Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Date of borrowing: 1771/1

Your search matched 577 borrowing records.




Borrower title

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Book format


Page 5 of 6

1 2 3 4 5 6

Record ID 171672

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 126

Grandison's  hist  Vol 3d

Borrowed: 1771/1/21 (Monday). Returned: 1771/1/24 (Thursday). Classmark: ---- -. Original Returned Text: Grand. hist - V 3d.


Patrick Bower
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-c. 1790. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761)
Genre: Fiction
History of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters published from the originals, by the editor of Pamela and Clarissa. In six volumes. To the Last of which is added, An Historical and Characteristical Index. As also, A Brief History, authenticated by Original Letters, of the Treatment which the Editor has met with from certain Booksellers and Printers in Dublin. Including Observations on Mr. Faulkner’s Defence of Himself, published in his Irish News-Paper of Nov. 3. 1753.
Classmark: O.5.1, B.5.27.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Borrowed: 1771/1/21 (Monday). Returned: 1771/1/24 (Thursday).

Borrower: Patrick Bower

Author: Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761), Genre: Fiction

History of Sir Charles Grandison

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 171663

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 126


Borrowed: 1771/1/3 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/1/19 (Saturday). Classmark: E7. 19. Original Returned Text: Essays.


Patrick Bower
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-c. 1790. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Balfour (Male, born 1705, died 1795)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Philosophical essays : I. Of the academical philosophy : II. Of active power : III. Of liberty and necessity. [Balfour]
Classmark: E.7.19.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

James Balfour (Male, born 1705, died 1795)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Philosophical essays : I. Of the academical philosophy : II. Of active power : III. Of liberty and necessity.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1768. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 10

Book Work

James Balfour (Male, born 1705, died 1795)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Philosophical Essays [James Balfour]

Borrowed: 1771/1/3 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/1/19 (Saturday).

Borrower: Patrick Bower

Author: James Balfour (Male, born 1705, died 1795), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Philosophical Essays [James Balfour]

Record ID 171666

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 126

Grandison's  hist . Vol 1st

Borrowed: 1771/1/14 (Monday). Returned: 1771/1/18 (Friday). Classmark: O5 . 1. Original Returned Text: Grand. hist. V. 1st.


Patrick Bower
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-c. 1790. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761)
Genre: Fiction
History of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters published from the originals, by the editor of Pamela and Clarissa. In six volumes. To the Last of which is added, An Historical and Characteristical Index. As also, A Brief History, authenticated by Original Letters, of the Treatment which the Editor has met with from certain Booksellers and Printers in Dublin. Including Observations on Mr. Faulkner’s Defence of Himself, published in his Irish News-Paper of Nov. 3. 1753.
Classmark: O.5.1, B.5.27.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1771/1/14 (Monday). Returned: 1771/1/18 (Friday).

Borrower: Patrick Bower

Author: Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761), Genre: Fiction

History of Sir Charles Grandison

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 171669

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 126

Grandison's hist Vol 2d

Borrowed: 1771/1/18 (Friday). Returned: 1771/1/21 (Monday). Classmark: --- -. Original Returned Text: Grand hist V. 2d.


Patrick Bower
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-c. 1790. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761)
Genre: Fiction
History of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters published from the originals, by the editor of Pamela and Clarissa. In six volumes. To the Last of which is added, An Historical and Characteristical Index. As also, A Brief History, authenticated by Original Letters, of the Treatment which the Editor has met with from certain Booksellers and Printers in Dublin. Including Observations on Mr. Faulkner’s Defence of Himself, published in his Irish News-Paper of Nov. 3. 1753.
Classmark: O.5.1, B.5.27.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Borrowed: 1771/1/18 (Friday). Returned: 1771/1/21 (Monday).

Borrower: Patrick Bower

Author: Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761), Genre: Fiction

History of Sir Charles Grandison

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 171711

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 127

Sermons De Massillon V. 2d

Borrowed: 1771/1/16 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/1/25 (Friday). Classmark: L6 . 6. Original Returned Text: Ser. De Massillon V. 2d.


