An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers' Registers
You performed a Simple Search for:
Date of borrowing: 1791/2/17
Your search matched 19 borrowing records.
Record ID 373292
Library: Aberdeen Theological Library. Register: MSM 227 (1786-1797, Type: Student). Page: 68
Mosheim's Hist. Vol. 4
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/2/22 (Tuesday). Shelfmark (Press, Shelf, Number): 5, 2, 12.
William Ingram
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Johann Lorenz Mosheim (Male, born c.1694, died 1755)
Genre: Theology
Mosheim's Church History (original title)
Ecclesiastical history antient and modern, from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the present century [Mosheim] (standardised title)
Modern Shelfmark: Store (SC) ; TL kappa 102.1, 3, 5-6.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4
Confidence level: Certain
Johann Lorenz Mosheim (Male, born c.1694, died 1755)
Genre: Theology
An ecclesiastical history, antient and modern, from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the present century.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1782. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Translators: Maclaine, Archibald, 1722-1804
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 140 times in 98 borrowing records
ESTC: T136138
Johann Lorenz Mosheim (Male, born c.1694, died 1755)
Genre: Theology
Ecclesiastical History [Johann Lorenz Mosheim]
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/2/22 (Tuesday).
Borrower: William Ingram
Author: Johann Lorenz Mosheim (Male, born c.1694, died 1755), Genre: Theology
Ecclesiastical History [Johann Lorenz Mosheim]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4
Record ID 373301
Library: Aberdeen Theological Library. Register: MSM 227 (1786-1797, Type: Student). Page: 68
Fleury's Ecc. Hist. V. 2
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/8 (Tuesday). Shelfmark (Press, Shelf, Number): 2, 6, 1.
Dr George Campbell
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1719-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Arts and Letters > Author. Education > University Professor.
Claude Fleury (Male, born 1640, died 1723)
Genre: Theology
Histoire ecclesiastique [Fleury]
Modern Shelfmark: Store (SC) ; TL iota 32.1-20.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Claude Fleury (Male, born 1640, died 1723)
Genre: Theology
Histoire ecclésiastique, par M. Fleury,... Tome I [-XX]. - Histoire ecclésiastique, pour servir de continuation à celle de M. l'abbé Fleury [par le P. J.-C. Fabre et Goujet]... Tome XXI [-XXXVI].
Language: French . Published: Brussels | Paris. Date of publication: 1713-1738. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 36 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 42 times in 14 borrowing records
Claude Fleury (Male, born 1640, died 1723)
Genre: Theology
Ecclesiastical History [Claude Fleury]
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/8 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Dr George Campbell
Author: Claude Fleury (Male, born 1640, died 1723), Genre: Theology
Ecclesiastical History [Claude Fleury]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 373295
Library: Aberdeen Theological Library. Register: MSM 227 (1786-1797, Type: Student). Page: 68
Tillotson's Works Vol. 1.
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/8 (Tuesday). Shelfmark (Press, Shelf, Number): 1, 6, 4.
Alexander Nicholson Nicolson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
John Tillotson (Male, born 1630, died 1694)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Works of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury
Modern Shelfmark: Store (SC) ; TL theta 1.1, 3-11.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
John Tillotson (Male, born 1630, died 1694)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
The Works Of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. In Twelve Volumes. Containing, Two Hundred and Fifrty Four Sermons and Discourses on Several Occasions: Together with the Rule of Faith; Prayers Composed by him for his own Use; A Discourse to his Servants before the Sacrament; And a Form of Prayer, Composed by him, for the Use of King William.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1748. Format: 18mo. Pagination: 12 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 196 times in 137 borrowing records
ESTC: T136660
John Tillotson (Male, born 1630, died 1694)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Works of John Tillotson
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/8 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Alexander Nicholson Nicolson
Author: John Tillotson (Male, born 1630, died 1694), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 373307
Library: Aberdeen Theological Library. Register: MSM 227 (1786-1797, Type: Student). Page: 68
Middleton's Enquiry
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/8 (Tuesday). Shelfmark (Press, Shelf, Number): 1, 3, 4.
Dr Hamilton
Gender: Male.
