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Book Holding: A supplement to the commentary On the Book of Common-Prayer, &c. Containing, I. A Commentary on all the Occasional Offices, viz. the Form of Prayer to be used at Sea: The Forms for the Ordering Bishops, Priests and Deacons: for the Fifth of November; Thirtieth of January; Twenty ninth of May; and the Day of the Queen's happy Accession to the Crown. Wherein, besides the Explanation of the Texts and Rubricks, is treated of the Original and Progress of Navigation, Ships of War, and Sea-Fights. Of the acheirotonētoi or Lower Orders, used in the ancient Church, Sub-Deacons, Readers, Acolyths, &c. Of the Apostolical Antiquity of the three Great Orders of Bishops, Priests and Deacons. Of the Age, Qualifications, &c. of Persons to be Ordained. Of the Diaconal Privileges at Synaxes, Baptisms, &c. The Rise and Downfal of, with the Mischiefs in several Ages accruing from, the Papal Supremacy. The Regal Supremacy maintain'd. Of external and internal Calls to the Ministry. Of Canonical Obedience and Imposition of Hands. Of the Dignity and Privileges of Presbyters, both in and out of Synods: of their particular Qualifications, Stipulations, &c. Of the ancient Ordination Forms. Of Bishops, Preeminence and Power. A short History of the Powder Plot; and a Dissertation, shewing, That Resistance, Deposition and Murder of Princes, took their first Rise from the Pope, and his Dependents, contrary to Scripture, and the constant Doctrine of Christian Writers, for near twelve Centuries. Of the Civil War, the King's Murder, and the Restoration, with some short Memoirs concerning the present Reign. II. To which is added an Introduction to the Liturgy of the Church of England, written by way of Preface before Archbishop Laud's Collection of various Readings out of the several Ancient Common-Prayer Books, being A brief Survey of the Times and Manners of the Reformation in Religion of the Churches of England and Scotland, and of the Liturgy, Rites, Ceremonies, and Discipline therein used and Controverted. With an Answer to all the Puritans Objections, before, at, and after the Conference at Hampton-Court. Printed by a Copy exactly compared with the Original MSS. in his Grace of Canterbury's Library at Lambeth. III. Offices out of the several Protestant Liturgies, and Rituals, that are not in the Liturgy of the Church of England. An Office for Women and Child. For private Confession to the Minister. For publick Confession. For Persons possessed with evil Spirits. For Persons troubled in Mind. For Malefactors both in Prison and at Execution. Forms for the Excommunicating and Restoring of Offenders. For Preparation to the Lord's Day. Morning and Evening Prayer for Families. Forms of Prayer for Preparation to the Communion. Form for publick Catechism. One to be used for our Protestant Brethren, in times of Distress or Persecution. By Will. Nichols, D. D.
Your search matched 1 borrowing record.
You have selected the year 1775
Record ID 128351
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1772-1776. (UYLY207-2) (1772-1776, Type: Student). Page: 262-263
Nicelson's on .prayer
Borrowed: 1775/1/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1775/1/25 (Wednesday). Classmark: O. 2.23. Original Returned Text: Nicelson on prayer.
James Brown
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
William Nicholls (Male, born 1664, died 1712)
Genre: Theology
A supplement to the commentary On the Book of Common-Prayer, &c. Containing, I. A Commentary on all the Occasional Offices, viz. the Form of Prayer to be used at Sea: The Forms for the Ordering Bishops, Priests and Deacons: for the Fifth of November; Thirtieth of January; Twenty ninth of May; and the Day of the Queen's happy Accession to the Crown. Wherein, besides the Explanation of the Texts and Rubricks, is treated of the Original and Progress of Navigation, Ships of War, and Sea-Fights. Of the acheirotonētoi or Lower Orders, used in the ancient Church, Sub-Deacons, Readers, Acolyths, &c. Of the Apostolical Antiquity of the three Great Orders of Bishops, Priests and Deacons. Of the Age, Qualifications, &c. of Persons to be Ordained. Of the Diaconal Privileges at Synaxes, Baptisms, &c. The Rise and Downfal of, with the Mischiefs in several Ages accruing from, the Papal Supremacy. The Regal Supremacy maintain'd. Of external and internal Calls to the Ministry. Of Canonical Obedience and Imposition of Hands. Of the Dignity and Privileges of Presbyters, both in and out of Synods: of their particular Qualifications, Stipulations, &c. Of the ancient Ordination Forms. Of Bishops, Preeminence and Power. A short History of the Powder Plot; and a Dissertation, shewing, That Resistance, Deposition and Murder of Princes, took their first Rise from the Pope, and his Dependents, contrary to Scripture, and