Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Year of publication: 1722-1730

Your search matched 6249 borrowing records.



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Page 16 of 63

Record ID 187

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 10v

Senecae Opera

Borrowed: 1757/12/19 (Monday). Returned: 1758/1/4 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 19 Dec 1757. Original Returned Date: 4 Jan 1758. Professor 1: Adam Smith.


William McMaster
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: William McMaster.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731)
Genre: Medicine
Opera omnia anatomico-medico-chirugica, huc usque edita ... Cum figuris æneis.
Press: BL. Shelf: 2. Number: 7.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731)
Genre: Medicine
F. Ruyschii ... Opera omnia anatomico-medico-chirurgica hucusque edita.
Language: Latin . Published: Amsterdam. Date of publication: 1722-1743. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 18 times in 16 borrowing records

Book Work

Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731)
Genre: Medicine
Opera Omnia Anatomico-Medico-Chirurgica

Borrowed: 1757/12/19 (Monday). Returned: 1758/1/4 (Wednesday).

Borrower: William McMaster

Author: Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731), Genre: Medicine

Opera Omnia Anatomico-Medico-Chirurgica

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 207

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 11r

Reading's Sermons Vol 2d

Borrowed: 1757/12/29 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/2/10 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 29 Dec 1757. Original Returned Date: 10 Feb 1758. Professor 1: William Leechman.


Archibald Campbell
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Greek, Natural Philosophy, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Campbell.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Reading (Male, born 1674, died 1744)
Genre: Sermons
Fifty two sermons for every Sunday of the year MDCCXXVII ...
Press: AP. Shelf: 6. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk9-f.6-7. Original Author: Reading, William, 1674-1744..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Reading (Male, born 1674, died 1744)
Genre: Sermons
Fifty two sermons for every Sunday of the year MDCCXXVII. Preached out of the first lessons at morning prayer. By William Reading, M. A. Keeper of the Library at Sion-College. In two volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1728. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 26 times in 20 borrowing records

Book Work

William Reading (Male, born 1674, died 1744)
Genre: Sermons
Fifty Two Sermons for every Sunday of the Year MDCCXXVII

Borrowed: 1757/12/29 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/2/10 (Friday).

Borrower: Archibald Campbell

Author: William Reading (Male, born 1674, died 1744), Genre: Sermons

Fifty Two Sermons for every Sunday of the Year MDCCXXVII

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 195

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 11r

Academy de Belles Letteres vols 7 & 2

Borrowed: 1757/12/24 (Saturday). Original Borrowed Date: 24 Dec 1757. Professor 1: William Leechman.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (France) (Unspecified)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Mémoires de litérature tirés des registres [et Histoire] de l'Académie royale des inscriptions et belles-lettres depuis son renouvellement jusqu'en 1710.
Press: AY. Shelf: 2. Number: 7. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bh2-k.1-4. Original Author: Académie des inscriptions & belles-lettres (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 7

Record ID 197

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 11r

Hederici Lexicon

Borrowed: 1757/12/26 (Monday). Returned: 1758/1/9 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 26 Dec 1757. Original Returned Date: 9 Jan 1758. Professor 1: Adam Smith.


Henry McKinlay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: Henry McKinlay.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748)
Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works
Lexicon manuale Graecum ... in tres partes, videlicet hermeneuticam, analyticam, et syntheticam, divisum ... Recensitum et plurimum auctum à Sam. Patrick.
Press: AI. Shelf: 5. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn2-g.12  . Original Author: Hederich, Benjamin, 1675-1748..

Borrowed: 1757/12/26 (Monday). Returned: 1758/1/9 (Monday).

Borrower: Henry McKinlay

Author: Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748), Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works

Lexicon Manuale Graecum

Record ID 214

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 11v

History of y Knights of Malta fren

Borrowed: 1758/1/4 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/1/19 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 4 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 19 Jan 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.


William McGill
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: William McGill.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Abbé René Aubert de Vertot (Male, born 1655, died 1735)
Genre: History
Histoire des Chevaliers hospitaliers de S Jean de Jerusalem, appellez depuis les Chevaliers de Rhodes. et aujourd'hui les Chevaliers de Malte (Paris, 1726)
Press: AH. Shelf: 3. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RQ 751-4. Original Author: Vertot, abbé de, 1655-1735..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Abbé René Aubert de Vertot (Male, born 1655, died 1735)
Genre: History
Histoire des Chevaliers hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem appellez depuis Chevaliers de Rhodes, et aujourd'hui Chevaliers de Malthe.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1726. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 24 times in 12 borrowing records

Book Work

Abbé René Aubert de Vertot (Male, born 1655, died 1735)
Genre: History
History of the Knights Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem, styled afterwards, the Knights of Rhodes, and at present, the Knights of Malta

Record ID 219

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 11v

Hederici Lexicon

Borrowed: 1758/1/9 (Monday). Returned: 1758/1/24 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 9 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 24 Jan 1758. Professor 1: Adam Smith.


Henry McKinlay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: Henry McKinlay.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748)
Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works
Lexicon manuale Graecum ... in tres partes, videlicet hermeneuticam, analyticam, et syntheticam, divisum ... Recensitum et plurimum auctum à Sam. Patrick.
Press: AI. Shelf: 5. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn2-g.12  . Original Author: Hederich, Benjamin, 1675-1748..

Borrowed: 1758/1/9 (Monday). Returned: 1758/1/24 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Henry McKinlay

Author: Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748), Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works

Lexicon Manuale Graecum

Record ID 224

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 12r

The Natural History of the Earth

Borrowed: 1758/1/11 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/1/25 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 11 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 25 Jan 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


Thomas Stewart
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Ethics, Moral Philosophy, Theology, Natural Philosophy, Physic. Original Full Name: Thomas Stewart.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

John Woodward (Male, born 1665, died 1728)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Natural history of the earth, illustrated, and inlarged; as also defended, and the objectons against it, particularly those lately publish'd by Dr Camerarius, answered / written originally in Latin by John Woodward ... and now first made English by Benj. Holloway ...
Press: AU. Shelf: 6. Number: 16. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi1-h.2  . Original Author: Woodward, John, 1665-1728..

Borrowed: 1758/1/11 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/1/25 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Thomas Stewart

Author: John Woodward (Male, born 1665, died 1728), Genre: Natural Philosophy

Natural History of the Earth

Record ID 234

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 12r

Weston's Short Hand

Borrowed: 1758/1/18 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/2/1 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 18 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 1 Feb 1758. Professor 1: George Muirhead.


Thomas Hynd
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek. Original Full Name: Thomas Hynd.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Stenography compleated, or the art of short-hand brought to perfection
Press: AS. Shelf: 4. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-f.11  . Original Author: Weston, James..

Borrowed: 1758/1/18 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/2/1 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Thomas Hynd

Author: James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Stenography Compleated

Record ID 237

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 12r

Histoire De Cheveux de Malta V: 1st

Borrowed: 1758/1/19 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/1/30 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 19 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 30 Jan 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.


William McGill
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: William McGill.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Abbé René Aubert de Vertot (Male, born 1655, died 1735)
Genre: History
Histoire des Chevaliers hospitaliers de S Jean de Jerusalem, appellez depuis les Chevaliers de Rhodes. et aujourd'hui les Chevaliers de Malte (Paris, 1726)
Press: AH. Shelf: 3. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RQ 751-4. Original Author: Vertot, abbé de, 1655-1735..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Abbé René Aubert de Vertot (Male, born 1655, died 1735)
Genre: History
Histoire des Chevaliers hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem appellez depuis Chevaliers de Rhodes, et aujourd'hui Chevaliers de Malthe.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1726. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 24 times in 12 borrowing records

Book Work

Abbé René Aubert de Vertot (Male, born 1655, died 1735)
Genre: History
History of the Knights Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem, styled afterwards, the Knights of Rhodes, and at present, the Knights of Malta

Record ID 227

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 12r

Derham's Phis: Theology

Borrowed: 1758/1/12 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/1/26 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 12 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 26 Jan 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.


John Baird
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: John Baird.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Derham (Male, born 1657, died 1735)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Theology
Physico-theology: or, a demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from his works of creation. : Being the substance of sixteen sermons preached in St. Mary-le-Bow-Church, London; at the Honourable Mr. Boyle's lectures, in the years 1711 and 1712. : With large notes, and many curious observations / by W. Derham.
Press: CE. Shelf: 4. Number: 28. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RB 3331  . Original Author: Derham, William, 1657-1735..

Record ID 240

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 12v

Sophocles Opera

Borrowed: 1758/1/19 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/2/1 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 19 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 1 Feb 1758. Professor 1: None.


James Morehead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: James Morehead.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Sophokleous Ai epta tragodiai. Sophocles Tragoediae septem. Cum versione Latina & selectis quibusdam variis lectionibus.
Press: CR. Shelf: 6. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bo8-m.18  . Original Author: Sophocles..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Sophokleous hai hepta tragōdiai. = Sophoclis tragoediæ septem.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1722. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 9 times in 7 borrowing records

Book Work

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Tragedies of Sophocles

Borrowed: 1758/1/19 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/2/1 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Morehead

Author: Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406), Genre: Drama

Tragedies of Sophocles

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 243

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 12v

Clarkes Homer Iliad Vol 1st

Borrowed: 1758/1/20 (Friday). Returned: 1758/5/11 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 20 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 11 May 1758. Professor 1: George Muirhead.