Conyers Middleton (Male, born 1683, died 1750)
Genre: Theology
Middleton's Inquiry
Confidence level: Speculative
Conyers Middleton (Male, born 1683, died 1750)
Genre: Theology
A free inquiry into the miraculous powers, which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church, from the earliest ages through several successive centuries. By which it is shewn, That we have no sufficient Reason to believe, upon the Authority of the Primitive Fathers, That any such Powers were continued to the Church, after the Days of the Apostles.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 24
ESTC: T2703
Conyers Middleton (Male, born 1683, died 1750)
Genre: Theology
Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers, which are Supposed to have Subsisted in the Christian Church
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/8 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Dr Hamilton
Author: Conyers Middleton (Male, born 1683, died 1750), Genre: Theology
Record ID 373304
Library: Aberdeen Theological Library. Register: MSM 227 (1786-1797, Type: Student). Page: 68
Clavis Apocalyp.
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/8 (Tuesday). Shelfmark (Press, Shelf, Number): 3, 6, 9.
Dr Hamilton
Gender: Male.
Joseph Mede (Male, born 1586, died 1638)
Genre: Theology
Clavis apocalyptica ex innatis et insitis visionum charactetibus eruta et demonstrata [Mede]
Modern Shelfmark: Store (SC) ; pi TL xi 60.
Confidence level: Certain
Joseph Mede (Male, born 1586, died 1638)
Genre: Theology
Clauis apocalyptica ex innatis et insitis visionum characteribus eruta et demonstrata. Ad eorum usum quibus Deus amorem studiúmq[ue] indiderit prophetiam illam admirandam cognoscendi scrutandíq[ue].
Language: Latin . Published: Cambridge. Date of publication: 1632. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: S112555
Joseph Mede (Male, born 1586, died 1638)
Genre: Theology
Key of the Revelation Searched and Demonstrated out of the Naturall and Proper Characters of the Visions
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/8 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Dr Hamilton
Author: Joseph Mede (Male, born 1586, died 1638), Genre: Theology
Record ID 373289
Library: Aberdeen Theological Library. Register: MSM 227 (1786-1797, Type: Student). Page: 68
Mosheims's History V. 1
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/2/22 (Tuesday). Shelfmark (Press, Shelf, Number): 5, 2, 12.
Peter Morrison
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Johann Lorenz Mosheim (Male, born c.1694, died 1755)
Genre: Theology
Mosheim's Church History (original title)
Ecclesiastical history antient and modern, from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the present century [Mosheim] (standardised title)
Modern Shelfmark: Store (SC) ; TL kappa 102.1, 3, 5-6.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Johann Lorenz Mosheim (Male, born c.1694, died 1755)
Genre: Theology
An ecclesiastical history, antient and modern, from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the present century.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1782. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Translators: Maclaine, Archibald, 1722-1804
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 140 times in 98 borrowing records
ESTC: T136138
Johann Lorenz Mosheim (Male, born c.1694, died 1755)
Genre: Theology
Ecclesiastical History [Johann Lorenz Mosheim]
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/2/22 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Peter Morrison
Author: Johann Lorenz Mosheim (Male, born c.1694, died 1755), Genre: Theology
Ecclesiastical History [Johann Lorenz Mosheim]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 373298
Library: Aberdeen Theological Library. Register: MSM 227 (1786-1797, Type: Student). Page: 68
Cudworth's Syst. Abrid. Vol. 1st
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/5/7 (Saturday). Shelfmark (Press, Shelf, Number): 2, 5, 10.
Walter Davidson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Ralph Cudworth (Male, born 1617, died 1688)
Genre: Theology
Abridgment of Dr. Cudworth's True intellectual system of the universe.
Modern Shelfmark: Store (SC) ; TL xi 32.1-2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Ralph Cudworth (Male, born 1617, died 1688)
Genre: Theology
An abridgment of Dr. Cudworth’s True intellectual system of the universe. In which all the arguments for and against atheism are clearly stated and examined. To which is prefix’d, An Examination of what that learned Person advanc’d touching the Doctrine of a Trinity in Unity, and the Resurrection of the Body.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1732. Format: 4to. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 18 times in 12 borrowing records
ESTC: T144036
Ralph Cudworth (Male, born 1617, died 1688)
Genre: Theology
Abridgment of Dr Cudworth’s True Intellectual System of the Universe
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/5/7 (Saturday).
