Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Year of publication: 1776-1803

Your search matched 36541 borrowing records.



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Page 333 of 366

Record ID 103550

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/3.


Mrs Brown
Gender: Female.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1818/3.

Borrower: Mrs Brown

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Borrowed: 1817/8.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Reverend Augustus Toplady (Male, born 1740, died 1778), Genre: Theology

Posthumous Works [Augustus Toplady]

Record ID 97568

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/8.


Archibald Little Archd.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1818/8.

Borrower: Archibald Little Archd.

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Record ID 103442

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/8.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The poetical works of Alexander Pope
Catalogue Number: 198-199. Catalogue Title: Pope's Poetical Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The poetical works of Alexander Pope, with his last corrections, additions, and improvements. From the text of Dr. Warburton. With the life of the author. Cooke’s pocket edition. ... . Embellished with superb engravings
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: c.1795. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 28 times in 26 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope

Borrowed: 1818/8.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Genre: Poetry

Works of Alexander Pope

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 103613

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/2.


John Brown
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The poetical works of Alexander Pope
Catalogue Number: 198-199. Catalogue Title: Pope's Poetical Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The poetical works of Alexander Pope, with his last corrections, additions, and improvements. From the text of Dr. Warburton. With the life of the author. Cooke’s pocket edition. ... . Embellished with superb engravings
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: c.1795. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 28 times in 26 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope

Borrowed: 1818/2.

Borrower: John Brown

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Genre: Poetry

Works of Alexander Pope

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 103415

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/4.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831)
Genre: Periodicals
The lounger
Catalogue Number: 279-281. Catalogue Title: Lounger .
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831)
Genre: Periodicals
The lounger. A periodical paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1785 and 1786. By the authors of The mirror. In three volumes.
Language: English . Published: London | Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1787. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 3v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 29 times in 25 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831)
Genre: Periodicals

Borrowed: 1818/4.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831), Genre: Periodicals


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 103433

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/6.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

Thomas Mortimer (Male, born 1730, died 1810)
Genre: Lives
British Plutarch
Catalogue Number: 238-245. Catalogue Title: British Plutarch.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1818/6.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Thomas Mortimer (Male, born 1730, died 1810), Genre: Lives

British Plutarch

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 96728

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/2.


James Murray
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1818/2.

Borrower: James Murray

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 97421

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/12.


Robert Brown
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

James Meikle (Male, born 1730, died 1799)
Genre: Theology
Solitude sweetened
Catalogue Number: 311. Catalogue Title: Meikle's Solitude Sweetened.

Record ID 97031

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/12.


James Murray
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons by the late Reverend John Logan
Catalogue Number: 160-161. Catalogue Title: Logans Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons by the late Reverend John Logan. Third edition.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1793. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 68 times in 66 borrowing records

Book Work

John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons [John Logan]

Borrowed: 1818/12.

Borrower: James Murray

Author: John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [John Logan]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 97877

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r

559x560x 561x

Borrowed: 1818/1.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes.
Catalogue Number: 559-566. Catalogue Title: Sterne Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes. Containing I. The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy. II. A sentimental journey through France and Italy, and continuation. III. Sermons.-IV. Letters. V. The fragment. VI. The Koran. VII. History of a good warm watch-coat. With a life of the author, written by himself
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1799. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 8v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 113 times in 86 borrowing records

Book Work

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
Works of Laurence Sterne

Borrowed: 1818/1.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons

Works of Laurence Sterne

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 103646

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/7.


John Brown
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831)
Genre: Periodicals
The lounger
Catalogue Number: 279-281. Catalogue Title: Lounger .
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831)
Genre: Periodicals
The lounger. A periodical paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1785 and 1786. By the authors of The mirror. In three volumes.
Language: English . Published: London | Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1787. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 3v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 29 times in 25 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831)
Genre: Periodicals

Borrowed: 1818/7.

Borrower: John Brown

Author: Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831), Genre: Periodicals


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 97076

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/12.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons preached at different places and on various occasions
Catalogue Number: 247-248. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1818/12.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Henry Hunter]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 103643

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/7.


John Brown
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons, by Hugh Blair, D.D.
Catalogue Number: 98-100, 162, 268. Catalogue Title: Blair's Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons, by Hugh Blair, D.D. One of the ministers of the High Church, and Professor of Rhetorick and Belles Lettres in the University, of Edinburgh
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | London. Date of publication: 1777-1801. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 5 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 133 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons [Hugh Blair]

Borrowed: 1818/7.

Borrower: John Brown

Author: Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Hugh Blair]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 97349

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/1.


Robert Brown
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons by the late Reverend John Logan
Catalogue Number: 160-161. Catalogue Title: Logans Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons by the late Reverend John Logan. Third edition.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1793. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 68 times in 66 borrowing records

Book Work

John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons [John Logan]

Borrowed: 1818/1.

Borrower: Robert Brown

Author: John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [John Logan]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 97874

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/1.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons by the late Reverend John Logan
Catalogue Number: 160-161. Catalogue Title: Logans Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons by the late Reverend John Logan. Third edition.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1793. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 68 times in 66 borrowing records

Book Work

John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons [John Logan]

Borrowed: 1818/1.

