Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Borrower gender: Male
Library: Westerkirk
Genre: Sermons

Your search matched 1965 borrowing records.



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Record ID 57142

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/6.


John Irvine Irving
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons preached at different places and on various occasions
Catalogue Number: 247-248. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1814/6.

Borrower: John Irvine Irving

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Henry Hunter]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57106

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/1.


Matthew Elliot Mattw.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/1.

Borrower: Matthew Elliot Mattw.

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 5

Record ID 56998

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/3.


James Bowman Jas.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices
Catalogue Number: 83-84, 184. Catalogue Title: Lamonts Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices. To which are added an ordination sermon, a synod sermon, and two sermons on a future state. By the Rev. David Lamont, Minister of Kirkpatrick-Durham, near Dumfries
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1780. Format: 8vo. Pagination: xvi, 408p..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 93 times in 92 borrowing records

Book Work

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Borrowed: 1814/3.

Borrower: James Bowman Jas.

Author: Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57043

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/11.


James Bowman Jas.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752)
Genre: Sermons
The sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine
Catalogue Number: 249-258. Catalogue Title: Ralph Erskines Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Borrowed: 1814/11.

Borrower: James Bowman Jas.

Author: Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752), Genre: Sermons

Sermons, and Other Practical Works [Ralph Erskine]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 57175

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/11.


John Irvine Irving
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of Robert Traill
Catalogue Number: 570-571. Catalogue Title: Trails Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late Reverend Robert Traill.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1754. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Borrowed: 1814/11.

Borrower: John Irvine Irving

Author: Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716), Genre: Sermons

Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 56980

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/12.


William Oliver Wm.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes.
Catalogue Number: 559-566. Catalogue Title: Sterne Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes. Containing I. The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy. II. A sentimental journey through France and Italy, and continuation. III. Sermons.-IV. Letters. V. The fragment. VI. The Koran. VII. History of a good warm watch-coat. With a life of the author, written by himself
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1799. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 8v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 113 times in 86 borrowing records

Book Work

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
Works of Laurence Sterne

Borrowed: 1814/12.

Borrower: William Oliver Wm.

Author: Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons

Works of Laurence Sterne

Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Record ID 57181

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/12.


John Irvine Irving
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of Robert Traill
Catalogue Number: 570-571. Catalogue Title: Trails Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late Reverend Robert Traill.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1754. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Borrowed: 1814/12.

Borrower: John Irvine Irving

Author: Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716), Genre: Sermons

Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 56992

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/2.


James Bowman Jas.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices
Catalogue Number: 83-84, 184. Catalogue Title: Lamonts Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices. To which are added an ordination sermon, a synod sermon, and two sermons on a future state. By the Rev. David Lamont, Minister of Kirkpatrick-Durham, near Dumfries
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1780. Format: 8vo. Pagination: xvi, 408p..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 93 times in 92 borrowing records

Book Work

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Borrowed: 1814/2.

Borrower: James Bowman Jas.

Author: Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 57073

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/5.


George Jackson Geo:
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Crafts, Artisans, and Manufacturing > Mason/Miller.

Book Holding

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Discourses on the whole book of Esther
Catalogue Number: 338. Catalogue Title: Lawsons Discourses.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Discourses on the whole book of Esther: to which are added, sermons, on parental duties, on military courage, and on the improvement to be made of the alarm of war.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1804. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 28

Book Work

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Discourses on the Whole Book of Esther

Borrowed: 1814/5.

Borrower: George Jackson Geo:

Author: D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820), Genre: Sermons

Discourses on the Whole Book of Esther

Record ID 56887

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/4.


Walter Riddel Riddell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on practical subjects
Catalogue Number: 392-395. Catalogue Title: Walkers Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on practical subjects. By Robert Walker, one of the ministers of the High Church of Edinburgh.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1765. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 4v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Practical Subjects [Robert Walker]

Borrowed: 1814/4.

Borrower: Walter Riddel Riddell

Author: Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Practical Subjects [Robert Walker]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57046

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/11.


James Bowman Jas.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes.
Catalogue Number: 559-566. Catalogue Title: Sterne Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes. Containing I. The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy. II. A sentimental journey through France and Italy, and continuation. III. Sermons.-IV. Letters. V. The fragment. VI. The Koran. VII. History of a good warm watch-coat. With a life of the author, written by himself
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1799. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 8v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 113 times in 86 borrowing records

Book Work

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
Works of Laurence Sterne

Borrowed: 1814/11.

Borrower: James Bowman Jas.

Author: Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons

Works of Laurence Sterne

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57178

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/12.


