Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Borrower: James Paton

Your search matched 21 borrowing records.

James Paton


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Record ID 166029

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Universal Hist:  Vol.  2 Vol

Borrowed: 1769/4/21 (Friday). Returned: 1769/6/14 (Wednesday). Classmark: M5 . 1. Original Returned Text: Universal hist: V 2d.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Classmark: K.4.1, K.4.14, M.5.1, M.6.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: History
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1754. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1453 times in 850 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Borrowed: 1769/4/21 (Friday). Returned: 1769/6/14 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Paton

Genre: History

Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 165996

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Pope's Iliad Vol 1 & 2d

Borrowed: 1769/1/24 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/1/30 (Monday). Classmark: L7. 3. Original Returned Text: Popes Iliad Vol 1st & 2d.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry
The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope, Esq.
Classmark: L.7.3, P.8.11?, B.7.6.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry
The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope, Esq.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1759. Format: 12mo.
Translators: Alexander Pope
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 124 times in 68 borrowing records

Book Work

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry

Borrowed: 1769/1/24 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/1/30 (Monday).

Borrower: James Paton

Author: Homer (Male), Genre: Poetry


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 166008

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Pope's works 7 & 8 Vol

Borrowed: 1769/1/30 (Monday). Returned: 1769/2/7 (Tuesday). Classmark: N7. 4. Original Returned Text: Pope's Works 7 & 8 Vol:.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Classmark: N.7.4, N.8.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 7, Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1757. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 306 times in 157 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope

Borrowed: 1769/1/30 (Monday). Returned: 1769/2/7 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Paton

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Genre: Poetry

Works of Alexander Pope

Volumes borrowed: Volume 7, Volume 8

Record ID 166059

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Universal hist. Vol 7

Borrowed: 1770/2/20 (Tuesday). Returned: 1770/3/10 (Saturday). Classmark: M5 -1. Original Returned Text: Uni . hist Vol 7th.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Classmark: K.4.1, K.4.14, M.5.1, M.6.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: History
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1754. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1453 times in 850 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Borrowed: 1770/2/20 (Tuesday). Returned: 1770/3/10 (Saturday).

Borrower: James Paton

Genre: History

Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Volumes borrowed: Volume 7

Record ID 166038

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Plutarch's Lives   Vol 4th

Borrowed: 1769/6/14 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/7/5 (Wednesday). Classmark: P7- 2. Original Returned Text: Plutarch's lives V4th.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Plutarch (Male, born c.46, died 119)
Genre: Lives
Plutarch's lives. In six volumes.
Classmark: P.7.2, P.9.5.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Plutarch (Male, born c.46, died 119)
Genre: Lives
Plutarch's lives. In six volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1763. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 203 times in 107 borrowing records

Book Work

Plutarch (Male, born c.46, died 119)
Genre: Lives
Lives [Plutarch]

Borrowed: 1769/6/14 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/7/5 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Paton

Author: Plutarch (Male, born c.46, died 119), Genre: Lives

Lives [Plutarch]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 166062

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Hogarth's analysisof Beaautty

Borrowed: 1770/2/20 (Tuesday). Returned: 1770/3/10 (Saturday). Classmark: P4 . 9. Original Returned Text: Hogarth an: -.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Hogarth (Male, born 1697, died 1764)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
The analysis of beauty. Written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste, By William Hogarth.
Classmark: P.4.9.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Hogarth (Male, born 1697, died 1764)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
The analysis of beauty. Written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 29

Book Work

William Hogarth (Male, born 1697, died 1764)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Analysis of Beauty. Written with a View of Fixing the Fluctuating Ideas of Taste

Record ID 166002

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Pope's works Vol 35 & 46th

Borrowed: 1769/1/24 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/1/30 (Monday). Classmark: N7 . 4. Original Returned Text: Pope's woks Vol 5 & 6.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Classmark: N.7.4, N.8.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1757. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 306 times in 157 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope

Borrowed: 1769/1/24 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/1/30 (Monday).

Borrower: James Paton

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Genre: Poetry

Works of Alexander Pope

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6

Record ID 166005

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Pope's Iliad 2 . 3 & 4 Vol .