Borrower: John Little

Author: John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [John Logan]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 96317

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/3.


William Andison Anderson
Gender: Male. Address: [?Yetbize/Yetbyre].

Book Holding

Frances Burney (Female, born 1752, died 1840)
Genre: Fiction
Catalogue Number: 372-376. Catalogue Title: Burney's Cecilia.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Frances Burney (Female, born 1752, died 1840)
Genre: Fiction
Cecilia, or memoirs of an heiress. By the author of Evelina. In five volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1782. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 5 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 388 times in 172 borrowing records

Book Work

Frances Burney (Female, born 1752, died 1840)
Genre: Fiction
Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress

Borrowed: 1818/3.

Borrower: William Andison Anderson

Author: Frances Burney (Female, born 1752, died 1840), Genre: Fiction

Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 103583

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/8.


Mrs Brown
Gender: Female.

Book Holding

Genre: Belles Lettres
Elegant Extracts
Catalogue Number: 94-96. Catalogue Title: Knox's Elegant Extracts.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Genre: Belles Lettres
Elegant epistles; or, a copious collection of familiar and amusing letters.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1791. Format: 8vo. Pagination: [2],iv,[12],776p..
Editors: Vicesimus Knox
Number of borrowings: 77

Book Work

Genre: Belles Lettres
Elegant Epistles; or, A Copious Collection of Familiar and Amusing Letters

Record ID 96719

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/1.


James Murray
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1818/1.

Borrower: James Murray

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 97058

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/7.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1818/7.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 103751

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/3.


William Thomson Wm., Thompson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Genre: Belles Lettres
Elegant Extracts
Catalogue Number: 94-96. Catalogue Title: Knox's Elegant Extracts.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Genre: Belles Lettres
Elegant epistles; or, a copious collection of familiar and amusing letters.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1791. Format: 8vo. Pagination: [2],iv,[12],776p..
Editors: Vicesimus Knox
Number of borrowings: 77

Book Work

Genre: Belles Lettres
Elegant Epistles; or, A Copious Collection of Familiar and Amusing Letters

Record ID 103445

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/8.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

John Evans (Male, born 1767, died 1827)
Genre: Theology
A brief sketch of the several denominations into which the Christian world is divided
Catalogue Number: 549. Catalogue Title: Evans Sketches of the different Religious Sects.

Record ID 97028

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/12.


James Murray
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Frances Burney (Female, born 1752, died 1840)
Genre: Fiction
Catalogue Number: 372-376. Catalogue Title: Burney's Cecilia.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Frances Burney (Female, born 1752, died 1840)
Genre: Fiction
Cecilia, or memoirs of an heiress. By the author of Evelina. In five volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1782. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 5 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 388 times in 172 borrowing records

Book Work

Frances Burney (Female, born 1752, died 1840)
Genre: Fiction
Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress

Borrowed: 1818/12.

Borrower: James Murray

Author: Frances Burney (Female, born 1752, died 1840), Genre: Fiction

Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 103520

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/12.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Fiction
Catalogue Number: 322-323. Catalogue Title: Mores Zeluco.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Fiction
Zeluco. Various views of human nature, taken from life and manners, foreign and domestic. In two volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1789. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 345 times in 223 borrowing records

Book Work

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1818/12.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 103505

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/12.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

Ambrose Serle (Male, born 1742, died 1812)
Genre: Theology
Horæ solitariæ
Catalogue Number: 452-453. Catalogue Title: Serles Horae Solitariae.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Borrowed: 1818/12.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Ambrose Serle (Male, born 1742, died 1812), Genre: Theology

Horae Solitariae

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 97019

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


James Murray
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices
Catalogue Number: 83-84, 184. Catalogue Title: Lamonts Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices. To which are added an ordination sermon, a synod sermon, and two sermons on a future state. By the Rev. David Lamont, Minister of Kirkpatrick-Durham, near Dumfries
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1780. Format: 8vo. Pagination: xvi, 408p..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 93 times in 92 borrowing records

Book Work

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Borrowed: 1818/10.

Borrower: James Murray

Author: Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 96743

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/3.


James Murray
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices
Catalogue Number: 83-84, 184. Catalogue Title: Lamonts Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices. To which are added an ordination sermon, a synod sermon, and two sermons on a future state. By the Rev. David Lamont, Minister of Kirkpatrick-Durham, near Dumfries
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1780. Format: 8vo. Pagination: xvi, 408p..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 93 times in 92 borrowing records

Book Work

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Borrowed: 1818/3.

Borrower: James Murray

Author: Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 97541

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/5.


Archibald Little Archd.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Lindley Murray (Male, born 1745, died 1826)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Theology
The power of religion on the mind
Catalogue Number: 486. Catalogue Title: Murrays Power of Religion on the Mind.

Record ID 97055

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/7.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons, by Hugh Blair, D.D.
Catalogue Number: 98-100, 162, 268. Catalogue Title: Blair's Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons, by Hugh Blair, D.D. One of the ministers of the High Church, and Professor of Rhetorick and Belles Lettres in the University, of Edinburgh
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | London. Date of publication: 1777-1801. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 5 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 133 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons [Hugh Blair]

Borrowed: 1818/7.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Hugh Blair]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 97415

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/12.