John Robison
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Chemistry. Original Full Name: John Robison. Life dates: 1739-1805.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry
Ilias Graece et Latine. Annotationes ... scripsit atque edidit Samuel Clarke, S.T.P.
Press: A. Shelf: 2. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn8-e.7-8. Original Author: Homer..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry
Homeri Ilias Græce et Latine. Annotationes in usum serenissimi principis Gulielmi Augusti, Ducis de Cumberland, &c.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1729-1732. Format: 4to.
Editors: Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1683
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 116 times in 93 borrowing records

Book Work

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry

Borrowed: 1758/1/20 (Friday). Returned: 1758/5/11 (Thursday).

Borrower: John Robison

Author: Homer (Male), Genre: Poetry


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 252

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 12v

Hederici Lexicon

Borrowed: 1758/1/24 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/2/6 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 24 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 6 Feb 1758. Professor 1: Adam Smith.


Henry McKinlay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: Henry McKinlay.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748)
Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works
Lexicon manuale Graecum ... in tres partes, videlicet hermeneuticam, analyticam, et syntheticam, divisum ... Recensitum et plurimum auctum à Sam. Patrick.
Press: AI. Shelf: 5. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn2-g.12  . Original Author: Hederich, Benjamin, 1675-1748..

Borrowed: 1758/1/24 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/2/6 (Monday).

Borrower: Henry McKinlay

Author: Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748), Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works

Lexicon Manuale Graecum

Record ID 267

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 13r

Sophoclis Opera

Borrowed: 1758/2/1 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 1 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 21 Feb 1758. Professor 1: None.


James Morehead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: James Morehead.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Sophokleous Ai epta tragodiai. Sophocles Tragoediae septem. Cum versione Latina & selectis quibusdam variis lectionibus.
Press: CR. Shelf: 6. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bo8-m.18  . Original Author: Sophocles..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Sophokleous hai hepta tragōdiai. = Sophoclis tragoediæ septem.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1722. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 9 times in 7 borrowing records

Book Work

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Tragedies of Sophocles

Borrowed: 1758/2/1 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Morehead

Author: Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406), Genre: Drama

Tragedies of Sophocles

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 263

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 13r

Hamiltons Travels vol. 9th

Borrowed: 1758/1/31 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/2/10 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 31 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 10 Feb 1758. Professor 1: James Moor.


Hugh Scott
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: Hugh Scott.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Alexander Hamilton (Male, died c.1732)
Genre: Travel
New account of the East Indies, being the observations and remarks of Capt. Alexander Hamilton, who spent his time there from the year 1688, to 1723 ...
Press: BT. Shelf: 5. Number: 16. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-g.22  . Original Author: Hamilton, Alexander, -1732?..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1758/1/31 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/2/10 (Friday).

Borrower: Hugh Scott

Author: Alexander Hamilton (Male, died c.1732), Genre: Travel

New Account of the East Indies

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 256

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 13r

Derhams Phisocotheology

Borrowed: 1758/1/26 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/2/9 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 26 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 9 Feb 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.


Robert Telfer
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Theology. Original Full Name: Robert Telfer.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Derham (Male, born 1657, died 1735)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Theology
Physico-theology: or, a demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from his works of creation. : Being the substance of sixteen sermons preached in St. Mary-le-Bow-Church, London; at the Honourable Mr. Boyle's lectures, in the years 1711 and 1712. : With large notes, and many curious observations / by W. Derham.
Press: CE. Shelf: 4. Number: 28. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RB 3331  . Original Author: Derham, William, 1657-1735..

Record ID 264

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 13r

Westerhovii Terentius

Borrowed: 1758/1/31 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/2/14 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 31 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 14 Feb 1758. Professor 1: James Clow. Professor 2: George Muirhead. Professor 3: James Moor.


Alexander Gillies
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Moral Philosophy, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Physic, Theology, Divinity. Original Full Name: Alexander Gillies.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Terence (Male)
Genre: Drama
Comodiae sex, ad fidem duodecim amplius MSStorum codicum, et pluscularum optimae notae editionum recensitae, et commentario perpetuo illustratae. Accedunt interpretes vetustiores, Aelius Donatus, Eugraphius, Calphurnius ... additis observationibus ... Porro Frid. Lindenbruchii observationes in P. Terentii fabulas, et Ael.Donati commentarium, emendatius quam in superioribus editionibus exhibentur. Demum indices locupletissimi ... Curavit Arn. Henr. Westerhovius
Press: F. Shelf: 6. Number: 7. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bh4-e.13-15. Original Author: Terence..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Terence (Male)
Genre: Drama
P. Terentii Afri comoediae sex, ad fidem duodecim amplius msstorum codicum, et pluscularum optimae notae editionum recensitae, et commentario perpetuo illustratae.
Language: Latin . Published: The Hague. Date of publication: 1726. Format: 4to.
Editors: Westerhoff, Arnoldus Henricus, -1737?.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 17 times in 9 borrowing records

Book Work

Terence (Male)
Genre: Drama
Comedies [Terence]

Borrowed: 1758/1/31 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/2/14 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Alexander Gillies

Author: Terence (Male), Genre: Drama

Comedies [Terence]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 261

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 13r

Clarke's Sermons vol.s 9th & 10th

Borrowed: 1758/1/30 (Monday). Returned: 1758/2/17 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 30 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 17 Feb 1758. Professor 1: Adam Smith.


Francis Ledlie
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Physic. Original Full Name: Francis Ledlie.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...
Press: AP. Shelf: 6. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10. Original Author: Clarke, Samuel, 1675-1729..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 9, Volume 10

Borrowed: 1758/1/30 (Monday). Returned: 1758/2/17 (Friday).

Borrower: Francis Ledlie

Author: Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Samuel Clarke]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 9, Volume 10

Record ID 276

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 13v

History of Virginia

Borrowed: 1758/2/1 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/2/8 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 1 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 8 Feb 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


Andrew Lutch
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Andrew Lutch.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Nathaniel Crouch (Male, born c.1632, died c.1725)
Genre: History
History of Virginia, in four parts ...
Press: AR. Shelf: 5. Number: 11. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bh10-h.15. Original Author: Crouch, Nathaniel, 1632?-1725?..

Borrowed: 1758/2/1 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/2/8 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Andrew Lutch

Author: Nathaniel Crouch (Male, born c.1632, died c.1725), Genre: History

History of Virginia

Record ID 274

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 13v

Westons Short hand

Borrowed: 1758/2/1 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/2/24 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 1 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 24 Feb 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


Thomas Hynd
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek. Original Full Name: Thomas Hynd.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Stenography compleated, or the art of short-hand brought to perfection
Press: AS. Shelf: 4. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-f.11  . Original Author: Weston, James..

Borrowed: 1758/2/1 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/2/24 (Friday).

Borrower: Thomas Hynd

Author: James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Stenography Compleated

Record ID 281

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 14r

Clarkes Sermons vol. 6

Borrowed: 1758/2/3 (Friday). Returned: 1758/3/23 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 3 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 23 Mar 1758. Professor 1: William Leechman.


Hugh Scott
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: Hugh Scott.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...
Press: AP. Shelf: 6. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10. Original Author: Clarke, Samuel, 1675-1729..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Borrowed: 1758/2/3 (Friday). Returned: 1758/3/23 (Thursday).

Borrower: Hugh Scott

Author: Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Samuel Clarke]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Record ID 290

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 14r

Hederici Lexicon

Borrowed: 1758/2/6 (Monday). Returned: 1758/2/20 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 6 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 20 Feb 1758. Professor 1: Adam Smith.


Henry McKinlay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: Henry McKinlay.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748)
Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works
Lexicon manuale Graecum ... in tres partes, videlicet hermeneuticam, analyticam, et syntheticam, divisum ... Recensitum et plurimum auctum à Sam. Patrick.
Press: AI. Shelf: 5. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn2-g.12  . Original Author: Hederich, Benjamin, 1675-1748..

Borrowed: 1758/2/6 (Monday). Returned: 1758/2/20 (Monday).

Borrower: Henry McKinlay

Author: Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748), Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works

Lexicon Manuale Graecum

Record ID 283

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 14r

Memoirs of an English Officer

Borrowed: 1758/2/3 (Friday). Returned: 1758/3/23 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 3 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 23 Mar 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


Andrew Lutch
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Andrew Lutch.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

George Carleton (Male)
Genre: Lives
Memoirs of an English officer, who serv'd in the Dutch war in 1672, to the peace of Utrecht, in 1713 ...
Press: AR. Shelf: 5. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-h.14  . Original Author: Carleton, George, active 1728..

Record ID 299

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 14v

Derhams Physicotheology

Borrowed: 1758/2/9 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 9 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 21 Feb 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.


Robert Telfer
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Theology. Original Full Name: Robert Telfer.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Derham (Male, born 1657, died 1735)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Theology
Physico-theology: or, a demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from his works of creation. : Being the substance of sixteen sermons preached in St. Mary-le-Bow-Church, London; at the Honourable Mr. Boyle's lectures, in the years 1711 and 1712. : With large notes, and many curious observations / by W. Derham.
Press: CE. Shelf: 4. Number: 28. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RB 3331  . Original Author: Derham, William, 1657-1735..

Record ID 311

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 15r

Weston's Short hand

Borrowed: 1758/2/14 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/2/28 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 14 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 28 Feb 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


Thomas Stewart
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Ethics, Moral Philosophy, Theology, Natural Philosophy, Physic. Original Full Name: Thomas Stewart.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Stenography compleated, or the art of short-hand brought to perfection
Press: AS. Shelf: 4. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-f.11  . Original Author: Weston, James..

