An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers' Registers
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Date of borrowing: 1757/12/7
Your search matched 6 borrowing records.
Record ID 281018
Library: Dumfries Presbytery Library. Register: Issue Book (Type: Professorial). Page: 57
Chambers Dictionary vol. 2
Borrowed: 1757/12/7 (Wednesday).
John Ewart Jas
Gender: Male.
Life dates: d. 1799.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland.
Ephraim Chambers (Male, born c.1680, died 1740)
Genre: Reference Works
Cyclopædia: or, an universal dictionary of arts and sciences; Containing The Definitions of the Terms, And Accounts of The Things signify’d thereby, In the several Arts, Both Liberal and Mechanical, And the several Sciences, Human and Divine: The Figures, Kinds, Properties, Productions, Preparations, and Uses, of Things Natural and Artificial; The Rise, Progress, and State of Things Ecclesiastical, Civil, Military, and Commercial: With the several Systems, Sects, Opinions, &c. among Philosophers, Divines, Mathematicians, Physicians, Antiquaries, Criticks, &c. The Whole intended as a Course of Antient and Modern Learning. Compiled from the best Authors, Dictionaries, Journals, Memoirs, Transactions, Ephemerides, &c. in several Languages. In two volumes. By E. Chambers Gent.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Speculative
Ephraim Chambers (Male, born c.1680, died 1740)
Genre: Reference Works
Cyclopædia: or, an universal dictionary of arts and sciences; Containing The Definitions of the Terms, And Accounts of The Things signify’d thereby, In the several Arts, Both Liberal and Mechanical, And the several Sciences, Human and Divine: The Figures, Kinds, Properties, Productions, Preparations, and Uses, of Things Natural and Artificial; The Rise, Progress, and State of Things Ecclesiastical, Civil, Military, and Commercial: With the several Systems, Sects, Opinions, &c. among Philosophers, Divines, Mathematicians, Physicians, Antiquaries, Criticks, &c. The Whole intended as a Course of Antient and Modern Learning. Compiled from the best Authors, Dictionaries, Journals, Memoirs, Transactions, Ephemerides, &c. in several Languages. In two volumes. By E. Chambers Gent.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1728. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 10 times in 7 borrowing records
ESTC: T114002
Ephraim Chambers (Male, born c.1680, died 1740)
Genre: Reference Works
Cyclopaedia: or, An Universal Dictionary of the Arts and Sciences
Borrowed: 1757/12/7 (Wednesday).
Borrower: John Ewart Jas
Author: Ephraim Chambers (Male, born c.1680, died 1740), Genre: Reference Works
Cyclopaedia: or, An Universal Dictionary of the Arts and Sciences
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 281015
Library: Dumfries Presbytery Library. Register: Issue Book (Type: Professorial). Page: 57
Davila's History of France
Borrowed: 1757/12/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/12/7 (Wednesday).
John Ewart Jas
Gender: Male.
Life dates: d. 1799.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland.
John Scott Junior
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.
Life dates: 1737-801.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland.
Arrigo Caterino Davila (Male, born 1576, died 1631)
Genre: History
The historie of the civill warres of France / written in Italian, by H.C. Davila. Translated out of the original.
Classmark: 12.1.9.
Confidence level: Certain
Arrigo Caterino Davila (Male, born 1576, died 1631)
Genre: History
The historie of the civill warres of France.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1647. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 25 times in 23 borrowing records
ESTC: R21290
Arrigo Caterino Davila (Male, born 1576, died 1631)
Genre: History
History of the Civil Wars of France
Borrowed: 1757/12/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/12/7 (Wednesday).
Borrowers: John Ewart Jas, John Scott Junior
Author: Arrigo Caterino Davila (Male, born 1576, died 1631), Genre: History
Record ID 164
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 10r
Herodotus Gronovii
Borrowed: 1757/12/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/12/22 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 7 Dec 1757. Original Returned Date: 22 Dec 1757. Professor 1: John Anderson. Professor 2: Adam Smith. Professor 3: George Muirhead.
Alexander Gillies
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Moral Philosophy, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Physic, Theology, Divinity. Original Full Name: Alexander Gillies.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Herodotus (Male, born c.BCE484, died BCE428)
Genre: History
Herodoti Halicarnassei Historiarum libri IX ... Gr. & Lat. cum interpretatione Laurentii Vallae ... etiam Graecismo per singulas fere paginas remollito industria Jacobi Gronovii ...
Press: G. Shelf: 4. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll f476 . Original Author: Herodotus..
