An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers' Registers
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Date of borrowing: 1776/10/23
Your search matched 16 borrowing records.
Record ID 137223
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 1
Ward's oratory 1 . 2d Vol
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/11/21 (Thursday). Classmark: Q5 .16. Original Returned Text: Ward s oratory V. 1st 2d V..
John McIntyre
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
John Ward (Male, born c.1679, died 1758)
Genre: Education
A system of oratory, delivered in a course of lectures publicly read at Gresham College, London. To which is prefixed an inaugural oration, spoken in Latin... / by John Ward... [In two volumes].
Classmark: Q.5.16, P.6.41, Q.3.16?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
John Ward (Male, born c.1679, died 1758)
Genre: Education
A system of oratory, delivered in a course of lectures publicly read at Gresham College, London. To which is prefixed an inaugural oration, spoken in Latin... / by John Ward... [In two volumes].
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1759. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 100 times in 54 borrowing records
John Ward (Male, born c.1679, died 1758)
Genre: Education
System of Oratory
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/11/21 (Thursday).
Borrower: John McIntyre
Author: John Ward (Male, born c.1679, died 1758), Genre: Education
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 150564
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 201
Hartely's Observ. of Man V. 1. 2d.
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Classmark: J. 5. 9. Original Returned Text: Hartely's Observ. of Man V. 1. 2.
John West
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1756-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
David Hartley (Male, born 1705, died 1757)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Observations on man, his frame, his duty, and his expectations. In two parts. By David Hartley, M.A.
Classmark: J.5.9, A.7.28.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
David Hartley (Male, born 1705, died 1757)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Observations on man, his frame, his duty, and his expectations. In two parts. By David Hartley, M.A.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 79 times in 50 borrowing records
ESTC: T148767
David Hartley (Male, born 1705, died 1757)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Observations on Man [David Hartley]
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday).
Borrower: John West
Author: David Hartley (Male, born 1705, died 1757), Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Observations on Man [David Hartley]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 150576
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 201
Apollonius Conic Sections
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/28 (Monday). Classmark: P. 1. 8. Original Returned Text: Apollinus Conic Sctions.
John West
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1756-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Apollonius of Perga (Male)
Genre: Mathematics
Apolloni Pergaei Conicorum Libri Octo et Sereni Antissensis De Sectione Cylindri & Coni Libri Duo.
Classmark: J.1.3, P.1.8.
Confidence level: Certain
Apollonius of Perga (Male)
Genre: Mathematics
Apolloni Pergaei Conicorum Libri Octo et Sereni Antissensis De Sectione Cylindri & Coni Libri Duo.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1710. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 24
ESTC: T133191
Apollonius of Perga (Male)
Genre: Mathematics
Conicorum Libri Octo et Sereni Antissensis De Sectione Cylindri
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/28 (Monday).
Borrower: John West
Author: Apollonius of Perga (Male), Genre: Mathematics
Conicorum Libri Octo et Sereni Antissensis De Sectione Cylindri
Record ID 150558
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 201
Watson's Hor. Vol. 1.2d.
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Classmark: ND.3. 11. Original Returned Text: Watson's Hor. 1 . 2d V ..
John West
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1756-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Horace (Male, born BCE65-12-8, died BCE8-11-27)
Genre: Poetry
The Odes, epodes, and carmen Seculare of Horace, Translated into English Prose, As near as the Two Languages will admit. Together with the Original Latin from the Best Editions. Wherein The Words of the Latin Text are put in their Grammatical Order; the Observation of the most Valuable Commentators, both ancient and modern, represented; and the Author's Design and Beautiful Descriptions fully set forth in a Key annexed to each Ode and Poem; with Notes both Geographical and Historical. The Whole adapted to the Capacities of Youth at School, as well as of Private Gentlemen. By David Watson, M.A. Of St. Leonard's College, St. Andrew's. Revised by a Gentleman will-skilled in this sort of Literature at London.