John Irvine Irving
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes.
Catalogue Number: 559-566. Catalogue Title: Sterne Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes. Containing I. The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy. II. A sentimental journey through France and Italy, and continuation. III. Sermons.-IV. Letters. V. The fragment. VI. The Koran. VII. History of a good warm watch-coat. With a life of the author, written by himself
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1799. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 8v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 113 times in 86 borrowing records

Book Work

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
Works of Laurence Sterne

Borrowed: 1814/12.

Borrower: John Irvine Irving

Author: Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons

Works of Laurence Sterne

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57121

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/2.


John Irvine Irving
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Discourses on the whole book of Esther
Catalogue Number: 338. Catalogue Title: Lawsons Discourses.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Discourses on the whole book of Esther: to which are added, sermons, on parental duties, on military courage, and on the improvement to be made of the alarm of war.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1804. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 28

Book Work

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Discourses on the Whole Book of Esther

Borrowed: 1814/2.

Borrower: John Irvine Irving

Author: D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820), Genre: Sermons

Discourses on the Whole Book of Esther

Record ID 57133

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/4.


John Irvine Irving
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles
Catalogue Number: 466-467. Catalogue Title: Dicks Lecture upon the Acts.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles
Language: English . Published: Glasgow. Date of publication: 1805. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: 56

Book Work

John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on Some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles

Borrowed: 1814/4.

Borrower: John Irvine Irving

Author: John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833), Genre: Sermons

Lectures on Some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57037

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/9.


James Bowman Jas.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752)
Genre: Sermons
The sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine
Catalogue Number: 249-258. Catalogue Title: Ralph Erskines Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Borrowed: 1814/9.

Borrower: James Bowman Jas.

Author: Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752), Genre: Sermons

Sermons, and Other Practical Works [Ralph Erskine]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 56974

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/11.


William Oliver Wm.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes.
Catalogue Number: 559-566. Catalogue Title: Sterne Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6, Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes. Containing I. The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy. II. A sentimental journey through France and Italy, and continuation. III. Sermons.-IV. Letters. V. The fragment. VI. The Koran. VII. History of a good warm watch-coat. With a life of the author, written by himself
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1799. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 8v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 113 times in 86 borrowing records

Book Work

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
Works of Laurence Sterne

Borrowed: 1814/11.

Borrower: William Oliver Wm.

Author: Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons

Works of Laurence Sterne

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6, Volume 7

Record ID 57052

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/2.


George Jackson Geo:
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Crafts, Artisans, and Manufacturing > Mason/Miller.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/2.

Borrower: George Jackson Geo:

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 57058

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/3.


George Jackson Geo:
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Crafts, Artisans, and Manufacturing > Mason/Miller.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/3.

Borrower: George Jackson Geo:

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 57028

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/8.


James Bowman Jas.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752)
Genre: Sermons
The sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine
Catalogue Number: 249-258. Catalogue Title: Ralph Erskines Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Borrowed: 1814/8.

Borrower: James Bowman Jas.

Author: Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752), Genre: Sermons

Sermons, and Other Practical Works [Ralph Erskine]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 56965

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/7.


William Oliver Wm.
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes.
Catalogue Number: 559-566. Catalogue Title: Sterne Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes. Containing I. The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy. II. A sentimental journey through France and Italy, and continuation. III. Sermons.-IV. Letters. V. The fragment. VI. The Koran. VII. History of a good warm watch-coat. With a life of the author, written by himself
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1799. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 8v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 113 times in 86 borrowing records

Book Work

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
Works of Laurence Sterne

Borrowed: 1814/7.

Borrower: William Oliver Wm.

Author: Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons

Works of Laurence Sterne

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 57115

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/1.


John Irvine Irving
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the whole book of Ruth
Catalogue Number: 347. Catalogue Title: Lawsons Lectures on Ruth.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the whole book of Ruth: to which are added, Discourses on the condition and duty of unconverted sinners, etc.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1805. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 23

Book Work

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the Whole Book of Ruth

Borrowed: 1814/1.

Borrower: John Irvine Irving

Author: D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820), Genre: Sermons

Lectures on the Whole Book of Ruth

Record ID 57190

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/5.


John Armstrong
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on practical subjects
Catalogue Number: 392-395. Catalogue Title: Walkers Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on practical subjects. By Robert Walker, one of the ministers of the High Church of Edinburgh.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1765. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 4v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Practical Subjects [Robert Walker]

Borrowed: 1814/5.

Borrower: John Armstrong

Author: Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Practical Subjects [Robert Walker]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57067

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 9v-10r


Borrowed: 1814/4.


George Jackson Geo:
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Crafts, Artisans, and Manufacturing > Mason/Miller.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/4.

Borrower: George Jackson Geo:

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Record ID 58315

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/10.


