Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Book Edition: The extraordinary red book : containing a list of all places, pensions, and sinecures, with the various salaries and emoluments arising therefrom, the expenditure of the Civil List up to 1818, a list of commissaries and other persons indebted to the public, with a complete view of the finance and debt of Great Britain : with a variety of official documents never before published : together with a correct list of the new Parliament

Your search matched 10 borrowing records.

The extraordinary red book : containing a list of all places, pensions, and sinecures, with the various salaries and emoluments arising therefrom, the expenditure of the Civil List up to 1818, a list of commissaries and other persons indebted to the public, with a complete view of the finance and debt of Great Britain : with a variety of official documents never before published : together with a correct list of the new Parliament


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