Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Borrower: John E Baird

Your search matched 2 borrowing records.

John E Baird


Year borrowed

You have selected the year 1806


Borrower title

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Borrower occupation



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Book format


Record ID 189354

Library: Innerpeffray Library. Register: Volume 1 (1747-1833, Type: Town). Page: 102v

Also Cunninghams Hhstory of Britain Volumes 1 & 2

Borrowed: 1806/7/2 (Wednesday).


John E Baird
Gender: Male. Address: Dunning.

Book Holding

Alexander Cunningham (Male)
Genre: History
The history of Great Britain: from the revolution in 1688, to the accession of George the First.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Cunningham (Male)
Genre: History
The history of Great Britain: from the revolution in 1688, to the accession of George the First.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1787. Format: 4to.
Translators: Thomson, William, 1746-1817.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 42 times in 28 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Cunningham (Male)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain [Alexander Cunningham]

Borrowed: 1806/7/2 (Wednesday).

Borrower: John E Baird

Author: Alexander Cunningham (Male), Genre: History

History of Great Britain [Alexander Cunningham]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 189351

Library: Innerpeffray Library. Register: Volume 1 (1747-1833, Type: Town). Page: 102v

Leland against the Moral philosopher Volumes 1 & 2

Borrowed: 1806/7/2 (Wednesday).


John E Baird
Gender: Male. Address: Dunning.

Book Holding

John Leland (Male, born 1691, died 1766)
Genre: Theology
The divine authority of the Old and New Testament asserted
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

John Leland (Male, born 1691, died 1766)
Genre: Theology
The divine authority of the Old and New Testament asserted.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1739-1740. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 7 times in 4 borrowing records

Book Work

John Leland (Male, born 1691, died 1766)
Genre: Theology
Divine Authority of the Old and New Testament Asserted

Borrowed: 1806/7/2 (Wednesday).

Borrower: John E Baird

Author: John Leland (Male, born 1691, died 1766), Genre: Theology

Divine Authority of the Old and New Testament Asserted

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2