Robert Brown
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert McCulloch (Male, born 1740, died 1824)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the prophecies of Isaiah
Catalogue Number: 378-381. Catalogue Title: Maccullochs Lectures on Isaiah.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Robert McCulloch (Male, born 1740, died 1824)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the prophecies of Isaiah, by Robert Macculloch, Minister Of The Gospel At Dairsie
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | London. Date of publication: 1791-1804. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 4v..
Number of borrowings: 44

Book Work

Robert McCulloch (Male, born 1740, died 1824)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the Prophecies of Isaiah

Borrowed: 1814/10.

Borrower: Robert Brown

Author: Robert McCulloch (Male, born 1740, died 1824), Genre: Sermons

Lectures on the Prophecies of Isaiah

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57628

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/3.


James Murray
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the whole book of Ruth
Catalogue Number: 347. Catalogue Title: Lawsons Lectures on Ruth.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the whole book of Ruth: to which are added, Discourses on the condition and duty of unconverted sinners, etc.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1805. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 23

Book Work

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the Whole Book of Ruth

Borrowed: 1814/3.

Borrower: James Murray

Author: D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820), Genre: Sermons

Lectures on the Whole Book of Ruth

Record ID 57355

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/7.


Adam Armstrong
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes.
Catalogue Number: 559-566. Catalogue Title: Sterne Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes. Containing I. The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy. II. A sentimental journey through France and Italy, and continuation. III. Sermons.-IV. Letters. V. The fragment. VI. The Koran. VII. History of a good warm watch-coat. With a life of the author, written by himself
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1799. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 8v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 113 times in 86 borrowing records

Book Work

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
Works of Laurence Sterne

Borrowed: 1814/7.

Borrower: Adam Armstrong

Author: Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons

Works of Laurence Sterne

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57379

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/12.


Adam Armstrong
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles
Catalogue Number: 466-467. Catalogue Title: Dicks Lecture upon the Acts.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles
Language: English . Published: Glasgow. Date of publication: 1805. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: 56

Book Work

John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on Some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles

Borrowed: 1814/12.

Borrower: Adam Armstrong

Author: John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833), Genre: Sermons

Lectures on Some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 57604

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/11.


James Easton
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

John Mitchell Mason (Male, born 1770, died 1829)
Genre: Sermons
First Ripe Fruits
Catalogue Number: 487. Catalogue Title: Masons first Fruits.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

John Mitchell Mason (Male, born 1770, died 1829)
Genre: Sermons
First Ripe Fruits: being a collection of tracts; to which are added two sermons... With a short memoir of the author.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1803. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 10

Book Work

John Mitchell Mason (Male, born 1770, died 1829)
Genre: Sermons
First Ripe Fruits: Being a Collection of Tracts

Borrowed: 1814/11.

Borrower: James Easton

Author: John Mitchell Mason (Male, born 1770, died 1829), Genre: Sermons

First Ripe Fruits: Being a Collection of Tracts

Record ID 57538

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/1.


James Easton
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Coutts (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Interesting Subjects
Catalogue Number: 471. Catalogue Title: Coutts Sermons.

Record ID 57583

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/7.


James Easton
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Joseph Johnston (Male, died 1808)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on practical subjects
Catalogue Number: 428. Catalogue Title: Johnstons Sermons.

Record ID 58126

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/4.


Robert Elliot
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.
Occupation (original): Weaver.
Occupation (normalised): Crafts, Artisans, and Manufacturing > Mercer/Draper/Weaver.

Book Holding

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes.
Catalogue Number: 559-566. Catalogue Title: Sterne Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
The works of Laurence Sterne, complete in eight volumes. Containing I. The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy. II. A sentimental journey through France and Italy, and continuation. III. Sermons.-IV. Letters. V. The fragment. VI. The Koran. VII. History of a good warm watch-coat. With a life of the author, written by himself
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1799. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 8v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 113 times in 86 borrowing records

Book Work

Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons
Works of Laurence Sterne

Borrowed: 1814/4.

Borrower: Robert Elliot

Author: Laurence Sterne (Male, born 1713, died 1768), Genre: Fiction, Genre: Sermons

Works of Laurence Sterne

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 57415

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/6.


William Thomson Wm., Thompson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/6.

Borrower: William Thomson Wm., Thompson

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 7

Record ID 57769

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/12.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752)
Genre: Sermons
The sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine
Catalogue Number: 249-258. Catalogue Title: Ralph Erskines Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 7

Borrowed: 1814/12.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752), Genre: Sermons

Sermons, and Other Practical Works [Ralph Erskine]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 7

Record ID 57757

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/9.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752)
Genre: Sermons
The sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine
Catalogue Number: 249-258. Catalogue Title: Ralph Erskines Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Borrowed: 1814/9.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752), Genre: Sermons

Sermons, and Other Practical Works [Ralph Erskine]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 57373

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/10.


