An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers' Registers
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Year of publication: 1693-1694
Your search matched 810 borrowing records.
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Record ID 111287
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.8 (1769-1771, Type: Student). Page: 41
& Juvenal in 4 V:s 8:vo
Borrowed: 1769/10/12 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: see entry above.
William Stewart
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Decimus Junius Juvenalis Juvenal (Male)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis [Dryden]
Confidence level: Certain
Decimus Junius Juvenalis Juvenal (Male)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1693. Format: folio.
Translators: Dryden, John, 1631-1700
Number of borrowings: 3
ESTC: R12345
Decimus Junius Juvenalis Juvenal (Male)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis
Borrowed: 1769/10/12 (Thursday).
Borrower: William Stewart
Author: Decimus Junius Juvenalis Juvenal (Male), Genre: Belles Lettres
Record ID 112985
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.8 (1769-1771, Type: Student). Page: 48
Ray Synopsis Animalium
Borrowed: 1769/11/27 (Monday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/5/3.
John Lind
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1768-1769.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Synopsis methodica animalium quadrupedum et serpentini generis [Ray]
Confidence level: Certain
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Synopsis methodica animalium quadrupedum et serpentini generis.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1693. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 5
ESTC: R22056
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Synopsis Methodica Animalium Quadrupedum et Serpentini Generis
Borrowed: 1769/11/27 (Monday).
Borrower: John Lind
Author: John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705), Genre: Natural Philosophy
Synopsis Methodica Animalium Quadrupedum et Serpentini Generis
Record ID 116501
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.8 (1769-1771, Type: Student). Page: 75
& Stanhope's Epictetus
Borrowed: 1770/2/24 (Saturday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: see entry above.
J. Henderson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Epictetus his Morals: With Simplicius his Comment.
Confidence level: Very likely
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Epictetus his morals, with Simplicius his comment.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 8vo.
Translators: Stanhope, George, 1660-1728.
Number of borrowings: 8
ESTC: R10979
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Epictetus
Borrowed: 1770/2/24 (Saturday).
Borrower: J. Henderson
Author: Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135), Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Record ID 117593
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.8 (1769-1771, Type: Student). Page: 84
Euripides Tragœdiæ Græc. Lat. 8:vo
Borrowed: 1770/3/20 (Tuesday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/6/0.
George Hall
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Euripides Graec. Lat. 8vo
Possible modern shelfmark: Main Library - Special Collections *W.17.11..
Confidence level: Very likely
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Εὐριπιδου σωζομενα ἁπαντα ... Euripidis quæ extant omnia: tragœdiæ nempe XX., præter ultimam omnes completæ: item, fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX. tragœdiarum; et epistolæ V., nunc primum et ipsæ huc adjectæ: Scholia demùm doctorum virorum in septem priores tragœdias, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta et concinnata ab Arsenio, Monembasiæ Archiepiscopo. Præmittitur Euripidis vita ex variis authoribus accuratius descripta: etiam, tractatus de tragœdia veterum Græcorum. Adduntur suis locis, scholia aliquot MSS., item selectiores doctorum virorum notæ et conjecturæ, cum perpetuis ad posteriores fabulas commentariis ... Accedit index triplex ... Opera et studio J. Barnes. MS. notes [by J. C. de Pauw].
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Cambridge. Date of publication: 1694. Format: folio.
Translators: Barnes, Joshua
Number of borrowings: 10
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Works of Euripides
Borrowed: 1770/3/20 (Tuesday).
Borrower: George Hall
Author: Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406), Genre: Drama
Record ID 117818
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.8 (1769-1771, Type: Student). Page: 85
Stanhope's Epictetus
Borrowed: 1770/3/24 (Saturday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/4/0.
Isaac Ketchen
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Epictetus his Morals: With Simplicius his Comment.
Confidence level: Very likely
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Epictetus his morals, with Simplicius his comment.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 8vo.
Translators: Stanhope, George, 1660-1728.
Number of borrowings: 8
ESTC: R10979
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Epictetus
Borrowed: 1770/3/24 (Saturday).
Borrower: Isaac Ketchen
Author: Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135), Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Record ID 118055
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.8 (1769-1771, Type: Student). Page: 89
Synopsis Quadupedum
Borrowed: 1770/4/3 (Tuesday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: see entry above.
William Logan Junior
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Dissertation: De regimine Phthisicorum.. Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1768-1769; MD (Edin), 1770. Origin: Philadelphia.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Synopsis methodica animalium quadrupedum et serpentini generis [Ray]
Confidence level: Certain
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Synopsis methodica animalium quadrupedum et serpentini generis.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1693. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 5
ESTC: R22056
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Synopsis Methodica Animalium Quadrupedum et Serpentini Generis
Borrowed: 1770/4/3 (Tuesday).
Borrower: William Logan Junior
Author: John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705), Genre: Natural Philosophy
Synopsis Methodica Animalium Quadrupedum et Serpentini Generis
Record ID 118100
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.8 (1769-1771, Type: Student). Page: 89
Euripedes Græc. Lat: 8vo
Borrowed: 1770/4/6 (Friday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 5/0/0.
James Anderson
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1769-1774.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Euripides Graec. Lat. 8vo
Possible modern shelfmark: Main Library - Special Collections *W.17.11..
Confidence level: Very likely
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Εὐριπιδου σωζομενα ἁπαντα ... Euripidis quæ extant omnia: tragœdiæ nempe XX., præter ultimam omnes completæ: item, fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX. tragœdiarum; et epistolæ V., nunc primum et ipsæ huc adjectæ: Scholia demùm doctorum virorum in septem priores tragœdias, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta et concinnata ab Arsenio, Monembasiæ Archiepiscopo. Præmittitur Euripidis vita ex variis authoribus accuratius descripta: etiam, tractatus de tragœdia veterum Græcorum. Adduntur suis locis, scholia aliquot MSS., item selectiores doctorum virorum notæ et conjecturæ, cum perpetuis ad posteriores fabulas commentariis ... Accedit index triplex ... Opera et studio J. Barnes. MS. notes [by J. C. de Pauw].
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Cambridge. Date of publication: 1694. Format: folio.
Translators: Barnes, Joshua
Number of borrowings: 10
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Works of Euripides
Borrowed: 1770/4/6 (Friday).
Borrower: James Anderson
Author: Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406), Genre: Drama
Record ID 118355
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.8 (1769-1771, Type: Student). Page: 90
Stanhope's Epictetus
Borrowed: 1770/4/7 (Saturday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/4/0.
James Aitchison
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Epictetus his Morals: With Simplicius his Comment.
Confidence level: Very likely
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Epictetus his morals, with Simplicius his comment.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 8vo.
Translators: Stanhope, George, 1660-1728.
Number of borrowings: 8
ESTC: R10979
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Epictetus
Borrowed: 1770/4/7 (Saturday).
Borrower: James Aitchison
Author: Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135), Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Record ID 118943
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.8 (1769-1771, Type: Student). Page: 94
Euripedes Græc. Lat
Borrowed: 1770/5/1 (Tuesday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 2/0/0.
R: Anderson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Euripides Graec. Lat. 8vo
Possible modern shelfmark: Main Library - Special Collections *W.17.11..
Confidence level: Very likely
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Εὐριπιδου σωζομενα ἁπαντα ... Euripidis quæ extant omnia: tragœdiæ nempe XX., præter ultimam omnes completæ: item, fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX. tragœdiarum; et epistolæ V., nunc primum et ipsæ huc adjectæ: Scholia demùm doctorum virorum in septem priores tragœdias, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta et concinnata ab Arsenio, Monembasiæ Archiepiscopo. Præmittitur Euripidis vita ex variis authoribus accuratius descripta: etiam, tractatus de tragœdia veterum Græcorum. Adduntur suis locis, scholia aliquot MSS., item selectiores doctorum virorum notæ et conjecturæ, cum perpetuis ad posteriores fabulas commentariis ... Accedit index triplex ... Opera et studio J. Barnes. MS. notes [by J. C. de Pauw].
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Cambridge. Date of publication: 1694. Format: folio.
Translators: Barnes, Joshua
Number of borrowings: 10
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Works of Euripides
Borrowed: 1770/5/1 (Tuesday).
Borrower: R: Anderson
Author: Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406), Genre: Drama
Record ID 85238
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.5 (1768-1781, Type: Professorial). Page: 6-7
Borrow'd Graevii Thesarus Antiquitatum Romanarum Vol. XI
Borrowed: 1769/3/27 (Monday). Loan period: return on demand.
Robert Henry
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1718-1790.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Professor.
Joannes Georgius Graevius (Male, born 1632, died 1703)
Genre: History
Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 11
Confidence level: Certain
Joannes Georgius Graevius (Male, born 1632, died 1703)
Genre: History
Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum ... Congestus a Joanne Georgio Grævio
Language: Latin . Published: Utrecht. Date of publication: 1694-1699. Format: folio. Pagination: 12 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 52 times in 28 borrowing records
Joannes Georgius Graevius (Male, born 1632, died 1703)
Genre: History
Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum
Borrowed: 1769/3/27 (Monday).
Borrower: Robert Henry
Author: Joannes Georgius Graevius (Male, born 1632, died 1703), Genre: History
Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum
Volumes borrowed: Volume 11
Record ID 85751
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.5 (1768-1781, Type: Professorial). Page: 8-9
Borrow'd Gravij Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum Voll.1-2-3 & 4
Borrowed: 1769/5/26 (Friday). Loan period: return on demand.
