An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers' Registers
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Record ID 211733
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 302
Montaine's essays 3 vol. 4
Borrowed: 1772/8/1 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/9/1 (Tuesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: three guineas.
Mr Cosmo Gordon of Cluny
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1758. Life dates: d. 1800.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Baron of the Exchequer. Politics/Office Holders > MP (Britain).
Mr Robert Smith
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Notaries/Clerks.
Michel de Montaigne (Male, born 1533, died 1592)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Les essais de Michel Seigneur de Montaigne [Coste]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: Ak.3.1-3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Certain
Michel de Montaigne (Male, born 1533, died 1592)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Les essais de Michel Seigneur de Montaigne. Nouvelle edition, faite sur les plus anciennes & les plus correctes: augmentée de quelques lettres de l’auteur; ... Avec de courtes remarques; & de nouveaux indices ... Par Pierre Coste.
Language: French . Published: London. Date of publication: 1724. Format: 4to. Pagination: 3 vols.
Editors: Coste, Pierre
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 8 times in 3 borrowing records
ESTC: N9321
Michel de Montaigne (Male, born 1533, died 1592)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Essays of Montaigne
Borrowed: 1772/8/1 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/9/1 (Tuesday).
Borrowers: Mr Cosmo Gordon of Cluny, Mr Robert Smith
Author: Michel de Montaigne (Male, born 1533, died 1592), Genre: Belles Lettres
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 211742
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 303
Bolainvilliers Etat de la France 3 vols. fol.
Borrowed: 1772/8/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/5 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Ten Pounds Sterling.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Comte de Henri Boulainvilliers (Male, born 1658, died 1722)
Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Etat de la France, dans lequel on voit tout ce qui regarde le gouvernement ... commerce [Boulainvilliers]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: D.11.a.1-3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Certain
Comte de Henri Boulainvilliers (Male, born 1658, died 1722)
Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Etat de la France, dans lequel on voit tout ce qui regarde le gouvernement Ecclesiastique, le Militaire, la Justice, les Finances, le commerce, les Manufactures, le Nombre des habitans, & en general tout ce qui peut faire connoître à fond cette Monarchie.
Language: French . Published: London. Date of publication: 1727-1728. Format: folio. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 13 times in 5 borrowing records
ESTC: T129566
Comte de Henri Boulainvilliers (Male, born 1658, died 1722)
Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Etat de la France
Borrowed: 1772/8/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/5 (Saturday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Comte de Henri Boulainvilliers (Male, born 1658, died 1722), Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 211754
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 303
Present State of Genoa 8.vo
Borrowed: 1772/8/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/5 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Gregorio Leti (Male, born 1630, died 1701)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
The present state of Genova [Leti]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: A.58.h.9 .
Confidence level: Certain
Gregorio Leti (Male, born 1630, died 1701)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
The present state of Genova, with the articles of the treaty of cession to the French king, and an account of the late actions of the French fleet, before it, and of the damages there sustain’d by the bombs and carcasses. To which is added, a letter from the Republick of Genoua to the City of Argiers upon that subject.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1687. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: R217652
Gregorio Leti (Male, born 1630, died 1701)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Present State of Genova
Borrowed: 1772/8/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/5 (Saturday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Gregorio Leti (Male, born 1630, died 1701), Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Record ID 211760
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 304
Fleta. folio
Borrowed: 1772/8/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/5 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Genre: Law
Fleta, seu commentarius juris Anglicani.
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.144.3.
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Law
Fleta, seu commentarius juris Anglicani: partim e codice MS. to Cottoniano; partim ex antiquis rotulis, et veterrimis tam histori? quam legum Angli? scriptoribus emendatus, illustratus, et in integrum restitutus. Liber primus Antiqua Placita Coronae Continens.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1735. Format: folio.
Editors: Clarke, Thomas
Number of borrowings: 2
ESTC: T25425
Borrowed: 1772/8/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/5 (Saturday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Genre: Law
Record ID 211763
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 304
ditto by Selden
Borrowed: 1772/8/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/5 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Dissertation of John Selden, annexed to Fleta.
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.141.3].
Confidence level: Certain
John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
The dissertation of John Selden, annexed to Fleta.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771. Format: 4to.
Translators: Kelham, Robert ('the editor of Britton')
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: T112668
John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Dissertation of John Selden, annexed to Fleta
Borrowed: 1772/8/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/5 (Saturday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654), Genre: History, Genre: Law
Record ID 211766
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 304
Beverigij Institutione chronologicae. in 4.
Borrowed: 1772/4/6 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/6 (Sunday). Fine pledged in case of late return: seven shill. sterl..
Mr John Gordon younger of Cairnfield
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1789. Life dates: 1767-1793.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
William Beveridge (Male, born 1637, died 1708)
Genre: Mathematics
Institutionum chronologicarum libri II [Beveridge]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.84.d.13.
Confidence level: Certain
William Beveridge (Male, born 1637, died 1708)
Genre: Mathematics
Institutionum chronologicarum libri II. Unà cum totidem arithmetices chronologicæ libellis.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1669. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: R2183
William Beveridge (Male, born 1637, died 1708)
Genre: Mathematics
Institutionum Chronologicarum Libri II. Unà cum Totidem Arithmetices Chronologicae Libellis
Borrowed: 1772/4/6 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/6 (Sunday).
Borrower: Mr John Gordon younger of Cairnfield
Author: William Beveridge (Male, born 1637, died 1708), Genre: Mathematics
Institutionum Chronologicarum Libri II. Unà cum Totidem Arithmetices Chronologicae Libellis
Record ID 211757
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 304
Hearnes discourses of ancient Antiquities 2 vols 8vo
Borrowed: 1772/8/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/5 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: one Pound Sterl.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Thomas Hearne (Male, born 1678, died 1735)
Genre: History
Collection of curious discourses written by eminent antiquaries upon several heads in our English antiquities [Hearne]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: C.7.e.1-2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Thomas Hearne (Male, born 1678, died 1735)
Genre: History
A collection of curious discourses written by eminent antiquaries upon several heads in our English antiquities. Together with Mr. Thomas Hearne’s preface and appendix to the former edition. To which are added a great number of antiquary discourses.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 14 times in 9 borrowing records
ESTC: T132034
Thomas Hearne (Male, born 1678, died 1735)
Genre: History
Collection of Curious Discourses written by Eminent Antiquaries
Borrowed: 1772/8/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/5 (Saturday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Thomas Hearne (Male, born 1678, died 1735), Genre: History
Collection of Curious Discourses written by Eminent Antiquaries
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 211769
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 305
Beaumont & Fletchers Plays vols. in 8vo[Note in margin:] Vol. 10 not returned W. G.
Borrowed: 1772/8/7 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: One Pound sterling.
Mr John Pringle
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1763. Life dates: 1741-1811.
Francis Beaumont (Male, born 1584, died 1616), John Fletcher (Male, born 1579, died 1625)
Genre: Drama
Works of Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: [Al].5/1.1-10.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7, Volume 8, Volume 9, Volume 10
Confidence level: Certain
Francis Beaumont (Male, born 1584, died 1616), John Fletcher (Male, born 1579, died 1625)
Genre: Drama
The works of Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. In ten volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1750. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 10 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 103 times in 21 borrowing records
ESTC: T139208
Francis Beaumont (Male, born 1584, died 1616), John Fletcher (Male, born 1579, died 1625)
Genre: Drama
Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
Borrowed: 1772/8/7 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/7 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr John Pringle
Author: Francis Beaumont (Male, born 1584, died 1616), John Fletcher (Male, born 1579, died 1625), Genre: Drama
Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7, Volume 8, Volume 9, Volume 10
Record ID 211772
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 305
Orems hist. of Indost. 4.
Borrowed: 1772/8/7 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: one pound sterl..
Mr Adam Ogilvie of Hartwoodmyres
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1768. Life dates: 1746-1809.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801)
Genre: History
History of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan [Orme]
Confidence level: Very likely
Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801)
Genre: History
A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, from the year MDCCXLV. To which is prefixed a dissertation on the establishments made by Mahomedan conquerors in Indostan.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1763. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 35 times in 32 borrowing records
ESTC: T111040
Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801)
Genre: History
History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, from the Year MDCCXLV
Borrowed: 1772/8/7 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/7 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr Adam Ogilvie of Hartwoodmyres
Author: Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801), Genre: History
History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, from the Year MDCCXLV
Record ID 211775
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 306
Humes History of England Vols. 1.2 [and D.o History of Q Elisabeth] in all 3 vols quarto
Borrowed: 1772/8/7 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Two Pounds Sterling.
Mr George Clerk
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1767. Life dates: d. 1776.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: History
The history of England, under the House of Tudor. ... By David Hume.
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: C.31.a. .
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: History
The history of England, under the House of Tudor. Comprehending the reigns of K. Henry VII. K. Henry VIII. K Edward VI. Q. Mary, and Q. Elizabeth. By David Hume, Esq; In two volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1759. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 52 times in 35 borrowing records
ESTC: T85928
David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: History
History of England [David Hume]
Borrowed: 1772/8/7 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/7 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr George Clerk
Author: David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776), Genre: History
History of England [David Hume]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 211781
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 306
Salmon's Review of British hist. 2 vol. 8
Borrowed: 1772/8/8 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/9/8 (Tuesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: ten shill. sterl.
Mr John Pringle
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1763. Life dates: 1741-1811.
Thomas Salmon (Male, born 1679, died 1767)
Genre: History
A review of the history of England [Salmon]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: C.9.f.18.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Thomas Salmon (Male, born 1679, died 1767)
Genre: History
A review of the history of England. In two volumes. ... Containing the titles and pretensions of our several kings, and the most remarkable Transactions and Occurrences in each Reign, from the Conquest to the Revolution. ... Containing the transactions and occurrences of the three last reigns; viz. King James II. King William III. and Queen Anne.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1724. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 2 times in 1 borrowing record
ESTC: N15001
Thomas Salmon (Male, born 1679, died 1767)
Genre: History
Review of the History of England
Borrowed: 1772/8/8 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/9/8 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Mr John Pringle
Author: Thomas Salmon (Male, born 1679, died 1767), Genre: History
Review of the History of England
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 211784
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 307
Harrington's Oceana and other Works fol
Borrowed: 1772/8/11 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/9/11 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: one pound sterl.
Sir David Dalrymple Lord Hailes
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1748. Life dates: 1726-1792.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
James Harrington (Male, born 1611, died 1677)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
The Oceana and other works of James Harrington Esq.
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: [Aq].1/1.6.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6
Confidence level: Certain
James Harrington (Male, born 1611, died 1677)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
The oceana and other works of James Harrington Esq; collected, methodiz’d, and review’d, with an exact account of his life prefix’d, by John Toland. To which is added, an appendix, containing all the political tracts wrote by this author, omitted in Mr. Toland’s edition.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747. Format: folio. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 24 times in 4 borrowing records
ESTC: T127183
James Harrington (Male, born 1611, died 1677)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Oceana of James Harrington, and His Other Works
Borrowed: 1772/8/11 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/9/11 (Friday).
Borrower: Sir David Dalrymple Lord Hailes
Author: James Harrington (Male, born 1611, died 1677), Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Oceana of James Harrington, and His Other Works
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6
Record ID 211787
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 307
Harris Voyages Vol 1 folio
Borrowed: 1772/8/11 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/9/11 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Two Pounds sterl.
Mr John Swinton of Swinton; junior
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1744. Life dates: d. 1799.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
John Harris (Male, born c.1677, died 1719)
Genre: Travel
Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca. Or, a complete collection of voyages and travels [Harris]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.126.b.28-29.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
John Harris (Male, born c.1677, died 1719)
Genre: Travel
Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca. Or, a complete collection of voyages and travels. Consisting of above six hundred of the most authentic writers, beginning with Hackluit, Purchass, &c. in English; Ramusio, Alamandini, Carreri, &c. in Italian; Thevenot, Renaudot, Labat, &c. in French; De Brye, Grynaeus, Maffeus, &c. in Latin; Herrera, Oviedo, Coreal, &c. in Spanish; and the voyages under the direction of the East-India Company in Holland, in Dutch. Together with such other histories, voyages, travels, or discoveries, as are in general esteem; whether published in English, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, High and Low Dutch, or in any other European language. Containing whatever has been observed worthy of notice in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America; in respect to the extent and situation of empires, kingdoms, provinces, &c. The climate, soil, and produce, whether animal, vegetable, or mineral, of each country: likewise the religion, manners, and customs of the several inhabitants, their government, arts and sciences, publick buildings, mountains, rivers, harbours, &c. Illustrated by proper charts, maps, and cuts. To which is prefixed a copious introduction, comprehending the rise and progress of the art of navigation, and its successive improvements; together with the invention and use of the loadstone, and its variation. Originally published in two volumes in folio, by John Harris, D.D. and F.R.S. Now carefully revised, with large additions, and continued down to the present time; including particular accounts of the manufactures and commerce of each country.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1744-1748. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 140 times in 111 borrowing records
ESTC: N10532
John Harris (Male, born c.1677, died 1719)
Genre: Travel
Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels
Borrowed: 1772/8/11 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/9/11 (Friday).
