Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Date of borrowing: 1769/7/13

Your search matched 12 borrowing records.




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Book format


Record ID 110390

Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.8 (1769-1771, Type: Student). Page: 34

Malpighius Anatome plantarum folio

Borrowed: 1769/7/13 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/10/6.


Isaac Mee Junior
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Dissertation: De Nutritione.. Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1768-1769; MD (Edin), 1770. Origin: Irish.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Marcello Malpighi (Male, born 1628, died 1694)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Marcelli Malpighii philosophi & medici Bononiensis, è Regia Societate, anatome plantarum.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Marcello Malpighi (Male, born 1628, died 1694)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Marcelli Malpighii philosophi & medici Bononiensis, è Regia Societate, Anatome plantarum.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1675. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 3

Book Work

Marcello Malpighi (Male, born 1628, died 1694)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Anatome Plantarum [Marchello Malpighi]

Record ID 110375

Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.8 (1769-1771, Type: Student). Page: 34

Byrom's Stenography

Borrowed: 1769/7/13 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 1/1/0.


George Grieve
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

John Byrom (Male, born 1692, died 1763)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
The universal English shorthand [Byrom]

Record ID 110369

Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.8 (1769-1771, Type: Student). Page: 34

Bower's history of the Popes 2 V:s in one

Borrowed: 1769/7/13 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 1/1/0.


James Robertson
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1769-1774. Other: Royal Medical Society, 1774; Indian Medical Service, 1775.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Archibald Bower (Male, born 1686, died 1766)
Genre: History, Genre: Lives
The history of the popes : from the foundation of the See of Rome to the present time [Bower]

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Archibald Bower (Male, born 1686, died 1766)
Genre: History, Genre: Lives
The history of the popes, from the foundation of the See of Rome, to the present time.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1750. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 1

Book Work

Archibald Bower (Male, born 1686, died 1766)
Genre: History, Genre: Lives
History of the Popes, from the Foundation of the See of Rome, to the Present Time

Record ID 86330

Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.5 (1768-1781, Type: Professorial). Page: 12-13

Lan usus de pax pralud Effluv [?]

Borrowed: 1769/7/13 (Thursday). Loan period: return on demand.


William Alexander
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1764-1768; MD (Edin), 1769. Other: Royal Medical Society, 1764.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Record ID 86327

Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.5 (1768-1781, Type: Professorial). Page: 12-13

& Saunder's version of Plenck on Mercury

Borrowed: 1769/7/13 (Thursday). Loan period: return on demand.


John Willison
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Joseph Jacob Ritter von Plenck (Male, born 1738, died 1807), William Saunders (Male, born 1743, died 1817)
Genre: Medicine
A new and easy method of giving mercury, to those affected with the venereal disease.

Borrowed: 1769/7/13 (Thursday).

Borrower: John Willison

Author: Joseph Jacob Ritter von Plenck (Male, born 1738, died 1807), William Saunders (Male, born 1743, died 1817), Genre: Medicine

New and Easy Method of Giving Mercury

Record ID 86345

Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.5 (1768-1781, Type: Professorial). Page: 12-13

Redi de Animalculis

Borrowed: 1769/7/13 (Thursday). Loan period: return on demand.


William Alexander
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1764-1768; MD (Edin), 1769. Other: Royal Medical Society, 1764.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Francesco Redi (Male, born 1626, died 1698)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Francisci Redi De animalculis vivis quae in corporibus animalium vivorum reperiuntur, observationes.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Francesco Redi (Male, born 1626, died 1698)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
F. Redi de animalculis vivis quæ in corporibus animalium vivorum reperiuntur, observationes.
Language: Latin . Published: Amsterdam. Date of publication: 1708. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 3

Book Work

Francesco Redi (Male, born 1626, died 1698)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
De animalculis Vivis quae in Corporibus Animalium Vivorum Reperiuntur

Record ID 86336

Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.5 (1768-1781, Type: Professorial). Page: 12-13

Medi experimenta

Borrowed: 1769/7/13 (Thursday). Loan period: return on demand.


William Alexander
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1764-1768; MD (Edin), 1769. Other: Royal Medical Society, 1764.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Record ID 86324

Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.5 (1768-1781, Type: Professorial). Page: 12-13

& Tissot on the diseases of Sedentary people

Borrowed: 1769/7/13 (Thursday). Loan period: return on demand.


John Willison
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Samuel Auguste David Tissot (Male, born 1728, died 1797)
Genre: Medicine
An essay on diseases incidental to literary and sedentary persons : with proper rule for preventing their fatal consequences and instructions for their cure [Tissot]
Historical Shelfmark: A.A.M.f.3.

Record ID 86333

Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.5 (1768-1781, Type: Professorial). Page: 12-13

Kircher Scrutin Physico Medicum

Borrowed: 1769/7/13 (Thursday). Loan period: return on demand.


William Alexander
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1764-1768; MD (Edin), 1769. Other: Royal Medical Society, 1764.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Athanasius Kircher (Male, born 1602, died 1680)
Genre: Medicine
Athanasii Kircheri scrutinium physico-medicum contagiosae luis quae dicitur pestis.

Record ID 86342

Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.5 (1768-1781, Type: Professorial). Page: 12-13

Kircher Scrutin Physico Medicum

Borrowed: 1769/7/13 (Thursday). Loan period: return on demand.


William Alexander
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1764-1768; MD (Edin), 1769. Other: Royal Medical Society, 1764.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Athanasius Kircher (Male, born 1602, died 1680)
Genre: Medicine
Athanasii Kircheri scrutinium physico-medicum contagiosae luis quae dicitur pestis.

Record ID 86321

Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.5 (1768-1781, Type: Professorial). Page: 12-13

Borrow'd Inoculation pamphlets

Borrowed: 1769/7/13 (Thursday). Loan period: return on demand.


John Willison
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Genre: Medicine
Inoculation pamphlets
Historical Shelfmark: A.A.A.D.c.31.

Record ID 86339

Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.5 (1768-1781, Type: Professorial). Page: 12-13

Brisson Histor Naturelle Vol. 2

Borrowed: 1769/7/13 (Thursday). Loan period: return on demand.


William Alexander
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1764-1768; MD (Edin), 1769. Other: Royal Medical Society, 1764.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.