James Nairne
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1750-1819. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Jean-Baptiste Massillon (Male, born 1663, died 1742)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons de M. Massillon, Évêque de Clermont, Ci-devant Prêtre de l'Académie Françoise.
Classmark: L.6.6, L.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Jean-Baptiste Massillon (Male, born 1663, died 1742)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons de M. Massillon, Évêque de Clermont, Ci-devant Prêtre de l'Académie Françoise.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1755-1763.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 50 times in 27 borrowing records

Book Work

Jean-Baptiste Massillon (Male, born 1663, died 1742)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons of Jean-Baptiste Massillon

Borrowed: 1771/1/16 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/1/25 (Friday).

Borrower: James Nairne

Author: Jean-Baptiste Massillon (Male, born 1663, died 1742), Genre: Sermons

Sermons of Jean-Baptiste Massillon

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 171714

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 127

Henry's Commentary vol. 5th

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/12 (Tuesday). Classmark: M.3. 3. Original Returned Text: Henry's Comment. Vol 5th.


James Nairne
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1750-1819. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Matthew Henry (Male, born 1662, died 1714)
Genre: Theology
An exposition of the Old and New Testaments / by Mr. Matthew Henry, late minister of the Gospel at Chester.
Classmark: M.3.3, R.2.11.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Matthew Henry (Male, born 1662, died 1714)
Genre: Theology
An exposition of the Old and New Testaments / by Mr. Matthew Henry, late minister of the Gospel at Chester.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1757-1760. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 78 times in 63 borrowing records

Book Work

Matthew Henry (Male, born 1662, died 1714)
Genre: Theology
Exposition of the Old and New Testaments

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/12 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Nairne

Author: Matthew Henry (Male, born 1662, died 1714), Genre: Theology

Exposition of the Old and New Testaments

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 171915

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 129

Elements of Crit. 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Classmark: R5 . 33. Original Returned Text: Element's of Crit. 1 & 2 Vol.


John Webster
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1755-1807. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Home Lord Kames (Male, born 1696, died 1782)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Elements of criticism. In three volumes. ...
Classmark: R.5.33, R.6.10.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Henry Home Lord Kames (Male, born 1696, died 1782)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Elements of criticism. In three volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh | London. Date of publication: 1762. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 364 times in 198 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Home Lord Kames (Male, born 1696, died 1782)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Elements of Criticism

Borrowed: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday).

Borrower: John Webster

Author: Henry Home Lord Kames (Male, born 1696, died 1782), Genre: Belles Lettres

Elements of Criticism

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 171921

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 129

Watt's Improvment

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/2/6 (Wednesday). Classmark: B5 .17. Original Returned Text: Watt's Improvment.


John Webster
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1755-1807. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Isaac Watts (Male, born 1674, died 1748)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
The improvement of the mind: or, a supplement to the art of logick: Containing a Variety of Remarks and Rules for the Attainment and Communication of useful Knowledge, in Religion, in the Sciences, and in common Life. By I. Watts, D.D.
Classmark: K.4.8, K.5.25, B.5.17.

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/2/6 (Wednesday).

Borrower: John Webster

Author: Isaac Watts (Male, born 1674, died 1748), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Improvement of the Mind: or, A Supplement to the Art of Logick

Record ID 171918

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 129

Rol Belles letters 3 & 4 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/29 (Tuesday). Classmark: B6. 6. Original Returned Text: Rol . Belles letters 3 &4 V..


John Webster
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1755-1807. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Method of teaching and studying the belles lettres, or an introduction to languages, poetry, rhetoric, history, moral philosophy, physicks, &c. with reflections on taste; and instructions with regard to the eloquence of the pulpit, the bar, and the stage. The whole illustrated with passages from the most famous poets and orators, antient and modern, with critical remarks on them. Designed more particularly for students in the universities. By Mr. Rollin, late principal of the university of Paris, now professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and member of the Royal Academy of inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French.
Classmark: J.5.3, J.5.2, B.6.6, B.3.27.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/29 (Tuesday).