Borrower: Mr John Swinton of Swinton; junior
Author: John Harris (Male, born c.1677, died 1719), Genre: Travel
Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 211793
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 308
Osbornes Voyages vol 1st fol
Borrowed: 1772/8/12 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/12 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: One Pound Sterling.
Mr Matthew Ross of Condie
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1772. Life dates: 1750-1823 .
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Dean of Faculty.
Genre: Travel
A collection of voyages and travels [Churchill]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.127.a.22-29 .
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Travel
A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1752. Format: folio. Pagination: 8 vols.
Editors: Churchill, Awnsham; Churchill, John.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 30 times in 13 borrowing records
ESTC: T97844
Borrowed: 1772/8/12 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/12 (Saturday).
Borrower: Mr Matthew Ross of Condie
Genre: Travel
Collection of Voyages and Travels
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 211799
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 309
Pettingall on Juries
Borrowed: 1772/8/12 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/12 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
John Pettingal (Male, born 1708, died 1781)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
An enquiry into the practice of juries among the Greeks and Romans [Pettingal]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.145.4].
Confidence level: Certain
John Pettingal (Male, born 1708, died 1781)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
An enquiry into the use and practice of juries among the Greeks and Romans; From whence the Origin of the English Jury may probably be deduced.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1769. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 6
ESTC: T32774
John Pettingal (Male, born 1708, died 1781)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Enquiry into the Use and Practice of Juries among the Greeks and Romans
Borrowed: 1772/8/12 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/12 (Saturday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: John Pettingal (Male, born 1708, died 1781), Genre: History, Genre: Law
Enquiry into the Use and Practice of Juries among the Greeks and Romans
Record ID 211817
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 309
Bouquet droit Eccleiastique 2V.
Borrowed: 1772/8/12 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/12 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Marquis d' (René-Louis de Voyer) Argenson (Male, born 1694, died 1757)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Histoire du droit public ecclesiastique françois [Argenson]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Drill Hall FRA/ARG.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Marquis d' (René-Louis de Voyer) Argenson (Male, born 1694, died 1757)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Histoire du droit public ecclesiastique françois, où l’on traite de sa nature, de son etablissement, de ses variations, et des causes de sa decadence. On y a joint quelques dissertations sur les articles les plus importans et les plus contestes.
Language: French . Published: London | Paris. Date of publication: 1750. Format: 4to. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 3 times in 2 borrowing records
ESTC: T70156
Marquis d' (René-Louis de Voyer) Argenson (Male, born 1694, died 1757)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Histoire du Droit Public Ecclesiastique François
Borrowed: 1772/8/12 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/12 (Saturday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Marquis d' (René-Louis de Voyer) Argenson (Male, born 1694, died 1757), Genre: History, Genre: Law
Histoire du Droit Public Ecclesiastique François
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 211841
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 309
Maddox dialogue on the Exchequer
Borrowed: 1772/8/12 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/12 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Thomas Madox (Male, born 1666, died 1727)
Genre: History
The history and antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England [Madox]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: C.12.a..
Confidence level: Certain
Thomas Madox (Male, born 1666, died 1727)
Genre: History
The history and antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England, in two periods: to wit, from the Norman conquest, to the end of the reign of K. John; and from the end of the reign of K. John, to the end of the reign of K. Edward II: taken from records
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1711. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 7
ESTC: T97071
Thomas Madox (Male, born 1666, died 1727)
Genre: History
History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England
Borrowed: 1772/8/12 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/12 (Saturday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Thomas Madox (Male, born 1666, died 1727), Genre: History
History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England
Record ID 212063
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 310
Bouquet droit publique de France
Borrowed: 1772/8/12 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/12 (Saturday).
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Marquis d' (René-Louis de Voyer) Argenson (Male, born 1694, died 1757)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Histoire du droit public ecclesiastique françois [Argenson]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Drill Hall FRA/ARG.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Marquis d' (René-Louis de Voyer) Argenson (Male, born 1694, died 1757)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Histoire du droit public ecclesiastique françois, où l’on traite de sa nature, de son etablissement, de ses variations, et des causes de sa decadence. On y a joint quelques dissertations sur les articles les plus importans et les plus contestes.
Language: French . Published: London | Paris. Date of publication: 1750. Format: 4to. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 3 times in 2 borrowing records
ESTC: T70156
Marquis d' (René-Louis de Voyer) Argenson (Male, born 1694, died 1757)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Histoire du Droit Public Ecclesiastique François
Borrowed: 1772/8/12 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/9/12 (Saturday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Marquis d' (René-Louis de Voyer) Argenson (Male, born 1694, died 1757), Genre: History, Genre: Law
Histoire du Droit Public Ecclesiastique François
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 212084
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 311
Wotton Leges Wallicae fol.
Borrowed: 1772/8/14 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/14 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: five Pounds sterl.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Genre: Law
Cyfreithjeu Hywel Dda ac eraill, seu leges Wallicae ecclesiasticae & civiles Hoeli Boni et aliorum Walliae principum [Wotton]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.144.5.
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Law
Cyfreithjeu Hywel Dda ac eraill, seu leges Wallicae Ecclesiasticae & Civiles Hoeli Boni et Aliorum Walliae Principum, quas Ex variis Codicibus Manuscriptis eruit, Interpretatione Latina, Notis & Glossario illustravit Guilielmus Wottonus, S.T.P. adjuvante Mose Guilielmio, A.M.R.S. Soc. Qui & appendicem adjecit.
Language: Latin | Welsh . Published: London. Date of publication: 1730. Format: folio.
Editors: Wotton, William; Clarke, William
Number of borrowings: 3
ESTC: T63960
Genre: Law
Cyfreithjeu Hywel Dda ac eraill, seu Leges Wallicae Ecclesiasticae & Civiles Hoeli Boni et Aliorum Walliae Principum
Borrowed: 1772/8/14 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/14 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Genre: Law
Record ID 212105
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 311
Seldens Works Vol IV.
Borrowed: 1772/8/14 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/14 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Joannis Seldeni jurisconsulti Opera omnia, tam edita quam inedita.
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection A.71.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4
Confidence level: Certain
John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Joannis Seldeni ... Opera omnia, tam edita quam inedita. In tribus voluminibus.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1726. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 29 times in 12 borrowing records
ESTC: T153464
John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Works of John Selden
Borrowed: 1772/8/14 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/14 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654), Genre: History, Genre: Law
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4
Record ID 212117
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 311
Staundfords Plees del Coronae 4to
Borrowed: 1772/8/14 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/14 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Sir William Staunford (Male, born 1509, died 1558)
Genre: Law
Les plees del coron [Staunforde]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.141.1].
Confidence level: Certain
Sir William Staunford (Male, born 1509, died 1558)
Genre: Law
Les plees del coron, diuisees in plusors titles & comon lieux.
Language: French | Latin | English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1574. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 3
ESTC: S117813
Sir William Staunford (Male, born 1509, died 1558)
Genre: Law
Plees del Coron
Borrowed: 1772/8/14 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/14 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Sir William Staunford (Male, born 1509, died 1558), Genre: Law
Record ID 212075
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 311
Monros Expedition folio
Borrowed: 1772/8/13 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/9/13 (Sunday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Six Shillings Sterling.
Mr James Boswell of Auchinleck
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1766. Life dates: 1740-1795.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Author. Law > Barrister. Law > Advocate.
Robert Monro (Male)
Genre: History
Monro his expedition vvith the vvorthy Scots Regiment (called Mac-Keyes Regiment) levied in August 1626
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: NE.20.h.8.
Confidence level: Certain
Robert Monro (Male)
Genre: History
Monro his expedition vvith the vvorthy Scots Regiment (called Mac-Keyes Regiment) levied in August 1626. by Sr. Donald Mac-Key Lord Rhees, colonell for his Majesties service of Denmark, and reduced after the Battaile of Nerling, to one company in September 1634. at Wormes in the Paltz. Discharged in severall duties and observations of service; first under the magnanimous King of Denmark, during his warres against the Emperour; afterward, under the invincible King of Sweden, during his Majesties life time; and since, under the Directour Generall, the Rex-chancellor Oxensterne and his generalls.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1637. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 14
ESTC: S114933
Robert Monro (Male)
Genre: History
Monro his Expedition with the Worthy Scots Regiment (called Mac-Keyes Regiment) Levied in August 1626
Borrowed: 1772/8/13 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/9/13 (Sunday).
Borrower: Mr James Boswell of Auchinleck
Author: Robert Monro (Male), Genre: History
Record ID 212090
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 311
Les assies dans Edward III. fol
Borrowed: 1772/8/14 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/14 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Genre: Law
Le liver des assises & plees del Corone [Edward III]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.165.4.
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Law
Le liuer des assises & plees del corone moues & dependantz deuaunt les iusticez sybien en lour circuitz come aylours, en tempz le Roy Edwarde le tierce, iadis Roy dengleterre, ouesque vn table dez principall matters del pleez del corone.
Language: French . Published: London. Date of publication: 1561. Format: folio.
Editors: Rastell, John
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: S121404
Borrowed: 1772/8/14 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/14 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Genre: Law
Record ID 277190
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 312
Plowdens Reports fol.
Borrowed: 1772/8/14 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/14 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: five Pounds sterl.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Edmund Plowden (Male, born 1518, died 1585)
Genre: Law
Les commentaries ou reports de Edmund Plowden, un apprentice de le Common Ley.
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.163.3].
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Edmund Plowden (Male, born 1518, died 1585)
Genre: Law
Les commentaries ou reports de Edmund Plowden, un apprentice de le common ley, de divers cases esteant matters en ley, & de les arguments sur yceux, en les temps des raigns le Roy Edward le size, le Roign Mary, le Roy & Roign Phil. & Mary, & le Roigne [sic] Elizabeth.
Language: French . Published: London. Date of publication: 1684. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 2 times in 1 borrowing record
ESTC: R220023
Edmund Plowden (Male, born 1518, died 1585)
Genre: Law
Commentaries ou Reports de Edmund Plowden
Borrowed: 1772/8/14 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/14 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Edmund Plowden (Male, born 1518, died 1585), Genre: Law
Commentaries ou Reports de Edmund Plowden
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 277208
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 313
Dows history of Hindostan vols. 2.3. 4to
Borrowed: 1772/8/18 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/9/18 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr John Maclaurin Lord Dreghorn
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1756. Life dates: 1734-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice. Law > Lord President.
Bain Whyte
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.
Alexander Dow (Male, died 1779), Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
History of Hindostan; from the earliest account of time, to the death of Akbar; translated from the Persian of Mahummud Casim Ferishta of Delhi [Dow]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.141.a.12-13.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Certain
Alexander Dow (Male, died 1779)
Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
The history of Hindostan, from the death of Akbar, to the complete settlement of the empire under Aurungzebe. To which are prefixed, I. A dissertation on the origin and nature of despotism in Hindostan. II. An enquiry into the state of Bengal; With a Plan for restoring that Kingdom to its former Prosperity and Splendor.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1772. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 41 times in 20 borrowing records
ESTC: T91569
Alexander Dow (Male, died 1779)
Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
History of Hindostan
Confidence level: Certain
Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History
The history of Hindostan; from the earliest account of time, to the death of Akbar; translated from the Persian of Mahummud Casim Ferishta of Delhi: Together with A Dissertation Concerning the Religion and Philosophy of the Brahmins; With an appendix, containing the history of the Mogul empire, from its decline in the reign of Mahummud Shaw, to the present times.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1768-1772. Format: 4to.
Translators: Dow, Alexander, - 1779.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 57 times in 26 borrowing records
ESTC: T91573
Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History
History of Hindostan; from the Earliest Account of Time, to the Death of Akbar
Borrowed: 1772/8/18 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/9/18 (Friday).
Borrowers: Mr John Maclaurin Lord Dreghorn, Bain Whyte
Author: Alexander Dow (Male, died 1779), Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623), Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
History of Hindostan, History of Hindostan; from the Earliest Account of Time, to the Death of Akbar
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 277211
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 313
Blounts Tenures 8vo
Borrowed: 1772/8/20 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/9/20 (Sunday). Fine pledged in case of late return: five Shillings sterl.