Robert Brown
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Edward Gibbon (Male, born 1737, died 1794)
Genre: History
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire.
Catalogue Number: 325-336. Catalogue Title: Gibbons Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Edward Gibbon (Male, born 1737, died 1794)
Genre: History
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. By Edward Gibbon, Esq; ... A new edition
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1792-1797. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 12 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 195 times in 150 borrowing records

Book Work

Edward Gibbon (Male, born 1737, died 1794)
Genre: History
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Edward Gibbon (Male, born 1737, died 1794)
Genre: History
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. By Edward Gibbon, Esq; Volume the first
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1777. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 107 times in 88 borrowing records

Book Work

Edward Gibbon (Male, born 1737, died 1794)
Genre: History
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Borrowed: 1818/12.

Borrower: Robert Brown

Author: Edward Gibbon (Male, born 1737, died 1794), Genre: History

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 97112

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/4.


William Duncan Wm.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Heron (Male, born 1764, died 1807)
Genre: Travel
Observations made in a journey through the western counties of Scotland
Catalogue Number: 382-383. Catalogue Title: Herons Tour in Scotland.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Robert Heron (Male, born 1764, died 1807)
Genre: Travel
Observations made in a journey through the western counties of Scotland, in the autumn of M.DCC.XCII.
Language: English . Published: Perth. Date of publication: 1793. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 89 times in 74 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Heron (Male, born 1764, died 1807)
Genre: Travel
Observations Made in a Journey through the Western Counties of Scotland, in the Autumn of M.DCC.XCII

Record ID 103574

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/7.


Mrs Brown
Gender: Female.

Book Holding

John Young (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on various important subjects.
Catalogue Number: 441-443. Catalogue Title: Youngs Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

John Young (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on various important subjects. In three volumes. By John Young, D.D. Minister of the Gospel in Hawick.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | Glasgow | London. Date of publication: 1797. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 3v..
Number of borrowings: 99

Book Work

John Young (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Various Practical Subjects [John Young]

Borrowed: 1818/7.

Borrower: Mrs Brown

Author: John Young (Male), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Various Practical Subjects [John Young]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 97565

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/8.


Archibald Little Archd.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

John Fell (Male, born 1735, died 1797), Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the evidences of Christianity
Catalogue Number: 315. Catalogue Title: Fell and Hunters Lectures.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

John Fell (Male, born 1735, died 1797), Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the evidences of Christianity. Four by the Late Rev. John Fell, of Homerton; and eight by Henry Hunter, D.D. minister of the Scots Church, London-Wall. Published at the request of the managers and subscribers
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1798. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 23

Book Work

John Fell (Male, born 1735, died 1797), Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity

Borrowed: 1818/8.

Borrower: Archibald Little Archd.

Author: John Fell (Male, born 1735, died 1797), Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons

Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity

Record ID 96344

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/3.


James Easton
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Joseph Hall (Male, born 1574, died 1656)
Genre: Theology
Contemplations on the historical passages of the Old and New Testament
Catalogue Number: 501-503. Catalogue Title: Bishop Halls Contemplation.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Joseph Hall (Male, born 1574, died 1656)
Genre: Theology
Contemplations on the historical passages of the Old & New Testaments
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1796. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 96 times in 95 borrowing records

Book Work

Joseph Hall (Male, born 1574, died 1656)
Genre: Theology
Contemplations on the Historical Passages of the Old and New Testament

Borrowed: 1818/3.

Borrower: James Easton

Author: Joseph Hall (Male, born 1574, died 1656), Genre: Theology

Contemplations on the Historical Passages of the Old and New Testament

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 96335

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/2.


James Easton
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Joseph Hall (Male, born 1574, died 1656)
Genre: Theology
Contemplations on the historical passages of the Old and New Testament
Catalogue Number: 501-503. Catalogue Title: Bishop Halls Contemplation.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Joseph Hall (Male, born 1574, died 1656)
Genre: Theology
Contemplations on the historical passages of the Old & New Testaments
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1796. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 96 times in 95 borrowing records

Book Work

Joseph Hall (Male, born 1574, died 1656)
Genre: Theology
Contemplations on the Historical Passages of the Old and New Testament

Borrowed: 1818/2.

Borrower: James Easton

Author: Joseph Hall (Male, born 1574, died 1656), Genre: Theology

Contemplations on the Historical Passages of the Old and New Testament

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 96734

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/3.


James Murray
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1818/3.

Borrower: James Murray

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 103562

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/5.


Mrs Brown
Gender: Female.

Book Holding

Edward Young (Male, born c.1683, died 1765)
Genre: Poetry
The works of Edward Young
Catalogue Number: 297-299. Catalogue Title: Dr Youngs Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Edward Young (Male, born c.1683, died 1765)
Genre: Poetry
The works of Edward Young, LL.D. in three volumes. To which is prefixed, The life of the author, by Robert Anderson, M.D
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1796. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 3v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 33 times in 32 borrowing records

Book Work

Edward Young (Male, born c.1683, died 1765)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Edward Young

Borrowed: 1818/5.