Adam Armstrong
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles
Catalogue Number: 466-467. Catalogue Title: Dicks Lecture upon the Acts.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles
Language: English . Published: Glasgow. Date of publication: 1805. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: 56

Book Work

John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on Some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles

Borrowed: 1814/10.

Borrower: Adam Armstrong

Author: John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833), Genre: Sermons

Lectures on Some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 57331

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/3.


Adam Armstrong
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of Robert Traill
Catalogue Number: 570-571. Catalogue Title: Trails Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late Reverend Robert Traill.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1754. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Borrowed: 1814/3.

Borrower: Adam Armstrong

Author: Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716), Genre: Sermons

Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57451

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/10.


William Thomson Wm., Thompson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of Robert Traill
Catalogue Number: 570-571. Catalogue Title: Trails Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late Reverend Robert Traill.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1754. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Borrowed: 1814/10.

Borrower: William Thomson Wm., Thompson

Author: Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716), Genre: Sermons

Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57352

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/6.


Adam Armstrong
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

James Bell (Male, born 1742, died 1794)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons, preached before the University of Glasgow
Catalogue Number: 427. Catalogue Title: Bells Sermons.

Borrowed: 1814/6.

Borrower: Adam Armstrong

Author: James Bell (Male, born 1742, died 1794), Genre: Sermons

Sermons, Preached before the University of Glasgow

Record ID 57751

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/8.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752)
Genre: Sermons
The sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine
Catalogue Number: 249-258. Catalogue Title: Ralph Erskines Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Borrowed: 1814/8.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752), Genre: Sermons

Sermons, and Other Practical Works [Ralph Erskine]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 57616

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/1.


James Murray
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the History of Joseph
Catalogue Number: 432-433. Catalogue Title: Lawsons Lectures on Joseph.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the History of Joseph
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1807. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 47 times in 46 borrowing records

Book Work

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the History of Joseph

Borrowed: 1814/1.

Borrower: James Murray

Author: D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820), Genre: Sermons

Lectures on the History of Joseph

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57409

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/5.


William Thomson Wm., Thompson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/5.

Borrower: William Thomson Wm., Thompson

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Record ID 58258

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/1.


Robert Brown
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices
Catalogue Number: 83-84, 184. Catalogue Title: Lamonts Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices. To which are added an ordination sermon, a synod sermon, and two sermons on a future state. By the Rev. David Lamont, Minister of Kirkpatrick-Durham, near Dumfries
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1780. Format: 8vo. Pagination: xvi, 408p..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 93 times in 92 borrowing records

Book Work

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Borrowed: 1814/1.

Borrower: Robert Brown

Author: Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 57718

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/2.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752)
Genre: Sermons
The sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine
Catalogue Number: 249-258. Catalogue Title: Ralph Erskines Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 10

Borrowed: 1814/2.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752), Genre: Sermons

Sermons, and Other Practical Works [Ralph Erskine]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 10

Record ID 57391

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/3.


William Thomson Wm., Thompson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/3.

Borrower: William Thomson Wm., Thompson

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 57430

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/8.


William Thomson Wm., Thompson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of Robert Traill
Catalogue Number: 570-571. Catalogue Title: Trails Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late Reverend Robert Traill.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1754. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Borrowed: 1814/8.

Borrower: William Thomson Wm., Thompson

Author: Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716), Genre: Sermons

Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57721

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/3.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the History of Joseph
Catalogue Number: 432-433. Catalogue Title: Lawsons Lectures on Joseph.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the History of Joseph
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1807. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 47 times in 46 borrowing records

Book Work

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the History of Joseph

Borrowed: 1814/3.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820), Genre: Sermons

Lectures on the History of Joseph

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57715

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/2.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons, by Hugh Blair, D.D.
Catalogue Number: 98-100, 162, 268. Catalogue Title: Blair's Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons, by Hugh Blair, D.D. One of the ministers of the High Church, and Professor of Rhetorick and Belles Lettres in the University, of Edinburgh
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | London. Date of publication: 1777-1801. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 5 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 133 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons [Hugh Blair]

Borrowed: 1814/2.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Hugh Blair (Male, born 1718, died 1800), Genre: Sermons

Sermons [Hugh Blair]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 58147

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/8.


Robert Elliot
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.
Occupation (original): Weaver.
Occupation (normalised): Crafts, Artisans, and Manufacturing > Mercer/Draper/Weaver.