Borrower: Walter Davidson
Author: Ralph Cudworth (Male, born 1617, died 1688), Genre: Theology
Abridgment of Dr Cudworth’s True Intellectual System of the Universe
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 373310
Library: Aberdeen Theological Library. Register: MSM 227 (1786-1797, Type: Student). Page: 68
Basnage Con. Jos.
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/8 (Tuesday). Shelfmark (Press, Shelf, Number): 1, 1, 5.
Dr Hamilton
Gender: Male.
Jacques Basnage Sieur de Beauval (Male, born 1653, died 1723)
Genre: History, Genre: Theology
Basnage Continuation of Josephus (original title)
History of the Jews, from Jesus Christ to the present time [Basnage] (standardised title)
Modern Shelfmark: Store (SC) ; TL f rho 17.
Confidence level: Certain
Jacques Basnage Sieur de Beauval (Male, born 1653, died 1723)
Genre: History, Genre: Theology
The History of the Jews, from Jesus Christ to the present time: containing their antiquities, their religion, their rites, the dispersion of the ten tribes in the East, and the persecutions this nation has suffer'd in the West. Being a supplement and continuation of the History of Josephus / written in French by Mr Basnage ; translated into English by Tho. Taylor.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1708. Format: folio.
Translators: Taylor, Thomas, 1669 or 70-1735.
Number of borrowings: 26
ESTC: T90837
Jacques Basnage Sieur de Beauval (Male, born 1653, died 1723)
Genre: History, Genre: Theology
History of the Jews, from Jesus Christ to the Present Time
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/8 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Dr Hamilton
Author: Jacques Basnage Sieur de Beauval (Male, born 1653, died 1723), Genre: History, Genre: Theology
Record ID 206510
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/16 (1789-1791, Type: Other). Page: 300
Strutts Antiquities 3 vol
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Mr Malcolm Laing of Strenzie
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1785. Life dates: 1762-1818.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Politics/Office Holders > MP (Britain).
Joseph Strutt (Male, born 1749, died 1802)
Genre: History
Þorða Anzel-cẏnnan: or a compleat view of the manners, customs, arms, habits, &c. of the inhabitants of England [Strutt]
Possible modern shelfmark: A.38.b.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Certain
Joseph Strutt (Male, born 1749, died 1802)
Genre: History
Þorða Anzel-cẏnnan: or a compleat view of the manners, customs, arms, habits, &c. of the inhabitants of England, from the arrival of the Saxons, till the reign of Henry the Eighth.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1775-1776. Format: 4to. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 6 times in 2 borrowing records
ESTC: T75203
Joseph Strutt (Male, born 1749, died 1802)
Genre: History
Compleat View of the Manners, Customs, Arms, Habits, &c. of the Inhabitants of England, from the Arrival of the Saxons, till the Reign of Henry the Eighth
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Malcolm Laing of Strenzie
Author: Joseph Strutt (Male, born 1749, died 1802), Genre: History
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 206480
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/16 (1789-1791, Type: Other). Page: 300
Barrington on the Statutes
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Mr Malcolm Laing of Strenzie
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1785. Life dates: 1762-1818.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Politics/Office Holders > MP (Britain).
Daines Barrington (Male, born 1727, died 1800)
Genre: Law
Observations on the more ancient statutes from Magna Charta to the twenty-first of James I. cap. XXVII [Barrington]
Confidence level: Very likely
Daines Barrington (Male, born 1727, died 1800)
Genre: Law
Observations on the more ancient statutes, from Magna Charta to the twenty-first of James I. cap.xxvii
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1769. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 4
ESTC: T80835
Daines Barrington (Male, born 1727, died 1800)
Genre: Law
Observations on the More Ancient Statutes, from Magna Charta to the Twenty-first of James I
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Malcolm Laing of Strenzie
Author: Daines Barrington (Male, born 1727, died 1800), Genre: Law
Observations on the More Ancient Statutes, from Magna Charta to the Twenty-first of James I
Record ID 206507
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/16 (1789-1791, Type: Other). Page: 300
Grangers biographical History 3 vols
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Mr Malcolm Laing of Strenzie
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1785. Life dates: 1762-1818.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Politics/Office Holders > MP (Britain).