Mr George Fergusson Lord Hermand
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1765. Life dates: 1743-1827.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Thomas Blount (Male, born 1618, died 1679)
Genre: Law
Fragmenta antiquitatis. Antient tenures of land, and jocular customs of some mannors [Blount]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection AB/BLO.
Confidence level: Certain
Thomas Blount (Male, born 1618, died 1679)
Genre: Law
Fragmenta antiquitatis. Antient tenures of land, and jocular customs of some mannors· Made publick for the diversion of some, and instruction of others.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1679. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 2
ESTC: R2884
Thomas Blount (Male, born 1618, died 1679)
Genre: Law
Fragmenta Antiquitatis; or, Antient Tenures of Land
Borrowed: 1772/8/20 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/9/20 (Sunday).
Borrower: Mr George Fergusson Lord Hermand
Author: Thomas Blount (Male, born 1618, died 1679), Genre: Law
Record ID 277223
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 314
Ditto complete history of England.
Borrowed: 1772/8/24 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/24 (Thursday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Robert Brady (Male, born c.1627, died 1700)
Genre: History
A continuation of the complete history of England [Brady]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: C.10.a.5 .
Confidence level: Certain
Robert Brady (Male, born c.1627, died 1700)
Genre: History
A continuation of the complete history of England: containing the lives and reigns of Edward I. II. & III. and Richard the Second.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1700. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 6 times in 4 borrowing records
ESTC: R8686
Robert Brady (Male, born c.1627, died 1700)
Genre: History
Continuation of the Complete History of England [Robert Brady]
Borrowed: 1772/8/24 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/24 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Robert Brady (Male, born c.1627, died 1700), Genre: History
Continuation of the Complete History of England [Robert Brady]
Record ID 277217
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 314
Bacon on Government folio
Borrowed: 1772/8/24 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/24 (Thursday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Historical and political discourse of the laws and government of England, from the first times to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [Bacon]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: [Aq].1/1.8.
Confidence level: Certain
John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
An historical and political discourse of the laws and government of England, from the first times to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. With a vindication of the antient way of Parliaments in England. Collected from some manuscript notes of John Selden Esq.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1739. Format: folio.
Editors: Bacon, Nathaniel, 1593-1660
Number of borrowings: 4
ESTC: T142997
John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England
Borrowed: 1772/8/24 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/24 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654), Genre: History, Genre: Law
Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England
Record ID 277220
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 314
Bradys Introduction to hist. of England. fol.
Borrowed: 1772/8/24 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/24 (Thursday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Robert Brady (Male, born c.1627, died 1700)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
An introduction to the old English history, comprehended in three several tracts [Brady]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: C.10.a.4.
Confidence level: Certain
Robert Brady (Male, born c.1627, died 1700)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
An introduction to the old English history, comprehended in three several tracts. The first, an answer to Mr. Petyt’s Rights of the commons asserted; and to a book intituled, Jani Anglorum facies nova; the second edition very much inlarged. The second, an answer to a book intituled, Argumentum antinormanicum, much upon the same subject; never before published. The third, the exact history of the succession of the crown of England; the second edition, also very much inlarged. Together with an appendix containing several records, and a series of great councils and Parliaments before and after the conquest, unto the end of the reign of Henry the Third. And a glossary expounding many words used frequently in our antient records, laws and historians.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1684. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 2
ESTC: R34414
Robert Brady (Male, born c.1627, died 1700)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Introduction to the Old English History
Borrowed: 1772/8/24 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/24 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Robert Brady (Male, born c.1627, died 1700), Genre: History, Genre: Law
Record ID 277238
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 315
Brady on Burrroughs folio
Borrowed: 1772/8/28 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/28 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: One Pound Sterling.
Mr Bannatyne William Macleod William McLeod
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1765. Life dates: 1744-1833.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff.
Robert Brady (Male, born c.1627, died 1700)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Historical treatise of cities, and burghs or boroughs [Brady]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: A.38.a..
Confidence level: Certain
Robert Brady (Male, born c.1627, died 1700)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
An historical treatise of cities, and burghs or boroughs.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1704. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 6
ESTC: T25398
Robert Brady (Male, born c.1627, died 1700)
Genre: History, Genre: Law
Historical Treatise of Cities, and Burghs or Boroughs
Borrowed: 1772/8/28 (Friday). Returned: 1772/9/28 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr Bannatyne William Macleod William McLeod
Author: Robert Brady (Male, born c.1627, died 1700), Genre: History, Genre: Law
Record ID 277256
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 316
Maddox hist of Exchequer 2 V. 4to
Borrowed: 1772/8/29 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/9/29 (Tuesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Thomas Madox (Male, born 1666, died 1727)
Genre: History
The history and antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England [2 vols, 4to, Madox]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: A.38.c.12-13.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Thomas Madox (Male, born 1666, died 1727)
Genre: History
The history and antiquities of the Exchequer of the kings of England, in two periods: to wit, from the Norman conquest, to the end of the reign of K. John; and from the end of the reign of K. John, to the end of the reign of K. Edward II.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1768. Format: 4to. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 4 times in 2 borrowing records
ESTC: T97072
Thomas Madox (Male, born 1666, died 1727)
Genre: History
History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England
Borrowed: 1772/8/29 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/9/29 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Thomas Madox (Male, born 1666, died 1727), Genre: History
History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 277250
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 316
Spelman Anglo Saxonum
Borrowed: 1772/8/29 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/9/29 (Tuesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: AL: Historical Collection [n].1.18 (fol.).
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Genre: Law
Leges Anglo-Saxonicae ecclesiasticae & civiles.
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection [n].1.18 (fol.).
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Law
Leges anglo-saxonicæ ecclesiasticæ civiles. Accedunt leges Edvardi latinæ, Guilielmi Conquestoris gallo-normannicæ, et Henrici I. latinæ. Subjungitur domini Henr. Spelmanni Codex legum veterum statutorum regni angliæ, quæab ingressu Guilielmi I. Usque ad annum nonum Henr. III. edita sunt. Toti operi prémittitur dissertatio epistolaris admodum Reverendi Domini Guilielmi Nicolsoni episcopi derrensis de jure feudali veterum saxonum.
Language: Latin | Anglo-Saxon | French . Published: London. Date of publication: 1721. Format: folio.
Editors: Wilkins, David, 1685-1745
Number of borrowings: 3
ESTC: T138842
Borrowed: 1772/8/29 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/9/29 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Genre: Law
Record ID 281117
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 317
Smiths common wealth of England 8vo
Borrowed: 1772/8/31 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/30 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Sir Thomas Smith (Male, born 1513, died 1577)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
The common-vvealth of England [Smith]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: A.39.f.19.
Confidence level: Certain
Sir Thomas Smith (Male, born 1513, died 1577)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
The common-vvealth of England, and the maner of gouernement thereof.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1609. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 5
ESTC: S117647
Sir Thomas Smith (Male, born 1513, died 1577)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Common-Wealth of England, and the Maner of Governement thereof
Borrowed: 1772/8/31 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/30 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Sir Thomas Smith (Male, born 1513, died 1577), Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Common-Wealth of England, and the Maner of Governement thereof
Record ID 281120
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 317
Fool of Quality 5 Vols 12
Borrowed: 1772/9/1 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/10/1 (Thursday). Fine pledged in case of late return: One Pound Sterling.
Mr Robert Sinclair
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1762. Life dates: d. 1802.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff. Law > Clerk of Session.
Henry Brooke (Male, born c.1703, died 1783)
Genre: Fiction
The fool of quality, or, The history of Henry, Earl of Moreland [Brooke]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Confidence level: Certain
Henry Brooke (Male, born c.1703, died 1783)
Genre: Fiction
The fool of quality; or, the history of Henry Earl of Moreland. Vol. V. By Mr. Brooke.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1770. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 263 times in 112 borrowing records
ESTC: T147805
Henry Brooke (Male, born c.1703, died 1783)
Genre: Fiction
Fool of Quality, or, The History of Henry Earl of Moreland
Borrowed: 1772/9/1 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/10/1 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Sinclair
Author: Henry Brooke (Male, born c.1703, died 1783), Genre: Fiction
Fool of Quality, or, The History of Henry Earl of Moreland
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Record ID 281114
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 317
Smiths common wealth of England 8vo
Borrowed: 1772/8/31 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/30 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Sir Thomas Smith (Male, born 1513, died 1577)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
The Commonwealth of England (original title)
The common-vvealth of England [Smith] (standardised title)
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: A.39.f.19.
Confidence level: Certain
Sir Thomas Smith (Male, born 1513, died 1577)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
The common-vvealth of England, and the maner of gouernement thereof.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1609. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 5
ESTC: S117647
Sir Thomas Smith (Male, born 1513, died 1577)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Common-Wealth of England, and the Maner of Governement thereof
Borrowed: 1772/8/31 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/30 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Sir Thomas Smith (Male, born 1513, died 1577), Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Common-Wealth of England, and the Maner of Governement thereof
Record ID 281126
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 317
Dagges Considerations on Crim Law
Borrowed: 1772/9/1 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/10/1 (Thursday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Sinclair
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1762. Life dates: d. 1802.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff. Law > Clerk of Session.
Henry Dagge (Male)
Genre: Law
Considerations on criminal law [Dagge]
Confidence level: Certain
Henry Dagge (Male)
Genre: Law
Considerations on criminal law.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1772. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 3
ESTC: T81799
Henry Dagge (Male)
Genre: Law
Considerations on Criminal Law
Borrowed: 1772/9/1 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/10/1 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Sinclair
Author: Henry Dagge (Male), Genre: Law
Record ID 281111
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 317
Bracton de Leg. Angliae fol.
Borrowed: 1772/8/31 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/30 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Henry de Bracton (Male, died 1268)
Genre: Law
Henrici de Bracton De legibus & consuetudinibus Angliae.
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.139.1].
Confidence level: Certain
Henry de Bracton (Male, died 1268)
Genre: Law
Henrici de Bracton de legibus & consuetudinibus Angliæ libri quinq[ue] in varios tractatus distincti, ad diuersorum et vetustissimorum codicum collationem, ingenti cura, nunc primu[m] typis vulgati: quorum quid cuiq[ue] insit, proxima pagina demonstrabit.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1569. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 5
ESTC: S122159
Henry de Bracton (Male, died 1268)
Genre: Law
De Legibus & Consuetudinibus Angliae
Borrowed: 1772/8/31 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/30 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Henry de Bracton (Male, died 1268), Genre: Law
Record ID 281123
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 317
Manners of the French 2 vols 8o
Borrowed: 1772/9/1 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/10/1 (Thursday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Sinclair
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1762. Life dates: d. 1802.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff. Law > Clerk of Session.
John Andrews (Male, born 1736, died 1809)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
An account of the character and manners of the French [Andrews]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: D.9.e.10-11.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
John Andrews (Male, born 1736, died 1809)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
An account of the character and manners of the French; with occasional observations on the English.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1770. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 2 times in 1 borrowing record
ESTC: T117613
John Andrews (Male, born 1736, died 1809)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Account of the Character and Manners of the French; with Occasional Observations on the English
Borrowed: 1772/9/1 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/10/1 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Sinclair
Author: John Andrews (Male, born 1736, died 1809), Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Account of the Character and Manners of the French; with Occasional Observations on the English
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 281108
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 317
Somner on Gavelkind
Borrowed: 1772/8/31 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/30 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
William Somner (Male, born 1598, died 1669)
Genre: Law
A treatise of gavelkind, both name and thing [Somner]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.139.7.
Confidence level: Certain
William Somner (Male, born 1598, died 1669)
Genre: Law
A treatise of gavelkind, both name and thing. Shewing the true etymologie and derivation of the one, the nature, antiquity, and original of the other. With sundry emergent observations, both pleasant and profitable to be known of Kentish-men and others, especially such a are studious, either of the ancient custome, or the common law of this kingdome.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1660. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: R20010
William Somner (Male, born 1598, died 1669)
Genre: Law
Treatise of Gavelkind
Borrowed: 1772/8/31 (Monday). Returned: 1772/9/30 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: William Somner (Male, born 1598, died 1669), Genre: Law
Record ID 281138
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 318
Spotiswoods Church history folio
Borrowed: 1772/9/4 (Friday). Returned: 1772/10/4 (Sunday). Fine pledged in case of late return: One Pound sterl.
Mr James Boswell of Auchinleck
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1766. Life dates: 1740-1795.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Author. Law > Barrister. Law > Advocate.
John Spottiswood (Male, born 1565, died 1639)
Genre: History
The history of the church and state of Scotland [Spottiswood]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: R.290.a.
