An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers' Registers
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Date of borrowing: 1781/7/10
Your search matched 2 borrowing records.
Record ID 51782
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 35r
Monro's Expedition
Borrowed: 1781/7/10 (Tuesday). Returned: 1781/8/2 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 10 Jul. Original Returned Date: 2 Aug.
Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.
Robert Monro (Male)
Genre: History
Monro his expedition vvith the vvorthy Scots Regiment (called Mac-Keyes Regiment)
Press: S. Shelf: 7. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bm4-e.11 . Original Author: Monro, Robert..
Confidence level: Certain
Robert Monro (Male)
Genre: History
Monro his expedition vvith the vvorthy Scots Regiment (called Mac-Keyes Regiment) levied in August 1626. by Sr. Donald Mac-Key Lord Rhees, colonell for his Majesties service of Denmark, and reduced after the Battaile of Nerling, to one company in September 1634. at Wormes in the Paltz. Discharged in severall duties and observations of service; first under the magnanimous King of Denmark, during his warres against the Emperour; afterward, under the invincible King of Sweden, during his Majesties life time; and since, under the Directour Generall, the Rex-chancellor Oxensterne and his generalls.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1637. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 14
ESTC: S114933
Robert Monro (Male)
Genre: History
Monro his Expedition with the Worthy Scots Regiment (called Mac-Keyes Regiment) Levied in August 1626
Borrowed: 1781/7/10 (Tuesday). Returned: 1781/8/2 (Thursday).
Borrower: Thomas Reid
Author: Robert Monro (Male), Genre: History
Record ID 51781
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 35r
Neperi Logarith. Descriptio
Borrowed: 1781/7/10 (Tuesday). Returned: 1781/8/2 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 10 Jul. Original Returned Date: 2 Aug.
Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.
John Napier Lord Merchiston (Male, born 1550, died 1617)
Genre: Mathematics
Logarithmorum canonis descriptio, seu Arithmeticarum supputationum mirabilis abbreuiatio.
Press: AV. Shelf: 2. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl7-h.6 . Original Author: Napier, John, 1550-1617..
Confidence level: Certain
John Napier Lord Merchiston (Male, born 1550, died 1617)
Genre: Mathematics
Logarithmorum canonis descriptio. (Tabula canonis logarithmorum.).
Language: Latin . Published: Lyon. Date of publication: 1620. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 2
John Napier Lord Merchiston (Male, born 1550, died 1617)
Genre: Mathematics
Description of the Admirable Table of Logarithmes
Borrowed: 1781/7/10 (Tuesday). Returned: 1781/8/2 (Thursday).
Borrower: Thomas Reid
Author: John Napier Lord Merchiston (Male, born 1550, died 1617), Genre: Mathematics