James Granger (Male, born 1723, died 1776)
Genre: History
A biographical history of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution [Granger]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: A.35.d.9-12..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
Confidence level: Certain
James Granger (Male, born 1723, died 1776)
Genre: History
A biographical history of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution: consisting of characters disposed in different classes, and adapted to a methodical catalogue of Engraved British Heads: Intended as An Essay towards reducing our Biography to System, and a Help to the Knowledge of Portraits: Interspersed with Variety of Anecdotes, and Memoirs of a great Number of Persons, not to be found in any other Biographical Work: With a Preface, shewing the Utility of a Collection of Engraved Portraits to supply the Defect, and answer the various Purposes, of Medals.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1779. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 4 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 10 times in 4 borrowing records
ESTC: T85661
James Granger (Male, born 1723, died 1776)
Genre: History
Biographical History of England
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Malcolm Laing of Strenzie
Author: James Granger (Male, born 1723, died 1776), Genre: History
Biographical History of England
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
Record ID 206474
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/16 (1789-1791, Type: Other). Page: 300
Cook's last voyage 3 vol 4to
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Mr John Whyte of Bennochy
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1780.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
Cook's Last Voyage, 3 vols, 4to
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr John Whyte of Bennochy
Cook's Last Voyage, 3 vols, 4to
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 206483
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/16 (1789-1791, Type: Other). Page: 300
Herberts Life
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Mr Malcolm Laing of Strenzie
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1785. Life dates: 1762-1818.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Politics/Office Holders > MP (Britain).
Baron Edward Herbert of Cherbury (Male, born 1583, died 1648)
Genre: Lives
The life of Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury.
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: C.16.d.19.
Confidence level: Certain
Baron Edward Herbert of Cherbury (Male, born 1583, died 1648)
Genre: Lives
The life of Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury. Written by himself.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1770. Format: 4to.
Editors: Walpole, Horace
Number of borrowings: 17
ESTC: T143437
Baron Edward Herbert of Cherbury (Male, born 1583, died 1648)
Genre: Lives
Life of Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Written by Himself
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Malcolm Laing of Strenzie
Author: Baron Edward Herbert of Cherbury (Male, born 1583, died 1648), Genre: Lives
Life of Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Written by Himself
Record ID 206495
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/16 (1789-1791, Type: Other). Page: 300
Stows Survey of London 2 vol
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Mr Malcolm Laing of Strenzie
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1785. Life dates: 1762-1818.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Politics/Office Holders > MP (Britain).
John Stow (Male, born c.1525, died 1605), John Strype (Male, born 1643, died 1737)
Genre: Travel
Survey of the cities of London and Westminster [Stow]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: A.46.a.13-14.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
John Stow (Male, born c.1525, died 1605), John Strype (Male, born 1643, died 1737)
Genre: Travel
A survey of the cities of London and Westminster: containing the original, antiquity, increase, modern estate and government of those cities.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1720. Format: folio. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 10 times in 5 borrowing records
ESTC: T48975
John Stow (Male, born c.1525, died 1605), John Strype (Male, born 1643, died 1737)
Genre: Travel
Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Malcolm Laing of Strenzie
Author: John Stow (Male, born c.1525, died 1605), John Strype (Male, born 1643, died 1737), Genre: Travel
Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 206477
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/16 (1789-1791, Type: Other). Page: 300
Strypes Reformation 4 vol.
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Mr Malcolm Laing of Strenzie
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1785. Life dates: 1762-1818.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Politics/Office Holders > MP (Britain).