Confidence level: Certain
John Spottiswood (Male, born 1565, died 1639)
Genre: History
The history of the church and state of Scotland, beginning the year of our Lord 203, and continued to the end of the reign of King James the VI. of ever blessed memory. In seven books. Wherein are described, the progress of Christianity, the persecutions and interruption of it, the foundation of churches, the erecting of bishopricks, the building and endowing monasteries and other religious places, the succession of bishops in their sees, the reformation of religion, and the frequent disturbances of that nation by wars, conspiracies, tumults, schisms. Together wit great variety of other matters, both ecclesiastical and political.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1677. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 10
ESTC: R15391
John Spottiswood (Male, born 1565, died 1639)
Genre: History
History of the Church of Scotland, Beginning the Year of our Lord 203, and Continued to the End of the Reign of King James the VI
Borrowed: 1772/9/4 (Friday). Returned: 1772/10/4 (Sunday).
Borrower: Mr James Boswell of Auchinleck
Author: John Spottiswood (Male, born 1565, died 1639), Genre: History
Record ID 281198
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 319
Brooks grand Abridgement folio
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Sir Robert Brooke (Male, died 1558)
Genre: Law, Genre: Reference Works
Graunde abridgement [Brooke]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.143.3].
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Sir Robert Brooke (Male, died 1558)
Genre: Law, Genre: Reference Works
1573. La graunde abridgement, collect & escrie per le iudge tresreuerend Syr Robert Brooke chiualier, nadgairs chiefe Iustice del comon banke.
Language: Romance languages . Published: London. Date of publication: 1573. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 2 times in 1 borrowing record
ESTC: S107100
Sir Robert Brooke (Male, died 1558)
Genre: Law, Genre: Reference Works
Graunde Abridgement [Robert Brooke]
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Sir Robert Brooke (Male, died 1558), Genre: Law, Genre: Reference Works
Graunde Abridgement [Robert Brooke]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 281204
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 319
Fitzherbert Grand Abridgement fol.
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Sir Anthony Fitzherbert (Male, born 1470, died 1538)
Genre: Law, Genre: Reference Works
La graunde abridgement, collecte par le iudge tresreuerend Mosieur Anthony Fitzherbert.
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.144.4.
Confidence level: Certain
Sir Anthony Fitzherbert (Male, born 1470, died 1538)
Genre: Law, Genre: Reference Works
1577. La graunde abridgement, collecte par le iudge tresreuerend mo[n]sieur Anthony Fitzherbert, dernierment conferre ouesque la copye escript et per ceo correcte, ouesque le nombre del fueil, per quel facilement poies trouer les cases cy abrydges en les liuers dans, nouelmen annote: iammais deuaunt imprimes.
Language: Romance languages . Published: London. Date of publication: 1577. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: S102204
Sir Anthony Fitzherbert (Male, born 1470, died 1538)
Genre: Law, Genre: Reference Works
Graunde Abridgement [Anthony Fitzherbert]
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Sir Anthony Fitzherbert (Male, born 1470, died 1538), Genre: Law, Genre: Reference Works
Record ID 281195
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 319
la vieux natura brevium 8.vo
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Genre: Law
La vieux natura brevium (original title)
La vieux natura breuium. (standardised title)
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: H.2.e.23 .
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Law
La vieux natura breuium, dernierment corrigee et amend’, & cy nouelment imprimee.
Language: French | Latin | English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1584. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: S113106
Genre: Law
Vieux Natura Brevium
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Genre: Law
Record ID 281207
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 319
Atkins Parliamentary Tracts 8.vo
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Sir Robert Atkyns (Male, born 1621, died 1710)
Genre: Law, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Parliamentary and political tracts [Atkyns]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.139.6].
Confidence level: Certain
Sir Robert Atkyns (Male, born 1621, died 1710)
Genre: Law, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Parliamentary and political tracts, written by Sir Robert Atkins, Knight of the Bath, And late One of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1741. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 2
ESTC: T87059
Sir Robert Atkyns (Male, born 1621, died 1710)
Genre: Law, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Parliamentary and Political Tracts, written by Sir Robert Atkins
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Sir Robert Atkyns (Male, born 1621, died 1710), Genre: Law, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Parliamentary and Political Tracts, written by Sir Robert Atkins
Record ID 281144
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 319
Jenkins Reports fol
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
David Jenkins (Male, born 1582, died 1663)
Genre: Law
Eight centuries of Reports [Jenkins]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.161.2].
Confidence level: Certain
David Jenkins (Male, born 1582, died 1663)
Genre: Law
Eight centuries of reports: or, eight hundred cases solemnly adjudged in the Exchequer-Chamber, or, upon writs of error.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771. Format: 4to.
Translators: Barlow, Theodore
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: N7026
David Jenkins (Male, born 1582, died 1663)
Genre: Law
Eight Centuries of Reports: or, Eight Hundred Cases Solemnly Adjudged in the Exchequer-Chamber
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: David Jenkins (Male, born 1582, died 1663), Genre: Law
Eight Centuries of Reports: or, Eight Hundred Cases Solemnly Adjudged in the Exchequer-Chamber
Record ID 281141
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 319
Cokes Entries fol:
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: five Pounds Sterling.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Sir Edward Coke (Male, born 1552, died 1634)
Genre: Law, Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
A book of entries [Coke]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.144.5.
Confidence level: Certain
Sir Edward Coke (Male, born 1552, died 1634)
Genre: Law, Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
A book of entries: containing perfect and approved presidents of counts, declarations, informations, pleints, indictments, barres, replications, rejoynders, pleadings, processes, continuances, essoines, issues, defaults, departure in despight of the court, demurrers, trials, judgements, executions, and all other matters and proceedings (in effect) concerning the practick part of the laws of England, in actions real, personal, and mixt, and in appeals.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1671. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 2
ESTC: R25311
Sir Edward Coke (Male, born 1552, died 1634)
Genre: Law, Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Book of Entries
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Sir Edward Coke (Male, born 1552, died 1634), Genre: Law, Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Record ID 281153
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 319
Vaughan Reports fol.
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Sir John Vaughan (Male, born 1603, died 1674)
Genre: Law
The reports and arguments of that learned Judge, Sir John Vaughan.
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.163.2.
Confidence level: Certain
Sir John Vaughan (Male, born 1603, died 1674)
Genre: Law
The reports and arguments of that learned judge, Sir John Vaughan, Kt. late lord chief justice of the Court of Common-Pleas, Being all of them special cases; and many wherein he pronounced the resolution of the whole Court of Common-Pleas, at the time he was chief justice there.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1706. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 2
ESTC: T95702
Sir John Vaughan (Male, born 1603, died 1674)
Genre: Law
Reports and Arguments of Sir John Vaughan
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Sir John Vaughan (Male, born 1603, died 1674), Genre: Law
Record ID 281210
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 319
Stubbs Crown Circuit Companion 2V. 8.vo
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
W. Stubbs (Male)
Genre: Law, Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Crown Circuit companion [Stubbs]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.141.1].
Confidence level: Certain
W. Stubbs (Male)
Genre: Law, Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
The crown Circuit Companion; containing the practice of the assises on the Crown Side, and of the Courts of General and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace: wherein is included, A collection of Useful and Modern Precedents of Indictments in Criminal Cases; as well at Common Law, as those created by Statute. Under all Which Precedents, so much of the Common and Statute Laws is set forth, as to shew the several Offences; the Offenders Punishment; and in what Cases Felons are to have, or not to have the Benefit of Clergy.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1768. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: T146883
W. Stubbs (Male)
Genre: Law, Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Crown Circuit Companion
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: W. Stubbs (Male), Genre: Law, Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Record ID 281201
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 319
Prynnes on the Jurisdiction of Courts fol.
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Two Pounds Sterling.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
William Prynne (Male, born 1600, died 1669)
Genre: Law
Brief animadversions on, amendments of, & additional explanatory records to, the fourth part of the Institutes of the lawes of England; concerning the jurisdiction of courts, compiled by the late famous lawyer Sir Edward Cooke [Prynne]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.145.4.
Confidence level: Certain
William Prynne (Male, born 1600, died 1669)
Genre: Law
Brief animadversions on, amendments of, & additional explanatory records to, the fourth part of the institutes of the lawes of England; concerning the jurisdiction of courts, compiled by the late famous lawyer Sir Edward Cooke Knight, (Chief Justice of both Benches) in his life-time, but published and re-printed (with some disadvantage) since his death.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1669. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 2
ESTC: R22356
William Prynne (Male, born 1600, died 1669)
Genre: Law
Brief Animadversions on, Amendments of, & Additional Explanatory Records to, the Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England
Borrowed: 1772/9/7 (Monday). Returned: 1772/10/7 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: William Prynne (Male, born 1600, died 1669), Genre: Law
Record ID 281225
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 321
Ryley's placita parliamentaria fol.
Borrowed: 1772/9/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/10/15 (Thursday). Fine pledged in case of late return: four pound sterl..
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
William Ryley (Male, died 1667)
Genre: History, Genre: Law, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Placita parlamentaria una cum judiciis forensibus, sive sententiis diffinitivis desuper latis, regnantibus Edwardo Primo & Edwardo Secundo Angliae regibus [Ryley]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.145.3].
Confidence level: Certain
William Ryley (Male, died 1667)
Genre: History, Genre: Law, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Placita Parlamentaria una cum judiciis forensibus, sive sententiis diffinitivis desuper latis, regnantibus Edwardo Primo & Edwardo Secundo Angliae Regibus.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1661. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 2
ESTC: R16482
William Ryley (Male, died 1667)
Genre: History, Genre: Law, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Placita Parlamentaria Una cum Judiciis Forensibus, sive Sententiis Diffinitivis Desuper Latis
Borrowed: 1772/9/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/10/15 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: William Ryley (Male, died 1667), Genre: History, Genre: Law, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Placita Parlamentaria Una cum Judiciis Forensibus, sive Sententiis Diffinitivis Desuper Latis
Record ID 281228
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 321
Cotton's abrigmt of the Records in the Tower fol.
Borrowed: 1772/9/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/10/15 (Thursday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Parliament England and Wales (Unspecified)
Genre: History
An exact abridgement of the records in the Tower of London [Cotton/Prynne]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: C.3.c.2-3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Parliament England and Wales (Unspecified)
Genre: History
An exact abridgement of the records in the Tovver of London, from the reign of King Edward the Second, unto King Richard the Third, of all the Parliaments holden in each kings reign, and the several Acts in every Parliament: together with the names and titles of all the dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts, and barons, summoned to every of the said Parliaments.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1657. Format: folio.
Editors: Cotton, Robert, Sir, 1571-1631, attributed name; Prynne, William, 1600-1669, ed.More probably collected by William Bowyer with the assistance of Robert Bowyer.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 8 times in 4 borrowing records
ESTC: R1629
Parliament England and Wales (Unspecified)
Genre: History
Exact Abridgement of the Records in the Tower of London, from the reign of King Edward the Second, unto King Richard the Third
Borrowed: 1772/9/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/10/15 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Parliament England and Wales (Unspecified), Genre: History
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 281249
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 322
Dow's history of Hindostan vol. in 4.
Borrowed: 1772/9/16 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/10/16 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: one pound sterl..
Mr John Maclaurin Lord Dreghorn
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1756. Life dates: 1734-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice. Law > Lord President.
Alexander Dow (Male, died 1779), Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
History of Hindostan; from the earliest account of time, to the death of Akbar; translated from the Persian of Mahummud Casim Ferishta of Delhi [Dow]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.141.a.12-13.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Alexander Dow (Male, died 1779)
Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
The history of Hindostan, from the death of Akbar, to the complete settlement of the empire under Aurungzebe. To which are prefixed, I. A dissertation on the origin and nature of despotism in Hindostan. II. An enquiry into the state of Bengal; With a Plan for restoring that Kingdom to its former Prosperity and Splendor.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1772. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 41 times in 20 borrowing records
ESTC: T91569
Alexander Dow (Male, died 1779)
Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
History of Hindostan
Confidence level: Certain
Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History
The history of Hindostan; from the earliest account of time, to the death of Akbar; translated from the Persian of Mahummud Casim Ferishta of Delhi: Together with A Dissertation Concerning the Religion and Philosophy of the Brahmins; With an appendix, containing the history of the Mogul empire, from its decline in the reign of Mahummud Shaw, to the present times.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1768-1772. Format: 4to.
Translators: Dow, Alexander, - 1779.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 57 times in 26 borrowing records
ESTC: T91573
Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History
History of Hindostan; from the Earliest Account of Time, to the Death of Akbar
Borrowed: 1772/9/16 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/10/16 (Friday).