Book Holding

Bielby Porteus (Male, born 1731, died 1809)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on several subjects. By the Right Reverend Beilby Porteus, D.D. bishop of London
Catalogue Number: 228-229. Catalogue Title: Porteous Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Bielby Porteus (Male, born 1731, died 1809)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on several subjects. By the Right Reverend Beilby Porteus, D.D. bishop of London.
Language: English . Published: Dublin. Date of publication: 1794. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: 32

Book Work

Bielby Porteus (Male, born 1731, died 1809)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Several Subjects [Beilby Porteus]

Borrowed: 1814/8.

Borrower: Robert Elliot

Author: Bielby Porteus (Male, born 1731, died 1809), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Several Subjects [Beilby Porteus]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 58165

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/12.


Robert Elliot
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.
Occupation (original): Weaver.
Occupation (normalised): Crafts, Artisans, and Manufacturing > Mercer/Draper/Weaver.

Book Holding

John Fell (Male, born 1735, died 1797), Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the evidences of Christianity
Catalogue Number: 315. Catalogue Title: Fell and Hunters Lectures.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

John Fell (Male, born 1735, died 1797), Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the evidences of Christianity. Four by the Late Rev. John Fell, of Homerton; and eight by Henry Hunter, D.D. minister of the Scots Church, London-Wall. Published at the request of the managers and subscribers
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1798. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 23

Book Work

John Fell (Male, born 1735, died 1797), Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity

Borrowed: 1814/12.

Borrower: Robert Elliot

Author: John Fell (Male, born 1735, died 1797), Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons

Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity

Record ID 57754

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/9.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles
Catalogue Number: 466-467. Catalogue Title: Dicks Lecture upon the Acts.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles
Language: English . Published: Glasgow. Date of publication: 1805. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: 56

Book Work

John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on Some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles

Borrowed: 1814/9.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: John Dick (Male, born 1764, died 1833), Genre: Sermons

Lectures on Some Passages of the Acts of the Apostles

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57574

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r

Record ID 57493

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/4.


William Anderson
Gender: Male. Address: Shiel.
Wm.; William Anderson T.

Book Holding

John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on various subjects
Catalogue Number: 321. Catalogue Title: Browns Sermons.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on various subjects. By John Brown, D.D. vicar of Newcastle
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1764. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 38

Book Work

John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Various Subjects [John Brown]

Borrowed: 1814/4.

Borrower: William Anderson

Author: John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Various Subjects [John Brown]

Record ID 57766

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/11.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert McCulloch (Male, born 1740, died 1824)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons preached on interesting subjects
Catalogue Number: 407-408. Catalogue Title: Maccullochs Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Robert McCulloch (Male, born 1740, died 1824)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons preached on interesting subjects, including the service of two Communion Sabbaths, according to the usage of the Church of Scotland
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1803-1806. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 11 times in 10 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert McCulloch (Male, born 1740, died 1824)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons Preached on Interesting Subjects, Including the Service of Two Communion Sabbaths

Borrowed: 1814/11.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Robert McCulloch (Male, born 1740, died 1824), Genre: Sermons

Sermons Preached on Interesting Subjects, Including the Service of Two Communion Sabbaths

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 57346

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/5.


Adam Armstrong
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of Robert Traill
Catalogue Number: 570-571. Catalogue Title: Trails Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late Reverend Robert Traill.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1754. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Borrowed: 1814/5.

Borrower: Adam Armstrong

Author: Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716), Genre: Sermons

Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 57337

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/4.


Adam Armstrong
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of Robert Traill
Catalogue Number: 570-571. Catalogue Title: Trails Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late Reverend Robert Traill.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1754. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Borrowed: 1814/4.

Borrower: Adam Armstrong

Author: Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716), Genre: Sermons

Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 57505

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/7.


William Anderson
Gender: Male. Address: Shiel.
Wm.; William Anderson T.

Book Holding

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of Robert Traill
Catalogue Number: 570-571. Catalogue Title: Trails Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late Reverend Robert Traill.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1754. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Borrowed: 1814/7.

Borrower: William Anderson

Author: Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716), Genre: Sermons

Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57667

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/9.


James Murray
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Bielby Porteus (Male, born 1731, died 1809)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on several subjects. By the Right Reverend Beilby Porteus, D.D. bishop of London
Catalogue Number: 228-229. Catalogue Title: Porteous Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Bielby Porteus (Male, born 1731, died 1809)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on several subjects. By the Right Reverend Beilby Porteus, D.D. bishop of London.
Language: English . Published: Dublin. Date of publication: 1794. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: 32

Book Work

Bielby Porteus (Male, born 1731, died 1809)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Several Subjects [Beilby Porteus]

Borrowed: 1814/9.