John Strype (Male, born 1643, died 1737)
Genre: History, Genre: Theology
Annals of the Reformation and establishment of religion, and other various occurrences in the Church of England [Strype]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: C.36.c.11-13.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
Confidence level: Certain
John Strype (Male, born 1643, died 1737)
Genre: History, Genre: Theology
Annals of the Reformation and establishment of religion, and other various occurrences in the Church of England; During the First Twelve Years of Queen Elizabeth’s Happy reign. Wherein Account is given of the Restoring of religion from its Corruptions introduced under Queen Mary; Of filling the Sees with Protestant Bishops; Of the Famous Synod assembled in the Year MDLXII. Of the Workings and Endeavours of the Papists; And of the first Appearances of the Dissension from the Church Established. Compiled faithfully out of Papers of State, Authentick Records, Publick Registers, Private Letters, and other Original Manuscripts. Together with an appendix or repository, Containing the most Important of them.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1725. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 11 times in 4 borrowing records
ESTC: T140655
John Strype (Male, born 1643, died 1737)
Genre: History, Genre: Theology
Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion, and Other Various Occurrences in the Church of England
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Malcolm Laing of Strenzie
Author: John Strype (Male, born 1643, died 1737), Genre: History, Genre: Theology
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
Record ID 206501
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/16 (1789-1791, Type: Other). Page: 300
Foxes Martyrs 3 vol
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Mr Malcolm Laing of Strenzie
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1785. Life dates: 1762-1818.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Politics/Office Holders > MP (Britain).
John Foxe (Male, born 1516, died 1587)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Theology
Foxe's Book of Martyrs (original title)
Acts and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the Church, with an vniuersall historie of the same. (standardised title)
Possible modern shelfmark: E.163.b.1-3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Certain
John Foxe (Male, born 1516, died 1587)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Theology
Acts and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the Church, with an vniuersall historie of the same. Wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these later times of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions against the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperors, as now lately practised by Romish prelats, especially in this realme of England and Scotland.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1631-1632. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 3 times in 1 borrowing record
ESTC: S123057
John Foxe (Male, born 1516, died 1587)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Theology
Acts and Monuments of Matters Most Special and Memorable
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Malcolm Laing of Strenzie
Author: John Foxe (Male, born 1516, died 1587), Genre: Lives, Genre: Theology
Acts and Monuments of Matters Most Special and Memorable
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 206447
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/16 (1789-1791, Type: Other). Page: 301
Heyleys Plays
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Mr William Maxwell Morison
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1784. Life dates: d. 1821.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Author. Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff.
William Hayley (Male, born 1745, died 1820)
Genre: Drama
Plays of three acts; written for a private theatre [Hayley]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: [Al].1/2.9.
Confidence level: Certain
William Hayley (Male, born 1745, died 1820)
Genre: Drama
Plays of three acts; written for a private theatre.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1784. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 7
ESTC: T90106
William Hayley (Male, born 1745, died 1820)
Genre: Drama
Plays of Three Acts; Written for a Private Theatre
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr William Maxwell Morison
Author: William Hayley (Male, born 1745, died 1820), Genre: Drama
Record ID 206441
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/16 (1789-1791, Type: Other). Page: 301
Burrows Reports fol
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Mr Edward Armstrong
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1781.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff.
James Burrow (Male, born 1701, died 1782)
Genre: Law
Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King’s Bench, since the death of Lord Raymond [Burrow]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: TR E.159.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Confidence level: Certain
James Burrow (Male, born 1701, died 1782)
Genre: Law
Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King’s Bench, since the death of Lord Raymond; in four parts, Distributed according to the Times of his four Successors, Lord Hardwicke, Sir William Lee, Sir Dudley Ryder, and Lord Mansfield.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1766-1780. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 75 times in 28 borrowing records
ESTC: T97747
James Burrow (Male, born 1701, died 1782)
Genre: Law
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King’s Bench, since the Death of Lord Raymond
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Edward Armstrong
Author: James Burrow (Male, born 1701, died 1782), Genre: Law
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King’s Bench, since the Death of Lord Raymond
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Record ID 206459
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/16 (1789-1791, Type: Other). Page: 301
Haleys essay on Epic Poetry 2 vol 4to
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Mr William Maxwell Morison
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1784. Life dates: d. 1821.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Author. Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff.
William Hayley (Male, born 1745, died 1820)
Genre: Belles Lettres
An essay on epic poetry; in five epistles to the Revd. Mr. Mason [Hayley]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: [Ai].1/1.13.
Confidence level: Certain
William Hayley (Male, born 1745, died 1820)
Genre: Belles Lettres
An essay on epic poetry; in five epistles to the Revd. Mr. Mason.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1782. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 6
ESTC: T1749
William Hayley (Male, born 1745, died 1820)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Essay on Epic Poetry
Borrowed: 1791/2/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1791/3/17 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr William Maxwell Morison
Author: William Hayley (Male, born 1745, died 1820), Genre: Belles Lettres