Borrower: Mr John Maclaurin Lord Dreghorn
Author: Alexander Dow (Male, died 1779), Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623), Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
History of Hindostan, History of Hindostan; from the Earliest Account of Time, to the Death of Akbar
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 281246
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 322
Dow's history of Hindostan vol. 2 & 3 in 4.
Borrowed: 1772/9/16 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/10/16 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: two pound sterl..
Mr James Dundas of Philipstoun
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1734. Life dates: 1711-1774.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff.
Jonathan? Dundas
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.
Alexander Dow (Male, died 1779), Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
History of Hindostan; from the earliest account of time, to the death of Akbar; translated from the Persian of Mahummud Casim Ferishta of Delhi [Dow]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.141.a.12-13.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Certain
Alexander Dow (Male, died 1779)
Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
The history of Hindostan, from the death of Akbar, to the complete settlement of the empire under Aurungzebe. To which are prefixed, I. A dissertation on the origin and nature of despotism in Hindostan. II. An enquiry into the state of Bengal; With a Plan for restoring that Kingdom to its former Prosperity and Splendor.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1772. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 41 times in 20 borrowing records
ESTC: T91569
Alexander Dow (Male, died 1779)
Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
History of Hindostan
Confidence level: Certain
Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History
The history of Hindostan; from the earliest account of time, to the death of Akbar; translated from the Persian of Mahummud Casim Ferishta of Delhi: Together with A Dissertation Concerning the Religion and Philosophy of the Brahmins; With an appendix, containing the history of the Mogul empire, from its decline in the reign of Mahummud Shaw, to the present times.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1768-1772. Format: 4to.
Translators: Dow, Alexander, - 1779.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 57 times in 26 borrowing records
ESTC: T91573
Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History
History of Hindostan; from the Earliest Account of Time, to the Death of Akbar
Borrowed: 1772/9/16 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/10/16 (Friday).
Borrowers: Mr James Dundas of Philipstoun, Jonathan? Dundas
Author: Alexander Dow (Male, died 1779), Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623), Genre: History, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
History of Hindostan, History of Hindostan; from the Earliest Account of Time, to the Death of Akbar
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 281255
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 323
Osburne's collect of Voyages and Travels vol. 2d fol
Borrowed: 1772/9/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/10/17 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: one pound sterl..
Mr John Swinton of Swinton; junior
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1744. Life dates: d. 1799.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Patrick MacVicar
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.
Genre: Travel
A collection of voyages and travels [Churchill]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.127.a.22-29 .
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Travel
A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1752. Format: folio. Pagination: 8 vols.
Editors: Churchill, Awnsham; Churchill, John.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 30 times in 13 borrowing records
ESTC: T97844
Borrowed: 1772/9/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/10/17 (Saturday).
Borrowers: Mr John Swinton of Swinton; junior, Patrick MacVicar
Genre: Travel
Collection of Voyages and Travels
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 281252
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 323
Whitaker's history of Manchester. in 4.
Borrowed: 1772/9/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/10/17 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: one pound sterl..
Mr John Mackenzie of Dolphinton
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1771. Life dates: 1748-1788.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Law > Advocate.
Andrew Mackenzie
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.
John Whitaker (Male, born 1735, died 1808)
Genre: History
The history of Manchester [Whitaker]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: A.20.a.4-5 .
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
John Whitaker (Male, born 1735, died 1808)
Genre: History
The history of Manchester. In four books.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771-1775. Format: 4to. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 11 times in 7 borrowing records
ESTC: T145509
John Whitaker (Male, born 1735, died 1808)
Genre: History
History of Manchester
Borrowed: 1772/9/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/10/17 (Saturday).
Borrowers: Mr John Mackenzie of Dolphinton, Andrew Mackenzie
Author: John Whitaker (Male, born 1735, died 1808), Genre: History
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 281276
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 324
Kennet's Roman Antiquities 8o
Borrowed: 1772/9/22 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/10/22 (Thursday). Fine pledged in case of late return: six shill..
Mr Charles Brown of Coalston
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1765. Life dates: d. 1804.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
George Marliz?
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.
Basil Kennett (Male, born 1674, died 1715)
Genre: History
Romae antiquae notitia: or, The antiquities of Rome [Kennett]
Confidence level: Certain
Basil Kennett (Male, born 1674, died 1715)
Genre: History
Romæ antiquæ notitia: or, the antiquities of Rome. In two parts. I. A short history of the rise, progress, and decay of the common-wealth. II. A description of the city. An account of the religion, civil government, and art of war; with the remarkable customs and ceremonies, publick and private.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1696. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 3
ESTC: R18884
Basil Kennett (Male, born 1674, died 1715)
Genre: History
Romae Antiquae Notitia: or, The Antiquities of Rome
Borrowed: 1772/9/22 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/10/22 (Thursday).
Borrowers: Mr Charles Brown of Coalston, George Marliz?
Author: Basil Kennett (Male, born 1674, died 1715), Genre: History
Record ID 281258
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 324
Orem's hist. of Hindostan in 4.
Borrowed: 1772/9/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/10/17 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: one pound sterl..
Mr George Wallace
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1754. Life dates: 1727-1805.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801)
Genre: History
History of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan [Orme]
Confidence level: Very likely
Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801)
Genre: History
A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, from the year MDCCXLV. To which is prefixed a dissertation on the establishments made by Mahomedan conquerors in Indostan.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1763. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 35 times in 32 borrowing records
ESTC: T111040
Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801)
Genre: History
History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, from the Year MDCCXLV
Borrowed: 1772/9/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/10/17 (Saturday).
Borrower: Mr George Wallace
Author: Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801), Genre: History
History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, from the Year MDCCXLV
Record ID 281279
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 325
Bp. Breton's Britton. 8 —
Borrowed: 1772/9/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/10/23 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: ten shill. sterl..
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Walter Lockhart
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Notaries/Clerks.
John le Breton (Male, died 1275)
Genre: Law
Britton [Breton]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.139.5].
Confidence level: Certain
John le Breton (Male, died 1275)
Genre: Law
Language: Romance languages . Published: London. Date of publication: 1640. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: S106709
John le Breton (Male, died 1275)
Genre: Law
Borrowed: 1772/9/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/10/23 (Friday).
Borrowers: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen, Walter Lockhart
Author: John le Breton (Male, died 1275), Genre: Law
Record ID 281324
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 327
Dow's history of Indostan vol. 1. in 4.
Borrowed: 1772/9/30 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/10/30 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: one pound sterl..
Mr George Wallace
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1754. Life dates: 1727-1805.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History
The history of Hindostan; from the earliest account of time, to the death of Akbar [Dow, 2 vols, 1768]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.141.a.12-13.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History
The history of Hindostan; from the earliest account of time, to the death of Akbar; translated from the Persian of Mahummud Casim Ferishta of Delhi: Together with A Dissertation Concerning the Religion and Philosophy of the Brahmins; With an appendix, containing the history of the Mogul empire, from its decline in the reign of Mahummud Shaw, to the present times.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1768-1772. Format: 4to.
Translators: Dow, Alexander, - 1779.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 57 times in 26 borrowing records
ESTC: T91573
Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History
History of Hindostan; from the Earliest Account of Time, to the Death of Akbar
Borrowed: 1772/9/30 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/10/30 (Friday).
Borrower: Mr George Wallace
Author: Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623), Genre: History
History of Hindostan; from the Earliest Account of Time, to the Death of Akbar
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 281318
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 327
Six Court Comedies by John Lilly in 12.
Borrowed: 1772/9/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/10/29 (Thursday). Fine pledged in case of late return: ten shill. sterl..
Mr John Whiteford Whitefoord
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1756. Life dates: 1734-1803.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Military > Army. Military > Officer.
John Lyly (Male, born c.1554, died 1606)
Genre: Drama
Six Court Comedies, Lilly (original title)
Sixe court comedies [Lyly] (standardised title)
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: H.28.f.8.
Confidence level: Certain
John Lyly (Male, born c.1554, died 1606)
Genre: Drama
Sixe covrt comedies. Often presented and acted before Queene Elizabeth, by the children of her Maiesties chappell, and the children of Paules.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1632. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 2
ESTC: S108991
John Lyly (Male, born c.1554, died 1606)
Genre: Drama
Sixe Court Comedies. Often Presented and Acted before Queene Elizabeth
Borrowed: 1772/9/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/10/29 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr John Whiteford Whitefoord
Author: John Lyly (Male, born c.1554, died 1606), Genre: Drama
Sixe Court Comedies. Often Presented and Acted before Queene Elizabeth
Record ID 281327
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 328
Glas's history of the Canary Islands in 4.
Borrowed: 1772/10/1 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/11/1 (Sunday). Fine pledged in case of late return: fifteen shill. sterl..
Mr John Swinton of Swinton; junior
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1744. Life dates: d. 1799.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Patrick MacVicar
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.
Juan de Abreu de Galindo (Male)
Genre: History
The history of the discovery and conquest of the Canary Islands [Abreu de Galindo/Glas]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.151.a.12.
Confidence level: Certain
Juan de Abreu de Galindo (Male)
Genre: History
The history of the discovery and conquest of the Canary Islands: translated from a Spanish manuscript, lately found in the island of Palma.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1764. Format: 4to.
Translators: Glas, George, 1725-1765
Number of borrowings: 4
ESTC: T189940
Juan de Abreu de Galindo (Male)
Genre: History
History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands
Borrowed: 1772/10/1 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/11/1 (Sunday).
Borrowers: Mr John Swinton of Swinton; junior, Patrick MacVicar
Author: Juan de Abreu de Galindo (Male), Genre: History
Record ID 281402
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 331
Spences Polimetis fol
Borrowed: 1772/11/4 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/4 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: One Pound sterl.
Mr George Wallace
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1754. Life dates: 1727-1805.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
Joseph Spence (Male, born 1699, died 1768)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Polymetis: or, an enquiry concerning the agreement between the works of the Roman poets, and the remains of the antient artists [Spence]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: Ai.1.7.
Confidence level: Certain
Joseph Spence (Male, born 1699, died 1768)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Polymetis: or, an enquiry concerning the agreement between the works of the Roman poets, and the remains of the antient artists.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 7
ESTC: T133753
Joseph Spence (Male, born 1699, died 1768)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Polymetis: or, An Enquiry Concerning the Agreement between the Works of the Roman Poets
Borrowed: 1772/11/4 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/4 (Friday).
Borrower: Mr George Wallace
Author: Joseph Spence (Male, born 1699, died 1768), Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Poetry
Polymetis: or, An Enquiry Concerning the Agreement between the Works of the Roman Poets
Record ID 281432
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 334
Cottons Abridgement of the Records in the Tower 2 vols fol
Borrowed: 1772/11/12 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/12/12 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Ronald Campbell of Balerno
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1730. Life dates: d. 1776.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
Parliament England and Wales (Unspecified)
Genre: History
An exact abridgement of the records in the Tower of London [Cotton/Prynne]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: C.3.c.2-3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Parliament England and Wales (Unspecified)
Genre: History
An exact abridgement of the records in the Tovver of London, from the reign of King Edward the Second, unto King Richard the Third, of all the Parliaments holden in each kings reign, and the several Acts in every Parliament: together with the names and titles of all the dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts, and barons, summoned to every of the said Parliaments.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1657. Format: folio.
Editors: Cotton, Robert, Sir, 1571-1631, attributed name; Prynne, William, 1600-1669, ed.More probably collected by William Bowyer with the assistance of Robert Bowyer.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 8 times in 4 borrowing records
ESTC: R1629
Parliament England and Wales (Unspecified)
Genre: History
Exact Abridgement of the Records in the Tower of London, from the reign of King Edward the Second, unto King Richard the Third
Borrowed: 1772/11/12 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/12/12 (Saturday).
Borrower: Mr Ronald Campbell of Balerno
Author: Parliament England and Wales (Unspecified), Genre: History
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 281429
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 334
Tyrels History of England 4 vols fol
Borrowed: 1772/11/12 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/12/12 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Six Pounds Sterline.
Mr Ronald Campbell of Balerno
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1730. Life dates: d. 1776.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
Sir James Tyrrell (Male, born 1642, died 1718)
Genre: History
General history of England, both ecclesiastical and civil [Tyrrell]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: C.10.a.1a-3a .
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
Confidence level: Certain
Sir James Tyrrell (Male, born 1642, died 1718)
Genre: History
The general history of England, both ecclesiastical and civil; from the earliest accounts of time, to the reign of the his present majesty King William II
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1696. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 13 times in 6 borrowing records
ESTC: R32913
Sir James Tyrrell (Male, born 1642, died 1718)
Genre: History
General History of England, both Ecclesiastical and Civil
Borrowed: 1772/11/12 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/12/12 (Saturday).