Borrower: James Murray

Author: Bielby Porteus (Male, born 1731, died 1809), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Several Subjects [Beilby Porteus]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57748

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/7.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752)
Genre: Sermons
The sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine
Catalogue Number: 249-258. Catalogue Title: Ralph Erskines Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Borrowed: 1814/7.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752), Genre: Sermons

Sermons, and Other Practical Works [Ralph Erskine]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 57739

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/6.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752)
Genre: Sermons
The sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine
Catalogue Number: 249-258. Catalogue Title: Ralph Erskines Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1814/6.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752), Genre: Sermons

Sermons, and Other Practical Works [Ralph Erskine]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57511

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/8.


William Anderson
Gender: Male. Address: Shiel.
Wm.; William Anderson T.

Book Holding

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of Robert Traill
Catalogue Number: 570-571. Catalogue Title: Trails Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late Reverend Robert Traill.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1754. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Borrowed: 1814/8.

Borrower: William Anderson

Author: Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716), Genre: Sermons

Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 57565

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/3.


James Easton
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

James Bell (Male, born 1742, died 1794)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons, preached before the University of Glasgow
Catalogue Number: 427. Catalogue Title: Bells Sermons.

Borrowed: 1814/3.

Borrower: James Easton

Author: James Bell (Male, born 1742, died 1794), Genre: Sermons

Sermons, Preached before the University of Glasgow

Record ID 57712

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/1.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Bielby Porteus (Male, born 1731, died 1809)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on several subjects. By the Right Reverend Beilby Porteus, D.D. bishop of London
Catalogue Number: 228-229. Catalogue Title: Porteous Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Bielby Porteus (Male, born 1731, died 1809)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on several subjects. By the Right Reverend Beilby Porteus, D.D. bishop of London.
Language: English . Published: Dublin. Date of publication: 1794. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: 32

Book Work

Bielby Porteus (Male, born 1731, died 1809)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Several Subjects [Beilby Porteus]

Borrowed: 1814/1.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Bielby Porteus (Male, born 1731, died 1809), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Several Subjects [Beilby Porteus]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 57760

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/10.


Andrew Bell
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752)
Genre: Sermons
The sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine
Catalogue Number: 249-258. Catalogue Title: Ralph Erskines Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Borrowed: 1814/10.

Borrower: Andrew Bell

Author: Ralph Erskine (Male, born 1685, died 1752), Genre: Sermons

Sermons, and Other Practical Works [Ralph Erskine]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Record ID 57403

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/4.


William Thomson Wm., Thompson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/4.

Borrower: William Thomson Wm., Thompson

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 7

Record ID 57625

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/2.


James Murray
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the History of Joseph
Catalogue Number: 432-433. Catalogue Title: Lawsons Lectures on Joseph.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the History of Joseph
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1807. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 47 times in 46 borrowing records

Book Work

D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820)
Genre: Sermons
Lectures on the History of Joseph

Borrowed: 1814/2.

Borrower: James Murray

Author: D.D. George Lawson (Male, born 1749, died 1820), Genre: Sermons

Lectures on the History of Joseph

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 57685

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/11.


James Murray
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices
Catalogue Number: 83-84, 184. Catalogue Title: Lamonts Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices. To which are added an ordination sermon, a synod sermon, and two sermons on a future state. By the Rev. David Lamont, Minister of Kirkpatrick-Durham, near Dumfries
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1780. Format: 8vo. Pagination: xvi, 408p..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 93 times in 92 borrowing records

Book Work

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Borrowed: 1814/11.

Borrower: James Murray

Author: Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 57436

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 10v-11r


Borrowed: 1814/9.


William Thomson Wm., Thompson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of Robert Traill
Catalogue Number: 570-571. Catalogue Title: Trails Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late Reverend Robert Traill.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1754. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Borrowed: 1814/9.

Borrower: William Thomson Wm., Thompson

Author: Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716), Genre: Sermons

Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 58408

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/9.


James Jackson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Mason.
Occupation (normalised): Crafts, Artisans, and Manufacturing > Mason/Miller.

Book Holding

Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on select subjects. By Thomas Scott
Catalogue Number: 470. Catalogue Title: Scotts Sermons.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on select subjects. By Thomas Scott
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1796. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 36

Book Work

Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Select Subjects [Thomas Scott]

Borrowed: 1814/9.

Borrower: James Jackson

Author: Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Select Subjects [Thomas Scott]

Record ID 59320

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/7.


John Anderson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on practical subjects
Catalogue Number: 392-395. Catalogue Title: Walkers Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on practical subjects. By Robert Walker, one of the ministers of the High Church of Edinburgh.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1765. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 4v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Practical Subjects [Robert Walker]

Borrowed: 1814/7.

Borrower: John Anderson

Author: Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Practical Subjects [Robert Walker]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 58531

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/10.


James Brown
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/10.

Borrower: James Brown

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 59356

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/2.