Matthew Murray
Gender: Male.
26 May 1769: 'By the Principal's Order'
Joannes Georgius Graevius (Male, born 1632, died 1703)
Genre: History
Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
Confidence level: Certain
Joannes Georgius Graevius (Male, born 1632, died 1703)
Genre: History
Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum ... Congestus a Joanne Georgio Grævio
Language: Latin . Published: Utrecht. Date of publication: 1694-1699. Format: folio. Pagination: 12 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 52 times in 28 borrowing records
Joannes Georgius Graevius (Male, born 1632, died 1703)
Genre: History
Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum
Borrowed: 1769/5/26 (Friday).
Borrower: Matthew Murray
Author: Joannes Georgius Graevius (Male, born 1632, died 1703), Genre: History
Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
Record ID 86936
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.5 (1768-1781, Type: Professorial). Page: 16-17
Borrow'd Premier & Seconde Suite des Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences pour l'annee 1764
Borrowed: 1769/10/3 (Tuesday). Loan period: return on demand.
D. Rutherford
Gender: Male.
Genre: Periodicals
Suite des Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences.
Possible modern shelfmark: Main Library - Special Collections ; D.S.C.5.7(1-16).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1710
Confidence level: Very likely
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1769/10/3 (Tuesday).
Borrower: D. Rutherford
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1710
Record ID 90827
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.5 (1768-1781, Type: Professorial). Page: 20-21
Borrow'd Deckers Exercitationes Medicæ
Borrowed: 1769/12/8 (Friday). Loan period: return on demand.
Dr Francis Home
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1719-1813.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Author. Education > University Professor. Medicine and Health > Physician.
Frederick Dekkers (Male, born 1644, died 1720)
Genre: Medicine
Exercitationes practicae circa medendi methodum.
Confidence level: Certain
Frederick Dekkers (Male, born 1644, died 1720)
Genre: Medicine
Exercitationes practicæ circa medendi methodum [Dekkers].
Language: Latin . Published: Leiden. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 1
Frederick Dekkers (Male, born 1644, died 1720)
Genre: Medicine
Exercitationes Practicae circa Medendi Methodum [Frederick Dekkers]
Borrowed: 1769/12/8 (Friday).
Borrower: Dr Francis Home
Author: Frederick Dekkers (Male, born 1644, died 1720), Genre: Medicine
Exercitationes Practicae circa Medendi Methodum [Frederick Dekkers]
Record ID 94529
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 3
Stanhope's Epictetus's Morals
Borrowed: 1771/2/12 (Tuesday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/4/0.
John Brown of Whitburn
Gender: Male.
Class: Arts. Academic dates: c. 1769. Other: licensed to preach, 1776; ordained 1777. Life dates: 1754-1832.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Epictetus his Morals: With Simplicius his Comment.
Confidence level: Very likely
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Epictetus his morals, with Simplicius his comment.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 8vo.
Translators: Stanhope, George, 1660-1728.
Number of borrowings: 8
ESTC: R10979
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Epictetus
Borrowed: 1771/2/12 (Tuesday).
Borrower: John Brown of Whitburn
Author: Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135), Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Record ID 95261
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 16
Euripides Græc. Lat: 8vo
Borrowed: 1771/3/2 (Saturday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/6/0.
William Simson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Euripides Graec. Lat. 8vo
Possible modern shelfmark: Main Library - Special Collections *W.17.11..
Confidence level: Very likely
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Εὐριπιδου σωζομενα ἁπαντα ... Euripidis quæ extant omnia: tragœdiæ nempe XX., præter ultimam omnes completæ: item, fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX. tragœdiarum; et epistolæ V., nunc primum et ipsæ huc adjectæ: Scholia demùm doctorum virorum in septem priores tragœdias, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta et concinnata ab Arsenio, Monembasiæ Archiepiscopo. Præmittitur Euripidis vita ex variis authoribus accuratius descripta: etiam, tractatus de tragœdia veterum Græcorum. Adduntur suis locis, scholia aliquot MSS., item selectiores doctorum virorum notæ et conjecturæ, cum perpetuis ad posteriores fabulas commentariis ... Accedit index triplex ... Opera et studio J. Barnes. MS. notes [by J. C. de Pauw].
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Cambridge. Date of publication: 1694. Format: folio.
Translators: Barnes, Joshua
Number of borrowings: 10
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Works of Euripides
Borrowed: 1771/3/2 (Saturday).
Borrower: William Simson
Author: Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406), Genre: Drama
Record ID 96512
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 32
Euripedes Græc. Lat: 8vo
Borrowed: 1771/2/22 (Friday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/10/6.
William Simson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Euripides Graec. Lat. 8vo
Possible modern shelfmark: Main Library - Special Collections *W.17.11..
Confidence level: Very likely
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Εὐριπιδου σωζομενα ἁπαντα ... Euripidis quæ extant omnia: tragœdiæ nempe XX., præter ultimam omnes completæ: item, fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX. tragœdiarum; et epistolæ V., nunc primum et ipsæ huc adjectæ: Scholia demùm doctorum virorum in septem priores tragœdias, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta et concinnata ab Arsenio, Monembasiæ Archiepiscopo. Præmittitur Euripidis vita ex variis authoribus accuratius descripta: etiam, tractatus de tragœdia veterum Græcorum. Adduntur suis locis, scholia aliquot MSS., item selectiores doctorum virorum notæ et conjecturæ, cum perpetuis ad posteriores fabulas commentariis ... Accedit index triplex ... Opera et studio J. Barnes. MS. notes [by J. C. de Pauw].
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Cambridge. Date of publication: 1694. Format: folio.
Translators: Barnes, Joshua
Number of borrowings: 10
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Works of Euripides
Borrowed: 1771/2/22 (Friday).
Borrower: William Simson
Author: Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406), Genre: Drama
Record ID 100397
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 124
Stanhope's Epictetus Morals
Borrowed: 1771/12/14 (Saturday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/3/0.
John Blackhall
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Epictetus his Morals: With Simplicius his Comment.
Confidence level: Very likely
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Epictetus his morals, with Simplicius his comment.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 8vo.
Translators: Stanhope, George, 1660-1728.
Number of borrowings: 8
ESTC: R10979
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Epictetus
Borrowed: 1771/12/14 (Saturday).
Borrower: John Blackhall
Author: Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135), Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Record ID 101261
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 160
Boyer's Grammar AAD.b.1
Borrowed: 1772/1/24 (Friday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/1/0.
James Martin
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Abel Boyer (Male, born 1667, died 1729)
Genre: Education
The compleat French-master, for ladies and gentlemen [Boyer]
Confidence level: Certain
Abel Boyer (Male, born 1667, died 1729)
Genre: Education
The compleat French-master, for ladies and gentlemen. Being a new method, to learn with ease and delight the French tongue, as it is now spoken in the court of France.
Language: English | French . Published: London. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: R16179
Abel Boyer (Male, born 1667, died 1729)
Genre: Education
Compleat French-master, for Ladies and Gentlemen
Borrowed: 1772/1/24 (Friday).
Borrower: James Martin
Author: Abel Boyer (Male, born 1667, died 1729), Genre: Education
Record ID 101930
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 185
& Dryden's D:o
Borrowed: 1772/2/15 (Saturday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: see entry above.
G. Hall
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Decimus Junius Juvenalis Juvenal (Male)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis [Dryden]
Confidence level: Certain
Decimus Junius Juvenalis Juvenal (Male)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1693. Format: folio.
Translators: Dryden, John, 1631-1700
Number of borrowings: 3
ESTC: R12345
Decimus Junius Juvenalis Juvenal (Male)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis
Borrowed: 1772/2/15 (Saturday).
Borrower: G. Hall
Author: Decimus Junius Juvenalis Juvenal (Male), Genre: Belles Lettres
Record ID 101921
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 185
Stanhope's Epictetus
Borrowed: 1772/2/15 (Saturday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/3/0.
John Henderson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Epictetus his Morals: With Simplicius his Comment.
Confidence level: Very likely
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Epictetus his morals, with Simplicius his comment.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 8vo.
Translators: Stanhope, George, 1660-1728.
Number of borrowings: 8
ESTC: R10979
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Epictetus
Borrowed: 1772/2/15 (Saturday).
Borrower: John Henderson
Author: Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135), Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Record ID 103220
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 237
Witsij Oeconomia Fœderum
Borrowed: 1772/4/18 (Saturday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/10/6.
Isaac Ketchen
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Herman Witsius (Male, born 1636, died 1708)
Genre: Theology
Hermanni Witsii de oeconomia foederum Dei cum hominibus libri quatuor.
Confidence level: Certain
Herman Witsius (Male, born 1636, died 1708)
Genre: Theology
H. Witsî ... de oeconomia foederum Dei cum hominibus libri quatuor.
Language: Latin . Published: Utrecht. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 6
Herman Witsius (Male, born 1636, died 1708)
Genre: Theology
De Oeconomia Foederum Dei cum Hominibus
Borrowed: 1772/4/18 (Saturday).
Borrower: Isaac Ketchen
Author: Herman Witsius (Male, born 1636, died 1708), Genre: Theology
Record ID 103499
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 246
Stanhope's Epectetus
Borrowed: 1772/5/2 (Saturday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/4/0.
James Anderson
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1769-1774.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Epictetus his Morals: With Simplicius his Comment.