Classmark: J.4.11, D.3.3, R.5.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Horace (Male, born BCE65-12-8, died BCE8-11-27)
Genre: Poetry
The Odes, epodes, and carmen Seculare of Horace, Translated into English Prose, As near as the Two Languages will admit. Together with the Original Latin from the Best Editions. Wherein The Words of the Latin Text are put in their Grammatical Order; the Observation of the most Valuable Commentators, both ancient and modern, represented; and the Author's Design and Beautiful Descriptions fully set forth in a Key annexed to each Ode and Poem; with Notes both Geographical and Historical. The Whole adapted to the Capacities of Youth at School, as well as of Private Gentlemen. By David Watson, M.A. Of St. Leonard's College, St. Andrew's. Revised by a Gentleman will-skilled in this sort of Literature at London.
Language: Latin | English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1741.
Translators: David Watson
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 95 times in 71 borrowing records
ESTC: T185929
Horace (Male, born BCE65-12-8, died BCE8-11-27)
Genre: Poetry
Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Seculare of Horace
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday).
Borrower: John West
Author: Horace (Male, born BCE65-12-8, died BCE8-11-27), Genre: Poetry
Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Seculare of Horace
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 150549
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 201
Clarke's Work's Vol. 2d
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Classmark: N, 1, 11 .. Original Returned Text: Clark's Works V 2d.
John West
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1756-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Benjamin Hoadly (Male, born 1676, died 1761)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sermons on several subjects. By Samuel Clarke, D.D. Late rector of St James's westminster. Published from the author's manuscript by John Clarke D.D. Dean of Sarum
Classmark: N.1.11, N.2.8.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Benjamin Hoadly (Male, born 1676, died 1761)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
The works of Samuel Clarke, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1738. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 39 times in 33 borrowing records
ESTC: T145014
Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Benjamin Hoadly (Male, born 1676, died 1761)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Works of Samuel Clarke
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday).
Borrower: John West
Author: Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Benjamin Hoadly (Male, born 1676, died 1761), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 150543
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 201
McLaurin's Fluxions 1. 2d V.
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Classmark: B . 4.16. Original Returned Text: McLaurin's Fluxions 1.2,.
John West
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1756-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Colin MacLaurin (Male, born 1698, died 1746)
Genre: Mathematics
A treatise of fluxions : in two books / by Colin MacLaurin, A.M. professor of mathematics in the University of Edinburgh, and Fellow of the Royal Society.
Classmark: K.3.4, K.4.3, B.4.16.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Colin MacLaurin (Male, born 1698, died 1746)
Genre: Mathematics
A treatise of fluxions: in two books / by Colin MacLaurin, A.M. professor of mathematics in the University of Edinburgh, and Fellow of the Royal Society.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1742. Format: 4to. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 44 times in 25 borrowing records
ESTC: T93640
Colin MacLaurin (Male, born 1698, died 1746)
Genre: Mathematics
Treatise of Fluxions [Colin Maclaurin]
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday).
Borrower: John West
Author: Colin MacLaurin (Male, born 1698, died 1746), Genre: Mathematics
Treatise of Fluxions [Colin Maclaurin]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 150597
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 201
Pamphlets Vol 3d
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/28 (Monday). Classmark: R6. 28. Original Returned Text: Pamphlets V. 3d.
John West
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1756-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Pamphlets 6 Vol [R.6.28]
Classmark: R.6.28.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/28 (Monday).
Borrower: John West
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3
Record ID 150546
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 201
Luciani Opera Vol. 1. 2d.
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Classmark: R. 5. 6. Original Returned Text: Luciani opera 1. 2. V..
John West
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1756-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Lucian of Samosata (Male, born c.125, died 185)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Λουκιανου ... ἁπαντα. Luciani Samosatensis opera ... ex versione J. Benedicti. Cum notis ... J. Bourdelotii, J. Palmerii a Grentemesnil, T. Fabri, A. Menagii, F. Guieti, J. G. Graevii, J. Gronovii, L. Barlaei, J. Tollii, et selectis aliorum. Accedunt inedita scholia, etc. [Edited by J. G. Graevius.]
Classmark: L.6.21, R.5.6, L.4.27.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Lucian of Samosata (Male, born c.125, died 185)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Λουκιανου ... ἁπαντα. Luciani Samosatensis opera ... ex versione J. Benedicti. Cum notis ... J. Bourdelotii, J. Palmerii a Grentemesnil, T. Fabri, A. Menagii, F. Guieti, J. G. Graevii, J. Gronovii, L. Barlaei, J. Tollii, et selectis aliorum. Accedunt inedita scholia, etc. [Edited by J. G. Graevius.]