Borrower: Mr Ronald Campbell of Balerno
Author: Sir James Tyrrell (Male, born 1642, died 1718), Genre: History
General History of England, both Ecclesiastical and Civil
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
Record ID 281441
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 335
Jacobs Law Dictionary folio
Borrowed: 1772/11/14 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/12/14 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: One Pound Sterl.
Mr George Buchan of Kelloe
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1772. Life dates: 1750-1813.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
Giles Jacob (Male, born 1686, died 1744)
Genre: Law, Genre: Reference Works
A new law-dictionary [Jacob]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.144.2.
Confidence level: Certain
Giles Jacob (Male, born 1686, died 1744)
Genre: Law, Genre: Reference Works
A new law-dictionary: containing, the interpretation and definition of words and terms used in the law; and also the whole law, and the practice thereof, Under all the Heads and Titles of the same
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1729. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 7
ESTC: T137460
Giles Jacob (Male, born 1686, died 1744)
Genre: Law, Genre: Reference Works
New Law-Dictionary
Borrowed: 1772/11/14 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/12/14 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr George Buchan of Kelloe
Author: Giles Jacob (Male, born 1686, died 1744), Genre: Law, Genre: Reference Works
Record ID 281447
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 336
Seldini mare clausum in folio
Borrowed: 1772/11/16 (Monday). Returned: 1772/12/16 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Ten Shillings Sterl.
Reverend Robert Henry
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1718-1790.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland.
John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654)
Genre: Law
Joannis Seldeni Mare clausum seu De dominio maris libri duo.
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection [q].4.3 (fol.).
Confidence level: Certain
John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654)
Genre: Law
Ioannis Seldeni Mare clausum seu De dominio maris libri duo. Primo, mare, ex iure naturæ seu gentium, omnium hominum non esse commune, sed dominii privati seu proprietatis capax, pariter ac tellurem, esse demonstratur. Secundo, serenissimum Magnæ Britanniæ Regem maris circumflui, ut individuæ atque perpetuæ imperii Britannici appendicis, dominum esse, asseritur.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1635. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 3
ESTC: S117048
John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654)
Genre: Law
Mare Clausum seu De Dominio Maris
Borrowed: 1772/11/16 (Monday). Returned: 1772/12/16 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Reverend Robert Henry
Author: John Selden (Male, born 1584, died 1654), Genre: Law
Record ID 281462
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 338
Burrow's Reports vol 1st folio
Borrowed: 1772/11/18 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/18 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Two Pound ster.
Mr Alexander Abercrombie Lord Abercrombie
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1766. Life dates: 1745-1795.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice. Law > Sheriff.
Sheriff Depute of Stirling 1775; Advocate-Depute 1780; Lord Abercrombie 7 June 1792
James Burrow (Male, born 1701, died 1782)
Genre: Law
Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King’s Bench, since the death of Lord Raymond [Burrow]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: TR E.159.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
James Burrow (Male, born 1701, died 1782)
Genre: Law
Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King’s Bench, since the death of Lord Raymond; in four parts, Distributed according to the Times of his four Successors, Lord Hardwicke, Sir William Lee, Sir Dudley Ryder, and Lord Mansfield.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1766-1780. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 75 times in 28 borrowing records
ESTC: T97747
James Burrow (Male, born 1701, died 1782)
Genre: Law
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King’s Bench, since the Death of Lord Raymond
Borrowed: 1772/11/18 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/18 (Friday).
Borrower: Mr Alexander Abercrombie Lord Abercrombie
Author: James Burrow (Male, born 1701, died 1782), Genre: Law
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King’s Bench, since the Death of Lord Raymond
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 281480
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 340
Burnet Archeologia philsophicae 8.vo
Borrowed: 1772/11/18 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/18 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Ten Shillings sterl.
Mr James Burnet of Monboddo; Lord Monboddo
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1737. Life dates: 1714-1799.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Thomas Burnet (Male, born c.1635, died 1715)
Genre: History
Archaeologiae philosophicae: sive doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus [Burnet]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: [Mar].1/1.11.
Confidence level: Certain
Thomas Burnet (Male, born c.1635, died 1715)
Genre: History
Archaeologiae Philosophicae: Sive Doctrina Antiqua de Rerum Originibus. Libri Duo. Autore Thomas Burnetio, S.T.P.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1728. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 7 times in 5 borrowing records
ESTC: T144677
Thomas Burnet (Male, born c.1635, died 1715)
Genre: History
Archaeologiae Philosophicae: sive Doctrina Antiqua de Rerum Originibus
Borrowed: 1772/11/18 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/18 (Friday).
Borrower: Mr James Burnet of Monboddo; Lord Monboddo
Author: Thomas Burnet (Male, born c.1635, died 1715), Genre: History
Archaeologiae Philosophicae: sive Doctrina Antiqua de Rerum Originibus
Record ID 281477
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 340
Raij historia Plantarum tom. 2. fol.
Borrowed: 1772/11/18 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/18 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Andrew Crosbie of Holm
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1757. Life dates: 1736-1785.
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Historia plantarum species hactenus editas aliasque insuper multas noviter inventas & descriptas complectens [Ray]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: Suther.132-133.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Historia plantarum species hactenus editas aliasque insuper multas noviter inventas & descriptas complectens. In qua agitur primò De Plantis in genere, Earúmque Partibus, Accidentibus & Differentiis; Deinde Genera omnia tum summa tum subalterna ad Species usque infimas, Notis suis certis & Characteristicis Definita, Methodo Naturae vestigiis insistente disponuntur; Species singulae accurate describuntur, obscura illustrantur, omissa supplentur, superflua resecantur, Synonyma necessaria adjiciuntur; Vires denique & usus recepti compendiò traduntur.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1686-1705. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 16 times in 7 borrowing records
ESTC: T93675
John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Historia Plantarum [John Ray]
Borrowed: 1772/11/18 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/18 (Friday).
Borrower: Mr Andrew Crosbie of Holm
Author: John Ray (Male, born 1627, died 1705), Genre: Natural Philosophy
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 281525
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 343
Holmes on Usury. in 4.
Borrowed: 1772/11/20 (Friday). Returned: 1772/12/20 (Sunday). Fine pledged in case of late return: five shillings sterl.
Mr Alexander Wight
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1754. Life dates: d. 1793.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Solicitor-General.
Nathanael Homes (Male, born 1599, died 1678)
Genre: Law, Genre: Theology
Usury is injury [Homes]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.141.1].
Confidence level: Certain
Nathanael Homes (Male, born 1599, died 1678)
Genre: Law, Genre: Theology
Usury is injury. Cleared in an examination of its best apologie, alleaged by a countrey minister, out of Doctor Ames, in his Cases of conscience, as a party and patron of that apologie.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1640. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: S104177
Nathanael Homes (Male, born 1599, died 1678)
Genre: Law, Genre: Theology
Usury is Injury
Borrowed: 1772/11/20 (Friday). Returned: 1772/12/20 (Sunday).
Borrower: Mr Alexander Wight
Author: Nathanael Homes (Male, born 1599, died 1678), Genre: Law, Genre: Theology
Record ID 281531
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 344
Walpoles polite Literature 5 vols. 12.o
Borrowed: 1772/11/20 (Friday). Returned: 1772/12/20 (Sunday).
Mr George Clerk
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1767. Life dates: d. 1776.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
Genre: Belles Lettres
Anecdotes of polite literature. In five volumes [Walpole]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: [Ao].8/2.15-19.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Belles Lettres
Anecdotes of polite literature.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1764. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 31 times in 7 borrowing records
ESTC: T89122
Borrowed: 1772/11/20 (Friday). Returned: 1772/12/20 (Sunday).
Borrower: Mr George Clerk
Genre: Belles Lettres
Anecdotes of Polite Literature
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5
Record ID 281528
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 344
Bougainvilles Voyage round the World eng. 4to
Borrowed: 1772/11/20 (Friday). Returned: 1772/12/20 (Sunday).
Mr George Clerk
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1767. Life dates: d. 1776.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
Comte Louis-Antoine de Bougainville (Male, born 1729, died 1811)
Genre: Travel
A voyage round the world. Performed by order of His Most Christian Majesty, in the years 1766, 1767, 1768, and 1769. By Lewis de Bougainville.
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: K.151.d.
Confidence level: Certain
Comte Louis-Antoine de Bougainville (Male, born 1729, died 1811)
Genre: Travel
A voyage round the world. Performed by order of His Most Christian Majesty, in the years 1766, 1767, 1768, and 1769.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1772. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 8
ESTC: T82890
Comte Louis-Antoine de Bougainville (Male, born 1729, died 1811)
Genre: Travel
Voyage Round the World ... in the Years 1766, 1767, 1768, and 1769 [Bougainville]
Borrowed: 1772/11/20 (Friday). Returned: 1772/12/20 (Sunday).
Borrower: Mr George Clerk
Author: Comte Louis-Antoine de Bougainville (Male, born 1729, died 1811), Genre: Travel
Voyage Round the World ... in the Years 1766, 1767, 1768, and 1769 [Bougainville]
Record ID 281555
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 345
Lilly's Six Court Comedies in 12.
Borrowed: 1772/11/21 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/12/21 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: five shill. sterl..
Mr David Falconer of Allanhill
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1732. Life dates: 1712-1776.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
John Lyly (Male, born c.1554, died 1606)
Genre: Drama
Six Court Comedies, Lilly (original title)
Sixe court comedies [Lyly] (standardised title)
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: H.28.f.8.
Confidence level: Certain
John Lyly (Male, born c.1554, died 1606)
Genre: Drama
Sixe covrt comedies. Often presented and acted before Queene Elizabeth, by the children of her Maiesties chappell, and the children of Paules.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1632. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 2
ESTC: S108991
John Lyly (Male, born c.1554, died 1606)
Genre: Drama
Sixe Court Comedies. Often Presented and Acted before Queene Elizabeth
Borrowed: 1772/11/21 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/12/21 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr David Falconer of Allanhill
Author: John Lyly (Male, born c.1554, died 1606), Genre: Drama
Sixe Court Comedies. Often Presented and Acted before Queene Elizabeth
Record ID 281570
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 346
Taylors civil law
Borrowed: 1772/11/21 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/12/21 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr James Boswell of Auchinleck
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1766. Life dates: 1740-1795.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Author. Law > Barrister. Law > Advocate.
John Taylor (Male, born 1704, died 1766)
Genre: Law
Summary of the Roman law, taken from Dr. Taylor’s Elements of the civil law.
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection k.6.29.
Confidence level: Certain
John Taylor (Male, born 1704, died 1766)
Genre: Law
A Summary of the Roman Law, taken from Dr. Taylor's Elements of the Civil Law. To which is prefixed a dissertation on obligation.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1772. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 8
ESTC: T134002
John Taylor (Male, born 1704, died 1766)
Genre: Law
Summary of the Roman Law
Borrowed: 1772/11/21 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/12/21 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr James Boswell of Auchinleck
Author: John Taylor (Male, born 1704, died 1766), Genre: Law
Record ID 281786
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 347
Statutes at large vol 8th fol
Borrowed: 1772/11/21 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/11/25 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Ten Pounds Sterl..
Mr William Baillie of Polkemmet; Lord Polkemmet
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1758. Life dates: c. 1736-1816.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice. Law > Sheriff.
Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769)
Genre: Law
The statutes at large...volume the eighth.
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR.
Confidence level: Certain
Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769)
Genre: Law
The statutes at large, from the fifth year of King George the Third, to the tenth year of King George the Third, inclusive. To which is prefixed, a table of the titles of all the Publick and Private statutes during that time. With a copious index. Volume the eighth.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 2
ESTC: N37158
Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769)
Genre: Law
Statutes at Large
Borrowed: 1772/11/21 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/11/25 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr William Baillie of Polkemmet; Lord Polkemmet
Author: Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769), Genre: Law
Record ID 281789
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 347
Philosophical Transactions for 1769 in 4to
Borrowed: 1772/11/23 (Monday). Returned: 1772/12/23 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Two Pounds Sterl.
Mr Andrew Crosbie of Holm
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1757. Life dates: 1736-1785.
Royal Society (Great Britain) (Unspecified, born 1660)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Periodicals
Philosophical transactions.
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: J.202-205 PER.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1769
Confidence level: Certain
Royal Society (Great Britain) (Unspecified, born 1660)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Periodicals
Philosophical transactions.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1665. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 172 times in 85 borrowing records
ESTC: P6614
Royal Society (Great Britain) (Unspecified, born 1660)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Periodicals
Philosophical Transactions
Borrowed: 1772/11/23 (Monday). Returned: 1772/12/23 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Andrew Crosbie of Holm
Author: Royal Society (Great Britain) (Unspecified, born 1660), Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Periodicals
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1769
Record ID 281792
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 348
Atkyns Reports vol. 1. folio
Borrowed: 1772/11/23 (Monday). Returned: 1772/12/23 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Two Pounds Sterl.
