An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers' Registers
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Book Holding: Luthers fore-runners, or, A cloud of witnesses, deposing for the Protestant faith : gathered together in the historie of the Waldenses : who for diuers hundred yeares before Luther successiuely opposed popery, professed the truth of the Gospell, and sealed it with their bloud : being most greviously persecuted, and many thousands of them martyred, by the tyrannie of that Man of sinne, and his superstitious adherents and cruell instruments : diuided into three parts : the first concernes their originall beginning, the puritie of their religion, the persecutions which they have suffered thoughout all Europe, for the space of above foure hundered and fiftie yeares : the second containes the historie of the Waldenses called Albingenses. The third concerneth the doctrine and discipline which hath bene common amongst them, and the confutation of the doctrine of their aduersaries / all which hath bene faithfully collected out of the authors named in the page following the preface, by I.P.P. L. ; translated out of French by Samson Lennard.
Your search matched 1 borrowing record.
You have selected the year 1826
Record ID 288076
Library: Dumfries Presbytery Library. Register: Issue Book (Type: Professorial). Page: 83
Hist .y of Waldenses
Borrowed: 1826. Returned: 1826/4/27 (Thursday).
Thomas Tudor Duncan
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1776-1858.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland.
Jean Paul Perrin (Male)
Genre: Theology
Luthers fore-runners, or, A cloud of witnesses, deposing for the Protestant faith : gathered together in the historie of the Waldenses : who for diuers hundred yeares before Luther successiuely opposed popery, professed the truth of the Gospell, and sealed it with their bloud : being most greviously persecuted, and many thousands of them martyred, by the tyrannie of that Man of sinne, and his superstitious adherents and cruell instruments : diuided into three parts : the first concernes their originall beginning, the puritie of their religion, the persecutions which they have suffered thoughout all Europe, for the space of above foure hundered and fiftie yeares : the second containes the historie of the Waldenses called Albingenses. The third concerneth the doctrine and discipline which hath bene common amongst them, and the confutation of the doctrine of their aduersaries / all which hath bene faithfully collected out of the authors named in the page following the preface, by I.P.P. L. ; translated out of French by Samson Lennard.
Classmark: 6.3.14.
Confidence level: Certain
Jean Paul Perrin (Male)
Genre: Theology
Luthers fore-runners, or, A cloud of witnesses, deposing for the Protestant faith : gathered together in the historie of the Waldenses : who for diuers hundred yeares before Luther successiuely opposed popery, professed the truth of the Gospell, and sealed it with their bloud : being most greviously persecuted, and many thousands of them martyred, by the tyrannie of that Man of sinne, and his superstitious adherents and cruell instruments : diuided into three parts : the first concernes their originall beginning, the puritie of their religion, the persecutions which they have suffered thoughout all Europe, for the space of above foure hundered and fiftie yeares : the second containes the historie of the Waldenses called Albingenses. The third concerneth the doctrine and discipline which hath bene common amongst them, and the confutation of the doctrine of their aduersaries / all which hath bene faithfully collected out of the authors named in the page following the preface, by I.P.P. L. ; translated out of French by Samson Lennard.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1624. Format: 4to.
Translators: Samson Lennard
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: S114487
Jean Paul Perrin (Male)
Genre: Theology
Luthers Fore-Runners, or, A Cloud of Witnesses, Deposing for the Protestant Faith
Borrowed: 1826. Returned: 1826/4/27 (Thursday).
Borrower: Thomas Tudor Duncan
Author: Jean Paul Perrin (Male), Genre: Theology
Luthers Fore-Runners, or, A Cloud of Witnesses, Deposing for the Protestant Faith