Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Borrower gender: Female
Book Holding: Moriæ encomium: or, the praise of folly. Made English from the Latin of Erasmus. By W. Kennet of S. Edm. Hall, Oxon. late Lord Bishop of Peterborough. Adorn’d with forty-eight copper plates, including the Effigies of Erasmus and Sir Thomas More: All neatly engraved from the designs of the celebrated Hans Holbeine. To which is prefix’d, a preface by the translator, And divers Copies of Commendatory Verses

Your search matched 1 borrowing record.

FemaleMoriæ encomium: or, the praise of folly. Made English from the Latin of Erasmus. By W. Kennet of S. Edm. Hall, Oxon. late Lord Bishop of Peterborough. Adorn’d with forty-eight copper plates, including the Effigies of Erasmus and Sir Thomas More: All neatly engraved from the designs of the celebrated Hans Holbeine. To which is prefix’d, a preface by the translator, And divers Copies of Commendatory Verses


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You have selected the year 1789


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