Walter Murray
Gender: Male. Address: Knock (K).

Book Holding

Joseph Johnston (Male, died 1808)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on practical subjects
Catalogue Number: 428. Catalogue Title: Johnstons Sermons.

Record ID 59266

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/3.


John Dalgliesh
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/3.

Borrower: John Dalgliesh

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 59137

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/5.


Andrew Byres Byers
Gender: Male. Address: [?Highstoneridge].

Book Holding

Robert Foote Minister of Fettercairn (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Catalogue Number: 545. Catalogue Title: Footes Sermons.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Robert Foote Minister of Fettercairn (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Language: English . Published: Aberdeen. Date of publication: 1810. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 41

Book Work

Robert Foote Minister of Fettercairn (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons [Robert Foote]

Record ID 58414

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/10.


James Jackson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Mason.
Occupation (normalised): Crafts, Artisans, and Manufacturing > Mason/Miller.

Book Holding

Robert McCulloch (Male, born 1740, died 1824)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons preached on interesting subjects
Catalogue Number: 407-408. Catalogue Title: Maccullochs Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Robert McCulloch (Male, born 1740, died 1824)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons preached on interesting subjects, including the service of two Communion Sabbaths, according to the usage of the Church of Scotland
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1803-1806. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 11 times in 10 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert McCulloch (Male, born 1740, died 1824)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons Preached on Interesting Subjects, Including the Service of Two Communion Sabbaths

Borrowed: 1814/10.

Borrower: James Jackson

Author: Robert McCulloch (Male, born 1740, died 1824), Genre: Sermons

Sermons Preached on Interesting Subjects, Including the Service of Two Communion Sabbaths

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 59263

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/2.


John Dalgliesh
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/2.

Borrower: John Dalgliesh

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 58432

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/2.


James Graham
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

John Young (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on various important subjects.
Catalogue Number: 441-443. Catalogue Title: Youngs Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

John Young (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on various important subjects. In three volumes. By John Young, D.D. Minister of the Gospel in Hawick.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | Glasgow | London. Date of publication: 1797. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 3v..
Number of borrowings: 99

Book Work

John Young (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Various Practical Subjects [John Young]

Borrowed: 1814/2.

Borrower: James Graham

Author: John Young (Male), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Various Practical Subjects [John Young]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 58543

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/12.


James Brown
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/12.

Borrower: James Brown

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 59077

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/8.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

John Young (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on various important subjects.
Catalogue Number: 441-443. Catalogue Title: Youngs Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

John Young (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on various important subjects. In three volumes. By John Young, D.D. Minister of the Gospel in Hawick.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | Glasgow | London. Date of publication: 1797. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 3v..
Number of borrowings: 99

Book Work

John Young (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Various Practical Subjects [John Young]

Borrowed: 1814/8.

Borrower: John Little

Author: John Young (Male), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Various Practical Subjects [John Young]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 58426

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/1.


James Graham
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

John Young (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on various important subjects.
Catalogue Number: 441-443. Catalogue Title: Youngs Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

John Young (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on various important subjects. In three volumes. By John Young, D.D. Minister of the Gospel in Hawick.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | Glasgow | London. Date of publication: 1797. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 3v..
Number of borrowings: 99

Book Work

John Young (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Various Practical Subjects [John Young]

Borrowed: 1814/1.

Borrower: James Graham

Author: John Young (Male), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Various Practical Subjects [John Young]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 59098

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/11.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

Reverend Augustus Toplady (Male, born 1740, died 1778)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons and essays, by Augustus Toplady.
Catalogue Number: 406. Catalogue Title: Topladys Sermons.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Reverend Augustus Toplady (Male, born 1740, died 1778)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons and essays, by Augustus Toplady, A. B. Late Vicar of Broad-Hembury, Devonshire.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1793. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 484p..
Number of borrowings: 36

Book Work

Reverend Augustus Toplady (Male, born 1740, died 1778)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons and Essays [Augustus Toplady]

Borrowed: 1814/11.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Reverend Augustus Toplady (Male, born 1740, died 1778), Genre: Sermons

Sermons and Essays [Augustus Toplady]

Record ID 59116

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/1.


Andrew Byres Byers
Gender: Male. Address: [?Highstoneridge].

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/1.

Borrower: Andrew Byres Byers

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 59278

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/6.


John Dalgliesh
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/6.

Borrower: John Dalgliesh

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 58468

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/10.


James Graham
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

John Mitchell Mason (Male, born 1770, died 1829)
Genre: Sermons
First Ripe Fruits
Catalogue Number: 487. Catalogue Title: Masons first Fruits.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

John Mitchell Mason (Male, born 1770, died 1829)
Genre: Sermons
First Ripe Fruits: being a collection of tracts; to which are added two sermons... With a short memoir of the author.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1803. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 10

Book Work

John Mitchell Mason (Male, born 1770, died 1829)
Genre: Sermons
First Ripe Fruits: Being a Collection of Tracts

Borrowed: 1814/10.