Mr James Boswell of Auchinleck
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1766. Life dates: 1740-1795.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Author. Law > Barrister. Law > Advocate.
Court of Chancery Great Britain (Unspecified)
Genre: Law
Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, in the time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke [Atkyns]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.159.4.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Court of Chancery Great Britain (Unspecified)
Genre: Law
Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, in the time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke: collected and methodized by John Tracy Atkyns, Of Lincoln’s Inn, Esq; Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1765-1768. Format: folio. Pagination: 3 vols.
Editors: Atkyns, John Tracy, ca. 1710-1773.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 18 times in 12 borrowing records
ESTC: T98193
Court of Chancery Great Britain (Unspecified)
Genre: Law
Cases Argued and Adjudged in the High Court of Chancery
Borrowed: 1772/11/23 (Monday). Returned: 1772/12/23 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr James Boswell of Auchinleck
Author: Court of Chancery Great Britain (Unspecified), Genre: Law
Cases Argued and Adjudged in the High Court of Chancery
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 281798
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 348
Statutes at large vol 5th Folio
Borrowed: 1772/11/23 (Monday). Returned: 1772/12/23 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Five Pounds Sterl.
Mr Archibald Macdonald of Sanda
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1772. Life dates: d. 1795.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
William Hawkins (Male, born 1673, died 1746)
Genre: Law
The statutes at large, from Magna Charta, to the seventh year of King George the Second, inclusive. In six volumes.
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Treasurer's Room.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5
Confidence level: Certain
William Hawkins (Male, born 1673, died 1746)
Genre: Law
The statutes at large, from Magna Charta to the seventh year of King George the Second, inclusive. In six volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1734-1742. Format: folio. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: 6
ESTC: T145897
William Hawkins (Male, born 1673, died 1746)
Genre: Law
Statutes at Large, from Magna Charta to the Seventh Year of King George the Second
Borrowed: 1772/11/23 (Monday). Returned: 1772/12/23 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Archibald Macdonald of Sanda
Author: William Hawkins (Male, born 1673, died 1746), Genre: Law
Statutes at Large, from Magna Charta to the Seventh Year of King George the Second
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5
Record ID 281801
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 349
Sir Hans Sloane's Natural hist. of Jamaica 2 vol. fol.
Borrowed: 1772/11/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/25 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: ten pound sterl.
Mr Andrew Crosbie of Holm
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1757. Life dates: 1736-1785.
Sir Hans Sloane (Male, born 1660, died 1753)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
A voyage to the islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica [Sloane]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.138.a.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Sir Hans Sloane (Male, born 1660, died 1753)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
A voyage To the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica, with the Natural History of the Herbs and Trees, Four-footed Beasts, Fishes, Birds, Insects, Reptiles, &c. Of the last of those Islands; To which is prefix’d An Introduction, Wherein is an Account of the inhabitants, Air, Waters, Diseases, Trade, &c. of that Place, with some Relations concerning the Neighbouring Continent, and Islands of America. Illustrated with The Figures of the Things describ’d, which have not been heretofore engraved; In large Copper-Plates as big as the Life. By Hans Sloane, M.D. Fellow of the College of Physicians and Secretary of the Royal-Society. In two volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1707-1725. Format: folio. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 15 times in 9 borrowing records
ESTC: T100752
Sir Hans Sloane (Male, born 1660, died 1753)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
Voyage To the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica
Borrowed: 1772/11/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/25 (Friday).
Borrower: Mr Andrew Crosbie of Holm
Author: Sir Hans Sloane (Male, born 1660, died 1753), Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Travel
Voyage To the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 281807
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 349
Macaulays Histy of England vol. 4to Vols. 4. & 4to
Borrowed: 1772/11/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/25 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Two Pounds Sterl.
Mr Walter Campbell of Shawfield
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1763. Life dates: 1741-1816.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff.
Adam Bruce
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate’s Clerk.
Catherine Macaulay (Female, born 1731, died 1791)
Genre: History
The history of England from the accession of James I. to that of the Brunswick line [Macaulay]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: C.9.c.5-12..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 5
Confidence level: Certain
Catherine Macaulay (Female, born 1731, died 1791)
Genre: History
The history of England from the accession of James I. to that of the Brunswick line.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1763-1783. Format: 4to. Pagination: 8 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 72 times in 42 borrowing records
ESTC: T106230
Catherine Macaulay (Female, born 1731, died 1791)
Genre: History
History of England [Catherine Macaulay]
Borrowed: 1772/11/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/25 (Friday).
Borrowers: Mr Walter Campbell of Shawfield, Adam Bruce
Author: Catherine Macaulay (Female, born 1731, died 1791), Genre: History
History of England [Catherine Macaulay]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 5
Record ID 281804
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 349
Statutes Geo. III. Anno X.
Borrowed: 1772/11/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/25 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Andrew Crosbie of Holm
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1757. Life dates: 1736-1785.
Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769)
Genre: Law
The statutes at large...volume the eighth.
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR.
Confidence level: Certain
Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769)
Genre: Law
The statutes at large, from the fifth year of King George the Third, to the tenth year of King George the Third, inclusive. To which is prefixed, a table of the titles of all the Publick and Private statutes during that time. With a copious index. Volume the eighth.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 2
ESTC: N37158
Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769)
Genre: Law
Statutes at Large
Borrowed: 1772/11/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/25 (Friday).
Borrower: Mr Andrew Crosbie of Holm
Author: Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769), Genre: Law
Record ID 281813
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 350
Dows History of Hindostan vol. 1. 4to
Borrowed: 1772/11/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/25 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: One Pound Sterl.
Mr David Falconer of Allanhill
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1732. Life dates: 1712-1776.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History
The history of Hindostan; from the earliest account of time, to the death of Akbar [Dow, 2 vols, 1768]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.141.a.12-13.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History
The history of Hindostan; from the earliest account of time, to the death of Akbar; translated from the Persian of Mahummud Casim Ferishta of Delhi: Together with A Dissertation Concerning the Religion and Philosophy of the Brahmins; With an appendix, containing the history of the Mogul empire, from its decline in the reign of Mahummud Shaw, to the present times.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1768-1772. Format: 4to.
Translators: Dow, Alexander, - 1779.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 57 times in 26 borrowing records
ESTC: T91573
Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623)
Genre: History
History of Hindostan; from the Earliest Account of Time, to the Death of Akbar
Borrowed: 1772/11/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/25 (Friday).
Borrower: Mr David Falconer of Allanhill
Author: Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī Firishtah (Male, born 1552, died 1623), Genre: History
History of Hindostan; from the Earliest Account of Time, to the Death of Akbar
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 281849
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 352
Bacons Works vol 1st folio
Borrowed: 1772/11/30 (Monday). Returned: 1772/12/30 (Wednesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: four Pounds Sterl.
Mr Matthew Ross of Condie
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1772. Life dates: 1750-1823 .
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Dean of Faculty.
Francis Bacon (Male, born 1561, died 1626)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam, ... In five volumes.
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: Ai.6.9-13.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Francis Bacon (Male, born 1561, died 1626)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
The works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, ... In five volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1765. Format: 4to. Pagination: 5 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 14 times in 8 borrowing records
ESTC: T88309
Francis Bacon (Male, born 1561, died 1626)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Works of Francis Bacon
Borrowed: 1772/11/30 (Monday). Returned: 1772/12/30 (Wednesday).
Borrower: Mr Matthew Ross of Condie
Author: Francis Bacon (Male, born 1561, died 1626), Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 281876
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 353
Cases in Chancery in Lord Hardwicks time folio
Borrowed: 1772/12/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/5 (Saturday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Two Pounds Sterling.
Mr Alexander Elphinstone of Glack
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1738-1795.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff.
Court of Chancery Great Britain (Unspecified)
Genre: Law
Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, in the time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke [Atkyns]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.159.4.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Certain
Court of Chancery Great Britain (Unspecified)
Genre: Law
Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, in the time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke: collected and methodized by John Tracy Atkyns, Of Lincoln’s Inn, Esq; Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1765-1768. Format: folio. Pagination: 3 vols.
Editors: Atkyns, John Tracy, ca. 1710-1773.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 18 times in 12 borrowing records
ESTC: T98193
Court of Chancery Great Britain (Unspecified)
Genre: Law
Cases Argued and Adjudged in the High Court of Chancery
Borrowed: 1772/12/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/12/5 (Saturday).
Borrower: Mr Alexander Elphinstone of Glack
Author: Court of Chancery Great Britain (Unspecified), Genre: Law
Cases Argued and Adjudged in the High Court of Chancery
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 281906
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 354
Edwardi Lye Dictionarium Saxonice et Gothice latinum 2 vols fol
Borrowed: 1772/12/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/1/2 (Thursday). Fine pledged in case of late return: five Pounds Sterling.
Mr James Burnet of Monboddo; Lord Monboddo
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1737. Life dates: 1714-1799.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Edward Lye (Male, born 1694, died 1767)
Genre: Reference Works
Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum. Auctore Eduardo Lye.
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: T.377.c..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Edward Lye (Male, born 1694, died 1767)
Genre: Reference Works
Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1772. Format: folio. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 2 times in 1 borrowing record
ESTC: T106615
Edward Lye (Male, born 1694, died 1767)
Genre: Reference Works
Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum
Borrowed: 1772/12/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/1/2 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr James Burnet of Monboddo; Lord Monboddo
Author: Edward Lye (Male, born 1694, died 1767), Genre: Reference Works
Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 281924
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 354
Woodhouses poems 8o
Borrowed: 1772/12/3 (Thursday). Returned: 1773/1/3 (Sunday). Fine pledged in case of late return: five shill. sterl..
Mr John Maclaurin Lord Dreghorn
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1756. Life dates: 1734-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice. Law > Lord President.
James Woodhouse (Male, born 1735, died 1820)
Genre: Poetry
Poems on several occasions. By James Woodhouse.
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: [Ak].4/1.29 .
Confidence level: Certain
James Woodhouse (Male, born 1735, died 1820)
Genre: Poetry
Poems on several occasions. By James Woodhouse, journeyman shoemaker.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1766. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: T132323
James Woodhouse (Male, born 1735, died 1820)
Genre: Poetry
Poems on Several Occasions [James Woodhouse]
Borrowed: 1772/12/3 (Thursday). Returned: 1773/1/3 (Sunday).
Borrower: Mr John Maclaurin Lord Dreghorn
Author: James Woodhouse (Male, born 1735, died 1820), Genre: Poetry
Record ID 281984
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 356
Orems history of Hindostan
Borrowed: 1772/12/4 (Friday). Returned: 1772/12/8 (Tuesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801)
Genre: History
A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, from the year MDCCXLV (2nd edn) [Orme]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.142/2.a..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Very likely
Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801)
Genre: History
A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, from the year MDCCXLV. To which is prefixed A dissertation on the establishments made by Mahomedan conquerors in Indostan. From the year MDCCXLV. To which is Prefixed a Dissertation on the Establishments made by Mahomedan Conquerors in Indostan.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1763. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 58 times in 25 borrowing records
ESTC: T111967
Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801)
Genre: History
History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, from the Year MDCCXLV
Borrowed: 1772/12/4 (Friday). Returned: 1772/12/8 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Author: Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801), Genre: History
History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, from the Year MDCCXLV
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 281981
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 356
Lord Lovats Tryal folio.
Borrowed: 1772/12/4 (Friday). Returned: 1772/12/8 (Tuesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1742-1810.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Curator. Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Genre: History, Genre: Law, Genre: Lives
Lord Lovat's Trial, folio
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Trials collection, Clerk's Room, C.18.3.
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: History, Genre: Law, Genre: Lives
The whole proceedings in the House of Peers, upon the impeachment exhibited by the knights, citizens, and burgesses, in Parliament assembled, in the names of themselves, and of all the commons of Great Britain; against Simon Lord Lovat, for high treason: the proceeding in Westminster-Hall being begun on Monday the 9th day of March, and continued on Tuesday the 10th, Wednesday the 11th, Friday the 13th, Monday the 16th, Wednesday the 18th, and Thursday the 19th days of March, 1746-7: on the last of which days judgment of high treason was given against him. Published by order of the House of Peers.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 19
ESTC: T114300
Genre: History, Genre: Law, Genre: Lives
Whole Proceedings in the House of Peers ... against Simon Lord Lovat, for High Treason
Borrowed: 1772/12/4 (Friday). Returned: 1772/12/8 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Cullen Lord Cullen
Genre: History, Genre: Law, Genre: Lives
Whole Proceedings in the House of Peers ... against Simon Lord Lovat, for High Treason
Record ID 282020
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 357
Item Postlethewayts Dict. vol. 1st fol.