Confidence level: Very likely
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Epictetus his morals, with Simplicius his comment.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 8vo.
Translators: Stanhope, George, 1660-1728.
Number of borrowings: 8
ESTC: R10979
Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Epictetus
Borrowed: 1772/5/2 (Saturday).
Borrower: James Anderson
Author: Elizabeth Carter (Female, born 1717, died 1806), Epictetus (Male, born 50, died 135), Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Record ID 106775
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 293
Euripides Graec. Lat. 8:vo
Borrowed: 1772/11/13 (Friday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/10/6.
Andrew Dalziel
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Euripides Graec. Lat. 8vo
Possible modern shelfmark: Main Library - Special Collections *W.17.11..
Confidence level: Very likely
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Εὐριπιδου σωζομενα ἁπαντα ... Euripidis quæ extant omnia: tragœdiæ nempe XX., præter ultimam omnes completæ: item, fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX. tragœdiarum; et epistolæ V., nunc primum et ipsæ huc adjectæ: Scholia demùm doctorum virorum in septem priores tragœdias, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta et concinnata ab Arsenio, Monembasiæ Archiepiscopo. Præmittitur Euripidis vita ex variis authoribus accuratius descripta: etiam, tractatus de tragœdia veterum Græcorum. Adduntur suis locis, scholia aliquot MSS., item selectiores doctorum virorum notæ et conjecturæ, cum perpetuis ad posteriores fabulas commentariis ... Accedit index triplex ... Opera et studio J. Barnes. MS. notes [by J. C. de Pauw].
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Cambridge. Date of publication: 1694. Format: folio.
Translators: Barnes, Joshua
Number of borrowings: 10
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Works of Euripides
Borrowed: 1772/11/13 (Friday).
Borrower: Andrew Dalziel
Author: Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406), Genre: Drama
Record ID 109547
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 337
Knolle's hist: of Turks
Borrowed: 1773/1/12 (Tuesday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 1/0/0.
Mathieu Cadonx
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1770-1772. Other: Apprentice to Royal College of Surgeons, 1774.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Richard Knolles (Male, born c.1550, died 1610)
Genre: History
The Turkish history, from the original of that nation, to the growth of the Ottoman empire [Knolles]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Richard Knolles (Male, born c.1550, died 1610)
Genre: History
The Turkish history, from the original of that nation, to the growth of the Ottoman empire: with the lives and conquests of their princes and emperours.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1687-1700. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 7 times in 4 borrowing records
ESTC: R3442
Richard Knolles (Male, born c.1550, died 1610)
Genre: History
General History of the Turks
Borrowed: 1773/1/12 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Mathieu Cadonx
Author: Richard Knolles (Male, born c.1550, died 1610), Genre: History
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 128669
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.10 (1773-1775, Type: Student). Page: 52
Euripedis Græc. Lat. 8:vo
Borrowed: 1773/3/15 (Monday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/6/0. Funds deposited: NL.
William Dick
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1776. Other: Indian Medical Service, 1781.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Euripides Graec. Lat. 8vo
Possible modern shelfmark: Main Library - Special Collections *W.17.11..
Confidence level: Very likely
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Εὐριπιδου σωζομενα ἁπαντα ... Euripidis quæ extant omnia: tragœdiæ nempe XX., præter ultimam omnes completæ: item, fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX. tragœdiarum; et epistolæ V., nunc primum et ipsæ huc adjectæ: Scholia demùm doctorum virorum in septem priores tragœdias, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta et concinnata ab Arsenio, Monembasiæ Archiepiscopo. Præmittitur Euripidis vita ex variis authoribus accuratius descripta: etiam, tractatus de tragœdia veterum Græcorum. Adduntur suis locis, scholia aliquot MSS., item selectiores doctorum virorum notæ et conjecturæ, cum perpetuis ad posteriores fabulas commentariis ... Accedit index triplex ... Opera et studio J. Barnes. MS. notes [by J. C. de Pauw].
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Cambridge. Date of publication: 1694. Format: folio.
Translators: Barnes, Joshua
Number of borrowings: 10
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Works of Euripides
Borrowed: 1773/3/15 (Monday).
Borrower: William Dick
Author: Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406), Genre: Drama
Record ID 129134
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.10 (1773-1775, Type: Student). Page: 62
Euripides Græc. Lat:
Borrowed: 1773/4/2 (Friday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/6/0.
John Govan
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Euripides Graec. Lat. 8vo
Possible modern shelfmark: Main Library - Special Collections *W.17.11..
Confidence level: Very likely
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Εὐριπιδου σωζομενα ἁπαντα ... Euripidis quæ extant omnia: tragœdiæ nempe XX., præter ultimam omnes completæ: item, fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX. tragœdiarum; et epistolæ V., nunc primum et ipsæ huc adjectæ: Scholia demùm doctorum virorum in septem priores tragœdias, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta et concinnata ab Arsenio, Monembasiæ Archiepiscopo. Præmittitur Euripidis vita ex variis authoribus accuratius descripta: etiam, tractatus de tragœdia veterum Græcorum. Adduntur suis locis, scholia aliquot MSS., item selectiores doctorum virorum notæ et conjecturæ, cum perpetuis ad posteriores fabulas commentariis ... Accedit index triplex ... Opera et studio J. Barnes. MS. notes [by J. C. de Pauw].
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Cambridge. Date of publication: 1694. Format: folio.
Translators: Barnes, Joshua
Number of borrowings: 10
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Works of Euripides
Borrowed: 1773/4/2 (Friday).
Borrower: John Govan
Author: Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406), Genre: Drama
Record ID 131880
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.10 (1773-1775, Type: Student). Page: 105
Wallis Opera vol. 1mum folio
Borrowed: 1773/9/9 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: Guinea. Funds deposited: ND.
Andrew Marshall
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1769-1771.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
John Wallis (Male, born 1616, died 1703)
Genre: Mathematics
Opera mathematica .... [Wallis]
Possible modern shelfmark: Special Collections D.S.f.3.4(3).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
John Wallis (Male, born 1616, died 1703)
Genre: Mathematics
Johannis Wallis S.T.D. Geometriæ Professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi, Opera mathematica : tribus voluminibus contenta.
Language: Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1693-1699. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 15 times in 13 borrowing records
ESTC: R38413
John Wallis (Male, born 1616, died 1703)
Genre: Mathematics
Opera Mathematica [John Wallis]
Borrowed: 1773/9/9 (Thursday).
Borrower: Andrew Marshall
Author: John Wallis (Male, born 1616, died 1703), Genre: Mathematics
Opera Mathematica [John Wallis]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 147843
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.11 (1775-1777, Type: Student). Page: 74
Witsius de Fœderibus 4:to
Borrowed: 1775/11/28 (Tuesday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 1/0/0. Funds deposited: Linen Note.
James Black
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Herman Witsius (Male, born 1636, died 1708)
Genre: Theology
Hermanni Witsii de oeconomia foederum Dei cum hominibus libri quatuor.
Confidence level: Certain
Herman Witsius (Male, born 1636, died 1708)
Genre: Theology
H. Witsî ... de oeconomia foederum Dei cum hominibus libri quatuor.
Language: Latin . Published: Utrecht. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 6
Herman Witsius (Male, born 1636, died 1708)
Genre: Theology
De Oeconomia Foederum Dei cum Hominibus
Borrowed: 1775/11/28 (Tuesday).
Borrower: James Black
Author: Herman Witsius (Male, born 1636, died 1708), Genre: Theology
Record ID 151131
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.11 (1775-1777, Type: Student). Page: 145
Xenophontis Opera Græc. Lat:
Borrowed: 1776/2/12 (Monday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: Guinea.
James Oliver
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena = Xenophontis opera : quae extant omnia [Wells]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1776/2/12 (Monday).
Borrower: James Oliver
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Record ID 156663
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.11 (1775-1777, Type: Student). Page: 221
Slezer's Views
Borrowed: 1776/5/21 (Tuesday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 2/0/0.
Charles Stewart
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
John Slezer (Male, died 1714)
Genre: Travel
Theatrum Scotiae [Slezer]
Possible modern shelfmark: Special Collections JY 587.
Confidence level: Certain
John Slezer (Male, died 1714)
Genre: Travel
Theatrum Scotiae. Containing the prospects of their Majesties castles and palaces: together with those of the most considerable towns and colleges; the ruins of many ancient abbeys, churches, monasteries and convents, within the said kingdom. All curiously engraven on copper plates. With a short description of each place.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1693. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 7
ESTC: R187144
John Slezer (Male, died 1714)
Genre: Travel
Theatrum Scotiae. Containing the Prospects of their Majesties Castles and Palaces
Borrowed: 1776/5/21 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Charles Stewart
Author: John Slezer (Male, died 1714), Genre: Travel
Theatrum Scotiae. Containing the Prospects of their Majesties Castles and Palaces
Record ID 157371
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.11 (1775-1777, Type: Student). Page: 229
Xenophontis Opera vol. 1:st 8:vo
Borrowed: 1776/6/27 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 1/0/0. Funds deposited: ND.
Robert Cleghorn
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena = Xenophontis opera : quae extant omnia [Wells]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1776/6/27 (Thursday).
Borrower: Robert Cleghorn
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 157383
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.11 (1775-1777, Type: Student). Page: 229
Slezer's Views
Borrowed: 1776/7/2 (Tuesday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: Guinea.
