An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers' Registers
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Date of borrowing: 1810/9/17
Your search matched 3 borrowing records.
Record ID 340245
Library: Leighton Library. Register: Ledger 1 (1780-1840, Type: Town). Page: 230
Middleton's freeEnquiry -One Qto
Borrowed: 1810/9/17 (Monday). Returned: 1810/10/31 (Wednesday).
Henry Home Drummond
Gender: Male. Address: Blair Drummond.
Subs Date: 1810. Subs: £1.1. Life dates: 1783-1867.
Conyers Middleton (Male, born 1683, died 1750)
Genre: Theology
A free enquiry into the miraculous powers, which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian church.
Language: English. Publication Place: London. Publication Year: 1749. Format: 4to (quarto). Modern shelfmark: Leighton 14-D-2.
Confidence level: Certain
Conyers Middleton (Male, born 1683, died 1750)
Genre: Theology
A free inquiry into the miraculous powers, which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church, from the earliest ages through several successive centuries. By which it is shewn, That we have no sufficient Reason to believe, upon the Authority of the Primitive Fathers, That any such Powers were continued to the Church, after the Days of the Apostles.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 24
ESTC: T2703
Conyers Middleton (Male, born 1683, died 1750)
Genre: Theology
Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers, which are Supposed to have Subsisted in the Christian Church
Borrowed: 1810/9/17 (Monday). Returned: 1810/10/31 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Henry Home Drummond
Author: Conyers Middleton (Male, born 1683, died 1750), Genre: Theology
Record ID 340244
Library: Leighton Library. Register: Ledger 1 (1780-1840, Type: Town). Page: 230
Alison on Taste - One Qto
Borrowed: 1810/9/17 (Monday). Returned: 1810/10/31 (Wednesday).
Henry Home Drummond
Gender: Male. Address: Blair Drummond.
Subs Date: 1810. Subs: £1.1. Life dates: 1783-1867.
Archibald Alison (Male, born 1757, died 1839)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Essays on the nature and principles of taste.
Language: English. Publication Place: Edinburgh. Publication Year: 1790. Format: 4to (quarto). Modern shelfmark: Leighton 14-D-3.
Confidence level: Certain
Archibald Alison (Male, born 1757, died 1839)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1790. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 38
ESTC: T143357
Archibald Alison (Male, born 1757, died 1839)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste
Borrowed: 1810/9/17 (Monday). Returned: 1810/10/31 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Henry Home Drummond
Author: Archibald Alison (Male, born 1757, died 1839), Genre: Belles Lettres
Record ID 33294
Library: Selkirk Library. Register: volume 2 (1810-1814, Type: Town). Page: 1010464
Pamphlets 13 v
Borrowed: 1810/9/17 (Monday). Returned: 1810/12/3 (Monday).
Reverend Dr Robert Douglas
Gender: Male. Address: Galashiels.
Occupation (original): Minister.
Life dates: 1747-1820.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Arts and Letters > Author.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 13
Borrowed: 1810/9/17 (Monday). Returned: 1810/12/3 (Monday).
Borrower: Reverend Dr Robert Douglas
Volumes borrowed: Volume 13