Borrowed: 1769/1/30 (Monday). Returned: 1769/2/7 (Tuesday). Classmark: L7. 3. Original Returned Text: Pope's Illiad 2d. 3 & 4th.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry
The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope, Esq.
Classmark: L.7.3, P.8.11?, B.7.6.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry
The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope, Esq.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1759. Format: 12mo.
Translators: Alexander Pope
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 124 times in 68 borrowing records

Book Work

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry

Borrowed: 1769/1/30 (Monday). Returned: 1769/2/7 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Paton

Author: Homer (Male), Genre: Poetry


Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 166056

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Universal  hist Vol  6 th

Borrowed: 1770/2/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1770/2/20 (Tuesday). Classmark: M5 . 1. Original Returned Text: Uni . hist Vol 6th.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Classmark: K.4.1, K.4.14, M.5.1, M.6.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: History
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1754. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1453 times in 850 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Borrowed: 1770/2/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1770/2/20 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Paton

Genre: History

Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Record ID 165981

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Universall History 2d Vol

Borrowed: 1768/12/19 (Monday). Returned: 1769/2/23 (Thursday). Classmark: M. 5. 1. Original Returned Text: Universal hist Vo 2d.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Classmark: K.4.1, K.4.14, M.5.1, M.6.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: History
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1754. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1453 times in 850 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Borrowed: 1768/12/19 (Monday). Returned: 1769/2/23 (Thursday).

Borrower: James Paton

Genre: History

Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 166017

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Plutarchs lives Vol 1 & 2d

Borrowed: 1769/2/17 (Friday). Returned: 1769/4/21 (Friday). Classmark: P7. 2. Original Returned Text: Plutrach's lives 1&2d.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Plutarch (Male, born c.46, died 119)
Genre: Lives
Plutarch's lives. In six volumes.
Classmark: P.7.2, P.9.5.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Plutarch (Male, born c.46, died 119)
Genre: Lives
Plutarch's lives. In six volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1763. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 203 times in 107 borrowing records

Book Work

Plutarch (Male, born c.46, died 119)
Genre: Lives
Lives [Plutarch]

Borrowed: 1769/2/17 (Friday). Returned: 1769/4/21 (Friday).

Borrower: James Paton

Author: Plutarch (Male, born c.46, died 119), Genre: Lives

Lives [Plutarch]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 166023

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

The Preceptor  1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1769/3/4 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/4/21 (Friday). Classmark: D3. 7. Original Returned Text: Preceptor 1 & 2 V:.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Robert Dodsley (Male, born 1704, died 1764)
Genre: Education
The preceptor: containing a general course of education. Wherein the first principles of polite learning are laid down in a way most suitable for trying the genius, and advancing the instruction of youth. In twelve parts. Viz. I. On reading, speaking, and writing letters. II. On geometry. III. On geography and astronomy. IV. On chronology and history. V. On rhetoric and poetry. VI. On drawing. VII. On logic. VIII. On natural history. IX. On ethics, or morality. X. On trade and commerce. XI. On laws and government. XII. On human life and manners. Illustrated with maps and useful cuts.
Classmark: J.6.5, D.3.7.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1769/3/4 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/4/21 (Friday).

Borrower: James Paton

Author: Robert Dodsley (Male, born 1704, died 1764), Genre: Education

Preceptor: Containing A General Course of Education

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 166050

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Hume's hist- Vol 2d

Borrowed: 1769/12/21 (Thursday). Returned: 1770/1/19 (Friday). Classmark: O6. 6. Original Returned Text: Hume's hist Vol 2d.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: History
History of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1688. In eight volumes. By David Hume, Esq.
Classmark: O.6.6, P.7.41?, P.7.5? P.8?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: History
The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the revolution in 1688. In eight volumes. By David Hume, Esq; ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1763. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1009 times in 824 borrowing records

Book Work

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: History
History of England [David Hume]

Borrowed: 1769/12/21 (Thursday). Returned: 1770/1/19 (Friday).