William Buchan
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
John Slezer (Male, died 1714)
Genre: Travel
Theatrum Scotiae [Slezer]
Possible modern shelfmark: Special Collections JY 587.
Confidence level: Certain
John Slezer (Male, died 1714)
Genre: Travel
Theatrum Scotiae. Containing the prospects of their Majesties castles and palaces: together with those of the most considerable towns and colleges; the ruins of many ancient abbeys, churches, monasteries and convents, within the said kingdom. All curiously engraven on copper plates. With a short description of each place.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1693. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 7
ESTC: R187144
John Slezer (Male, died 1714)
Genre: Travel
Theatrum Scotiae. Containing the Prospects of their Majesties Castles and Palaces
Borrowed: 1776/7/2 (Tuesday).
Borrower: William Buchan
Author: John Slezer (Male, died 1714), Genre: Travel
Theatrum Scotiae. Containing the Prospects of their Majesties Castles and Palaces
Record ID 158736
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.11 (1775-1777, Type: Student). Page: 266
Xenophon a Wells vol. 2:d 8:vo
Borrowed: 1776/11/23 (Saturday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 1/0/0.
William Shiells
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena = Xenophontis opera : quae extant omnia [Wells]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1776/11/23 (Saturday).
Borrower: William Shiells
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 159657
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.11 (1775-1777, Type: Student). Page: 282
Xenophon a Wells Graec. Lat. v. 2:d
Borrowed: 1776/12/13 (Friday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 1/0/0.
William Shiells
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena = Xenophontis opera : quae extant omnia [Wells]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1776/12/13 (Friday).
Borrower: William Shiells
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 159525
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.11 (1775-1777, Type: Student). Page: 282
Xenophon a Wells Graec. Lat. v. 2:d
Borrowed: 1776/12/13 (Friday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 1/0/0.
William Shiells
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena = Xenophontis opera : quae extant omnia [Wells]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1776/12/13 (Friday).
Borrower: William Shiells
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 160539
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.11 (1775-1777, Type: Student). Page: 299
& Xenophontis Opera vol. 2:d
Borrowed: 1777/1/3 (Friday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: see entry above.
William Shiells
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena = Xenophontis opera : quae extant omnia [Wells]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1777/1/3 (Friday).
Borrower: William Shiells
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 162300
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.11 (1775-1777, Type: Student). Page: 335
& Xenophontis Opera vol. 2:d a Wells
Borrowed: 1777/1/31 (Friday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: see entry above.
William Shiells
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena = Xenophontis opera : quae extant omnia [Wells]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1777/1/31 (Friday).
Borrower: William Shiells
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 383142
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.23 (1789-1790, Type: Student). Page: 116
Tillemont Histoire Ecclesiastique Tome 2d 4to
Borrowed: 1790/2/20 (Saturday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: One Guinea.
Gilbert Hutcheson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Louis-Sébastien Le Nain de Tillemont (Male, born 1637, died 1698)
Genre: Theology
Memoires pour servir a l'histoire ecclesiastique des six premiers siecles [Tillemont]
Possible modern shelfmark: Main Library - Special Collections ; B.22.37-52.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Louis-Sébastien Le Nain de Tillemont (Male, born 1637, died 1698)
Genre: Theology
Memoires pour servir à l'histoire ecclesiastique des six premiers siecles.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1693-1712. Format: 4to. Pagination: 16 vols.
Number of borrowings: 1
Louis-Sébastien Le Nain de Tillemont (Male, born 1637, died 1698)
Genre: Theology
Mémoires pour Servir à l'Histoire Ecclésiastique des Six Premiers Siècles
Borrowed: 1790/2/20 (Saturday).
Borrower: Gilbert Hutcheson
Author: Louis-Sébastien Le Nain de Tillemont (Male, born 1637, died 1698), Genre: Theology
Mémoires pour Servir à l'Histoire Ecclésiastique des Six Premiers Siècles
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 386679
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.23 (1789-1790, Type: Student). Page: 271
Histoire de l'Academie du Paris pour 1717 12mo
Borrowed: 1790/6/29 (Tuesday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: Eight shillings.
William Belcher
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1789-1791. Other: Royal Medical Society 1789; MD (Edin) 1793.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Suite des Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences.
Possible modern shelfmark: Main Library - Special Collections ; D.S.C.5.7(1-16).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1717
Confidence level: Very likely
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1790/6/29 (Tuesday).
Borrower: William Belcher
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1717
Record ID 1
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 4r
Wells Xenophon vol. 3d
Borrowed: 1757/3/22 (Tuesday). Returned: 1757/5/10 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 22 Mar 1757. Original Returned Date: 10 May 1757. Professor 1: Adam Smith.
Charles Wilson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Natural Philosophy, Theology, Preacher. Original Full Name: Charles Wilson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1757/3/22 (Tuesday). Returned: 1757/5/10 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Charles Wilson
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3
Record ID 45
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 5v
Eyuripudes Com Notis J: Barnes
Borrowed: 1757/5/23 (Monday). Returned: 1757/6/9 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 23 May 1757. Original Returned Date: 9 Jun 1757. Professor 1: William Leechman. Professor 2: James Moor. Professor 3: Adam Smith.
Robert Andrews
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: Robert Andrews.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Euripidou sozomena apanta ... = Euripidis quae extant omnia: tragoediae nempe XX, praeter ultimam, omnes completae: item fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX tragoediarum; et epistolae V. Nunc primum & ipsae hùc adjectae: scholia demum doctorum virorum in septem priores tragoediae, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta & concinnata ab Arsenio Monembasiae archieoiscopo ... ; operâ & studio Josuae Barnes
Press: F. Shelf: 4. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bm10-d.10 . Original Author: Euripides..
Confidence level: Certain
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Euripidou sōzomena hapanta· Dēlonoti tragōdiai eikosi, plēn hystatē, pasai teleiai· eti dē kai apospasmatia tōn allōn hyper tas hexēkonta· kai epistolai pente, kai autai nun to prōton prospara grapheisai. scholia tōn panu dokimōn eis hepta tas proteras tragōdias, syllegenta ek diaphorōn palaiōn bibliōn, kai synarmologōthenta para Arseniou Archiepiskopou Monembasias. = Euripidis quæ extant omnia: tragoediæ nempe XX, præter ultimam, omnes completæ: item fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX tragœdiarum; et epistolæ V. Nunc primùm & ipsæ hùc adjectæ: scholia demùm doctorum virorum in septem priores tragœdias, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta & concinnata ab Arsen Monembasiæ Archiepiscopo
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Cambridge. Date of publication: 1694. Format: folio.
Editors: Barnes, Joshua, 1654-1712.
Number of borrowings: 11
ESTC: R24132
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Works of Euripides
Borrowed: 1757/5/23 (Monday). Returned: 1757/6/9 (Thursday).
Borrower: Robert Andrews
Author: Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406), Genre: Drama
Record ID 87
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 7v
Wills Xenophon vol. 1st
Borrowed: 1757/9/21 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/10/5 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 21 Sept 1757. Original Returned Date: 5 Oct 1757. Professor 1: James Moor.
James Gourlay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher. Original Full Name: James Gourlay.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1757/9/21 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/10/5 (Wednesday).
Borrower: James Gourlay
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 101
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 7v
Xenophontis Opera
Borrowed: 1757/10/19 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/10/24 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 19 Oct 1757. Original Returned Date: 24 Oct 1757. Professor 1: James Clow.
Robert Craufurd
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy. Original Full Name: Robert Craufurd.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1757/10/19 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/10/24 (Monday).
Borrower: Robert Craufurd
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 96
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 7v
Wills Xenophon
Borrowed: 1757/10/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/10/24 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 5 Oct 1757. Original Returned Date: 24 Oct 1757. Professor 1: George Muirhead.
James Gourlay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher. Original Full Name: James Gourlay.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1757/10/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1757/10/24 (Monday).
Borrower: James Gourlay
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Record ID 93
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 7v
Xenophontis Opera
Borrowed: 1757/9/29 (Thursday). Returned: 1757/10/12 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 29 Sept 1757. Original Returned Date: 12 Oct 1757. Professor 1: Adam Smith.
Robert Craufurd
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy. Original Full Name: Robert Craufurd.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1757/9/29 (Thursday). Returned: 1757/10/12 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Robert Craufurd
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Record ID 105
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 8r
Wills Xenophon Vol. 4th
Borrowed: 1757/10/17 (Monday). Returned: 1757/11/1 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 17 Oct 1757. Original Returned Date: 1 Nov 1757. Professor 1: James Clow.
Alexander Gibson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Alexander Gibson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1757/10/17 (Monday). Returned: 1757/11/1 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Alexander Gibson
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4
Record ID 181
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 10v
Wells Xenophon
Borrowed: 1757/12/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1757/12/26 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 13 Dec 1757. Original Returned Date: 26 Dec 1757. Professor 1: James Moor. Professor 2: James Clow. Professor 3: George Muirhead.
William McLiesh
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Theology, Ethics, Divinity. Original Full Name: William McLiesh.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1757/12/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1757/12/26 (Monday).
Borrower: William McLiesh
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 226
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 12r
Wells Xenophon vol. 4
Borrowed: 1758/1/12 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/2/1 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 12 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 1 Feb 1758. Professor 1: James Moor. Professor 2: James Clow. Professor 3: George Muirhead.