Borrower: Mrs Brown

Author: Edward Young (Male, born c.1683, died 1765), Genre: Poetry

Works of Edward Young

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 103823

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/12.


William Thomson Wm., Thompson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1818/12.

Borrower: William Thomson Wm., Thompson

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 103676

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/9.


John Brown
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Donald Campbell (Male, born 1751, died 1804)
Genre: Travel
A journey over land to India
Catalogue Number: 544. Catalogue Title: Campbells Journey to India over land.

Borrowed: 1818/9.

Borrower: John Brown

Author: Donald Campbell (Male, born 1751, died 1804), Genre: Travel

Journey over Land to India

Record ID 97052

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/5.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752)
Genre: Sermons
The sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine
Catalogue Number: 249-258. Catalogue Title: Ralph Erskines Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 10

Borrowed: 1818/5.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752), Genre: Sermons

Sermons, and Other Practical Works [Ralph Erskine]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 10

Record ID 97013

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/9.


James Murray
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821)
Genre: Theology
The force of truth
Catalogue Number: 473. Catalogue Title: Scotts Force of Truth.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821)
Genre: Theology
The force of truth: an authentic narrative. By Thomas Scott, Curate of Weston Underwood, and Ravenstone, Bucks
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1779. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 17

Book Work

Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821)
Genre: Theology
Force of Truth: An Authentic Narrative

Borrowed: 1818/9.

Borrower: James Murray

Author: Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821), Genre: Theology

Force of Truth: An Authentic Narrative

Record ID 96308

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/2.


William Andison Anderson
Gender: Male. Address: [?Yetbize/Yetbyre].

Book Holding

John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons by the late Reverend John Logan
Catalogue Number: 160-161. Catalogue Title: Logans Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons by the late Reverend John Logan. Third edition.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1793. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 68 times in 66 borrowing records

Book Work

John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons [John Logan]

Borrowed: 1818/2.

Borrower: William Andison Anderson

Author: John Logan (Male, born 1748, died 1788), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [John Logan]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 96968

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/5.


James Murray
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1818/5.

Borrower: James Murray

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Record ID 97331

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/7.


Mrs Bell
Gender: Female. Address: Whitcastles.

Book Holding

Johann Georg Zimmermann (Male, born 1728, died 1795)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Catalogue Number: 468-469. Catalogue Title: Zimmerman on Solitude.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 103592

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


Mrs Brown
Gender: Female.

Book Holding

William Withering (Male, born 1741, died 1799)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
A botanical arrangement of all the vegetables naturally growing in Great Britain
Catalogue Number: 660-661. Catalogue Title: Witherings Arrangement of British Plants .
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Work

William Withering (Male, born 1741, died 1799)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Botanical Arrangement of all the Vegetables Naturally Growing in Great Britain

Record ID 103811

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/11.


William Thomson Wm., Thompson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1818/11.

Borrower: William Thomson Wm., Thompson

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 103418

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/5.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices
Catalogue Number: 83-84, 184. Catalogue Title: Lamonts Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices. To which are added an ordination sermon, a synod sermon, and two sermons on a future state. By the Rev. David Lamont, Minister of Kirkpatrick-Durham, near Dumfries
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1780. Format: 8vo. Pagination: xvi, 408p..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 93 times in 92 borrowing records

Book Work

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Borrowed: 1818/5.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 97859

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


Archibald Little Archd.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Withering (Male, born 1741, died 1799)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
A botanical arrangement of all the vegetables naturally growing in Great Britain
Catalogue Number: 660-661. Catalogue Title: Witherings Arrangement of British Plants .
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Work

William Withering (Male, born 1741, died 1799)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Botanical Arrangement of all the Vegetables Naturally Growing in Great Britain

Record ID 103796

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/5.


William Thomson Wm., Thompson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Benjamin Franklin (Male, born 1706, died 1790)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Lives
Works of the late Doctor Benjamin Franklin
Catalogue Number: 430-431. Catalogue Title: Franklins Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Benjamin Franklin (Male, born 1706, died 1790)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Lives
Works of the late Doctor Benjamin Franklin. Consisting of his life written by himself; together with essays, humorous, moral, and literary, chiefly in the manner of the Spectator. In two volumes
Language: English . Published: Dundee. Date of publication: 1800. Format: 18mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 29 times in 18 borrowing records

Book Work

Benjamin Franklin (Male, born 1706, died 1790)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Lives
Works of the Late Doctor Benjamin Franklin

Borrowed: 1818/5.

Borrower: William Thomson Wm., Thompson

Author: Benjamin Franklin (Male, born 1706, died 1790), Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Lives

Works of the Late Doctor Benjamin Franklin

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 105419

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/1.


Walter Glendining Wa:
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

John Payne (Male)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
A new and complete system of universal geography
Catalogue Number: 203-206. Catalogue Title: Universal Geography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 105416

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r

Borrowed: 1818/1.

Borrower: Walter Glendining Wa:

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Henry Hunter]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 105296

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/5.


