An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers' Registers
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Book Holding: The pilgrim's progress
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Record ID 45400
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 3v-4r
Borrowed: 1813/9.
Andrew Elliot
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1813/9.
Borrower: Andrew Elliot
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 45616
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 3v-4r
Borrowed: 1813/10.
William Elliot Wm.
Gender: Male. Address: Effgill; [?Dornigills/Doinygills/Darniglle].
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1813/10.
Borrower: William Elliot Wm.
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 45382
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 3v-4r
Borrowed: 1813/5.
Andrew Elliot
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1813/5.
Borrower: Andrew Elliot
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 45394
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 3v-4r
Borrowed: 1813/8.
Andrew Elliot
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1813/8.
Borrower: Andrew Elliot
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 46003
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 4v-5r
Borrowed: 1813/11.
John Thomson
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1813/11.
Borrower: John Thomson
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 56545
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 8v-9r
Borrowed: 1814/4.
John Beattie
Gender: Male. Address: Lynholm.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1814/4.
Borrower: John Beattie
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 56305
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 8v-9r
Borrowed: 1814/6.
James Macvittie
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1814/6.
Borrower: James Macvittie
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 57676
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r
Borrowed: 1814/11.
James Murray
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1814/11.
Borrower: James Murray
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 57691
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r
Borrowed: 1814/12.
James Murray
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1814/12.
Borrower: James Murray
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 57481
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r
Borrowed: 1814/2.
William Anderson
Gender: Male. Address: Shiel.
Wm.; William Anderson T.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1814/2.
Borrower: William Anderson
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 57661
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r
Borrowed: 1814/9.
James Murray
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1814/9.
Borrower: James Murray
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 61648
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 15v-16r
Borrowed: 1815/1.
James Graham
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1815/1.
Borrower: James Graham
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 61495
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 15v-16r
Borrowed: 1815/2.
Robert Brown
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1815/2.
Borrower: Robert Brown
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 63349
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 16v-17r
Borrowed: 1815/9.
George Knox
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1815/9.
Borrower: George Knox
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 62620
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 16v-17r
Borrowed: 1815/8.
Walter Murray
Gender: Male. Address: Knock (K).
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1815/8.
Borrower: Walter Murray
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 73361
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 18v-19r
Borrowed: 1815/5.
Andrew Elliot
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1815/5.
Borrower: Andrew Elliot
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 75977
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 20v-21r
Borrowed: 1816/2.
Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1816/2.
Borrower: Andrew Bell
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 77306
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 20v-21r
Borrowed: 1816/8.
John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1816/8.
Borrower: John Little
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 78332
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 22v-23r
Borrowed: 1816/10.
Matthew Murray
Gender: Male. Address: Bailliehill.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1816/10.
Borrower: Matthew Murray
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 80789
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 23v-24r
Borrowed: 1816/6.
Thomas Paterson Thos.; Patterson
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1816/6.
Borrower: Thomas Paterson Thos.; Patterson
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 81368
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 24v-25r
Borrowed: 1816/3.
John Borthwick
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1816/3.
Borrower: John Borthwick
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 84584
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 26v-27r
Borrowed: 1817/1.
Adam Scott
Gender: Male. Address: Megdale (M.).
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1817/1.
Borrower: Adam Scott
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 86132
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 28v-29r
Borrowed: 1817/7.
Adam Armstrong
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1817/7.
Borrower: Adam Armstrong
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 91424
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 30v-31r
Borrowed: 1817/6.
John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1817/6.
Borrower: John Little
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 105443
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r
Borrowed: 1818/3.
Walter Glendining Wa:
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1818/3.
Borrower: Walter Glendining Wa:
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 108230
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 36v-37r
Borrowed: 1818/4.
James Lawson
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1818/4.
Borrower: James Lawson
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 113054
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 39v-40r
Borrowed: 1819/9.
Adam Armstrong
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1819/9.
Borrower: Adam Armstrong
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 115619
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 40v-41r
Borrowed: 1819/5.
James Murray
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1819/5.
Borrower: James Murray
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 114809
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 40v-41r
Borrowed: 1819/10.
James Lawson
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1819/10.
Borrower: James Lawson
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 115934
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 40v-41r
Borrowed: 1819/1.
Robert Brown
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1819/1.
Borrower: Robert Brown
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 201197
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 44v-45r
Borrowed: 1820/1.
James Murray
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1820/1.
Borrower: James Murray
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 324760
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 49v-50r
Borrowed: 1820/2.
James Andison Jas.; Anderson
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1820/2.
Borrower: James Andison Jas.; Anderson
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 325768
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 51v-52r
Borrowed: 1821/5.
John Moffat
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1821/5.
Borrower: John Moffat
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 334996
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 52v-53r
Borrowed: 1821/3.
William Thomson Wm., Thompson
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1821/3.
Borrower: William Thomson Wm., Thompson
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 335194
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 52v-53r
Borrowed: 1821/6.
John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1821/6.
Borrower: John Little
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 339905
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 59v-60r
472 x
Borrowed: 1822/11.
John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1822/11.
Borrower: John Little
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 340085
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 59v-60r
Borrowed: 1822/5.
Robert Brown
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1822/5.
Borrower: Robert Brown
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 341168
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 60v-61r
Borrowed: 1822/4.
George Jackson Geo:
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Crafts, Artisans, and Manufacturing > Mason/Miller.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1822/4.
Borrower: George Jackson Geo:
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 342851
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 62v-63r
Borrowed: 1822/12.
James Glendinning
Gender: Male. Address: Effgill.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1822/12.
Borrower: James Glendinning
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Record ID 343598
Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 63v-64r
Borrowed: 1822/2.
James Graham
Gender: Male.
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim's progress
Catalogue Number: 472. Catalogue Title: Bunyans Pilgrims Progress.
Confidence level: Speculative
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
The pilgrim’s progress from this world, to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a dream wherein is discovered, the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey; and safe arrival at the desired countrey. By John Bunyan. Licensed and entred accordin to order
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1678. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 40
ESTC: R27237
John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology
Pilgrim’s Progress
Borrowed: 1822/2.
Borrower: James Graham
Author: John Bunyan (Male, born 1628, died 1688), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Theology