Alexander Gibson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Alexander Gibson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1758/1/12 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/2/1 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Alexander Gibson
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4
Record ID 269
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 13v
Wells Xenophon Vol 4
Borrowed: 1758/2/1 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 1 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 21 Feb 1758. Professor 1: James Clow. Professor 2: George Muirhead. Professor 3: James Buchanan.
Alexander Gibson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Alexander Gibson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1758/2/1 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Alexander Gibson
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4
Record ID 305
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 14v
A Collection of Voyages
Borrowed: 1758/2/13 (Monday). Returned: 1758/2/14 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 13 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 14 Feb 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.
William Dunlop
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek, Logic, Natural Philosophy. Original Full Name: William Dunlop.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
Collection of curious travels and voyages. To which are added, three catalogues of such trees, shrubs, and herbs as grow in the Levant
Press: AR. Shelf: 9. Number: 7. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl2-i.7. Original Author: Ray, John, 1627-1705..
Confidence level: Certain
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
A collection of curious travels & voyages. In two tomes. The first containing Dr. Leonhart Rauwolff’s itinerary into the eastern countries, as Syria, Palestine, or the Holy Land, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Chaldea, &c. Translated from the High Dutch by Nicholas Staphorst. The second taking in many parts of Greece, Asia minor, Egypt, Arabia Felix, and Petræa, Ethopia, the Red-Sea, &c. from the observations of Mons. Belon, Mr. Vernon, Dr. Spon, Dr. Smith, Dr. Huntingdon, Mr. Greaves, Alpinus, Veslingius, Thevenot’s collections, and others. To which are added, three catalogues of such trees, shrubs, and herbs as grow in the Levant.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1693. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 13
ESTC: R17904
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages
Borrowed: 1758/2/13 (Monday). Returned: 1758/2/14 (Tuesday).
Borrower: William Dunlop
Author: John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705), Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
Record ID 302
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 14v
Pools Synopsi vol 5
Borrowed: 1758/2/10 (Friday). Returned: 1758/3/9 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 10 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 9 Mar 1758. Professor 1: John Anderson.
Hugh Gourlay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: Hugh Gourlay.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum ... Revisum et a mendis plurimis repurgatum.
Press: CE. Shelf: 4. Number: 8. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk4-e.8-12. Original Author: Poole, Matthew, 1624-1679..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4.2
Confidence level: Certain
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum ... Revisum et a mendis plurimis repurgatum.
Language: Latin . Published: Frankfurt am Main. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 27 times in 14 borrowing records
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae Interpretum
Borrowed: 1758/2/10 (Friday). Returned: 1758/3/9 (Thursday).
Borrower: Hugh Gourlay
Author: Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679), Genre: Theology
Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae Interpretum
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4.2
Record ID 326
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 15v
Ray Collection of voyages
Borrowed: 1758/2/20 (Monday). Returned: 1758/3/6 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 20 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 6 Mar 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.
John Turner
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Theology, Greek. Original Full Name: John Turner.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
Collection of curious travels and voyages. To which are added, three catalogues of such trees, shrubs, and herbs as grow in the Levant
Press: AR. Shelf: 9. Number: 7. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl2-i.7. Original Author: Ray, John, 1627-1705..
Confidence level: Certain
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
A collection of curious travels & voyages. In two tomes. The first containing Dr. Leonhart Rauwolff’s itinerary into the eastern countries, as Syria, Palestine, or the Holy Land, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Chaldea, &c. Translated from the High Dutch by Nicholas Staphorst. The second taking in many parts of Greece, Asia minor, Egypt, Arabia Felix, and Petræa, Ethopia, the Red-Sea, &c. from the observations of Mons. Belon, Mr. Vernon, Dr. Spon, Dr. Smith, Dr. Huntingdon, Mr. Greaves, Alpinus, Veslingius, Thevenot’s collections, and others. To which are added, three catalogues of such trees, shrubs, and herbs as grow in the Levant.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1693. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 13
ESTC: R17904
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages
Borrowed: 1758/2/20 (Monday). Returned: 1758/3/6 (Monday).
Borrower: John Turner
Author: John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705), Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
Record ID 317
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 15v
Rays Collection of Voyages
Borrowed: 1758/2/15 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 15 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 21 Feb 1758. Professor 1: George Muirhead.
William Dunlop
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek, Logic, Natural Philosophy. Original Full Name: William Dunlop.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
Collection of curious travels and voyages. To which are added, three catalogues of such trees, shrubs, and herbs as grow in the Levant
Press: AR. Shelf: 9. Number: 7. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl2-i.7. Original Author: Ray, John, 1627-1705..
Confidence level: Certain
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
A collection of curious travels & voyages. In two tomes. The first containing Dr. Leonhart Rauwolff’s itinerary into the eastern countries, as Syria, Palestine, or the Holy Land, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Chaldea, &c. Translated from the High Dutch by Nicholas Staphorst. The second taking in many parts of Greece, Asia minor, Egypt, Arabia Felix, and Petræa, Ethopia, the Red-Sea, &c. from the observations of Mons. Belon, Mr. Vernon, Dr. Spon, Dr. Smith, Dr. Huntingdon, Mr. Greaves, Alpinus, Veslingius, Thevenot’s collections, and others. To which are added, three catalogues of such trees, shrubs, and herbs as grow in the Levant.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1693. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 13
ESTC: R17904
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages
Borrowed: 1758/2/15 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday).
Borrower: William Dunlop
Author: John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705), Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
Record ID 338
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 16r
Xenophontis Memorabilia
Borrowed: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/4/21 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 21 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 21 Apr 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.
Andrew Lutch
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Andrew Lutch.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1758/2/21 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/4/21 (Friday).
Borrower: Andrew Lutch
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 378
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 17v
Memoirs de' l'Academie de science 1743
Borrowed: 1758/3/9 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/3/28 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 9 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 28 Mar 1758. Professor 1: Joseph Black. Professor 2: Robert Simson. Professor 3: John Anderson.
Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1758/3/9 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/3/28 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Archibald Semple
Genre: Periodicals
Record ID 379
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 17v
Pools Synopsis vol 6
Borrowed: 1758/3/9 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/3/29 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 9 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 29 Mar 1758. Professor 1: John Anderson.
Hugh Gourlay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: Hugh Gourlay.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum ... Revisum et a mendis plurimis repurgatum.
Press: CE. Shelf: 4. Number: 8. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk4-e.8-12. Original Author: Poole, Matthew, 1624-1679..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4.2
Confidence level: Certain
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum ... Revisum et a mendis plurimis repurgatum.
Language: Latin . Published: Frankfurt am Main. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 27 times in 14 borrowing records
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae Interpretum
Borrowed: 1758/3/9 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/3/29 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Hugh Gourlay
Author: Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679), Genre: Theology
Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae Interpretum
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4.2
Record ID 438
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 19v
Xenophontis Memorabilia
Borrowed: 1758/3/31 (Friday). Returned: 1758/4/12 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 31 Mar 1758. Original Returned Date: 12 Apr 1758. Professor 1: James Clow.
J. A.
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: J. A..
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1758/3/31 (Friday). Returned: 1758/4/12 (Wednesday).
Borrower: J. A.
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Record ID 470
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 20v
Synopsis Corticorum vol 5
Borrowed: 1758/4/14 (Friday). Returned: 1758/5/4 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 14 Apr 1758. Original Returned Date: 4 May 1758. Professor 1: Adam Smith.
James Gourlay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher. Original Full Name: James Gourlay.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum ... Revisum et a mendis plurimis repurgatum.
Press: CE. Shelf: 4. Number: 8. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk4-e.8-12. Original Author: Poole, Matthew, 1624-1679..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4.2
Confidence level: Certain
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum ... Revisum et a mendis plurimis repurgatum.
Language: Latin . Published: Frankfurt am Main. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 27 times in 14 borrowing records
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae Interpretum
Borrowed: 1758/4/14 (Friday). Returned: 1758/5/4 (Thursday).
Borrower: James Gourlay
Author: Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679), Genre: Theology
Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae Interpretum
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4.2
Record ID 489
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 21r
Synopsis Corticorum
Borrowed: 1758/5/4 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/5/23 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 4 May 1758. Original Returned Date: 23 May 1758. Professor 1: Adam Smith.
James Gourlay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher. Original Full Name: James Gourlay.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum ... Revisum et a mendis plurimis repurgatum.
Press: CE. Shelf: 4. Number: 8. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk4-e.8-12. Original Author: Poole, Matthew, 1624-1679..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4.1, Volume 4.2
Confidence level: Certain
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum ... Revisum et a mendis plurimis repurgatum.
Language: Latin . Published: Frankfurt am Main. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 27 times in 14 borrowing records
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae Interpretum
Borrowed: 1758/5/4 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/5/23 (Tuesday).
Borrower: James Gourlay
Author: Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679), Genre: Theology
Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae Interpretum
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4.1, Volume 4.2
Record ID 485
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 21r
Xenophontis Memorabilia
Borrowed: 1758/4/21 (Friday). Returned: 1758/6/18 (Sunday). Original Borrowed Date: 21 Apr 1758. Original Returned Date: 18 Jun 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson.
Andrew Lutch
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Andrew Lutch.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1758/4/21 (Friday). Returned: 1758/6/18 (Sunday).
Borrower: Andrew Lutch
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 533
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 22v
Wells Xenophon vol 2d
Borrowed: 1758/7/19 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/8/16 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 19 Jul 1758. Original Returned Date: 16 Aug 1758. Professor 1: James Moor.