Confidence level: Certain
Herodotus (Male, born c.BCE484, died BCE428)
Genre: History
Ἡροδοτου Ἁλικαρνασσηος Ἱστοριων λογοι θʹ. ... Herodoti Historiarum libri IX. ... Græce cum interpretatione L. Vallæ; ex MS. membrana Medicea ... Grecismo per singulas fere paginas remollito, industria J. Gronovii, cujus accedunt notæ.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Leiden. Date of publication: 1715. Format: folio.
Editors: Gronovius, Jacobus, 1645-1716.
Number of borrowings: 34
Herodotus (Male, born c.BCE484, died BCE428)
Genre: History
Histories [Herodotus]
Borrowed: 1757/12/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/12/22 (Thursday).
Borrower: Alexander Gillies
Author: Herodotus (Male, born c.BCE484, died BCE428), Genre: History
Record ID 167
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 10r
Du Pin's Church History Engles
Borrowed: 1757/12/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/12/26 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 7 Dec 1757. Original Returned Date: 26 Dec 1757. Professor 1: James Clow.
Samuel Billingsley
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Divinity. Original Full Name: Samuel Billingsley.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Louis-Ellies Du Pin (Male, born 1657, died 1719)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Theology
New history of ecclesiastical writers.
Press: BN. Shelf: 2. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn9-b.3-10. Original Author: Du Pin, Louis-Ellies, 1657-1719..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7, Volume 8
Confidence level: Likely
Louis-Ellies Du Pin (Male, born 1657, died 1719)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Theology
A new history of ecclesiastical writers: containing an account of the authors of the several books of the Old and New Testament: and the lives and writings of the primitive fathers; an abridgment and catalogue of all their works; censures determining the genuine and spurious; a judgment upon their style and doctrine, and the various editions of their writings. To which is added, a compendious history of the councils; and many necessary tables and indexes. Written in French by Lewis Ellies du Pin, Doctor of the Sorbon, and Regius Professor of Divinity at Paris Volume the first, containing the authors that flourished in the three first ages of the church.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1697. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 25 times in 14 borrowing records
ESTC: R176028
Louis-Ellies Du Pin (Male, born 1657, died 1719)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Theology
New History of Ecclesiastical Writers
Borrowed: 1757/12/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/12/26 (Monday).
Borrower: Samuel Billingsley
Author: Louis-Ellies Du Pin (Male, born 1657, died 1719), Genre: Lives, Genre: Theology
New History of Ecclesiastical Writers
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7, Volume 8
Record ID 166
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 10r
Newton's Treatise of ye world
Borrowed: 1757/12/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/12/20 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 7 Dec 1757. Original Returned Date: 20 Dec 1757. Professor 1: Adam Smith.
William McMaster
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: William McMaster.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Treatise of the system of the world. Translated into English
Press: AU. Shelf: 5. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk1-h.24 . Original Author: Newton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727..
Confidence level: Certain
Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
A treatise of the system of the world.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1728. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 29
ESTC: T14938
Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Treatise of the System of the World
Borrowed: 1757/12/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/12/20 (Tuesday).
Borrower: William McMaster
Author: Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20), Genre: Natural Philosophy
Record ID 165
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 10r
Grotius de Veritate Xnae Religion:
Borrowed: 1757/12/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/12/22 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 7 Dec 1757. Original Returned Date: 22 Dec 1757. Professor 1: James Moor.
Alexander Gibson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Alexander Gibson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Hugo Grotius (Male, born 1583, died 1645)
Genre: Poetry, Genre: Theology
De veritate religionis Christianae.
Press: CP. Shelf: 6. Number: 4. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bh10-l.10 . Original Author: Grotius, Hugo, 1583-1645..
Confidence level: Certain
Hugo Grotius (Male, born 1583, died 1645)
Genre: Poetry, Genre: Theology
Hugo Grotius De veritate religionis Christianae. Cum notulis Joannis Clerici; accesserunt ejusdem de eligenda inter Christianos dissentientes sententia, & contra indifferentiam religionum, libri duo.
Language: Latin . Published: Amsterdam. Date of publication: 1675. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 9
Hugo Grotius (Male, born 1583, died 1645)
Genre: Poetry, Genre: Theology
De Veritate Religionis Christianae
Borrowed: 1757/12/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/12/22 (Thursday).
Borrower: Alexander Gibson
Author: Hugo Grotius (Male, born 1583, died 1645), Genre: Poetry, Genre: Theology