Borrower: James Paton

Author: David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776), Genre: History

History of England [David Hume]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 166044

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Universal hist Vol 3d

Borrowed: 1769/6/14 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/7/5 (Wednesday). Classmark: M5 - 1. Original Returned Text: Universal hist Vol 3d.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Classmark: K.4.1, K.4.14, M.5.1, M.6.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: History
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1754. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1453 times in 850 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Borrowed: 1769/6/14 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/7/5 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Paton

Genre: History

Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 165993

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Pope's Works 3 & 4 Vol:

Borrowed: 1769/1/12 (Thursday). Returned: 1769/1/24 (Tuesday). Classmark: N7. 4. Original Returned Text: Pope's works 3 & 4 Vol:.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Classmark: N.7.4, N.8.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1757. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 306 times in 157 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope

Borrowed: 1769/1/12 (Thursday). Returned: 1769/1/24 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Paton

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Genre: Poetry

Works of Alexander Pope

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 166014

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Pope's works  Vol 9 & 10th

Borrowed: 1769/2/7 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/2/15 (Wednesday). Classmark: N7. 4. Original Returned Text: Pope's works V. 9- & 10th.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Classmark: N.7.4, N.8.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 9, Volume 10

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1757. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 306 times in 157 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope

Borrowed: 1769/2/7 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/2/15 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Paton

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Genre: Poetry

Works of Alexander Pope

Volumes borrowed: Volume 9, Volume 10

Record ID 166035

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Plutarch's  lives V. 3 d

Borrowed: 1769/4/21 (Friday). Returned: 1769/6/14 (Wednesday). Classmark: P7 . 2. Original Returned Text: Plutarch lives V 3d.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Plutarch (Male, born c.46, died 119)
Genre: Lives
Plutarch's lives. In six volumes.
Classmark: P.7.2, P.9.5.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Plutarch (Male, born c.46, died 119)
Genre: Lives
Plutarch's lives. In six volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1763. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 203 times in 107 borrowing records

Book Work

Plutarch (Male, born c.46, died 119)
Genre: Lives
Lives [Plutarch]

Borrowed: 1769/4/21 (Friday). Returned: 1769/6/14 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Paton

Author: Plutarch (Male, born c.46, died 119), Genre: Lives

Lives [Plutarch]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 166053

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Universal hist Vol 5th

Borrowed: 1770/1/19 (Friday). Returned: 1770/2/7 (Wednesday). Classmark: M5 . 1. Original Returned Text: Uni . hist. Vol 5th.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Classmark: K.4.1, K.4.14, M.5.1, M.6.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: History
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1754. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1453 times in 850 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Borrowed: 1770/1/19 (Friday). Returned: 1770/2/7 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Paton

Genre: History

Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 165987

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Callendar's Voyages1st Vol :1st

Borrowed: 1769/1/2 (Monday). Returned: 1769/1/24 (Tuesday). Classmark: P. 5: 17. Original Returned Text: Callender's VoyagesV1s.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Charles de Brosses (Male, born 1709, died 1777)
Genre: Travel
Terra Australis Cognita: or, Voyages to the Terra Australis, or southern hemisphere, during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries : containing an account of the manners of the people, and the productions of the countries, hitherto found in the southern latitudes; the advantages that may result from further discoveries on this great continent, and the methods of establishing colonies there, to the advantage of Great Britain : with a preface by the editor, in which some geographical, nautical, and commercial questions are discussed. [Callander]
Classmark: P.5.17, E.6.12, P.8.21.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1769/1/2 (Monday). Returned: 1769/1/24 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Paton

Author: Charles de Brosses (Male, born 1709, died 1777), Genre: Travel

Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 165990

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Pope's works 1 & 2d Vol

Borrowed: 1769/1/2 (Monday). Returned: 1769/1/12 (Thursday). Classmark: N7 . 4. Original Returned Text: Pope's works 1 & 2 Vol:.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Classmark: N.7.4, N.8.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1757. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 306 times in 157 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope

Borrowed: 1769/1/2 (Monday). Returned: 1769/1/12 (Thursday).

Borrower: James Paton

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Genre: Poetry

Works of Alexander Pope

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 166047

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 56

Universal hist Vol 3 & 4th

Borrowed: 1769/11/27 (Monday). Returned: 1770/1/19 (Friday). Classmark: M5 . 1. Original Returned Text: Uni: hist Vol 3 & 4.


James Paton
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Classmark: K.4.1, K.4.14, M.5.1, M.6.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: History
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1754. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1453 times in 850 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Borrowed: 1769/11/27 (Monday). Returned: 1770/1/19 (Friday).

Borrower: James Paton

Genre: History

Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4