Simeon Hyslop Simon
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

John Gillies (Male, born 1747, died 1836)
Genre: History
The history of ancient Greece
Catalogue Number: 305-308. Catalogue Title: Gillies History of Greece.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

John Gillies (Male, born 1747, died 1836)
Genre: History
The history of ancient Greece, its colonies, and conquests; From the earliest accounts till the division of the Macedonian Empire in the east. Including the history of literature, philosophy, and the fine arts. By John Gillies, LL.D. F.A.S. The second edition, in four volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1787. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 4v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 75 times in 62 borrowing records

Book Work

John Gillies (Male, born 1747, died 1836)
Genre: History
History of Ancient Greece, its Colonies and Conquests

Borrowed: 1818/5.

Borrower: Simeon Hyslop Simon

Author: John Gillies (Male, born 1747, died 1836), Genre: History

History of Ancient Greece, its Colonies and Conquests

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 105293

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/3.


Simeon Hyslop Simon
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Heron (Male, born 1764, died 1807)
Genre: Travel
Observations made in a journey through the western counties of Scotland
Catalogue Number: 382-383. Catalogue Title: Herons Tour in Scotland.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Robert Heron (Male, born 1764, died 1807)
Genre: Travel
Observations made in a journey through the western counties of Scotland, in the autumn of M.DCC.XCII.
Language: English . Published: Perth. Date of publication: 1793. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 89 times in 74 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Heron (Male, born 1764, died 1807)
Genre: Travel
Observations Made in a Journey through the Western Counties of Scotland, in the Autumn of M.DCC.XCII

Record ID 104762

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


Francis Beattie
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Ambrose Serle (Male, born 1742, died 1812)
Genre: Theology
Horæ solitariæ
Catalogue Number: 452-453. Catalogue Title: Serles Horae Solitariae.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1818/10.

Borrower: Francis Beattie

Author: Ambrose Serle (Male, born 1742, died 1812), Genre: Theology

Horae Solitariae

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 104801

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/6.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Knock.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1818/6.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 105035

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/1.


Archibald Thomson Archd.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Travel
A view of society and manners in Italy
Catalogue Number: 287-288. Catalogue Title: Moores Travels in Italy.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Travel
A view of society and manners in Italy: With anecdotes relating to some eminent characters.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1781. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 176 times in 114 borrowing records

Book Work

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Travel
View of Society and Manners in Italy

Borrowed: 1818/1.

Borrower: Archibald Thomson Archd.

Author: Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802), Genre: Travel

View of Society and Manners in Italy

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 105527

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/11.


James Park
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Henry Brougham Baron Brougham and Vaux (Male, born 1778, died 1868)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
An Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of the European Powers
Catalogue Number: 647-648. Catalogue Title: Brougham on Colonial Policy .
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Henry Brougham Baron Brougham and Vaux (Male, born 1778, died 1868)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
An Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of the European Powers
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1803. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 8 times in 7 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Brougham Baron Brougham and Vaux (Male, born 1778, died 1868)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of the European Powers

Record ID 105284

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r

Borrowed: 1818/2.

Borrower: Simeon Hyslop Simon

Author: William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793), Genre: History

History of America [William Robertson]

Record ID 104864

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/11.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Knock.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1818/11.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 105482

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/1.


Mungo Smith
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters.
Catalogue Number: 65-71. Catalogue Title: Sir Charles Grandison.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters. By Mr. Samuel Richardson, Author of Pamela and Clarissa. In seven volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1781. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 140 times in 81 borrowing records

Book Work

Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761)
Genre: Fiction
History of Sir Charles Grandison

Borrowed: 1818/1.

Borrower: Mungo Smith

Author: Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761), Genre: Fiction

History of Sir Charles Grandison

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 104843

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Knock.

Book Holding

Thomas Mortimer (Male, born 1730, died 1810)
Genre: Education, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy, Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Lectures on the elements of commerce, politics, and finances
Catalogue Number: 650. Catalogue Title: Mortimer on Commerce.

Record ID 105380

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/1.


George Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Natural history, general and particular, by the Count de Buffon, translated into English.
Catalogue Number: 358-365. Catalogue Title: Buffons Natural History.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Natural history, general and particular, by the Count de Buffon, translated into English. Illustrated with above 260 copper-plates, and occasional notes and observations by the translator
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1780. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 9 vols.
Translators: Smellie, William
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 372 times in 279 borrowing records

Book Work

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Natural History, General and Particular, by the Count de Buffon

Borrowed: 1818/1.

Borrower: George Bell

Author: Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788), Genre: Natural Philosophy

Natural History, General and Particular, by the Count de Buffon

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 105434

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/2.


Walter Glendining Wa:
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

John Payne (Male)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
A new and complete system of universal geography
Catalogue Number: 203-206. Catalogue Title: Universal Geography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 105275

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/1.


Simeon Hyslop Simon
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Fordyce Mavor (Male, born 1758, died 1837)
Genre: History
Universal History, ancient and modern [Russia]
Catalogue Number: 575. Catalogue Title: Mavors History of Russia.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

William Fordyce Mavor (Male, born 1758, died 1837)
Genre: History
Universal History, ancient and modern; from the earliest records of time, to the general peace of 1801
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1802-1804. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 25v..
Number of borrowings: 64

Book Work

William Fordyce Mavor (Male, born 1758, died 1837)
Genre: History
Universal History, Ancient and Modern; from the Earliest Records of Time, to the General Peace of 1801

Record ID 105518

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/12.