Borrowed: 1758/2/14 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/2/28 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Thomas Stewart

Author: James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Stenography Compleated

Record ID 309

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 15r

Westerhovii Terentius

Borrowed: 1758/2/14 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/3/6 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 14 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 6 Mar 1758. Professor 1: Adam Smith. Professor 2: James Moor. Professor 3: James Clow.


Alexander Gillies
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Moral Philosophy, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Physic, Theology, Divinity. Original Full Name: Alexander Gillies.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Terence (Male)
Genre: Drama
Comodiae sex, ad fidem duodecim amplius MSStorum codicum, et pluscularum optimae notae editionum recensitae, et commentario perpetuo illustratae. Accedunt interpretes vetustiores, Aelius Donatus, Eugraphius, Calphurnius ... additis observationibus ... Porro Frid. Lindenbruchii observationes in P. Terentii fabulas, et Ael.Donati commentarium, emendatius quam in superioribus editionibus exhibentur. Demum indices locupletissimi ... Curavit Arn. Henr. Westerhovius
Press: F. Shelf: 6. Number: 7. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bh4-e.13-15. Original Author: Terence..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Terence (Male)
Genre: Drama
P. Terentii Afri comoediae sex, ad fidem duodecim amplius msstorum codicum, et pluscularum optimae notae editionum recensitae, et commentario perpetuo illustratae.
Language: Latin . Published: The Hague. Date of publication: 1726. Format: 4to.
Editors: Westerhoff, Arnoldus Henricus, -1737?.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 17 times in 9 borrowing records

Book Work

Terence (Male)
Genre: Drama
Comedies [Terence]

Borrowed: 1758/2/14 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/3/6 (Monday).

Borrower: Alexander Gillies

Author: Terence (Male), Genre: Drama

Comedies [Terence]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 314

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 15r

Bedfords Chronology

Borrowed: 1758/2/15 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 15 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 21 Feb 1758. Professor 1: William Leechman.


William Stephen
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: William Stephen.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Arthur Bedford (Male, born 1668, died 1745)
Genre: Theology
Scripture chronology demonstrated by astronomical calculations, and also by the year of jubilee, and the sabbatical year among the Jews: or, An account of time from the creation of the world, to the destruction of Jerusalem; as it may be proved from the writings of the Old and New Testament.
Press: AU. Shelf: 5. Number: 11. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RF 455  . Original Author: Bedford, Arthur, 1668-1745..

Borrowed: 1758/2/15 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday).

Borrower: William Stephen

Author: Arthur Bedford (Male, born 1668, died 1745), Genre: Theology

Scripture Chronology Demonstrated by Astronomical Calculations

Record ID 327

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 15v

Hamiltons Travels 2 Vols

Borrowed: 1758/2/20 (Monday). Returned: 1758/3/13 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 20 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 13 Mar 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


William Dunlop
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek, Logic, Natural Philosophy. Original Full Name: William Dunlop.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Alexander Hamilton (Male, died c.1732)
Genre: Travel
New account of the East Indies, being the observations and remarks of Capt. Alexander Hamilton, who spent his time there from the year 1688, to 1723 ...
Press: BT. Shelf: 5. Number: 16. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-g.22  . Original Author: Hamilton, Alexander, -1732?..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1758/2/20 (Monday). Returned: 1758/3/13 (Monday).

Borrower: William Dunlop

Author: Alexander Hamilton (Male, died c.1732), Genre: Travel

New Account of the East Indies

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 336

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 16r

Senecae Opera

Borrowed: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/3/10 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 21 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 10 Mar 1758. Professor 1: James Moor.


Robert Telfer
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Theology. Original Full Name: Robert Telfer.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731)
Genre: Medicine
Opera omnia anatomico-medico-chirugica, huc usque edita ... Cum figuris æneis.
Press: BL. Shelf: 2. Number: 7.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731)
Genre: Medicine
F. Ruyschii ... Opera omnia anatomico-medico-chirurgica hucusque edita.
Language: Latin . Published: Amsterdam. Date of publication: 1722-1743. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 18 times in 16 borrowing records

Book Work

Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731)
Genre: Medicine
Opera Omnia Anatomico-Medico-Chirurgica

Borrowed: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/3/10 (Friday).

Borrower: Robert Telfer

Author: Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731), Genre: Medicine

Opera Omnia Anatomico-Medico-Chirurgica

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 334

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 16r

Newton's Chronology

Borrowed: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/3/8 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 21 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 8 Mar 1758. Professor 1: James Buchanan.


John Coulter
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: John Coulter.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20)
Genre: History
Chronology of ancient kingdoms amended. To which is prefix'd a short chronicle from the first memory of things in Europe, to the conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great.
Press: BA. Shelf: 1. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bm8-f.13  . Original Author: Newton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727..

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20)
Genre: History
The chronology of ancient kingdoms amended. To which is prefix’d, a short chronicle from the first memory of things in Europe, to the conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1728. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 46

Book Work

Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20)
Genre: History
Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended

Borrowed: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/3/8 (Wednesday).

Borrower: John Coulter

Author: Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20), Genre: History

Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended

Record ID 337

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 16r

Popes Miscelanyis 2 vols

Borrowed: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/3/8 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 21 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 8 Mar 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


James Sims
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek. Original Full Name: James Sims.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Miscellanies in prose and verse.
Press: AS. Shelf: 6. Number: 4: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bh10-h.11-13. Original Author: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Miscellanies in prose and verse.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1727. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 140 times in 95 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

Borrowed: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/3/8 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Sims

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745), Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry

Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 340

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 16r

Sophoclis Opera

Borrowed: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/3/10 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 21 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 10 Mar 1758. Professor 1: None.


James Morehead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: James Morehead.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Sophokleous Ai epta tragodiai. Sophocles Tragoediae septem. Cum versione Latina & selectis quibusdam variis lectionibus.
Press: CR. Shelf: 6. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bo8-m.18  . Original Author: Sophocles..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Sophokleous hai hepta tragōdiai. = Sophoclis tragoediæ septem.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1722. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 9 times in 7 borrowing records

Book Work

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Tragedies of Sophocles

Borrowed: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/3/10 (Friday).

Borrower: James Morehead

Author: Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406), Genre: Drama

Tragedies of Sophocles

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 330

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 16r

Hederici Lexicon

Borrowed: 1758/2/20 (Monday). Returned: 1758/3/7 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 20 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 7 Mar 1758. Professor 1: James Moor.


James Sims
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek. Original Full Name: James Sims.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748)
Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works
Lexicon manuale Graecum ... in tres partes, videlicet hermeneuticam, analyticam, et syntheticam, divisum ... Recensitum et plurimum auctum à Sam. Patrick.
Press: AI. Shelf: 5. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn2-g.12  . Original Author: Hederich, Benjamin, 1675-1748..

Borrowed: 1758/2/20 (Monday). Returned: 1758/3/7 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Sims

Author: Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748), Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works

Lexicon Manuale Graecum

Record ID 357

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 16v

Switzer's Hydrostaticks 2 vol

Borrowed: 1758/3/1 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/3/10 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 1 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 10 Mar 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson. Professor 2: Adam Smith. Professor 3: John Anderson.


Samuel Barber
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Natural Philosophy, Physic, Theology. Original Full Name: Samuel Barber.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Stephen Switzer (Male, born c.1682, died 1745)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Introduction to a general system of hydrostaticks and hydraulicks ... Illustrated and explain'd by sixty copper cuts
Press: BU. Shelf: 4. Number: 13: 14. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bm9-f.15,16. Original Author: Switzer, Stephen, 1682?-1745..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1758/3/1 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/3/10 (Friday).

Borrower: Samuel Barber

Author: Stephen Switzer (Male, born c.1682, died 1745), Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Introduction to a General System of Hydrostaticks and Hydraulicks, Philosophical and Practical

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 347

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 16v

Clarke's Sermons Vol 3d

Borrowed: 1758/2/23 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/3/6 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 23 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 6 Mar 1758. Professor 1: William Leechman.


James Somervel
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: James Somervel.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...
Press: AP. Shelf: 6. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10. Original Author: Clarke, Samuel, 1675-1729..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Borrowed: 1758/2/23 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/3/6 (Monday).

Borrower: James Somervel

Author: Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Samuel Clarke]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 368

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 17r

Hederici Lexicon

Borrowed: 1758/3/7 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/3/21 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 7 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 21 Mar 1758. Professor 1: James Moor.


James Sims
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek. Original Full Name: James Sims.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748)
Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works
Lexicon manuale Graecum ... in tres partes, videlicet hermeneuticam, analyticam, et syntheticam, divisum ... Recensitum et plurimum auctum à Sam. Patrick.
Press: AI. Shelf: 5. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn2-g.12  . Original Author: Hederich, Benjamin, 1675-1748..

Borrowed: 1758/3/7 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/3/21 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Sims

Author: Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748), Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works

Lexicon Manuale Graecum

Record ID 378

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 17v

Memoirs de' l'Academie de science 1743

Borrowed: 1758/3/9 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/3/28 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 9 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 28 Mar 1758. Professor 1: Joseph Black. Professor 2: Robert Simson. Professor 3: John Anderson.


Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Record ID 386

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 18r

Sophocles Oprar [sic]

Borrowed: 1758/3/10 (Friday). Returned: 1758/3/30 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 10 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 30 Mar 1758. Professor 1: None.