John Aird
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: John Aird.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1758/7/19 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/8/16 (Wednesday).
Borrower: John Aird
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 549
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 23r
Wells Xenophon vol 1st
Borrowed: 1758/8/8 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/8/30 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 8 Aug 1758. Original Returned Date: 30 Aug 1758. Professor 1: William Leechman.
James Gourlay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher. Original Full Name: James Gourlay.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1758/8/8 (Tuesday). Returned: 1758/8/30 (Wednesday).
Borrower: James Gourlay
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 558
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 23v
Wells Xenophon vol 2d
Borrowed: 1758/8/16 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/9/13 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 16 Aug 1758. Original Returned Date: 13 Sept 1758. Professor 1: Adam Smith.
John Aird
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: John Aird.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1758/8/16 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/9/13 (Wednesday).
Borrower: John Aird
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 579
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 24r
Wells Xenophon
Borrowed: 1758/9/13 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/10/3 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 13 Sept 1758. Original Returned Date: 3 Oct 1758. Professor 1: William Leechman.
James Oliphant
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher. Original Full Name: James Oliphant.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1758/9/13 (Wednesday). Returned: 1758/10/3 (Tuesday).
Borrower: James Oliphant
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Record ID 632
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 26r
Pools Synopsis
Borrowed: 1758/11/20 (Monday). Returned: 1758/12/8 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 20 Nov 1758. Original Returned Date: 8 Dec 1758. Professor 1: John Anderson.
James Gourlay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher. Original Full Name: James Gourlay.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum ... Revisum et a mendis plurimis repurgatum.
Press: CE. Shelf: 4. Number: 8. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk4-e.8-12. Original Author: Poole, Matthew, 1624-1679..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4.1, Volume 4.2
Confidence level: Certain
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum ... Revisum et a mendis plurimis repurgatum.
Language: Latin . Published: Frankfurt am Main. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 27 times in 14 borrowing records
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae Interpretum
Borrowed: 1758/11/20 (Monday). Returned: 1758/12/8 (Friday).
Borrower: James Gourlay
Author: Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679), Genre: Theology
Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae Interpretum
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4.1, Volume 4.2
Record ID 652
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 27r
Barnes Euripides
Borrowed: 1758/12/1 (Friday). Returned: 1758/12/15 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 1 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 15 Dec 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson. Professor 2: George Muirhead. Professor 3: John Anderson.
William Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Moral Philosophy, Theology, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Divinity. Original Full Name: William Millar.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Euripidou sozomena apanta ... = Euripidis quae extant omnia: tragoediae nempe XX, praeter ultimam, omnes completae: item fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX tragoediarum; et epistolae V. Nunc primum & ipsae hùc adjectae: scholia demum doctorum virorum in septem priores tragoediae, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta & concinnata ab Arsenio Monembasiae archieoiscopo ... ; operâ & studio Josuae Barnes
Press: F. Shelf: 4. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bm10-d.10 . Original Author: Euripides..
Confidence level: Certain
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Euripidou sōzomena hapanta· Dēlonoti tragōdiai eikosi, plēn hystatē, pasai teleiai· eti dē kai apospasmatia tōn allōn hyper tas hexēkonta· kai epistolai pente, kai autai nun to prōton prospara grapheisai. scholia tōn panu dokimōn eis hepta tas proteras tragōdias, syllegenta ek diaphorōn palaiōn bibliōn, kai synarmologōthenta para Arseniou Archiepiskopou Monembasias. = Euripidis quæ extant omnia: tragoediæ nempe XX, præter ultimam, omnes completæ: item fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX tragœdiarum; et epistolæ V. Nunc primùm & ipsæ hùc adjectæ: scholia demùm doctorum virorum in septem priores tragœdias, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta & concinnata ab Arsen Monembasiæ Archiepiscopo
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Cambridge. Date of publication: 1694. Format: folio.
Editors: Barnes, Joshua, 1654-1712.
Number of borrowings: 11
ESTC: R24132
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Works of Euripides
Borrowed: 1758/12/1 (Friday). Returned: 1758/12/15 (Friday).
Borrower: William Millar
Author: Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406), Genre: Drama
Record ID 651
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 27r
Memoire de L'Acad: Anno 1745
Borrowed: 1758/11/30 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/12/13 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 30 Nov 1758. Original Returned Date: 13 Dec 1758. Professor 1: Robert Simson. Professor 2: Joseph Black. Professor 3: James Moor.
Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1758/11/30 (Thursday). Returned: 1758/12/13 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Archibald Semple
Genre: Periodicals
Record ID 671
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 28r
Barnes Euripides
Borrowed: 1758/12/15 (Friday). Returned: 1759/1/2 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 15 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 2 Jan 1759. Professor 1: Robert Simson. Professor 2: Adam Smith. Professor 3: John Anderson.
William Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Moral Philosophy, Theology, Ethics, Natural Philosophy, Divinity. Original Full Name: William Millar.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Euripidou sozomena apanta ... = Euripidis quae extant omnia: tragoediae nempe XX, praeter ultimam, omnes completae: item fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX tragoediarum; et epistolae V. Nunc primum & ipsae hùc adjectae: scholia demum doctorum virorum in septem priores tragoediae, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta & concinnata ab Arsenio Monembasiae archieoiscopo ... ; operâ & studio Josuae Barnes
Press: F. Shelf: 4. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bm10-d.10 . Original Author: Euripides..
Confidence level: Certain
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Euripidou sōzomena hapanta· Dēlonoti tragōdiai eikosi, plēn hystatē, pasai teleiai· eti dē kai apospasmatia tōn allōn hyper tas hexēkonta· kai epistolai pente, kai autai nun to prōton prospara grapheisai. scholia tōn panu dokimōn eis hepta tas proteras tragōdias, syllegenta ek diaphorōn palaiōn bibliōn, kai synarmologōthenta para Arseniou Archiepiskopou Monembasias. = Euripidis quæ extant omnia: tragoediæ nempe XX, præter ultimam, omnes completæ: item fragmenta aliarum plusquam LX tragœdiarum; et epistolæ V. Nunc primùm & ipsæ hùc adjectæ: scholia demùm doctorum virorum in septem priores tragœdias, ex diversis antiquis exemplaribus undiquaque collecta & concinnata ab Arsen Monembasiæ Archiepiscopo
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Cambridge. Date of publication: 1694. Format: folio.
Editors: Barnes, Joshua, 1654-1712.
Number of borrowings: 11
ESTC: R24132
Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406)
Genre: Drama
Works of Euripides
Borrowed: 1758/12/15 (Friday). Returned: 1759/1/2 (Tuesday).
Borrower: William Millar
Author: Euripides (Male, born c.BCE480, died BCE406), Genre: Drama
Record ID 672
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 28r
Memoire de Academie de Sciences vol year 1737
Borrowed: 1758/12/15 (Friday). Returned: 1759/1/5 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 15 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 5 Jan 1759. Professor 1: Adam Smith. Professor 2: John Anderson. Professor 3: Thomas Hamilton.
Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1758/12/15 (Friday). Returned: 1759/1/5 (Friday).
Borrower: Archibald Semple
Genre: Periodicals
Record ID 681
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 28v
Memoires de L'Acadmie in an: 1742
Borrowed: 1758/12/22 (Friday). Returned: 1759/1/5 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 22 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 5 Jan 1759. Professor 1: John Anderson. Professor 2: Joseph Black.
James Barry
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Physic, Medicine. Original Full Name: James Barry.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1758/12/22 (Friday). Returned: 1759/1/5 (Friday).
Borrower: James Barry
Genre: Periodicals
Record ID 707
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 29v
Memoires de L'Academ: Sciences 1739
Borrowed: 1759/1/5 (Friday). Returned: 1759/1/23 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 5 Jan 1759. Original Returned Date: 23 Jan 1759. Professor 1: Adam Smith. Professor 2: John Anderson. Professor 3: Thomas Hamilton.
Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1759/1/5 (Friday). Returned: 1759/1/23 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Archibald Semple
Genre: Periodicals
Record ID 746
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 31r
Memoir de Sciences in An. 1764
Borrowed: 1759/1/29 (Monday). Returned: 1759/2/16 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 29 Jan 1759. Original Returned Date: 16 Feb 1759. Professor 1: Robert Simson. Professor 2: James Moor. Professor 3: Joseph Black.
Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1759/1/29 (Monday). Returned: 1759/2/16 (Friday).
Borrower: Archibald Semple
Genre: Periodicals
Record ID 889
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 36v
Memoire de L'Acadm: vol 18 in 2 parts
Borrowed: 1759/5/14 (Monday). Returned: 1759/6/1 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 14 May 1759. Original Returned Date: 1 Jun 1759. Professor 1: Robert Simson. Professor 2: Joseph Black.
Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1759/5/14 (Monday). Returned: 1759/6/1 (Friday).
Borrower: Archibald Semple
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 1004
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 40v
Hist: Le Academie de sciences
Borrowed: 1759/11/17 (Saturday). Returned: 1759/11/20 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 17 Nov 1759. Original Returned Date: 20 Nov 1759. Professor 1: Robert Simson. Professor 2: Joseph Black. Professor 3: James Buchanan.
Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1759/11/17 (Saturday). Returned: 1759/11/20 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Archibald Semple
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 995
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 40v
Memoire de L'Academie de Sciences
Borrowed: 1759/11/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1759/11/16 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 7 Nov 1759. Original Returned Date: 16 Nov 1759. Professor 1: Robert Simson. Professor 2: Joseph Black. Professor 3: James Buchanan.
Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1759/11/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1759/11/16 (Friday).
Borrower: Archibald Semple
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 1019
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 41r
Memoires de Academie royall in annum 1743)
Borrowed: 1759/11/23 (Friday). Returned: 1759/12/13 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 23 Nov 1759. Original Returned Date: 13 Dec 1759. Professor 1: Robert Simson. Professor 2: Adam Smith. Professor 3: John Anderson.
Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1759/11/23 (Friday). Returned: 1759/12/13 (Thursday).
Borrower: Archibald Semple
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 1044
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 42r
Memoire de L'Academie Scien: in an 1742.-43
Borrowed: 1759/12/10 (Monday). Returned: 1760/1/2 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 10 Dec 1759. Original Returned Date: 2 Jan 1760. Professor 1: Robert Simson. Professor 2: James Moor. Professor 3: John Anderson.
Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1759/12/10 (Monday). Returned: 1760/1/2 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Archibald Semple
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 1065
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 43r
Memoire de Science in An: 1740-41
Borrowed: 1759/12/19 (Wednesday). Returned: 1760/1/4 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 19 Dec 1759. Original Returned Date: 4 Jan 1760. Professor 1: Adam Smith. Professor 2: Joseph Black. Professor 3: John Anderson.
Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Volumes borrowed: Volume , Volume
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1759/12/19 (Wednesday). Returned: 1760/1/4 (Friday).
Borrower: Archibald Semple
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Volumes borrowed: Volume , Volume
Record ID 1102
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 2: Students Receipt Book (1757-1760, Type: Student). Page: 44v
Histoire de l'Academie royale vols 14 & 34
Borrowed: 1760/1/4 (Friday). Returned: 1760/1/23 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 4 Jan 1760. Original Returned Date: 23 Jan 1760. Professor 1: Adam Smith.
Archibald Semple
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Medicine, Physic. Original Full Name: Archibald Semple.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 14, Volume 34
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1760/1/4 (Friday). Returned: 1760/1/23 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Archibald Semple
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Volumes borrowed: Volume 14, Volume 34
Record ID 1397
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 4v
Polls Synop. Criticorum vol 2
Borrowed: 1760/10/20 (Monday). Returned: 1760/11/12 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 20 Oct 1760. Original Returned Date: 12 Nov 1760. Professor 1: Robert Simson.
Robert Muter
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher, Divinity, Logic. Original Full Name: Robert Muter.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum ... Revisum et a mendis plurimis repurgatum.
Press: CE. Shelf: 4. Number: 8. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk4-e.8-12. Original Author: Poole, Matthew, 1624-1679..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum ... Revisum et a mendis plurimis repurgatum.
Language: Latin . Published: Frankfurt am Main. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 27 times in 14 borrowing records
Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679)
Genre: Theology
Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae Interpretum
Borrowed: 1760/10/20 (Monday). Returned: 1760/11/12 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Robert Muter
Author: Matthew Poole (Male, born 1624, died 1679), Genre: Theology
Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae Interpretum
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 1701
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 14v
Zenophons Anabasis vol 2d
Borrowed: 1761/3/12 (Thursday). Returned: 1761/3/30 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 12 Mar 1761. Original Returned Date: 30 Mar 1761. Professor 1: James Clow. Professor 2: George Muirhead. Professor 3: James Moor.
Timothy Kirby
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Logic, Natural Philosophy, Medicine, Anatomy. Original Full Name: Timothy Kirby.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1761/3/12 (Thursday). Returned: 1761/3/30 (Monday).
Borrower: Timothy Kirby
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 1755
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 16v
Xenophons Anabasis
Borrowed: 1761/4/29 (Wednesday). Returned: 1761/6/10 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 29 Apr 1761. Original Returned Date: 10 Jun 1761. Professor 1: James Moor.
George Maclellan
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek. Original Full Name: George Maclellan.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1761/4/29 (Wednesday). Returned: 1761/6/10 (Wednesday).
Borrower: George Maclellan
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 1763
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 17r
Xenophontis Opera vol 5
Borrowed: 1761/5/8 (Friday). Returned: 1761/5/27 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 8 May 1761. Original Returned Date: 27 May 1761. Professor 1: Robert Simson.
Robert Muter
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher, Divinity, Logic. Original Full Name: Robert Muter.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1761/5/8 (Friday). Returned: 1761/5/27 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Robert Muter
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5
Record ID 1774
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 17r
Rae's Historia Plantarum
Borrowed: 1761/6/1 (Monday). Returned: 1761/6/17 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 1 Jun 1761. Original Returned Date: 17 Jun 1761. Professor 1: None.
Henry Menish
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Physic. Original Full Name: Henry Menish.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Historia plantarum species hactenus editas aliasque insuper multas noviter inventas et descriptas complectens ...
Press: Q. Shelf: 1. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk1-c.6-8. Original Author: Ray, John, 1627-1705..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Certain
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Historia plantarum species hactenus editas aliasque insuper multas noviter inventas & descriptas complectens. In qua agitur primò De Plantis in genere, Earúmque Partibus, Accidentibus & Differentiis; Deinde Genera omnia tum summa tum subalterna ad Species usque infimas, Notis suis certis & Characteristicis Definita, Methodo Naturae vestigiis insistente disponuntur; Species singulae accurate describuntur, obscura illustrantur, omissa supplentur, superflua resecantur, Synonyma necessaria adjiciuntur; Vires denique & usus recepti compendiò traduntur.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1686-1705. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 16 times in 7 borrowing records
ESTC: T93675
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Historia Plantarum [John Ray]
Borrowed: 1761/6/1 (Monday). Returned: 1761/6/17 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Henry Menish
Author: John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705), Genre: Natural Philosophy
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 1776
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 17r
Xenophontis Opera Vol.
Borrowed: 1761/6/2 (Tuesday). Returned: 1761/6/10 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 2 Jun 1761. Original Returned Date: 10 Jun 1761. Professor 1: George Muirhead.
Robert Muter
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher, Divinity, Logic. Original Full Name: Robert Muter.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1761/6/2 (Tuesday). Returned: 1761/6/10 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Robert Muter
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5
Record ID 1778
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 17v
Rae's Historia Plantarum
Borrowed: 1761/6/17 (Wednesday). Returned: 1761/7/15 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 17 Jun 1761. Original Returned Date: 15 Jul 1761. Professor 1: James Clow.
Henry Menish
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Physic. Original Full Name: Henry Menish.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Historia plantarum species hactenus editas aliasque insuper multas noviter inventas et descriptas complectens ...
Press: Q. Shelf: 1. Number: 5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk1-c.6-8. Original Author: Ray, John, 1627-1705..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Certain
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Historia plantarum species hactenus editas aliasque insuper multas noviter inventas & descriptas complectens. In qua agitur primò De Plantis in genere, Earúmque Partibus, Accidentibus & Differentiis; Deinde Genera omnia tum summa tum subalterna ad Species usque infimas, Notis suis certis & Characteristicis Definita, Methodo Naturae vestigiis insistente disponuntur; Species singulae accurate describuntur, obscura illustrantur, omissa supplentur, superflua resecantur, Synonyma necessaria adjiciuntur; Vires denique & usus recepti compendiò traduntur.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1686-1705. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 16 times in 7 borrowing records
ESTC: T93675
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Historia Plantarum [John Ray]
Borrowed: 1761/6/17 (Wednesday). Returned: 1761/7/15 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Henry Menish
Author: John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705), Genre: Natural Philosophy
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 1798
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 18r
Academie De Science par 25
Borrowed: 1761/9/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1761/10/8 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 2 Sep 1761. Original Returned Date: 8 Oct 1761. Professor 1: None.
Thomas Clark
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: Thomas Clark.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 25
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1761/9/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1761/10/8 (Thursday).
Borrower: Thomas Clark
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 25
Record ID 1866
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 20r
Clark's Survey of the Bible
Borrowed: 1761/12/9 (Wednesday). Returned: 1761/12/29 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 9 Dec 1761. Original Returned Date: 29 Dec 1761. Professor 1: James Clow.
Robert Rainey
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, Ethics, Theology. Original Full Name: Robert Rainey.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Samuel Clark (Male, born 1626, died 1701)
Genre: Theology
Survey of the Bible: or, An analytical account of the Holy Scriptures: containing the division of every book and chapter; thereby shewing the frame and contexure of the whole. Much conducing to the clearer understanding thereof. By way of supplement to the annotations on the Bible.
Press: CB. Shelf: 2. Number: 18. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bm1-g.22 . Original Author: Clark, Samuel, 1626-1701..
Confidence level: Certain
Samuel Clark (Male, born 1626, died 1701)
Genre: Theology
A survey of the Bible: or, An analytical account of the Holy Scriptures: containing the division of every book and chapter; thereby shewing the frame and contexure of the whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1693. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 3
ESTC: R11332
Samuel Clark (Male, born 1626, died 1701)
Genre: Theology
Survey of the Bible
Borrowed: 1761/12/9 (Wednesday). Returned: 1761/12/29 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Robert Rainey
Author: Samuel Clark (Male, born 1626, died 1701), Genre: Theology
Record ID 1891
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 20v
Clark's Survey of the Bible
Borrowed: 1761/12/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1762/1/20 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 29 Dec 1761. Original Returned Date: 20 Jan 1762. Professor 1: James Clow.