Borrower: John Webster

Author: Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741), Genre: Belles Lettres

Method of Teaching and Studying the Belles Lettres

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 171996

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 130

Record ID 172050

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 131

Record ID 172047

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 131

Record ID 172053

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 131

Somervilles Chace

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/3/7 (Thursday). Classmark: L5 . 11. Original Returned Text: Somervill's Chace.


Henry Makdougall
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Somerville (Male, born 1675, died 1742)
Genre: Poetry
The chace. A poem. By William Somervile, Esq;
Classmark: L.5.11.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Somerville (Male, born 1675, died 1742)
Genre: Poetry
The chace. A poem.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1735. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 2

Book Work

William Somerville (Male, born 1675, died 1742)
Genre: Poetry
Chace. A Poem

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/3/7 (Thursday).

Borrower: Henry Makdougall

Author: William Somerville (Male, born 1675, died 1742), Genre: Poetry

Chace. A Poem

Record ID 172428

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 136

Swift's Works 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/30 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/3/2 (Saturday). Classmark: N6. 20. Original Returned Text: Swift's Works 1 &2 Vol..


Glen Drayton
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1752-1796. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Works of Dr Jonathan Swift, Dean of St Patrick's, Dublin : accurately corrected by the best editions. With the author's life and character; notes historical, critical, and explanatory; tables of contents, and indexes. More complete than any preceding edition. In eight volumes.
Classmark: N.6.20, R.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The works of Dr Jonathan Swift, Dean of St Patrick's, Dublin : accurately corrected by the best editions. With the author's life and character; notes historical, critical, and explanatory; tables of contents, and indexes. More complete than any preceding edition. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1761. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 293 times in 154 borrowing records

Book Work

Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Works of Jonathan Swift

Borrowed: 1771/1/30 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/3/2 (Saturday).

Borrower: Glen Drayton

Author: Jonathan Swift (Male, born 1667, died 1745), Genre: Belles Lettres

Works of Jonathan Swift

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 172425

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 136

Hume's  hist Vol 1st

Borrowed: 1771/1/30 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/3/21 (Thursday). Classmark: O 6. 6. Original Returned Text: Hume's hist. Vol 1st.


Glen Drayton
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1752-1796. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: History
History of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1688. In eight volumes. By David Hume, Esq.
Classmark: O.6.6, P.7.41?, P.7.5? P.8?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: History
The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the revolution in 1688. In eight volumes. By David Hume, Esq; ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1763. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1009 times in 824 borrowing records

Book Work

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: History
History of England [David Hume]

Borrowed: 1771/1/30 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/3/21 (Thursday).

Borrower: Glen Drayton

Author: David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776), Genre: History

History of England [David Hume]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 172422

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 136

Rapine's hist. 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/30 (Wednesday). Classmark: A5 . 2. Original Returned Text: Rapine's hist 1 & 2 Vol.


Glen Drayton
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1752-1796. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
The history of England, as well ecclesiastical as civil by Mr De Rapin Thoyras. Done into English from the French, with large and useful notes mark'd with an *, by N. Tindal, A. M. Vicar of Great Waltham in Essex.
Classmark: A.6.44, A.5.2, L.4.30.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
The history of England, as well ecclesiastical as civil by Mr De Rapin Thoyras. Done into English from the French, with large and useful notes mark'd with an *, by N. Tindal, A. M. Vicar of Great Waltham in Essex.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1726-1731. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 233 times in 141 borrowing records

Book Work

Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725)
Genre: History
History of England [Paul Rapin de Thoyras]

Borrowed: 1771/1/30 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Glen Drayton

Author: Paul Rapin de Thoyras (Male, born 1661, died 1725), Genre: History

History of England [Paul Rapin de Thoyras]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 172419

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 136

Hutchison Mor. phi ..V 1st

Borrowed: 1771/1/11 (Friday). Returned: 1771/2/8 (Friday). Classmark: P4. 23. Original Returned Text: Hutchison's Mo. phy V 1st.


Glen Drayton
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1752-1796. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Francis Hutcheson (Male, born 1694, died 1746)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
A system of moral philosophy, in three books; written by the late Francis Hutcheson, L. L. D. Professor of Philosophy in the University of Glasgow. Published from the Original Manuscript, by his Son Francis Hutcheson, M. D. To which is prefixed some account of the life, writings, and character of the author, by the Reverend William Leechman, D. D. Professor of Divinity in the Same University.
Classmark: P.4.23.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1771/1/11 (Friday). Returned: 1771/2/8 (Friday).