James Morehead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: James Morehead.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Sophokleous Ai epta tragodiai. Sophocles Tragoediae septem. Cum versione Latina & selectis quibusdam variis lectionibus.
Press: CR. Shelf: 6. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bo8-m.18  . Original Author: Sophocles..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Sophokleous hai hepta tragōdiai. = Sophoclis tragoediæ septem.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1722. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 9 times in 7 borrowing records

Book Work

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Tragedies of Sophocles

Borrowed: 1758/3/10 (Friday). Returned: 1758/3/30 (Thursday).

Borrower: James Morehead

Author: Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406), Genre: Drama

Tragedies of Sophocles

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 390

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 18r

Hamiltons Travels

Borrowed: 1758/3/13 (Monday). Returned: 1758/3/31 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 13 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 31 Mar 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


William Dunlop
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek, Logic, Natural Philosophy. Original Full Name: William Dunlop.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Alexander Hamilton (Male, died c.1732)
Genre: Travel
New account of the East Indies, being the observations and remarks of Capt. Alexander Hamilton, who spent his time there from the year 1688, to 1723 ...
Press: BT. Shelf: 5. Number: 16. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-g.22  . Original Author: Hamilton, Alexander, -1732?..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1758/3/13 (Monday). Returned: 1758/3/31 (Friday).

Borrower: William Dunlop

Author: Alexander Hamilton (Male, died c.1732), Genre: Travel

New Account of the East Indies

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 382

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 18r

Senecae Opera

Borrowed: 1758/3/10 (Friday). Returned: 1758/3/27 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 10 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 27 Mar 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.


Robert Telfer
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Theology. Original Full Name: Robert Telfer.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731)
Genre: Medicine
Opera omnia anatomico-medico-chirugica, huc usque edita ... Cum figuris æneis.
Press: BL. Shelf: 2. Number: 7.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731)
Genre: Medicine
F. Ruyschii ... Opera omnia anatomico-medico-chirurgica hucusque edita.
Language: Latin . Published: Amsterdam. Date of publication: 1722-1743. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 18 times in 16 borrowing records

Book Work

Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731)
Genre: Medicine
Opera Omnia Anatomico-Medico-Chirurgica

Borrowed: 1758/3/10 (Friday). Returned: 1758/3/27 (Monday).

Borrower: Robert Telfer

Author: Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731), Genre: Medicine

Opera Omnia Anatomico-Medico-Chirurgica

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 383

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 18r

Chandlers Vindication of xly 2 vols

Borrowed: 1758/3/10 (Friday). Returned: 1758/3/20 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 10 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 20 Mar 1758. Professor 1: James Moor.


John Beatty
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Natural Philosophy, Physic. Original Full Name: John Beatty.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Samuel Chandler (Male, born 1693, died 1766)
Genre: Theology
Vindication of the Christian religion. : In two parts. I. A discourse of the nature and use of miracles. II. An answer to a late book entitled, A discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion
Press: AQ. Shelf: 8. Number: 7: 8. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RB 3265  . Original Author: Chandler, Samuel, 1693-1766..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Samuel Chandler (Male, born 1693, died 1766)
Genre: Theology
A Vindication of the Christian Religion. In two parts. I. A Discourse of the Nature and Use of Miracles. II. An Answer to a late Book entitled, A Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion. By Samuel Chandler.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1728. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 23 times in 15 borrowing records

Book Work

Samuel Chandler (Male, born 1693, died 1766)
Genre: Theology
Vindication of the Christian Religion [Samuel Chandler]

Borrowed: 1758/3/10 (Friday). Returned: 1758/3/20 (Monday).

Borrower: John Beatty

Author: Samuel Chandler (Male, born 1693, died 1766), Genre: Theology

Vindication of the Christian Religion [Samuel Chandler]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 403

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 18v

Hederici Lexicon

Borrowed: 1758/3/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/4/7 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 21 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 7 Apr 1758. Professor 1: James Moor.


James Sims
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek. Original Full Name: James Sims.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748)
Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works
Lexicon manuale Graecum ... in tres partes, videlicet hermeneuticam, analyticam, et syntheticam, divisum ... Recensitum et plurimum auctum à Sam. Patrick.
Press: AI. Shelf: 5. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn2-g.12  . Original Author: Hederich, Benjamin, 1675-1748..

Borrowed: 1758/3/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/4/7 (Friday).

Borrower: James Sims

Author: Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748), Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works

Lexicon Manuale Graecum

Record ID 410

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 18v

Barrow's Sermons vol 2d

Borrowed: 1758/3/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/4/5 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 21 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 5 Apr 1758. Professor 1: William Leechman.


James Martin
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Ethics, Physic. Original Full Name: James Martin.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Isaac Barrow (Male, born 1630, died 1677)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Works of the learned Isaac Barrow, D.D. (Being all his English works.) ... Published by his Grace Dr. John Tillotson, late Archbishop of Canterbury.
Press: CF. Shelf: 1. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bo10-a.4-5. Original Author: Barrow, Isaac, 1630-1677..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Isaac Barrow (Male, born 1630, died 1677)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
The works of the learned Isaac Barrow, ... Publish’d by ... Dr. John Tillotson, ... The second volume, containing sermons and expositions upon all the articles in the Apostles Creed.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1722. Format: folio.
Editors: Tillotson, John.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 36 times in 33 borrowing records

Book Work

Isaac Barrow (Male, born 1630, died 1677)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Works of the Learned Isaac Barrow

Borrowed: 1758/3/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/4/5 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Martin

Author: Isaac Barrow (Male, born 1630, died 1677), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Works of the Learned Isaac Barrow

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 401

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 18v

Clarks Sermons

Borrowed: 1758/3/17 (Friday). Returned: 1758/4/5 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 17 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 5 Apr 1758. Professor 1: James Buchanan.


Robert Muter
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher, Divinity, Logic. Original Full Name: Robert Muter.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...
Press: AP. Shelf: 6. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10. Original Author: Clarke, Samuel, 1675-1729..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1758/3/17 (Friday). Returned: 1758/4/5 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Robert Muter

Author: Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Samuel Clarke]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 405

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 18v

Clarkes Sermons

Borrowed: 1758/3/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/4/14 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 21 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 14 Apr 1758. Professor 1: William Leechman.


Hugh Gourlay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: Hugh Gourlay.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...
Press: AP. Shelf: 6. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10. Original Author: Clarke, Samuel, 1675-1729..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7, Volume 8, Volume 9, Volume 10

Borrowed: 1758/3/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/4/14 (Friday).

Borrower: Hugh Gourlay

Author: Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Samuel Clarke]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7, Volume 8, Volume 9, Volume 10

Record ID 415

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 19r

Popes Miscelanys vol 1st Vol. 2d

Borrowed: 1758/3/23 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/4/14 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 23 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 14 Apr 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.


John Best
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: John Best.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Miscellanies in prose and verse.
Press: AS. Shelf: 6. Number: 4: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bh10-h.11-13. Original Author: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Miscellanies in prose and verse.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1727. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 140 times in 95 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

Borrowed: 1758/3/23 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/4/14 (Friday).

Borrower: John Best

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745), Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry

Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 433

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 19v

Sophoclis Opera

Borrowed: 1758/3/30 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/4/16 (Sunday). Original Borrowed Date: 30 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 16 Apr 1758. Professor 1: None.


James Morehead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: James Morehead.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Sophokleous Ai epta tragodiai. Sophocles Tragoediae septem. Cum versione Latina & selectis quibusdam variis lectionibus.
Press: CR. Shelf: 6. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bo8-m.18  . Original Author: Sophocles..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Sophokleous hai hepta tragōdiai. = Sophoclis tragoediæ septem.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1722. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 9 times in 7 borrowing records

Book Work

Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Tragedies of Sophocles

Borrowed: 1758/3/30 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/4/16 (Sunday).

Borrower: James Morehead

Author: Sophocles (Male, born c.BCE496, died BCE406), Genre: Drama

Tragedies of Sophocles

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 430

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 19v

Nieuentyti Religious Philosopher

Borrowed: 1758/3/29 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/4/13 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 29 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 13 Apr 1758. Professor 1: John Anderson.


John Dean
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Theology, Natural Philosophy. Original Full Name: John Dean.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Bernard Nieuwentyt (Male, born 1654, died 1718)
Genre: Theology
Religious philosopher: or the right use of contemplating the works of the Creator ... Translated from the Low Dutch [by John Chamberlayne]. To which is prefix'd, a letter to the translator by the Reverend J.T. Desaguliers, LL.D.
Press: CC. Shelf: 4. Number: 6. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn8-h.8. Original Author: Nieuwentyt, Bernardus..

Borrowed: 1758/3/29 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/4/13 (Thursday).

Borrower: John Dean

Author: Bernard Nieuwentyt (Male, born 1654, died 1718), Genre: Theology

Religious Philosopher

Record ID 441

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 19v

Hamiltons Travels 2 vols

Borrowed: 1758/3/31 (Friday). Returned: 1758/4/13 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 31 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 13 Apr 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


William Dunlop
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek, Logic, Natural Philosophy. Original Full Name: William Dunlop.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Alexander Hamilton (Male, died c.1732)
Genre: Travel
New account of the East Indies, being the observations and remarks of Capt. Alexander Hamilton, who spent his time there from the year 1688, to 1723 ...
Press: BT. Shelf: 5. Number: 16. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-g.22  . Original Author: Hamilton, Alexander, -1732?..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1758/3/31 (Friday). Returned: 1758/4/13 (Thursday).

Borrower: William Dunlop

Author: Alexander Hamilton (Male, died c.1732), Genre: Travel

New Account of the East Indies

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 440

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 19v

Journey over Scotland

Borrowed: 1758/3/31 (Friday). Returned: 1758/4/20 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 31 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 20 Apr 1758. Professor 1: William Leechman.