Robert Rainey
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, Ethics, Theology. Original Full Name: Robert Rainey.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Samuel Clark (Male, born 1626, died 1701)
Genre: Theology
Survey of the Bible: or, An analytical account of the Holy Scriptures: containing the division of every book and chapter; thereby shewing the frame and contexure of the whole. Much conducing to the clearer understanding thereof. By way of supplement to the annotations on the Bible.
Press: CB. Shelf: 2. Number: 18. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bm1-g.22 . Original Author: Clark, Samuel, 1626-1701..
Confidence level: Certain
Samuel Clark (Male, born 1626, died 1701)
Genre: Theology
A survey of the Bible: or, An analytical account of the Holy Scriptures: containing the division of every book and chapter; thereby shewing the frame and contexure of the whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1693. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 3
ESTC: R11332
Samuel Clark (Male, born 1626, died 1701)
Genre: Theology
Survey of the Bible
Borrowed: 1761/12/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1762/1/20 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Robert Rainey
Author: Samuel Clark (Male, born 1626, died 1701), Genre: Theology
Record ID 1923
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 22r
Zenophons Anabasii
Borrowed: 1762/1/22 (Friday). Returned: 1762/1/29 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 22 Jan 1762. Original Returned Date: 29 Jan 1762. Professor 1: Adam Smith.
William Richardson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, Theology, Divinity, Anatomy. Original Full Name: William Richardson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1762/1/22 (Friday). Returned: 1762/1/29 (Friday).
Borrower: William Richardson
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 1937
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 22r
Zenophons Anabasis
Borrowed: 1762/2/1 (Monday). Returned: 1762/2/22 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 1 Feb 1762. Original Returned Date: 22 Feb 1762. Professor 1: Adam Smith.
William Richardson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, Theology, Divinity, Anatomy. Original Full Name: William Richardson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1762/2/1 (Monday). Returned: 1762/2/22 (Monday).
Borrower: William Richardson
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 1930
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 22r
Clark's Survey and Anot. Bib.
Borrowed: 1762/1/25 (Monday). Returned: 1762/2/17 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 25 Jan 1762. Original Returned Date: 17 Feb 1762. Professor 1: James Clow.
Robert Rainey
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, Ethics, Theology. Original Full Name: Robert Rainey.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Samuel Clark (Male, born 1626, died 1701)
Genre: Theology
Survey of the Bible: or, An analytical account of the Holy Scriptures: containing the division of every book and chapter; thereby shewing the frame and contexure of the whole. Much conducing to the clearer understanding thereof. By way of supplement to the annotations on the Bible.
Press: CB. Shelf: 2. Number: 18. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bm1-g.22 . Original Author: Clark, Samuel, 1626-1701..
Confidence level: Certain
Samuel Clark (Male, born 1626, died 1701)
Genre: Theology
A survey of the Bible: or, An analytical account of the Holy Scriptures: containing the division of every book and chapter; thereby shewing the frame and contexure of the whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1693. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 3
ESTC: R11332
Samuel Clark (Male, born 1626, died 1701)
Genre: Theology
Survey of the Bible
Borrowed: 1762/1/25 (Monday). Returned: 1762/2/17 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Robert Rainey
Author: Samuel Clark (Male, born 1626, died 1701), Genre: Theology
Record ID 1955
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 23r
Dawsons Origin of Laws
Borrowed: 1762/2/11 (Thursday). Returned: 1762/3/1 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 11 Feb 1762. Original Returned Date: 1 Mar 1762. Professor 1: Adam Smith.
John Wilson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Logic, Natural Philosophy, Greek, Physic. Original Full Name: John Wilson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
George Dawson (Male, born 1637, died 1700)
Genre: Law
Origo legum: or A treatise of the origin of laws, and their obliging power: : as also of their great variety: and why some laws are immutable, and some not; but may suffer change, or cease to be, or be suspended, or abrogated. In seven books. / By George Dawson, M.A.
Press: V. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bh4-d.3 . Original Author: Dawson, George, 1637-1700..
Confidence level: Certain
George Dawson (Male, born 1637, died 1700)
Genre: Law
Origo legum: or A treatise of the origin of laws, and their obliging power: as also of their great variety: and why some laws are immutable, and some not; but may suffer change, or cease to be, or be suspended, or abrogated.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1694. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 2
ESTC: R1427
George Dawson (Male, born 1637, died 1700)
Genre: Law
Origo Legum: or A Treatise of the Origin of Laws
Borrowed: 1762/2/11 (Thursday). Returned: 1762/3/1 (Monday).
Borrower: John Wilson
Author: George Dawson (Male, born 1637, died 1700), Genre: Law
Record ID 1966
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 23r
Xenophon: vol. 2d
Borrowed: 1762/2/22 (Monday). Returned: 1762/4/16 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 22 Feb 1762. Original Returned Date: 16 Apr 1762. Professor 1: Adam Smith.
William Richardson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, Theology, Divinity, Anatomy. Original Full Name: William Richardson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1762/2/22 (Monday). Returned: 1762/4/16 (Friday).
Borrower: William Richardson
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 2078
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 26v
Wells Xenophon 1st Vol
Borrowed: 1762/11/10 (Wednesday). Returned: 1763/4/28 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 10 Nov 1762. Original Returned Date: 28 Apr 1763. Professor 1: William Leechman.
Charles Wilson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Natural Philosophy, Theology, Preacher. Original Full Name: Charles Wilson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1762/11/10 (Wednesday). Returned: 1763/4/28 (Thursday).
Borrower: Charles Wilson
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 2090
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 27r
Memoires De Academie Sci: 1703
Borrowed: 1762/11/20 (Saturday). Returned: 1762/11/22 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 20 Nov 1762. Original Returned Date: 22 Nov 1762. Professor 1: Joseph Black.
Thomas Marshall
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Physic. Original Full Name: Thomas Marshall.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Borrowed: 1762/11/20 (Saturday). Returned: 1762/11/22 (Monday).
Borrower: Thomas Marshall
Genre: Periodicals
Record ID 2199
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 30r
Well's Xenophon vol IId
Borrowed: 1763/1/31 (Monday). Returned: 1763/3/8 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 31 Jan 1763. Original Returned Date: 8 Mar 1763. Professor 1: James Clow.
William Crawford
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Natural Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Ethics, Theology, Preacher. Original Full Name: William Crawford.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1763/1/31 (Monday). Returned: 1763/3/8 (Tuesday).
Borrower: William Crawford
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 2198
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 30r
Zenophon. Opera folio
Borrowed: 1763/1/31 (Monday). Returned: 1763/2/21 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 31 Jan 1763. Original Returned Date: 21 Feb 1763. Professor 1: James Moor.
John Mackenzie
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Moral Philosophy. Original Full Name: John Mackenzie.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1763/1/31 (Monday). Returned: 1763/2/21 (Monday).
Borrower: John Mackenzie
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 2294
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 32v
William's Sermons 2 Vols
Borrowed: 1763/3/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1763/4/18 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 29 Mar 1763. Original Returned Date: 18 Apr 1763. Professor 1: Robert Trail.
James Oliphant
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Preacher. Original Full Name: James Oliphant.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Daniel Williams (Male, born c.1643, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Man made righteous by Christ's obedience : being two sermons at Pinners-Hall ; with enlargements &c. ; also some remarks on Mr. Mather's Postscript, &c.
Press: AP. Shelf: 5. Number: 1&2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl8-l.10. Original Author: Williams, Daniel, 1643?-1716..
Confidence level: Very likely
Daniel Williams (Male, born c.1643, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Man made righteous by Christ’s obedience being two sermons at Pinners-Hall : with enlargements, &c. : also some remarks on Mr. Mather’s postscript, &c.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 3
ESTC: R38938
Daniel Williams (Male, born c.1643, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Man Made Righteous by Christ’s Obedience being Two Sermons at Pinners-Hall
Borrowed: 1763/3/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1763/4/18 (Monday).
Borrower: James Oliphant
Author: Daniel Williams (Male, born c.1643, died 1716), Genre: Sermons
Man Made Righteous by Christ’s Obedience being Two Sermons at Pinners-Hall
Record ID 2369
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 3: Students Receipt Book, with professor's names (1760-1765, Type: Student). Page: 34v
Xenophontis Opera vol IId
Borrowed: 1763/10/26 (Wednesday). Returned: 1763/11/30 (Wednesday). Original Returned Date: 30 Nov 1763. Professor 1: Adam Smith.
William Lockhart
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Natural Philosophy, Theology. Original Full Name: William Lockhart.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Opera quae extant omnia [Xenophon]
Press: B. Shelf: 10. Number: 3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi2-g.19-23. Original Author: Xenophon..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Xenophōntos ta sōzomena. = Xenophontis opera quæ extant omnia; unà cum chronologiâ Xenophonteâ cl. Dodwelli, et quatuor tabulis geographicis.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: Oxford. Date of publication: 1691-1703. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 168 times in 118 borrowing records
ESTC: T111427
Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354)
Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Xenophon
Borrowed: 1763/10/26 (Wednesday). Returned: 1763/11/30 (Wednesday).
Borrower: William Lockhart
Author: Xenophon of Athens (Male, born c.BCE430, died BCE354), Genre: History, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2