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Amsterdam. Date of publication: 1687. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 16 times in 10 borrowing records
Lucian of Samosata (Male, born c.125, died 185)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Works of Lucian of Samosata
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday).
Borrower: John West
Author: Lucian of Samosata (Male, born c.125, died 185), Genre: Belles Lettres
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 150573
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 201
Vries Excerstationes
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/28 (Monday). Classmark: D, 4.35. Original Returned Text: Vrie's Excersitations.
John West
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1756-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Gerard de Vries (Male, born 1648, died 1705)
Genre: Theology
Gerardi de Vries Exercitationes rationales de Deo, divinisque perfectionibus. Nec non philosophemata miscellanea.
Classmark: K.6.4, D.4.35.
Confidence level: Certain
Gerard de Vries (Male, born 1648, died 1705)
Genre: Theology
Gerardi de Vries Exercitationes rationales de Deo, divinisque perfectionibus. Nec non philosophemata miscellanea.
Language: Latin . Published: Utrecht. Date of publication: 1695. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 8
Gerard de Vries (Male, born 1648, died 1705)
Genre: Theology
Exercitationes Rationales de Deo, Divinisque Perfectionibus
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/28 (Monday).
Borrower: John West
Author: Gerard de Vries (Male, born 1648, died 1705), Genre: Theology
Record ID 150591
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 201
Burgh's Dign. of Hum. Nat.
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/28 (Monday). Classmark: M. 4 .17. Original Returned Text: Burgh's Dig. hu .Nature.
John West
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1756-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
James Burgh (Male, born 1714, died 1775)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology
The dignity of human nature. Or, a brief account of the certain and established means for attaining the true end of our existence. In four books. I. Of prudence. II. Of knowledge. III. Of virtue. IV. Of revealed religion. By J. B. Master of an Academy at Newington-Green, Middlesex.
Classmark: M.4.17, P.4.19.
Confidence level: Certain
James Burgh (Male, born 1714, died 1775)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology
The dignity of human nature. Or, a brief account of the certain and established means for attaining the true end of our existence. In four books. I. Of prudence. II. Of knowledge. III. Of virtue. IV. Of revealed religion. By J. B. Master of an Academy at Newington-Green, Middlesex.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1754. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 36
ESTC: T114028
James Burgh (Male, born 1714, died 1775)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology
Dignity of Human Nature. Or, A Brief Account of the Certain and Established Means for Attaining the True End of Our Existence
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/28 (Monday).
Borrower: John West
Author: James Burgh (Male, born 1714, died 1775), Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology
Record ID 150567
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 201
Foster's Discourses Vol.
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Classmark: G .2. 20. Original Returned Text: Foster's Discourses V. 1..
John West
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1756-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
James Foster (Male, born 1697, died 1753)
Genre: Theology
Discourses on All the Principal Branches of Natural Religion and Social Virtue. By James Foster, D.D.
Classmark: G.2.20, Q.3.38, D.2.18, D.3.22, P.4.32?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
James Foster (Male, born 1697, died 1753)
Genre: Theology
Discourses on All the Principal Branches of Natural Religion and Social Virtue. By James Foster, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1752. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 48 times in 37 borrowing records
ESTC: N6445
James Foster (Male, born 1697, died 1753)
Genre: Theology
Discourses on All the Principal Branches of Natural Religion and Social Virtue
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday).
Borrower: John West
Author: James Foster (Male, born 1697, died 1753), Genre: Theology
Discourses on All the Principal Branches of Natural Religion and Social Virtue
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 150561
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 201
Ramsay's Phil. prls of Theol.
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Classmark: N,5. 11. Original Returned Text: Ramsay's Ph. Prls of Thel. 1,2..
John West
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1756-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsay (Male, born 1686, died 1743)
Genre: Theology
The philosophical principles of natural and revealed religion : unfolded in a geometrical order / by the Chevalier Ramsay author of the Travels of Cyrus.