Andrew Lutch
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Andrew Lutch.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Alexander Gordon (Male, born c.1692, died c.1754)
Genre: Travel
Journey over Scotland.
Press: S. Shelf: 6. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi3-c.14.

Borrowed: 1758/3/31 (Friday). Returned: 1758/4/20 (Thursday).

Borrower: Andrew Lutch

Author: Alexander Gordon (Male, born c.1692, died c.1754), Genre: Travel

Itinerarium Septentrionale

Record ID 453

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 20r

Clarkes Sermons

Borrowed: 1758/4/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/4/21 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 5 Apr 1758. Original Returned Date: 21 Apr 1758. Professor 1: William Leechman.


Robert Muter
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher, Divinity, Logic. Original Full Name: Robert Muter.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...
Press: AP. Shelf: 6. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10. Original Author: Clarke, Samuel, 1675-1729..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1758/4/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/4/21 (Friday).

Borrower: Robert Muter

Author: Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Samuel Clarke]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 458

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 20r

Hederici Lexicon

Borrowed: 1758/4/7 (Friday). Returned: 1758/4/20 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 7 Apr 1758. Original Returned Date: 20 Apr 1758. Professor 1: James Moor.


James Sims
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek. Original Full Name: James Sims.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748)
Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works
Lexicon manuale Graecum ... in tres partes, videlicet hermeneuticam, analyticam, et syntheticam, divisum ... Recensitum et plurimum auctum à Sam. Patrick.
Press: AI. Shelf: 5. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn2-g.12  . Original Author: Hederich, Benjamin, 1675-1748..

Borrowed: 1758/4/7 (Friday). Returned: 1758/4/20 (Thursday).

Borrower: James Sims

Author: Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748), Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works

Lexicon Manuale Graecum

Record ID 445

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 20r

Barcleia Theologica

Borrowed: 1758/4/3 (Monday). Returned: 1758/4/18 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 3 Apr 1758. Original Returned Date: 18 Apr 1758. Professor 1: James Buchanan.


William McGill
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: William McGill.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Robert Barclay (Male, born 1648, died 1690)
Genre: Theology
Theologiae verè Christianae apologia
Press: AP. Shelf: 5. Number: 8. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-i.22. Original Author: Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690..

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Barclay (Male, born 1648, died 1690)
Genre: Theology
Roberti Barclaii Theologiæ verè Christianæ apologia.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1729. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 2

Book Work

Robert Barclay (Male, born 1648, died 1690)
Genre: Theology
Apology for the True Christian Divinity

Borrowed: 1758/4/3 (Monday). Returned: 1758/4/18 (Tuesday).

Borrower: William McGill

Author: Robert Barclay (Male, born 1648, died 1690), Genre: Theology

Apology for the True Christian Divinity

Record ID 448

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 20r

Clarkes Sermons 4

Borrowed: 1758/4/3 (Monday). Returned: 1758/5/10 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 3 Apr 1758. Original Returned Date: 10 May 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.


John Graham
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher. Original Full Name: John Graham.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...
Press: AP. Shelf: 6. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10. Original Author: Clarke, Samuel, 1675-1729..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Borrowed: 1758/4/3 (Monday). Returned: 1758/5/10 (Wednesday).

Borrower: John Graham

Author: Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Samuel Clarke]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 465

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 20v

Newntyts Religious Philosopher

Borrowed: 1758/4/13 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/4/24 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 13 Apr 1758. Original Returned Date: 24 Apr 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


John Dean
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Theology, Natural Philosophy. Original Full Name: John Dean.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Bernard Nieuwentyt (Male, born 1654, died 1718)
Genre: Theology
Religious philosopher: or the right use of contemplating the works of the Creator ... Translated from the Low Dutch [by John Chamberlayne]. To which is prefix'd, a letter to the translator by the Reverend J.T. Desaguliers, LL.D.
Press: CC. Shelf: 4. Number: 6. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn8-h.8. Original Author: Nieuwentyt, Bernardus..

Borrowed: 1758/4/13 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/4/24 (Monday).

Borrower: John Dean

Author: Bernard Nieuwentyt (Male, born 1654, died 1718), Genre: Theology

Religious Philosopher

Record ID 475

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 20v

History of Virginia

Borrowed: 1758/4/18 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/4/28 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 18 Apr 1758. Original Returned Date: 28 Apr 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


William Dunlop
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek, Logic, Natural Philosophy. Original Full Name: William Dunlop.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Nathaniel Crouch (Male, born c.1632, died c.1725)
Genre: History
History of Virginia, in four parts ...
Press: AR. Shelf: 5. Number: 11. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bh10-h.15. Original Author: Crouch, Nathaniel, 1632?-1725?..

Borrowed: 1758/4/18 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/4/28 (Friday).

Borrower: William Dunlop

Author: Nathaniel Crouch (Male, born c.1632, died c.1725), Genre: History

History of Virginia

Record ID 481

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 21r

Hederici Lexicon

Borrowed: 1758/4/20 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/5/5 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 20 Apr 1758. Original Returned Date: 5 May 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


James Mekom
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: James Mekom.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748)
Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works
Lexicon manuale Graecum ... in tres partes, videlicet hermeneuticam, analyticam, et syntheticam, divisum ... Recensitum et plurimum auctum à Sam. Patrick.
Press: AI. Shelf: 5. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn2-g.12  . Original Author: Hederich, Benjamin, 1675-1748..

Borrowed: 1758/4/20 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/5/5 (Friday).

Borrower: James Mekom

Author: Benjamin Hederich (Male, born 1675, died 1748), Genre: Education, Genre: Reference Works

Lexicon Manuale Graecum

Record ID 486

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 21r

Innes on the ancient inhab: of Scotland

Borrowed: 1758/4/26 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/5/15 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 26 Apr 1758. Original Returned Date: 15 May 1758. Professor 1: Joseph Black.


Alexander Gillies
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Moral Philosophy, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Physic, Theology, Divinity. Original Full Name: Alexander Gillies.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Thomas Innes (Male, born 1662, died 1744)
Genre: History
Critical essay on the ancient inhabitants of the northern parts of Britain, or Scotland. Containing an account of the Romans, of the Britains betwixt the walls, of the Caledonians or Picts, and particularly of the Scots. With an appendix of ancient M.S. pieces.
Press: AR. Shelf: 1. Number: 4. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll 2418-2419. Original Author: Innes, Thomas.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Thomas Innes (Male, born 1662, died 1744)
Genre: History
A critical essay on the ancient inhabitants of the northern parts of Britain, or Scotland.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1729. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 53 times in 29 borrowing records

Book Work

Thomas Innes (Male, born 1662, died 1744)
Genre: History
Critical Essay on the Ancient Inhabitants of the Northern parts of Britain, or Scotland

Borrowed: 1758/4/26 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/5/15 (Monday).

Borrower: Alexander Gillies

Author: Thomas Innes (Male, born 1662, died 1744), Genre: History

Critical Essay on the Ancient Inhabitants of the Northern parts of Britain, or Scotland

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 484

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 21r

Clarkes Sermons

Borrowed: 1758/4/21 (Friday). Returned: 1758/5/10 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 21 Apr 1758. Original Returned Date: 10 May 1758. Professor 1: William Leechman.


Robert Muter
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher, Divinity, Logic. Original Full Name: Robert Muter.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...
Press: AP. Shelf: 6. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10. Original Author: Clarke, Samuel, 1675-1729..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1758/4/21 (Friday). Returned: 1758/5/10 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Robert Muter

Author: Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Samuel Clarke]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 497

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 21v

The history of Virginia

Borrowed: 1758/5/15 (Monday). Returned: 1758/6/1 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 15 May 1758. Original Returned Date: 1 Jun 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


John Morehead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: John Morehead.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Nathaniel Crouch (Male, born c.1632, died c.1725)
Genre: History
History of Virginia, in four parts ...
Press: AR. Shelf: 5. Number: 11. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bh10-h.15. Original Author: Crouch, Nathaniel, 1632?-1725?..

Borrowed: 1758/5/15 (Monday). Returned: 1758/6/1 (Thursday).

Borrower: John Morehead

Author: Nathaniel Crouch (Male, born c.1632, died c.1725), Genre: History

History of Virginia

Record ID 498

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 21v

Innes on the Antient Inhab: of Scot:

Borrowed: 1758/5/16 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/6/1 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 16 May 1758. Original Returned Date: 1 Jun 1758. Professor 1: James Moor.


Alexander Gillies
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Moral Philosophy, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Physic, Theology, Divinity. Original Full Name: Alexander Gillies.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Thomas Innes (Male, born 1662, died 1744)
Genre: History
Critical essay on the ancient inhabitants of the northern parts of Britain, or Scotland. Containing an account of the Romans, of the Britains betwixt the walls, of the Caledonians or Picts, and particularly of the Scots. With an appendix of ancient M.S. pieces.
Press: AR. Shelf: 1. Number: 4. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll 2418-2419. Original Author: Innes, Thomas.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Thomas Innes (Male, born 1662, died 1744)
Genre: History
A critical essay on the ancient inhabitants of the northern parts of Britain, or Scotland.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1729. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 53 times in 29 borrowing records

Book Work

Thomas Innes (Male, born 1662, died 1744)
Genre: History
Critical Essay on the Ancient Inhabitants of the Northern parts of Britain, or Scotland

Borrowed: 1758/5/16 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/6/1 (Thursday).

