An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers' Registers
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Borrower: John McNiven
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Record ID 189612
Library: Innerpeffray Library. Register: Volume 1 (1747-1833, Type: Town). Page: 104v
Fergusons Mecanecks
Borrowed: 1806/9/13 (Saturday).
John McNiven
Gender: Male.
James Ferguson (Male, born 1710, died 1776)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Lectures on select subjects in mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, and optics.
Confidence level: Certain
James Ferguson (Male, born 1710, died 1776)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Lectures on select subjects: in mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, and optics.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1776. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 36
ESTC: T53457
James Ferguson (Male, born 1710, died 1776)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, and Optics
Borrowed: 1806/9/13 (Saturday).
Borrower: John McNiven
Author: James Ferguson (Male, born 1710, died 1776), Genre: Natural Philosophy
Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, and Optics
Record ID 189564
Library: Innerpeffray Library. Register: Volume 1 (1747-1833, Type: Town). Page: 104v
Ruths Recompence
Borrowed: 1806/8/24 (Sunday).
John McNiven
Gender: Male.
Richard Bernard (Male, born 1568, died 1641)
Genre: Sermons
Ruths recompence: or a commentarie vpon the booke of Ruth: : wherein is shewed her happy calling out of her owne country and people, into the fellowship and society of the Lords inheritance: her vertuous life and holy carriage amongst them: and then, her reward in Gods mercy, being by an honourable marriage made a mother in Israel: deliuered in seuerall sermons, the briefe summe whereof is now published for the benefit of the Church of God.
Confidence level: Certain
Richard Bernard (Male, born 1568, died 1641)
Genre: Sermons
Ruths recompence: or a commentarie vpon the booke of Ruth: : wherein is shewed her happy calling out of her owne country and people, into the fellowship and society of the Lords inheritance: her vertuous life and holy carriage amongst them: and then, her reward in Gods mercy, being by an honourable marriage made a mother in Israel: deliuered in seuerall sermons, the briefe summe whereof is now published for the benefit of the Church of God.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1628. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 7
ESTC: S101697
Richard Bernard (Male, born 1568, died 1641)
Genre: Sermons
Ruths Recompence: or A Commentarie Upon the Booke of Ruth
Borrowed: 1806/8/24 (Sunday).
Borrower: John McNiven
Author: Richard Bernard (Male, born 1568, died 1641), Genre: Sermons
Record ID 189867
Library: Innerpeffray Library. Register: Volume 1 (1747-1833, Type: Town). Page: 107r
BishopUshers body of Divinity
Borrowed: 1807/1/12 (Monday).
John McNiven
Gender: Male.
James Ussher (Male, born 1581, died 1656)
Genre: Theology
A body of divinity, or The summe and substance of Christian religion
Confidence level: Certain
James Ussher (Male, born 1581, died 1656)
Genre: Theology
A body of divinity, or The summe and substance of Christian religion; catechistically propounded, and explained, by way of question and answer: methodically and familiarly handled.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1649. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 15
ESTC: R30177
James Ussher (Male, born 1581, died 1656)
Genre: Theology
Body of Divinity [James Ussher]
Borrowed: 1807/1/12 (Monday).
Borrower: John McNiven
Author: James Ussher (Male, born 1581, died 1656), Genre: Theology