Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Borrower gender: Female
Book Holding: Dialogues concerning eloquence in general; and particularly that kind which is fit for the pulpit: by the late Archbishop of Cambray. With his letter to the French Academy, concerning rhetoric, poetry, history, and a comparison betwixt the antients and moderns, translated from the French, and illustrated with notes and quotations: by William Stevenson ...

Your search matched 1 borrowing record.

FemaleDialogues concerning eloquence in general; and particularly that kind which is fit for the pulpit: by the late Archbishop of Cambray. With his letter to the French Academy, concerning rhetoric, poetry, history, and a comparison betwixt the antients and moderns, translated from the French, and illustrated with notes and quotations: by William Stevenson ...


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You have selected the year 1789


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Record ID 88466

Library: Craigston Castle Library. Register: Register (1768-1830, Type: Other). Page: 15