Borrower: Alexander Gillies

Author: Thomas Innes (Male, born 1662, died 1744), Genre: History

Critical Essay on the Ancient Inhabitants of the Northern parts of Britain, or Scotland

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 504

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 21v

Popes Odyssey vol 1st

Borrowed: 1758/6/6 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/6/24 (Saturday). Original Borrowed Date: 6 Jun 1758. Original Returned Date: 24 Jun 1758. Professor 1: None.


James Morehead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: James Morehead.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry
The Odyssey of Homer ... Translated from the Greek
Press: L. Shelf: 5. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk3-c.13-16. Original Author: Homer..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry
The Odyssey of Homer.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1725-1726. Format: folio.
Editors: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 23 times in 12 borrowing records

Book Work

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry

Borrowed: 1758/6/6 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/6/24 (Saturday).

Borrower: James Morehead

Author: Homer (Male), Genre: Poetry


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 519

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 22r

Westons Short hand

Borrowed: 1758/6/29 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/7/14 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 29 Jun 1758. Original Returned Date: 14 Jul 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.


William McQuhae
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: William McQuhae.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Stenography compleated, or the art of short-hand brought to perfection
Press: AS. Shelf: 4. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-f.11  . Original Author: Weston, James..

Borrowed: 1758/6/29 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/7/14 (Friday).

Borrower: William McQuhae

Author: James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Stenography Compleated

Record ID 526

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 22v

Hesiod's Works Translated

Borrowed: 1758/7/8 (Saturday). Returned: 1758/7/26 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 8 Jul 1758. Original Returned Date: 26 Jul 1758. Professor 1: George Muirhead.


Alexander Gillies
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Moral Philosophy, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Physic, Theology, Divinity. Original Full Name: Alexander Gillies.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Hesiod (Male)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Hesiod / translated from the Greek by Thomas Cooke.
Press: CS. Shelf: 5. Number: 4: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi7-f.20-21. Original Author: Hesiod..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Hesiod (Male)
Genre: Poetry
The works of Hesiod translated from the Greek. By Mr. Cooke.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1728. Format: 4to.
Translators: Mr Cooke
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 8 times in 4 borrowing records

Book Work

Hesiod (Male)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Hesiod

Borrowed: 1758/7/8 (Saturday). Returned: 1758/7/26 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Alexander Gillies

Author: Hesiod (Male), Genre: Poetry

Works of Hesiod

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 530

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 22v

Pierce's Longinus

Borrowed: 1758/7/19 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/8/2 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 19 Jul 1758. Original Returned Date: 2 Aug 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


Robert Rainey
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, Ethics, Theology. Original Full Name: Robert Rainey.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Longinus (Male)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
De sublimitate commentarius, quem nova versione donavit, perpetuis notis illustravit, plurimisque in locis, partim auctoritate optimorum manuscriptorum, partim conjectura, emendavit (additis etiam omnibus ejusdem auctoris fragmentis) Zacharias Pearce, A.M.
Press: X. Shelf: 6. Number: 19. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi8-e.8  . Original Author: Longinus, active 1st century..

Borrowed: 1758/7/19 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/8/2 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Robert Rainey

Author: Longinus (Male), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

On the Sublime

Record ID 538

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 23r

Rapin's history of England V.12

Borrowed: 1758/7/25 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/8/9 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 25 Jul 1758. Original Returned Date: 9 Aug 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


John Morehead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: John Morehead.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
History of England [as well ecclesiastical as civil].
Press: AR. Shelf: 6. Number: 1: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bm2-g.1-18. Original Author: Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de, 1661-1725..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 12

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
The history of England.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1725-1746. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 323 times in 232 borrowing records

Book Work

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
History of England [Paul Rapin de Thoyras]

Borrowed: 1758/7/25 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/8/9 (Wednesday).

Borrower: John Morehead

Author: Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725), Genre: History

History of England [Paul Rapin de Thoyras]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 12

Record ID 550

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 23r

Rapin's History vol 2d & 3d

Borrowed: 1758/8/9 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/8/30 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 9 Aug 1758. Original Returned Date: 30 Aug 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


John Morehead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: John Morehead.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
History of England [as well ecclesiastical as civil].
Press: AR. Shelf: 6. Number: 1: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bm2-g.1-18. Original Author: Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de, 1661-1725..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
The history of England.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1725-1746. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 323 times in 232 borrowing records

Book Work

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
History of England [Paul Rapin de Thoyras]

Borrowed: 1758/8/9 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/8/30 (Wednesday).

Borrower: John Morehead

Author: Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725), Genre: History

History of England [Paul Rapin de Thoyras]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 553

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 23v

Westons Short-hand

Borrowed: 1758/8/9 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/8/30 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 9 Aug 1758. Original Returned Date: 30 Aug 1758. Professor 1: James Moor.


James Wright
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Theology, Divinity, Preacher. Original Full Name: James Wright.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Stenography compleated, or the art of short-hand brought to perfection
Press: AS. Shelf: 4. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-f.11  . Original Author: Weston, James..

Borrowed: 1758/8/9 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/8/30 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Wright

Author: James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Stenography Compleated

Record ID 576

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 24r

Sir Isaac Newtons Philosophy

Borrowed: 1758/9/8 (Friday). Returned: 1758/9/27 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 8 Sept 1758. Original Returned Date: 27 Sept 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


Robert Rainey
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, Ethics, Theology. Original Full Name: Robert Rainey.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Henry Pemberton (Male, born 1694, died 1771)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
View of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy.
Press: BA. Shelf: 1. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi10-e.4  . Original Author: Pemberton, Henry..

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Pemberton (Male, born 1694, died 1771)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
A view of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1728. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 29

Book Work

Henry Pemberton (Male, born 1694, died 1771)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy

Borrowed: 1758/9/8 (Friday). Returned: 1758/9/27 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Robert Rainey

Author: Henry Pemberton (Male, born 1694, died 1771), Genre: Natural Philosophy

View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy

Record ID 567

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 24r

Westons Shorthand

Borrowed: 1758/8/30 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/9/20 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 30 Aug 1758. Original Returned Date: 20 Sept 1758. Professor 1: Adam Smith.


James Wright
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Theology, Divinity, Preacher. Original Full Name: James Wright.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Stenography compleated, or the art of short-hand brought to perfection
Press: AS. Shelf: 4. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-f.11  . Original Author: Weston, James..

Borrowed: 1758/8/30 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/9/20 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Wright

Author: James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Stenography Compleated

Record ID 568

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 24r

Acherleys Britanic Constitution.

Borrowed: 1758/8/30 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/9/13 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 30 Aug 1758. Original Returned Date: 13 Sept 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


Samuel Riall
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Ethics, Law, Civil Law. Original Full Name: Samuel Riall.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Roger Acherley (Male, born c.1665, died 1740)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Britannic constitution: or, the fundamental form of government in Britain. Demonstrating, the original contract entred into by king and people...
Press: BT. Shelf: 1. Number: 7. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl8-c.5  . Original Author: Acherley, Roger, Barrister..

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Roger Acherley (Male, born c.1665, died 1740)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
The Britannic constitution: or, The fundamental form of government in Britain.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1727. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 2

Book Work

Roger Acherley (Male, born c.1665, died 1740)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Britannic Constitution: or, The Fundamental Form of Government in Britain

Record ID 586

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 24v

Sir I: Newtons Philosophy

Borrowed: 1758/9/27 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/10/13 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 27 Sept 1758. Original Returned Date: 13 Oct 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


Robert Rainey
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, Ethics, Theology. Original Full Name: Robert Rainey.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Henry Pemberton (Male, born 1694, died 1771)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
View of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy.
Press: BA. Shelf: 1. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi10-e.4  . Original Author: Pemberton, Henry..

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Pemberton (Male, born 1694, died 1771)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
A view of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1728. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 29

Book Work

Henry Pemberton (Male, born 1694, died 1771)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy

Borrowed: 1758/9/27 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/10/13 (Friday).

Borrower: Robert Rainey

Author: Henry Pemberton (Male, born 1694, died 1771), Genre: Natural Philosophy

View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy

Record ID 587

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 24v

Rapins History of England Vol 1st

Borrowed: 1758/9/28 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/10/14 (Saturday). Original Borrowed Date: 28 Sept 1758. Original Returned Date: 14 Oct 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.


Andrew Lutch
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Andrew Lutch.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
History of England [as well ecclesiastical as civil].
Press: AR. Shelf: 6. Number: 1: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bm2-g.1-18. Original Author: Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de, 1661-1725..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
The history of England.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1725-1746. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 323 times in 232 borrowing records

Book Work

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
History of England [Paul Rapin de Thoyras]

Borrowed: 1758/9/28 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/10/14 (Saturday).

Borrower: Andrew Lutch

Author: Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725), Genre: History

History of England [Paul Rapin de Thoyras]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 600

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 25r

Pope Swift Misselanies vol. 1st

Borrowed: 1758/10/19 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/10/24 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 19 Oct 1758. Original Returned Date: 24 Oct 1758. Professor 1: John Anderson.


John Morehead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: John Morehead.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Miscellanies in prose and verse.
Press: AS. Shelf: 6. Number: 4: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bh10-h.11-13. Original Author: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Miscellanies in prose and verse.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1727. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 140 times in 95 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

Borrowed: 1758/10/19 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/10/24 (Tuesday).

Borrower: John Morehead

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745), Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry

Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 599

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 25r

Weston Short Hand

Borrowed: 1758/10/19 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/11/7 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 19 Oct 1758. Original Returned Date: 7 Nov 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.


