Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Book Edition: The union of honour. Containing the armes, matches and issues of the kings, dukes, marquesses and earles of England from the Conquest, untill this present yeere, 1640. With the armes of the English viscounts and barons now being: and of the gentry of Lincolnshire. Whereunto is annexed, a briefe of all the battels which have beene fought and maintained by the English since the Conquest, till the yeere 1602.

Your search matched 1 borrowing record.

The union of honour. Containing the armes, matches and issues of the kings, dukes, marquesses and earles of England from the Conquest, untill this present yeere, 1640. With the armes of the English viscounts and barons now being: and of the gentry of Lincolnshire. Whereunto is annexed, a briefe of all the battels which have beene fought and maintained by the English since the Conquest, till the yeere 1602.


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You have selected the year 1823


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