Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Borrower gender: Male
Book Holding: Fugitive pieces, on various subjects. By several authors. In two volumes. ... Containing I. Crito: or a dialogue on beauty. II. An account of the Emperor of China's gardens, ... III. Deformity. By William Hay, ... IV. Lucina sine concubitu … V. A modest defence of gaming. VI. The pretty gentleman. VII. The polite philosopher. VIII. Plan of an essay on delicacy.

Your search matched 1 borrowing record.

MaleFugitive pieces, on various subjects. By several authors. In two volumes. ... Containing I. Crito: or a dialogue on beauty. II. An account of the Emperor of China's gardens, ... III. Deformity. By William Hay, ... IV. Lucina sine concubitu … V. A modest defence of gaming. VI. The pretty gentleman. VII. The polite philosopher. VIII. Plan of an essay on delicacy.


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You have selected the year 1795


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