James Wright
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Theology, Divinity, Preacher. Original Full Name: James Wright.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Stenography compleated, or the art of short-hand brought to perfection
Press: AS. Shelf: 4. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-f.11  . Original Author: Weston, James..

Borrowed: 1758/10/19 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/11/7 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Wright

Author: James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Stenography Compleated

Record ID 596

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 25r

Rapin's history of England vol. 4

Borrowed: 1758/10/18 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/11/1 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 18 Oct 1758. Original Returned Date: 1 Nov 1758. Professor 1: John Anderson.


John Morehead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: John Morehead.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
History of England [as well ecclesiastical as civil].
Press: AR. Shelf: 6. Number: 1: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bm2-g.1-18. Original Author: Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de, 1661-1725..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
The history of England.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1725-1746. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 323 times in 232 borrowing records

Book Work

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
History of England [Paul Rapin de Thoyras]

Borrowed: 1758/10/18 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/11/1 (Wednesday).

Borrower: John Morehead

Author: Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725), Genre: History

History of England [Paul Rapin de Thoyras]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 602

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 25r

Rapin's history of England vol. 5th

Borrowed: 1758/10/24 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/11/7 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 24 Oct 1758. Original Returned Date: 7 Nov 1758. Professor 1: George Muirhead.


John Morehead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: John Morehead.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
History of England [as well ecclesiastical as civil].
Press: AR. Shelf: 6. Number: 1: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bm2-g.1-18. Original Author: Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de, 1661-1725..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
The history of England.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1725-1746. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 323 times in 232 borrowing records

Book Work

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
History of England [Paul Rapin de Thoyras]

Borrowed: 1758/10/24 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/11/7 (Tuesday).

Borrower: John Morehead

Author: Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725), Genre: History

History of England [Paul Rapin de Thoyras]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 605

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 25r

Havercampus Lucretius 2 Vols.

Borrowed: 1758/10/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/11/9 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 25 Oct 1758. Original Returned Date: 9 Nov 1758. Professor 1: James Clow. Professor 2: George Muirhead. Professor 3: Joseph Black.


William Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Moral Philosophy, Theology, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Divinity. Original Full Name: William Millar.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Titus Lucretius Carus (Male)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Poetry
De rerum natura libri sex, cum notis ... [variorum] curante Sigeberto Havercampo, qui et suas et Abrahami Preigeri adnotationes adjecit. Accedunt interpretatio Thomae Creech, variae lectiones ... ut et ... locupletissimi indices. Cum figuris artificiosissimis atque venustissimis.
Press: A. Shelf: 1. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi1-e.10-11. Original Author: Lucretius Carus, Titus..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1758/10/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/11/9 (Thursday).

Borrower: William Millar

Author: Titus Lucretius Carus (Male), Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Poetry

De Rerum Natura

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 601

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 25r

Pope Swiftes Miscellanies vol. 2d 3d

Borrowed: 1758/10/23 (Monday). Returned: 1758/11/3 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 23 Oct 1758. Original Returned Date: 3 Nov 1758. Professor 1: Joseph Black.


John Morehead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: John Morehead.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Miscellanies in prose and verse.
Press: AS. Shelf: 6. Number: 4: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bh10-h.11-13. Original Author: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Miscellanies in prose and verse.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1727. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 140 times in 95 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

Borrowed: 1758/10/23 (Monday). Returned: 1758/11/3 (Friday).

Borrower: John Morehead

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745), Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry

Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 614

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 25v

Clark's Sermons vol. 1st

Borrowed: 1758/10/31 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/11/17 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 31 Oct 1758. Original Returned Date: 17 Nov 1758. Professor 1: James Moor.


James Wright
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Theology, Divinity, Preacher. Original Full Name: James Wright.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...
Press: AP. Shelf: 6. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10. Original Author: Clarke, Samuel, 1675-1729..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1758/10/31 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/11/17 (Friday).

Borrower: James Wright

Author: Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Samuel Clarke]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 619

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 25v

Weston Short hand

Borrowed: 1758/11/7 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/11/20 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 7 Nov 1758. Original Returned Date: 20 Nov 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.


James Wright
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Theology, Divinity, Preacher. Original Full Name: James Wright.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Stenography compleated, or the art of short-hand brought to perfection
Press: AS. Shelf: 4. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-f.11  . Original Author: Weston, James..

Borrowed: 1758/11/7 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/11/20 (Monday).

Borrower: James Wright

Author: James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Stenography Compleated

Record ID 620

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 26r

Havercampus Lucretius 2 Vols.

Borrowed: 1758/11/11 (Saturday). Returned: 1758/11/28 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 11 Nov 1758. Original Returned Date: 28 Nov 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson. Professor 2: James Moor. Professor 3: George Muirhead.


William Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Moral Philosophy, Theology, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Divinity. Original Full Name: William Millar.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Titus Lucretius Carus (Male)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Poetry
De rerum natura libri sex, cum notis ... [variorum] curante Sigeberto Havercampo, qui et suas et Abrahami Preigeri adnotationes adjecit. Accedunt interpretatio Thomae Creech, variae lectiones ... ut et ... locupletissimi indices. Cum figuris artificiosissimis atque venustissimis.
Press: A. Shelf: 1. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi1-e.10-11. Original Author: Lucretius Carus, Titus..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1758/11/11 (Saturday). Returned: 1758/11/28 (Tuesday).

Borrower: William Millar

Author: Titus Lucretius Carus (Male), Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Poetry

De Rerum Natura

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 621

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 26r

The Musicall miscellanies v.2

Borrowed: 1758/11/11 (Saturday). Returned: 1758/11/20 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 11 Nov 1758. Original Returned Date: 20 Nov 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.


John Morehead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: John Morehead.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Poetry
Musical miscellany: being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute,
Press: CO. Shelf: 5. Number: 4. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi10-i.28-32. Original Author: Eminent Masters..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Poetry
The musical miscellany; being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute, by the most eminent masters.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1729. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 77 times in 34 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Poetry
Musical Miscellany

Borrowed: 1758/11/11 (Saturday). Returned: 1758/11/20 (Monday).

Borrower: John Morehead

Genre: Poetry

Musical Miscellany

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 631

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 26r

Westons shorthand

Borrowed: 1758/11/20 (Monday). Returned: 1758/11/28 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 20 Nov 1758. Original Returned Date: 28 Nov 1758. Professor 1: George Muirhead.


James Wright
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Theology, Divinity, Preacher. Original Full Name: James Wright.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Stenography compleated, or the art of short-hand brought to perfection
Press: AS. Shelf: 4. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-f.11  . Original Author: Weston, James..

Borrowed: 1758/11/20 (Monday). Returned: 1758/11/28 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Wright

Author: James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Stenography Compleated

Record ID 641

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 26v

Havercampus Lucretius 2 Vols.

Borrowed: 1758/11/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/12/15 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 28 Nov 1758. Original Returned Date: 15 Dec 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson. Professor 2: James Moor. Professor 3: Joseph Black.


William Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Moral Philosophy, Theology, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Divinity. Original Full Name: William Millar.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Titus Lucretius Carus (Male)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Poetry
De rerum natura libri sex, cum notis ... [variorum] curante Sigeberto Havercampo, qui et suas et Abrahami Preigeri adnotationes adjecit. Accedunt interpretatio Thomae Creech, variae lectiones ... ut et ... locupletissimi indices. Cum figuris artificiosissimis atque venustissimis.
Press: A. Shelf: 1. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi1-e.10-11. Original Author: Lucretius Carus, Titus..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1758/11/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/12/15 (Friday).

Borrower: William Millar

Author: Titus Lucretius Carus (Male), Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Poetry

De Rerum Natura

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 651

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 27r

Memoire de L'Acad: Anno 1745

Borrowed: 1758/11/30 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/12/13 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 30 Nov 1758. Original Returned Date: 13 Dec 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson. Professor 2: Joseph Black. Professor 3: James Moor.


Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1758/11/30 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/12/13 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Archibald Semple

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Record ID 663

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 27v

Popes Homers Iliad ?Odyssey vol 1

Borrowed: 1758/12/10 (Sunday). Returned: 1758/12/20 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 10 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 20 Dec 1758. Professor 1: Adam Smith.


James Knox
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Moral Philosophy. Original Full Name: James Knox.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry
The Odyssey of Homer ... Translated from the Greek
Press: L. Shelf: 5. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk3-c.13-16. Original Author: Homer..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry
The Odyssey of Homer.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1725-1726. Format: folio.
Editors: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 23 times in 12 borrowing records

Book Work

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry

Borrowed: 1758/12/10 (Sunday). Returned: 1758/12/20 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Knox

Author: Homer (Male), Genre: Poetry


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 660

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 27v

Barrows Works vol 1st

Borrowed: 1758/12/7 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/12/19 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 7 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 19 Dec 1758. Professor 1: Adam Smith.


John Anderson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: John Anderson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Isaac Barrow (Male, born 1630, died 1677)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Works of the learned Isaac Barrow, D.D. (Being all his English works.) ... Published by his Grace Dr. John Tillotson, late Archbishop of Canterbury.
Press: CF. Shelf: 1. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bo10-a.4-5. Original Author: Barrow, Isaac, 1630-1677..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Isaac Barrow (Male, born 1630, died 1677)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
The works of the learned Isaac Barrow, ... Publish’d by ... Dr. John Tillotson, ... The second volume, containing sermons and expositions upon all the articles in the Apostles Creed.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1722. Format: folio.
Editors: Tillotson, John.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 36 times in 33 borrowing records

Book Work

Isaac Barrow (Male, born 1630, died 1677)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Works of the Learned Isaac Barrow

Borrowed: 1758/12/7 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/12/19 (Tuesday).

