An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers' Registers
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Date of borrowing: 1791/12/22
Your search matched 2 borrowing records.
Record ID 88628
Library: Craigston Castle Library. Register: Register (1768-1830, Type: Other). Page: 17
T. Livium Ap. Manutium
Borrowed: 1791/12/22 (Thursday).
Mr James Uruqhart of Meldrum
Gender: Male.
Borrower entry: Mr Urquhart Shrf. Life dates: 1759-1835.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff.
Livy (Male, born c.BCE64, died 12)
Genre: History
T. Livii Patavini, historiarum ab urbe condita, libri, qui extant, XXXV … adiunctis scholijs Caroli Sigonii … Secunda editio
Confidence level: Certain
Livy (Male, born c.BCE64, died 12)
Genre: History
T. Livii Patavini historiarum ab urbe condita, libri, qui extant, XXXV. cum universæ historiæ epitomis, a C. Sigonio emendati; cujus etiam scholia simul eduntur, etc.
Language: Latin . Published: Venice. Date of publication: 1566. Format: folio.
Editors: Sigonio
Number of borrowings: 1
Livy (Male, born c.BCE64, died 12)
Genre: History
Patavini Historiarum
Borrowed: 1791/12/22 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr James Uruqhart of Meldrum
Record ID 88625
Library: Craigston Castle Library. Register: Register (1768-1830, Type: Other). Page: 17
Art of Thinking 2 Vol,
Borrowed: 1791/12/22 (Thursday).
Mr Cruickshank
Gender: Male. Address: Turriff.
Occupation (original): Minister.
Borrower entry: Mr. Cruickshank Turriff.
Jean-Pierre de Crousaz (Male, born 1663, died 1750)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
New treatise of the art of thinking: or, A compleat system of reflections, concerning the conduct and improvement of the mind. Illustrated with variety of characters and examples drawn from the ordinary occurences of life. Written in French by Mr. Crousaz, … Done into English. In two volumes
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Jean-Pierre de Crousaz (Male, born 1663, died 1750)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
A new treatise of the art of thinking; or, a compleat system of reflections, concerning the conduct and improvement of the mind.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1724. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 9 times in 5 borrowing records
ESTC: T141100
Jean-Pierre de Crousaz (Male, born 1663, died 1750)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
New Treatise of the Art of Thinking
Borrowed: 1791/12/22 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Cruickshank
Author: Jean-Pierre de Crousaz (Male, born 1663, died 1750), Genre: Philosophy and Morality
New Treatise of the Art of Thinking
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2