Mungo Smith
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21)
Genre: Poetry
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect
Catalogue Number: 81. Catalogue Title: Burn's Poems.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21)
Genre: Poetry
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. The second edition considerably enlarged.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1793. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: 37

Book Work

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21)
Genre: Poetry
Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect [Robert Burns]

Borrowed: 1818/12.

Borrower: Mungo Smith

Author: Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21), Genre: Poetry

Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect [Robert Burns]

Record ID 105140

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r

221 1/2x

Borrowed: 1818/3.


William Mcallister Macalister
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Dugald Stewart (Male, born 1753, died 1828)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Elements of the philosophy of the human mind
Catalogue Number: 221. Catalogue Title: Stewarts Philosophy of the Human Mind.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Dugald Stewart (Male, born 1753, died 1828)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Elements of the philosophy of the human mind. By Dugald Stewart, ...
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | London. Date of publication: 1792-1827. Format: 4to. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: 41

Book Work

Dugald Stewart (Male, born 1753, died 1828)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind

Record ID 104849

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Knock.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1818/10.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 104954

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/12.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Knock.

Book Holding

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
The ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians.
Catalogue Number: 133-142. Catalogue Title: Rollins Ancient History .
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
The ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians. By Mr. Rollin, late principal of the University of Paris, &c. In ten volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1795. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 10v., plates.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 210 times in 189 borrowing records

Book Work

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians

Record ID 103886

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/12.


John Grant
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Thomas Mortimer (Male, born 1730, died 1810)
Genre: Lives
British Plutarch
Catalogue Number: 238-245. Catalogue Title: British Plutarch.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1818/12.

Borrower: John Grant

Author: Thomas Mortimer (Male, born 1730, died 1810), Genre: Lives

British Plutarch

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 105500

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


Mungo Smith
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons, by Hugh Blair, D.D.
Catalogue Number: 98-100, 162, 268. Catalogue Title: Blair's Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons, by Hugh Blair, D.D. One of the ministers of the High Church, and Professor of Rhetorick and Belles Lettres in the University, of Edinburgh
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | London. Date of publication: 1777-1801. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 5 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 133 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons [Hugh Blair]

Borrowed: 1818/10.

Borrower: Mungo Smith

Author: Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Hugh Blair]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 105182

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/7.


William Mcallister Macalister
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Natural history, general and particular, by the Count de Buffon, translated into English.
Catalogue Number: 358-365. Catalogue Title: Buffons Natural History.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Natural history, general and particular, by the Count de Buffon, translated into English. Illustrated with above 260 copper-plates, and occasional notes and observations by the translator
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1780. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 9 vols.
Translators: Smellie, William
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 372 times in 279 borrowing records

Book Work

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Natural History, General and Particular, by the Count de Buffon

Record ID 105059

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r

95 1/280 1/2     95 1/2x456 1/2

Borrowed: 1818/1.


William Park
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Genre: Belles Lettres
Elegant Extracts
Catalogue Number: 94-96. Catalogue Title: Knox's Elegant Extracts.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Genre: Belles Lettres
Elegant epistles; or, a copious collection of familiar and amusing letters.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1791. Format: 8vo. Pagination: [2],iv,[12],776p..
Editors: Vicesimus Knox
Number of borrowings: 77

Book Work

Genre: Belles Lettres
Elegant Epistles; or, A Copious Collection of Familiar and Amusing Letters

Record ID 105194

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


William Mcallister Macalister
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21), Dr James Currie (Male, born 1756, died 1805)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Poetry
Works of Robert Burns
Catalogue Number: 223-226. Catalogue Title: Burns Works by Currie.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21), Dr James Currie (Male, born 1756, died 1805)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Poetry
The works of Robert Burns; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. In four volumes.
Language: English . Published: Liverpool. Date of publication: 1800. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 4 vols.
Editors: Currie, James, 1756-1805
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 393 times in 219 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21), Dr James Currie (Male, born 1756, died 1805)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Poetry
Works of Robert Burns

Borrowed: 1818/10.

Borrower: William Mcallister Macalister

Author: Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21), Dr James Currie (Male, born 1756, died 1805), Genre: Lives, Genre: Poetry

Works of Robert Burns

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 105383

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/1.


George Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices
Catalogue Number: 83-84, 184. Catalogue Title: Lamonts Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices. To which are added an ordination sermon, a synod sermon, and two sermons on a future state. By the Rev. David Lamont, Minister of Kirkpatrick-Durham, near Dumfries
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1780. Format: 8vo. Pagination: xvi, 408p..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 93 times in 92 borrowing records

Book Work

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Borrowed: 1818/1.

Borrower: George Bell

Author: Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 105155

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/4.


William Mcallister Macalister
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793)
Genre: History
The history of America. Books I to VIII.
Catalogue Number: 157-159. Catalogue Title: Robertsons History of South America.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793)
Genre: History
The history of America
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1777. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 3v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 69 times in 60 borrowing records

Book Work

William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793)
Genre: History
History of America [William Robertson]

Borrowed: 1818/4.