Classmark: N.5.11, N.7.32.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsay (Male, born 1686, died 1743)
Genre: Theology
The philosophical principles of natural and revealed religion : unfolded in a geometrical order / by the Chevalier Ramsay author of the Travels of Cyrus.
Language: English . Published: Glasgow. Date of publication: 1748-1749. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 55 times in 31 borrowing records
ESTC: T68477
Chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsay (Male, born 1686, died 1743)
Genre: Theology
Philosophical Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday).
Borrower: John West
Author: Chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsay (Male, born 1686, died 1743), Genre: Theology
Philosophical Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 150582
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 201
Liverpool Collection
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/28 (Monday). Classmark: N,5. 49. Original Returned Text: Liverpool Collection.
John West
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1756-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Philip Holland (Male, born 1721, died 1789)
Genre: Theology
A form of prayer, and a new collection of psalms, for the use of a congregation of Protestant dissenters in Liverpool.
Classmark: N.5.49, L.7.53.
Confidence level: Very likely
Philip Holland (Male, born 1721, died 1789)
Genre: Theology
A form of prayer, and a new collection of psalms, for the use of a congregation of Protestant dissenters in Liverpool.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1763. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 11
ESTC: T148701
Philip Holland (Male, born 1721, died 1789)
Genre: Theology
Form of Prayer, and A New Collection of Psalms
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/28 (Monday).
Borrower: John West
Author: Philip Holland (Male, born 1721, died 1789), Genre: Theology
Record ID 150600
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 201
Elements of Speech
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/29 (Tuesday). Classmark: J4. 21. Original Returned Text: Elements of Speehc.
John West
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1756-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
John Herries (Male, died 1781)
Genre: Education
The elements of speech / by John Herries...
Classmark: J.4.21.
Confidence level: Certain
John Herries (Male, died 1781)
Genre: Education
The elements of speech / by John Herries...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1773. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 10
ESTC: T8393
John Herries (Male, died 1781)
Genre: Education
Elements of Speech [John Herries]
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/29 (Tuesday).
Borrower: John West
Author: John Herries (Male, died 1781), Genre: Education
Record ID 151308
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 204
Noath 1 - 2d Vol
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/11/11 (Monday). Classmark: Q7. 9. Original Returned Text: Noath 1 . 2d Vol.
Thomas Fairful
Gender: Male.
Johann Jakob Bodmer (Male, born 1698, died 1783)
Genre: Education, Genre: Theology
Noah. Attempted from the German of Mr. Bodmer. In twelve books. By Joseph Collyer. ...
Classmark: Q.7.9, Q.8.36.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Johann Jakob Bodmer (Male, born 1698, died 1783)
Genre: Education, Genre: Theology
Noah. Attempted from the German of Mr. Bodmer. In twelve books. By Joseph Collyer. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1767. Format: 12mo.
Translators: Collyer, Joseph
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 18 times in 10 borrowing records
ESTC: T99059
Johann Jakob Bodmer (Male, born 1698, died 1783)
Genre: Education, Genre: Theology
Noah. Attempted from the German of Mr Bodmer
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/11/11 (Monday).
Borrower: Thomas Fairful
Author: Johann Jakob Bodmer (Male, born 1698, died 1783), Genre: Education, Genre: Theology
Noah. Attempted from the German of Mr Bodmer
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 151302
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 204
Leland's View 1. 2d Vol
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Classmark: P5. 38. Original Returned Text: Leland's View 1 . 2d Vol.
Thomas Fairful
Gender: Male.
John Leland (Male, born 1691, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology
A view of the principal deistical writers, that have appeared in England in the last and present century; ... The second edition with additions. By John Leland, D.D.
Classmark: P.5.38, P.7.10.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Very likely
John Leland (Male, born 1691, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology
A view of the principal deistical writers, that have appeared in England in the last and present century; ... The second edition with additions. By John Leland, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1755. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 77 times in 49 borrowing records
ESTC: T135728
John Leland (Male, born 1691, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology
View of the Principal Deistical Writers
Borrowed: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1776/10/23 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Thomas Fairful
Author: John Leland (Male, born 1691, died 1766), Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology
View of the Principal Deistical Writers
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2