Borrower: John Anderson

Author: Isaac Barrow (Male, born 1630, died 1677), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Works of the Learned Isaac Barrow

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 661

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 27v

Clarkes Sermons vol 5

Borrowed: 1758/12/7 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/12/26 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 7 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 26 Dec 1758. Professor 1: John Anderson.


Samuel Barber
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Natural Philosophy, Physic, Theology. Original Full Name: Samuel Barber.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...
Press: AP. Shelf: 6. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10. Original Author: Clarke, Samuel, 1675-1729..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Borrowed: 1758/12/7 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/12/26 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Samuel Barber

Author: Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Samuel Clarke]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 657

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 27v

Westons Short hand

Borrowed: 1758/12/6 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/12/19 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 6 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 19 Dec 1758. Professor 1: William Leechman.


Moses Neilson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: Moses Neilson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Stenography compleated, or the art of short-hand brought to perfection
Press: AS. Shelf: 4. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-f.11  . Original Author: Weston, James..

Borrowed: 1758/12/6 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/12/19 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Moses Neilson

Author: James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Stenography Compleated

Record ID 670

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 27v

Havercampus Lucretius

Borrowed: 1758/12/15 (Friday). Returned: 1759/1/3 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 15 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 3 Jan 1759. Professor 1: Robert Simson. Professor 2: Adam Smith. Professor 3: John Anderson.


William Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Moral Philosophy, Theology, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Divinity. Original Full Name: William Millar.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Titus Lucretius Carus (Male)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Poetry
De rerum natura libri sex, cum notis ... [variorum] curante Sigeberto Havercampo, qui et suas et Abrahami Preigeri adnotationes adjecit. Accedunt interpretatio Thomae Creech, variae lectiones ... ut et ... locupletissimi indices. Cum figuris artificiosissimis atque venustissimis.
Press: A. Shelf: 1. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi1-e.10-11. Original Author: Lucretius Carus, Titus..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1758/12/15 (Friday). Returned: 1759/1/3 (Wednesday).

Borrower: William Millar

Author: Titus Lucretius Carus (Male), Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Poetry

De Rerum Natura

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 676

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 28r

Clark's Sermons vol 9th

Borrowed: 1758/12/19 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/12/26 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 19 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 26 Dec 1758. Professor 1: William Leechman.


John Anderson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: John Anderson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...
Press: AP. Shelf: 6. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10. Original Author: Clarke, Samuel, 1675-1729..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 9

Borrowed: 1758/12/19 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/12/26 (Tuesday).

Borrower: John Anderson

Author: Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Samuel Clarke]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 9

Record ID 672

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 28r

Memoire de Academie de Sciences vol year 1737

Borrowed: 1758/12/15 (Friday). Returned: 1759/1/5 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 15 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 5 Jan 1759. Professor 1: Adam Smith. Professor 2: John Anderson. Professor 3: Thomas Hamilton.


Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Record ID 677

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 28r

Barrow's Sermons vol 2d

Borrowed: 1758/12/19 (Tuesday). Returned: 1759/1/5 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 19 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 5 Jan 1759. Professor 1: John Anderson.


John Robison
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Chemistry. Original Full Name: John Robison. Life dates: 1739-1805.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Isaac Barrow (Male, born 1630, died 1677)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Works of the learned Isaac Barrow, D.D. (Being all his English works.) ... Published by his Grace Dr. John Tillotson, late Archbishop of Canterbury.
Press: CF. Shelf: 1. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bo10-a.4-5. Original Author: Barrow, Isaac, 1630-1677..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Isaac Barrow (Male, born 1630, died 1677)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
The works of the learned Isaac Barrow, ... Publish’d by ... Dr. John Tillotson, ... The second volume, containing sermons and expositions upon all the articles in the Apostles Creed.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1722. Format: folio.
Editors: Tillotson, John.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 36 times in 33 borrowing records

Book Work

Isaac Barrow (Male, born 1630, died 1677)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Works of the Learned Isaac Barrow

Borrowed: 1758/12/19 (Tuesday). Returned: 1759/1/5 (Friday).

Borrower: John Robison

Author: Isaac Barrow (Male, born 1630, died 1677), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Works of the Learned Isaac Barrow

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 688

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 28v

Westons Short hand

Borrowed: 1758/12/26 (Tuesday). Returned: 1759/1/9 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 26 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 9 Jan 1759. Professor 1: William Leechman.


Hugh Kennedy
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Natural Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: Hugh Kennedy.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Stenography compleated, or the art of short-hand brought to perfection
Press: AS. Shelf: 4. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl1-f.11  . Original Author: Weston, James..

Borrowed: 1758/12/26 (Tuesday). Returned: 1759/1/9 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Hugh Kennedy

Author: James Weston (Male, born c.1688, died c.1748), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Stenography Compleated

Record ID 681

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 28v

Memoires de L'Acadmie in an: 1742

Borrowed: 1758/12/22 (Friday). Returned: 1759/1/5 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 22 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 5 Jan 1759. Professor 1: John Anderson. Professor 2: Joseph Black.


James Barry
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Physic, Medicine. Original Full Name: James Barry.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Record ID 699

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 29r

Havercampus Lucretius 2 Vols.

Borrowed: 1759/1/3 (Wednesday). Returned: 1759/1/9 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 3 Jan 1759. Original Returned Date: 9 Jan 1759. Professor 1: John Anderson. Professor 2: James Buchanan.


William Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Moral Philosophy, Theology, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Divinity. Original Full Name: William Millar.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Titus Lucretius Carus (Male)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Poetry
De rerum natura libri sex, cum notis ... [variorum] curante Sigeberto Havercampo, qui et suas et Abrahami Preigeri adnotationes adjecit. Accedunt interpretatio Thomae Creech, variae lectiones ... ut et ... locupletissimi indices. Cum figuris artificiosissimis atque venustissimis.
Press: A. Shelf: 1. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi1-e.10-11. Original Author: Lucretius Carus, Titus..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1759/1/3 (Wednesday). Returned: 1759/1/9 (Tuesday).

Borrower: William Millar

Author: Titus Lucretius Carus (Male), Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Poetry

De Rerum Natura

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 695

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 29r

Senecae Opera a smal Edition

Borrowed: 1758/12/28 (Thursday). Returned: 1759/1/15 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 28 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 15 Jan 1759. Professor 1: James Buchanan.


William McGill
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: William McGill.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731)
Genre: Medicine
Opera omnia anatomico-medico-chirugica, huc usque edita ... Cum figuris æneis.
Press: BL. Shelf: 2. Number: 7.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731)
Genre: Medicine
F. Ruyschii ... Opera omnia anatomico-medico-chirurgica hucusque edita.
Language: Latin . Published: Amsterdam. Date of publication: 1722-1743. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 18 times in 16 borrowing records

Book Work

Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731)
Genre: Medicine
Opera Omnia Anatomico-Medico-Chirurgica

Borrowed: 1758/12/28 (Thursday). Returned: 1759/1/15 (Monday).

Borrower: William McGill

Author: Frederik Ruysch (Male, born 1638, died 1731), Genre: Medicine

Opera Omnia Anatomico-Medico-Chirurgica

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 702

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 29r

Clarkes Sermons vol 5th

Borrowed: 1759/1/4 (Thursday). Returned: 1759/2/7 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 4 Jan 1759. Original Returned Date: 7 Feb 1759. Professor 1: Adam Smith.


James Knox
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Moral Philosophy. Original Full Name: James Knox.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons ... published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. ...
Press: AP. Shelf: 6. Number: 9. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk2-i.1-10. Original Author: Clarke, Samuel, 1675-1729..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Borrowed: 1759/1/4 (Thursday). Returned: 1759/2/7 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Knox

Author: Samuel Clarke (Male, born 1675-10-11, died 1729-5-17), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Samuel Clarke]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 712

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 29v

Catrou & Rowile vol 14

Borrowed: 1759/1/8 (Monday). Returned: 1759/1/23 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 8 Jan 1759. Original Returned Date: 23 Jan 1759. Professor 1: James Buchanan.


Archibald Hamilton
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: Archibald Hamilton.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

François Catrou (Male, born 1659, died 1737), Pierre Julien Rouillé (Male, born c.1682, died 1740)
Genre: History
Histoire romaine, depuis la fondation de Rome. Avec des notes historiques, géographiques et critiques; des gravures en taille-douce; des cartes géographiques, et plusieurs médailles authentiques
Press: AH. Shelf: 2. Number: 14. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn3-e.1-16. Original Author: Catrou, François, 1659-1737..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 14

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

François Catrou (Male, born 1659, died 1737), Pierre Julien Rouillé (Male, born c.1682, died 1740)
Genre: History
Histoire romaine, depuis la fondation de Rome. Avec des notes historiques, géographiques et critiques; des gravures en taille-douce; des cartes géographiques, et plusieurs médailles authentiques
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1725-1737. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 22 times in 11 borrowing records

Book Work

François Catrou (Male, born 1659, died 1737), Pierre Julien Rouillé (Male, born c.1682, died 1740)
Genre: History
Roman History [François Catrou & Pierre Julien Rouille]

Borrowed: 1759/1/8 (Monday). Returned: 1759/1/23 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Archibald Hamilton

Author: François Catrou (Male, born 1659, died 1737), Pierre Julien Rouillé (Male, born c.1682, died 1740), Genre: History

Roman History [François Catrou & Pierre Julien Rouille]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 14