

Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 442230

5 Donald Montieth

Borrowed: 1834/5/23 (Friday). Returned: 1834/5/30 (Friday).


Mr W. Elder
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Selina Davenport (Female, born 1779, died 1859)
Genre: Fiction
Donald Monteith, the handsomest man of the age : a novel : in five volumes
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Selina Davenport (Female, born 1779, died 1859)
Genre: Fiction
Donald Monteith, the handsomest man of the age : a novel : in five volumes
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 5 vols. Pagination: 5 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 115 times in 25 borrowing records

Book Work

Selina Davenport (Female, born 1779, died 1859)
Genre: Fiction
Donald Monteith

Borrowed: 1834/5/23 (Friday). Returned: 1834/5/30 (Friday).

Borrower: Mr W. Elder

Author: Selina Davenport (Female, born 1779, died 1859), Genre: Fiction

Donald Monteith

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5

Record ID 442233

April Blackd:

Borrowed: 1834/5/23 (Friday). Returned: 1834/6/3 (Tuesday).


James Craig
Gender: Male. Address: Main Street, Kirkwall.

Book Holding

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine
Volumes borrowed: Volume April 1834

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1817-1905. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 2526 times in 2041 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Borrowed: 1834/5/23 (Friday). Returned: 1834/6/3 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Craig

Genre: Periodicals

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Volumes borrowed: Volume April 1834

Record ID 442236

4 Tales Landd. 1st Ser.

Borrowed: 1834/5/23 (Friday). Returned: 1834/6/6 (Friday).


James Munro Linklater
Gender: Male. Address: Main Street, Kirkwall.
Occupation (normalised): Service Provision and Hospitality > Grocer.

Book Holding

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Tales of my Landlord [First Series]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Tales of my Landlord, collected and arranged by Jedediah Cleishbotham.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | London. Date of publication: 1816. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 564 times in 256 borrowing records

Book Work

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Tales of my Landlord [First Series]

Borrowed: 1834/5/23 (Friday). Returned: 1834/6/6 (Friday).

Borrower: James Munro Linklater

Author: Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832), Genre: Fiction

Tales of my Landlord [First Series]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 442239

1 Blackd. vol. 18.

Borrowed: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/6/17 (Tuesday).


James Munro Linklater
Gender: Male. Address: Main Street, Kirkwall.
Occupation (normalised): Service Provision and Hospitality > Grocer.

Book Holding

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine
Volumes borrowed: Volume 18

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1817-1905. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 2526 times in 2041 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Borrowed: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/6/17 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Munro Linklater

Genre: Periodicals

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Volumes borrowed: Volume 18

Record ID 442242

Qu. Rev. 101

Borrowed: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/5/30 (Friday).


James Urquhart Anderson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Librarian. Print and Book Trade > Bookbinder. Print and Book Trade > Booksellers.

Book Holding

Genre: Periodicals
Quarterly Review
Volumes borrowed: Volume 101

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Quarterly Review
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1809-1967. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 636 times in 565 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Quarterly Review

Borrowed: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/5/30 (Friday).

Borrower: James Urquhart Anderson

Genre: Periodicals

Quarterly Review

Volumes borrowed: Volume 101

Record ID 442245

1 Hall's Frag. 1st ser. 1.

Borrowed: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/6/10 (Tuesday).


James Urquhart Anderson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Librarian. Print and Book Trade > Bookbinder. Print and Book Trade > Booksellers.

Book Holding

Captain Basil Hall (Male, born 1788, died 1844)
Genre: Travel
Fragments of voyages and travels : including anecdotes of a naval life : chiefly for the use of young persons. [First series]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Captain Basil Hall (Male, born 1788, died 1844)
Genre: Travel
Fragments of voyages and travels : including anecdotes of a naval life : chiefly for the use of young persons. [First series]
Language: English . Published: London | Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1831. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 73 times in 40 borrowing records

Book Work

Captain Basil Hall (Male, born 1788, died 1844)
Genre: Travel
Fragments of Voyages and Travels [First Series]

Borrowed: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/6/10 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Urquhart Anderson

Author: Captain Basil Hall (Male, born 1788, died 1844), Genre: Travel

Fragments of Voyages and Travels [First Series]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 442248

3 Ivanhoe

Borrowed: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/6/13 (Friday).


Mr W. Elder
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Ivanhoe : a romance
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Ivanhoe; a romance. By the author of “Waverley.”
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1820. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 545 times in 194 borrowing records

Book Work

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Ivanhoe; a Romance

Borrowed: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/6/13 (Friday).

Borrower: Mr W. Elder

Author: Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832), Genre: Fiction

Ivanhoe; a Romance

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 442251

3 Quentin Durward

Borrowed: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/6/27 (Friday).


Mr W. Elder
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Quentin Durward. By the author of “Waverley” [i.e. Sir Walter Scott]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Quentin Durward / Sir Walter Scott.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1823. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 247 times in 84 borrowing records

Book Work

Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832)
Genre: Fiction
Quentin Durward

Borrowed: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/6/27 (Friday).

Borrower: Mr W. Elder

Author: Sir Walter Scott (Male, born 1771, died 1832), Genre: Fiction

Quentin Durward

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 442254

2 Ottoman Empire

Borrowed: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/6/10 (Tuesday).


Mr James Logan
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Edward Upham (Male, born 1776, died 1834)
Genre: History
History of the Ottoman Empire, from its establishment, till the year 1828
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Edward Upham (Male, born 1776, died 1834)
Genre: History
History of the Ottoman Empire, from its establishment, till the year 1828
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1829. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 22 times in 13 borrowing records

Book Work

Edward Upham (Male, born 1776, died 1834)
Genre: History
History of the Ottoman Empire

Borrowed: 1834/5/27 (Tuesday). Returned: 1834/6/10 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Mr James Logan

Author: Edward Upham (Male, born 1776, died 1834), Genre: History

History of the Ottoman Empire

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2