Borrowed: 1772/12/5 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/1/5 (Sunday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr John Swinton of Swinton; junior
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1744. Life dates: d. 1799.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Jacques Savary des Brûlons (Male, born 1657, died 1716)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge, Genre: Reference Works
The universal dictionary of trade and commerce, translated from the French of ... Monsieur Savary, ... with large additions and improvements, ... By Malachy Postlethwayt, Esq.
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: Ab.1.6-7.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Jacques Savary des Brûlons (Male, born 1657, died 1716)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge, Genre: Reference Works
The universal dictionary of trade and commerce, translated from the French of the celebrated Monsieur Savary, Inspector-General of the manufactures for the King, at the Custom-house of Paris: with large additions and improvements, incorporated throughout the Whole work; Which more particularly accommodate the same to the trade and navigation Of these kingdoms, and the laws, customs, and usages, to which all traders are subject.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751-1755. Format: folio.
Translators: Postlethwayt, Malachy, 1707?-1767
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 14 times in 9 borrowing records
ESTC: N35479
Jacques Savary des Brûlons (Male, born 1657, died 1716)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge, Genre: Reference Works
Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce
Borrowed: 1772/12/5 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/1/5 (Sunday).
Borrower: Mr John Swinton of Swinton; junior
Author: Jacques Savary des Brûlons (Male, born 1657, died 1716), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge, Genre: Reference Works
Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 282017
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 357
Baretti's Travels 4 vol. 8
Borrowed: 1772/12/5 (Saturday). Returned: 1773/1/5 (Tuesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: two pounds sterl..
Mr John Swinton of Swinton; junior
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1744. Life dates: d. 1799.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Giuseppe Baretti (Male, born 1719, died 1789)
Genre: Travel
Journey from London to Genoa, through England, Portugal, Spain, and France [Baretti]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: K.153.f .
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
Confidence level: Certain
Giuseppe Baretti (Male, born 1719, died 1789)
Genre: Travel
A journey from London to Genoa, through England, Portugal, Spain, and France.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1770. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 24 times in 6 borrowing records
ESTC: T83927
Giuseppe Baretti (Male, born 1719, died 1789)
Genre: Travel
Journey from London to Genoa, through England, Portugal, Spain, and France
Borrowed: 1772/12/5 (Saturday). Returned: 1773/1/5 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Mr John Swinton of Swinton; junior
Author: Giuseppe Baretti (Male, born 1719, died 1789), Genre: Travel
Journey from London to Genoa, through England, Portugal, Spain, and France
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
Record ID 282035
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 359
Bacons abridgement vol. 3 folio
Borrowed: 1772/12/11 (Friday). Returned: 1772/12/15 (Tuesday). Fine pledged in case of late return: One Pound sterl.
Mr Robert Sinclair
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1762. Life dates: d. 1802.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff. Law > Clerk of Session.
Matthew Bacon (Male)
Genre: Law
New abridgment of the law [Bacon]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: TR E.143.4].
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3
Confidence level: Certain
Matthew Bacon (Male)
Genre: Law
A new abridgment of the law. By a gentleman of the Middle Temple.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1736-1766. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 43 times in 30 borrowing records
ESTC: T145688
Matthew Bacon (Male)
Genre: Law
New Abridgment of the Law
Borrowed: 1772/12/11 (Friday). Returned: 1772/12/15 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Mr Robert Sinclair
Author: Matthew Bacon (Male), Genre: Law
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3
Record ID 282032
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 359
Carts History of England vols. 2. & 3 folio
Borrowed: 1772/12/11 (Friday). Returned: 1773/1/11 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: five Pounds sterling.
Mr David Falconer of Allanhill
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1732. Life dates: 1712-1776.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
Thomas Carte (Male, born 1686, died 1754)
Genre: History
General history of England. ... By Thomas Carte.
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.185.e..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Certain
Thomas Carte (Male, born 1686, died 1754)
Genre: History
A general history of England. By Thomas Carte, an Englishman.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1755. Format: folio. Pagination: 4 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 28 times in 21 borrowing records
ESTC: T101742
Thomas Carte (Male, born 1686, died 1754)
Genre: History
General History of England [Thomas Carte]
Borrowed: 1772/12/11 (Friday). Returned: 1773/1/11 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr David Falconer of Allanhill
Author: Thomas Carte (Male, born 1686, died 1754), Genre: History
General History of England [Thomas Carte]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 282038
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 360
Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber 1 Vol: 4to
Borrowed: 1772/12/11 (Friday). Returned: 1773/1/11 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Ten Shillings & ha pence.
Mr Charles Hay of Newton; Lord Newton
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1768. Life dates: 1747-1811.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Colley Cibber (Male, born 1671, died 1757)
Genre: Lives
An apology for the life of Mr. Colley Cibber.
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: Jac.I.1.32.
Confidence level: Certain
Colley Cibber (Male, born 1671, died 1757)
Genre: Lives
An apology for the life of Mr. Colley Cibber, comedian, and late patentee of the Theatre-Royal. With an historical view of the stage during his own time. Written by himself.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1740. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 10
ESTC: N16310
Colley Cibber (Male, born 1671, died 1757)
Genre: Lives
Apology for the Life of Mr Colley Cibber
Borrowed: 1772/12/11 (Friday). Returned: 1773/1/11 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr Charles Hay of Newton; Lord Newton
Author: Colley Cibber (Male, born 1671, died 1757), Genre: Lives
Record ID 282044
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 360
a Guide to English Juries 12o
Borrowed: 1772/12/11 (Friday). Returned: 1773/1/11 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: see entry above.
Mr Charles Hay of Newton; Lord Newton
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1768. Life dates: 1747-1811.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord of Session/Senator of the College of Justice.
Genre: Law
A guide to English juries [Person of quality]
Possible modern shelfmark: AL: Historical Collection TR E.144.5.
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Law
A guide to English juries: setting forth their antiquity, power, and duty, from the common-law and statutes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1682. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: R5857
Genre: Law
Guide to English Juries
Borrowed: 1772/12/11 (Friday). Returned: 1773/1/11 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr Charles Hay of Newton; Lord Newton
Genre: Law
Record ID 282080
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 361
Cartes History of England vol. Folio
Borrowed: 1772/12/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1773/1/15 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: five Pounds sterling.
Mr William Binning of Walifoord
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1740. Life dates: 1710-1791.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
Thomas Carte (Male, born 1686, died 1754)
Genre: History
General history of England. ... By Thomas Carte.
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.185.e..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4
Confidence level: Certain
Thomas Carte (Male, born 1686, died 1754)
Genre: History
A general history of England. By Thomas Carte, an Englishman.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1755. Format: folio. Pagination: 4 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 28 times in 21 borrowing records
ESTC: T101742
Thomas Carte (Male, born 1686, died 1754)
Genre: History
General History of England [Thomas Carte]
Borrowed: 1772/12/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1773/1/15 (Friday).
Borrower: Mr William Binning of Walifoord
Author: Thomas Carte (Male, born 1686, died 1754), Genre: History
General History of England [Thomas Carte]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4
Record ID 282101
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 362
Pocockes Travels 2 vols folio
Borrowed: 1772/12/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1773/1/15 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: Three Pounds Sterl.
Mr Alexander Elphinstone of Glack
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: 1738-1795.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff.
Richard Pococke (Male, born 1704, died 1765)
Genre: Travel
Description of the East, and some other countries [Pococke]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.126.b.16-17.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Richard Pococke (Male, born 1704, died 1765)
Genre: Travel
A description of the East, and some other countries. ... . Observations on Egypt.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1743-1745. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 37 times in 20 borrowing records
ESTC: T31684
Richard Pococke (Male, born 1704, died 1765)
Genre: Travel
Description of the East, and Some Other Countries
Borrowed: 1772/12/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1773/1/15 (Friday).
Borrower: Mr Alexander Elphinstone of Glack
Author: Richard Pococke (Male, born 1704, died 1765), Genre: Travel
Description of the East, and Some Other Countries
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 282128
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 363
Anacreon notis Barnes 8vo
Borrowed: 1772/12/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1773/1/15 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: five shillings sterl.
Mr Harry Erskine
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1768. Life dates: 1746-1817.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Lord Advocate. Law > Dean of Faculty. Politics/Office Holders > MP (Britain).
Anacreon (Male, born c.BCE582, died BCE485)
Genre: Poetry
Anacreon Teius, poeta lyricus [Barnes]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: K.9.f.
Confidence level: Certain
Anacreon (Male, born c.BCE582, died BCE485)
Genre: Poetry
Anacreon Teius, poeta lyricus, summa cura et diligentia, ad fidem etiam vet. MS. Vatican.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: London. Format: 8vo.
Editors: Barnes, Joshua, 1654-1712
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: T85597
Anacreon (Male, born c.BCE582, died BCE485)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Anacreon
Borrowed: 1772/12/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1773/1/15 (Friday).
Borrower: Mr Harry Erskine
Author: Anacreon (Male, born c.BCE582, died BCE485), Genre: Poetry
Record ID 282149
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 365
Orem's history of Hindostan 4.
Borrowed: 1772/12/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1773/1/17 (Sunday). Fine pledged in case of late return: one guinea.
Mr Alexander Law of Elvingston
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1767. Life dates: d. 1783.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate.
Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801)
Genre: History
A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, from the year MDCCXLV (2nd edn) [Orme]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: E.142/2.a..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Very likely
Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801)
Genre: History
A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, from the year MDCCXLV. To which is prefixed A dissertation on the establishments made by Mahomedan conquerors in Indostan. From the year MDCCXLV. To which is Prefixed a Dissertation on the Establishments made by Mahomedan Conquerors in Indostan.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1763. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 58 times in 25 borrowing records
ESTC: T111967
Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801)
Genre: History
History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, from the Year MDCCXLV
Borrowed: 1772/12/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1773/1/17 (Sunday).
Borrower: Mr Alexander Law of Elvingston
Author: Robert Orme (Male, born 1728, died 1801), Genre: History
History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, from the Year MDCCXLV
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 282152
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 365
Daniels history of the Civil Wars in England Item his Collection of the History of the houses of Lanc. & York fol
Borrowed: 1772/12/18 (Friday). Returned: 1773/1/18 (Monday). Fine pledged in case of late return: ten shill sterl..
Mr Alexander Stevenson of Smithfield
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: d. 1788.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff.
Samuel Daniel (Male, born 1562, died 1619)
Genre: History
The collection of the history of England [Daniel]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: C.13.a.
Confidence level: Very likely
Samuel Daniel (Male, born 1562, died 1619)
Genre: History
The collection of the history of England: by S.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1626. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 1
ESTC: S107343
Samuel Daniel (Male, born 1562, died 1619)
Genre: History
Collection of the History of England [Samuel Daniel]
Borrowed: 1772/12/18 (Friday). Returned: 1773/1/18 (Monday).
Borrower: Mr Alexander Stevenson of Smithfield
Author: Samuel Daniel (Male, born 1562, died 1619), Genre: History
Record ID 282164
Library: Advocates Library. Register: F.R.262a/4 (1770-1773, Type: Other). Page: 367
Fables de la Fontaine 12o
Borrowed: 1772/12/22 (Tuesday). Returned: 1773/1/22 (Friday). Fine pledged in case of late return: five shillings sterl.
Mr Alexander Stevenson of Smithfield
Gender: Male.
Admission date: 1764. Life dates: d. 1788.
Occupation (normalised): Law > Advocate. Law > Sheriff.
Jean de La Fontaine (Male, born 1621, died 1695)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Fiction
Fables choisies mises in vers [La Fontaine]
Possible modern shelfmark: NLS: Aq.6.21.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Jean de La Fontaine (Male, born 1621, died 1695)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Fiction
Fables choisies mises in [sic] vers par M. de la Fontaine. Et par lui revues, corrigées, et augmentées de nouveau.
Language: French . Published: London. Date of publication: 1736. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 4 times in 2 borrowing records
ESTC: T198034
Jean de La Fontaine (Male, born 1621, died 1695)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Fiction
Fables Choisies [Jean de la Fontaine]
Borrowed: 1772/12/22 (Tuesday). Returned: 1773/1/22 (Friday).
Borrower: Mr Alexander Stevenson of Smithfield
Author: Jean de La Fontaine (Male, born 1621, died 1695), Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Fiction
Fables Choisies [Jean de la Fontaine]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2