Borrower: William Mcallister Macalister

Author: William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793), Genre: History

History of America [William Robertson]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 104858

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Knock.

Book Holding

Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters.
Catalogue Number: 65-71. Catalogue Title: Sir Charles Grandison.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters. By Mr. Samuel Richardson, Author of Pamela and Clarissa. In seven volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1781. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 140 times in 81 borrowing records

Book Work

Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761)
Genre: Fiction
History of Sir Charles Grandison

Borrowed: 1818/10.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761), Genre: Fiction

History of Sir Charles Grandison

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6

Record ID 104813

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/9.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Knock.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1818/9.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 105152

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/4.


William Mcallister Macalister
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21), Dr James Currie (Male, born 1756, died 1805)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Poetry
Works of Robert Burns
Catalogue Number: 223-226. Catalogue Title: Burns Works by Currie.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21), Dr James Currie (Male, born 1756, died 1805)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Poetry
The works of Robert Burns; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. In four volumes.
Language: English . Published: Liverpool. Date of publication: 1800. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 4 vols.
Editors: Currie, James, 1756-1805
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 393 times in 219 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21), Dr James Currie (Male, born 1756, died 1805)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Poetry
Works of Robert Burns

Borrowed: 1818/4.

Borrower: William Mcallister Macalister

Author: Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21), Dr James Currie (Male, born 1756, died 1805), Genre: Lives, Genre: Poetry

Works of Robert Burns

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 104831

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Knock.

Book Holding

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The expedition of Humphry Clinker
Catalogue Number: 201-202. Catalogue Title: Humphrey Clinker.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The expedition of Humphry Clinker. By the author of Roderick Random. In two volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1779. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 37 times in 26 borrowing records

Book Work

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
Expedition of Humphry Clinker

Borrowed: 1818/10.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771), Genre: Fiction

Expedition of Humphry Clinker

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 105515

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/12.


Mungo Smith
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons, by Hugh Blair, D.D.
Catalogue Number: 98-100, 162, 268. Catalogue Title: Blair's Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons, by Hugh Blair, D.D. One of the ministers of the High Church, and Professor of Rhetorick and Belles Lettres in the University, of Edinburgh
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | London. Date of publication: 1777-1801. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 5 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 133 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons [Hugh Blair]

Borrowed: 1818/12.

Borrower: Mungo Smith

Author: Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Hugh Blair]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 105041

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/4.


Archibald Thomson Archd.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Fiction
Catalogue Number: 322-323. Catalogue Title: Mores Zeluco.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Fiction
Zeluco. Various views of human nature, taken from life and manners, foreign and domestic. In two volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1789. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 345 times in 223 borrowing records

Book Work

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1818/4.

Borrower: Archibald Thomson Archd.

Author: Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 103853

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/8.


John Grant
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21), Dr James Currie (Male, born 1756, died 1805)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Poetry
Works of Robert Burns
Catalogue Number: 223-226. Catalogue Title: Burns Works by Currie.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21), Dr James Currie (Male, born 1756, died 1805)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Poetry
The works of Robert Burns; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. In four volumes.
Language: English . Published: Liverpool. Date of publication: 1800. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 4 vols.
Editors: Currie, James, 1756-1805
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 393 times in 219 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21), Dr James Currie (Male, born 1756, died 1805)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Poetry
Works of Robert Burns

Borrowed: 1818/8.

Borrower: John Grant

Author: Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21), Dr James Currie (Male, born 1756, died 1805), Genre: Lives, Genre: Poetry

Works of Robert Burns

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 105287

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/2.


Simeon Hyslop Simon
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Abbé Guillaume-Thomas-François Raynal (Male, born 1713, died 1796)
Genre: History
A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies
Catalogue Number: 269-274. Catalogue Title: Raynals History of the East and West Indies.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 104774

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/12.


Francis Beattie
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776), Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: History
The history of England
Catalogue Number: 47-62. Catalogue Title: Hume and Smollets History of England with the Continuation to the year 1783.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: History
The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the revolution in 1688. In eight volumes. By David Hume, Esq. ... . A new edition, with the author’s last corrections and improvements. To which is prefixed, a short account of his life, written by himself
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 8v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 154 times in 136 borrowing records

Book Work

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: History
History of England [David Hume]

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: History
The history of England from the Revolution to the end of the American War, and Peace of Versailles in 1783. In eight volumes. Designed as a continuation of Mr Hume’s History. By T. Smollett, M.D. and others.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1791. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 8v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 154 times in 136 borrowing records

Book Work

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: History
History of England [Tobias Smollett]

Borrowed: 1818/12.

Borrower: Francis Beattie

Author: David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776), Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771), Genre: History

History of England [David Hume], History of England [Tobias Smollett]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Record ID 105425

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r

Borrowed: 1818/2.

Borrower: Walter Glendining Wa:

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Henry Hunter]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 105512

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/11.


Mungo Smith
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793)
Genre: History
The history of Scotland during the reigns of Queen Mary and of King James VI.
Catalogue Number: 18. Catalogue Title: Robertson's History of Scotland.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793)
Genre: History
The history of Scotland during the reigns of Queen Mary and of King James VI.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1791. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 32

Book Work

William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793)
Genre: History
History of Scotland During the Reigns of Queen Mary and King James VI

Record ID 105122

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


William Park
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

John Payne (Male)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
A new and complete system of universal geography
Catalogue Number: 203-206. Catalogue Title: Universal Geography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1818/10.