Borrower: James Graham

Author: John Mitchell Mason (Male, born 1770, died 1829), Genre: Sermons

First Ripe Fruits: Being a Collection of Tracts

Record ID 58372

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/3.


James Jackson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Mason.
Occupation (normalised): Crafts, Artisans, and Manufacturing > Mason/Miller.

Book Holding

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on practical subjects
Catalogue Number: 392-395. Catalogue Title: Walkers Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on practical subjects. By Robert Walker, one of the ministers of the High Church of Edinburgh.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1765. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 4v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Practical Subjects [Robert Walker]

Borrowed: 1814/3.

Borrower: James Jackson

Author: Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Practical Subjects [Robert Walker]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 59071

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/7.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on select subjects. By Thomas Scott
Catalogue Number: 470. Catalogue Title: Scotts Sermons.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on select subjects. By Thomas Scott
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1796. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 36

Book Work

Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Select Subjects [Thomas Scott]

Borrowed: 1814/7.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Select Subjects [Thomas Scott]

Record ID 59341

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/11.


John Anderson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/11.

Borrower: John Anderson

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 7

Record ID 59065

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/6.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on select subjects. By Thomas Scott
Catalogue Number: 470. Catalogue Title: Scotts Sermons.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on select subjects. By Thomas Scott
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1796. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 36

Book Work

Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Select Subjects [Thomas Scott]

Borrowed: 1814/6.

Borrower: John Little

Author: Thomas Scott (Male, born 1747, died 1821), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Select Subjects [Thomas Scott]

Record ID 58471

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r

Record ID 58456

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/6.


James Graham
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of Robert Traill
Catalogue Number: 570-571. Catalogue Title: Trails Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late Reverend Robert Traill.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1754. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Borrowed: 1814/6.

Borrower: James Graham

Author: Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716), Genre: Sermons

Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 59161

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/9.


Andrew Byres Byers
Gender: Male. Address: [?Highstoneridge].

Book Holding

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices
Catalogue Number: 83-84, 184. Catalogue Title: Lamonts Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the most prevalent vices. To which are added an ordination sermon, a synod sermon, and two sermons on a future state. By the Rev. David Lamont, Minister of Kirkpatrick-Durham, near Dumfries
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1780. Format: 8vo. Pagination: xvi, 408p..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 93 times in 92 borrowing records

Book Work

Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Borrowed: 1814/9.

Borrower: Andrew Byres Byers

Author: Reverend David Lamont (Male, born 1752, died 1837), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on the Most Prevalent Vices [David Lamont]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 58375

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/4.


James Jackson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Mason.
Occupation (normalised): Crafts, Artisans, and Manufacturing > Mason/Miller.

Book Holding

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on practical subjects
Catalogue Number: 392-395. Catalogue Title: Walkers Sermons.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on practical subjects. By Robert Walker, one of the ministers of the High Church of Edinburgh.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1765. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 4v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons on Practical Subjects [Robert Walker]

Borrowed: 1814/4.

Borrower: James Jackson

Author: Robert Walker (Male, born 1716, died 1783), Genre: Sermons

Sermons on Practical Subjects [Robert Walker]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 58450

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/5.


James Graham
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of Robert Traill
Catalogue Number: 570-571. Catalogue Title: Trails Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late Reverend Robert Traill.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1754. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2v..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 140 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716)
Genre: Sermons
Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Borrowed: 1814/5.

Borrower: James Graham

Author: Robert Traill (Male, born 1642, died 1716), Genre: Sermons

Works of the Late Reverend Robert Traill

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 58399

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/7.


James Jackson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Mason.
Occupation (normalised): Crafts, Artisans, and Manufacturing > Mason/Miller.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/7.

Borrower: James Jackson

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 59275

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/5.


John Dalgliesh
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/5.

Borrower: John Dalgliesh

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 59164

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/10.


Andrew Byres Byers
Gender: Male. Address: [?Highstoneridge].

Book Holding

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively
Catalogue Number: 215-220, 289. Catalogue Title: Hunters Sacred Biography.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred biography: or, the history of the patriarchs from Adam to Abraham inclusively: being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall, by Henry Hunter, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1783-1792. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 387 times in 346 borrowing records

Book Work

Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Borrowed: 1814/10.

Borrower: Andrew Byres Byers

Author: Doctor Henry Hunter (Male, born 1741, died 1802), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Sacred Biography: or, The History of the Patriarchs from Adam to Abraham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20