the constant Doctrine of Christian Writers, for near twelve Centuries. Of the Civil War, the King's Murder, and the Restoration, with some short Memoirs concerning the present Reign. II. To which is added an Introduction to the Liturgy of the Church of England, written by way of Preface before Archbishop Laud's Collection of various Readings out of the several Ancient Common-Prayer Books, being A brief Survey of the Times and Manners of the Reformation in Religion of the Churches of England and Scotland, and of the Liturgy, Rites, Ceremonies, and Discipline therein used and Controverted. With an Answer to all the Puritans Objections, before, at, and after the Conference at Hampton-Court. Printed by a Copy exactly compared with the Original MSS. in his Grace of Canterbury's Library at Lambeth. III. Offices out of the several Protestant Liturgies, and Rituals, that are not in the Liturgy of the Church of England. An Office for Women and Child. For private Confession to the Minister. For publick Confession. For Persons possessed with evil Spirits. For Persons troubled in Mind. For Malefactors both in Prison and at Execution. Forms for the Excommunicating and Restoring of Offenders. For Preparation to the Lord's Day. Morning and Evening Prayer for Families. Forms of Prayer for Preparation to the Communion. Form for publick Catechism. One to be used for our Protestant Brethren, in times of Distress or Persecution. By Will. Nichols, D. D.
Classmark: O.2.23.
Confidence level: Certain
William Nicholls (Male, born 1664, died 1712)
Genre: Theology
A supplement to the commentary On the Book of Common-Prayer, &c. Containing, I. A Commentary on all the Occasional Offices, viz. the Form of Prayer to be used at Sea: The Forms for the Ordering Bishops, Priests and Deacons: for the Fifth of November; Thirtieth of January; Twenty ninth of May; and the Day of the Queen's happy Accession to the Crown. Wherein, besides the Explanation of the Texts and Rubricks, is treated of the Original and Progress of Navigation, Ships of War, and Sea-Fights. Of the acheirotonētoi or Lower Orders, used in the ancient Church, Sub-Deacons, Readers, Acolyths, &c. Of the Apostolical Antiquity of the three Great Orders of Bishops, Priests and Deacons. Of the Age, Qualifications, &c. of Persons to be Ordained. Of the Diaconal Privileges at Synaxes, Baptisms, &c. The Rise and Downfal of, with the Mischiefs in several Ages accruing from, the Papal Supremacy. The Regal Supremacy maintain'd. Of external and internal Calls to the Ministry. Of Canonical Obedience and Imposition of Hands. Of the Dignity and Privileges of Presbyters, both in and out of Synods: of their particular Qualifications, Stipulations, &c. Of the ancient Ordination Forms. Of Bishops, Preeminence and Power. A short History of the Powder Plot; and a Dissertation, shewing, That Resistance, Deposition and Murder of Princes, took their first Rise from the Pope, and his Dependents, contrary to Scripture, and the constant Doctrine of Christian Writers, for near twelve Centuries. Of the Civil War, the King's Murder, and the Restoration, with some short Memoirs concerning the present Reign. II. To which is added an Introduction to the Liturgy of the Church of England, written by way of Preface before Archbishop Laud's Collection of various Readings out of the several Ancient Common-Prayer Books, being A brief Survey of the Times and Manners of the Reformation in Religion of the Churches of England and Scotland, and of the Liturgy, Rites, Ceremonies, and Discipline therein used and Controverted. With an Answer to all the Puritans Objections, before, at, and after the Conference at Hampton-Court. Printed by a Copy exactly compared with the Original MSS. in his Grace of Canterbury's Library at Lambeth. III. Offices out of the several Protestant Liturgies, and Rituals, that are not in the Liturgy of the Church of England. An Office for Women and Child. For private Confession to the Minister. For publick Confession. For Persons possessed with evil Spirits. For Persons troubled in Mind. For Malefactors both in Prison and at Execution. Forms for the Excommunicating and Restoring of Offenders. For Preparation to the Lord's Day. Morning and Evening Prayer for Families. Forms of Prayer for Preparation to the Communion. Form for publick Catechism. One to be used for our Protestant Brethren, in times of Distress or Persecution. By Will. Nichols, D. D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1711. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: T56124
William Nicholls (Male, born 1664, died 1712)
Genre: Theology
Supplement to the Commentary On the Book of Common-Prayer
Borrowed: 1775/1/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1775/1/25 (Wednesday).
Borrower: James Brown
Author: William Nicholls (Male, born 1664, died 1712), Genre: Theology