Borrower: William Park

Author: John Payne (Male), Genre: Natural Philosophy

New and Complete System of Universal Geography

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 104879

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/12.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Knock.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1818/12.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 105359

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/3.


George Knox
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793)
Genre: History
The history of America. Books IX and X
Catalogue Number: 197. Catalogue Title: Robertsons History of North America.

Borrowed: 1818/3.

Borrower: George Knox

Author: William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793), Genre: History

History of America [William Robertson]

Record ID 105191

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


William Mcallister Macalister
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831)
Genre: Periodicals
The mirror
Catalogue Number: 302-304. Catalogue Title: Mirror.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831)
Genre: Periodicals
The mirror. A periodical paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1779 and 1780. In three volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | London. Date of publication: 1781. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 3 vols.
Editors: Henry Mackenzie
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 73 times in 49 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831)
Genre: Periodicals

Borrowed: 1818/10.

Borrower: William Mcallister Macalister

Author: Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831), Genre: Periodicals


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 105146

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/3.


William Mcallister Macalister
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21)
Genre: Poetry
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect
Catalogue Number: 81. Catalogue Title: Burn's Poems.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21)
Genre: Poetry
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. The second edition considerably enlarged.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1793. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: 37

Book Work

Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21)
Genre: Poetry
Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect [Robert Burns]

Borrowed: 1818/3.

Borrower: William Mcallister Macalister

Author: Robert Burns (Male, born 1759-1-25, died 1796-7-21), Genre: Poetry

Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect [Robert Burns]

Record ID 105047

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/5.


Archibald Thomson Archd.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Travel
A view of society and manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany
Catalogue Number: 300-301. Catalogue Title: A view of society and manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Travel
A view of society and manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany: with anecdotes relating to some eminent characters. By a gentleman, who resided several years in those countries. In two volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1779. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 116 times in 74 borrowing records

Book Work

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Travel
View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany

Borrowed: 1818/5.

Borrower: Archibald Thomson Archd.

Author: Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802), Genre: Travel

View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 104816

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/9.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Knock.

Book Holding

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
Roderick Random
Catalogue Number: 72-73. Catalogue Title: Roderick Random.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Roderick Random
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1792. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 60 times in 47 borrowing records

Book Work

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
Adventures of Roderick Random

Borrowed: 1818/9.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771), Genre: Fiction

Adventures of Roderick Random

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 105503

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


Mungo Smith
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831)
Genre: Periodicals
The mirror
Catalogue Number: 302-304. Catalogue Title: Mirror.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831)
Genre: Periodicals
The mirror. A periodical paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1779 and 1780. In three volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | London. Date of publication: 1781. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 3 vols.
Editors: Henry Mackenzie
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 73 times in 49 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831)
Genre: Periodicals

Borrowed: 1818/10.

Borrower: Mungo Smith

Author: Henry Mackenzie (Male, born 1745, died 1831), Genre: Periodicals


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 105473

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


John Moffat
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Marshall (Male, born 1745, died 1818)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
The rural economy of the southern counties
Catalogue Number: 601-602. Catalogue Title: Youngs Tour thro' the Northern Counties of England.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Marshall (Male, born 1745, died 1818)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
The rural economy of the southern counties; comprizing Kent, Surrey, Sussex; the Isle of Wight; the chalk hills of Wiltshire, Hampshire, &c: and including the culture and management of hops, in the Districts of Maidstone, Canterbury, and Farnham. By Mr. Marshall. In two volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1798. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 6 times in 5 borrowing records

Book Work

William Marshall (Male, born 1745, died 1818)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Rural Economy of the Southern Counties

Borrowed: 1818/10.

Borrower: John Moffat

Author: William Marshall (Male, born 1745, died 1818), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Rural Economy of the Southern Counties

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 105185

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/10.


William Mcallister Macalister
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Natural history, general and particular, by the Count de Buffon, translated into English.
Catalogue Number: 358-365. Catalogue Title: Buffons Natural History.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Natural history, general and particular, by the Count de Buffon, translated into English. Illustrated with above 260 copper-plates, and occasional notes and observations by the translator
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1780. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 9 vols.
Translators: Smellie, William
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 372 times in 279 borrowing records

Book Work

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Natural History, General and Particular, by the Count de Buffon

Record ID 105290

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 33v-34r


Borrowed: 1818/3.


Simeon Hyslop Simon
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Travel
A view of society and manners in Italy
Catalogue Number: 287-288. Catalogue Title: Moores Travels in Italy.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Travel
A view of society and manners in Italy: With anecdotes relating to some eminent characters.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1781. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 176 times in 114 borrowing records

Book Work

Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802)
Genre: Travel
View of Society and Manners in Italy

Borrowed: 1818/3.

Borrower: Simeon Hyslop Simon

Author: Dr John Moore (Male, born 1729, died 1802), Genre: Travel

View of Society and Manners in Italy

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1