Borrower: Glen Drayton

Author: Francis Hutcheson (Male, born 1694, died 1746), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

System of Moral Philosophy [Francis Hutcheson]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 173124

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 145

Borrowed: 1771/1/19 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/26 (Saturday).

Borrower: John Sandeman

Genre: Lives

Biographia Classica: The Lives and Characters of All the Classic Authors

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 173130

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 145

Spectator   1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/30 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday). Classmark: C6. 45. Original Returned Text: Spec 1 & 2 Vol.


John Sandeman
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Joseph Addison (Male, born 1672, died 1719), Sir Richard Steele (Male, born 1672, died 1729)
Genre: Periodicals
The Spectator.
Classmark: E.7.68, C.6.45.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Joseph Addison (Male, born 1672, died 1719), Sir Richard Steele (Male, born 1672, died 1729)
Genre: Periodicals
The Spectator
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1711-1713. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 156 times in 112 borrowing records

Book Work

Joseph Addison (Male, born 1672, died 1719), Sir Richard Steele (Male, born 1672, died 1729)
Genre: Periodicals

Borrowed: 1771/1/30 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday).

Borrower: John Sandeman

Author: Joseph Addison (Male, born 1672, died 1719), Sir Richard Steele (Male, born 1672, died 1729), Genre: Periodicals


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 173127

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 145

Spectator 4 & 5 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday). Classmark: L6 . 16. Original Returned Text: Spec . 4 & 5 Vol.


John Sandeman
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Joseph Addison (Male, born 1672, died 1719), Sir Richard Steele (Male, born 1672, died 1729)
Genre: Periodicals
Classmark: L.6.16, B.7.5.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Joseph Addison (Male, born 1672, died 1719), Sir Richard Steele (Male, born 1672, died 1729)
Genre: Periodicals
The Spectator ...
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1760. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 367 times in 196 borrowing records

Book Work

Joseph Addison (Male, born 1672, died 1719), Sir Richard Steele (Male, born 1672, died 1729)
Genre: Periodicals

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday).

Borrower: John Sandeman

Author: Joseph Addison (Male, born 1672, died 1719), Sir Richard Steele (Male, born 1672, died 1729), Genre: Periodicals


Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 5

Record ID 173121

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 145

Pope's works 9 & 10 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/19 (Saturday). Classmark: -- --. Original Returned Text: Pope's Works 9 & 10 Vol.


John Sandeman
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Classmark: N.7.4, N.8.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 9, Volume 10

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1757. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 306 times in 157 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/19 (Saturday).

Borrower: John Sandeman

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Genre: Poetry

Works of Alexander Pope

Volumes borrowed: Volume 9, Volume 10

Record ID 173118

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 145

Pope's Works 5 & 8 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/9 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Classmark: ---- --. Original Returned Text: Pope's Works 5 & 8 Vol.


John Sandeman
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Classmark: N.7.4, N.8.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1757. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 306 times in 157 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope

Borrowed: 1771/1/9 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday).

Borrower: John Sandeman

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Genre: Poetry

Works of Alexander Pope

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 8

Record ID 173115

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 145

Pope's Works 3 & 4 V.

Borrowed: 1771/1/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/1/9 (Wednesday). Classmark: ---- -. Original Returned Text: Pope's Works 3 & 4 Vol.


John Sandeman
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Classmark: N.7.4, N.8.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1757. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 306 times in 157 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope

Borrowed: 1771/1/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/1/9 (Wednesday).

Borrower: John Sandeman

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Genre: Poetry

Works of Alexander Pope

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 173178

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 146

Borrowed: 1771/1/12 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/28 (Monday).

Borrower: James Jack

Author: Anthony Blackwall (Male, born 1674, died 1730), Genre: Belles Lettres

Introduction to the Classics

Record ID 173253

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 147

Pope's  Works 6 & 7 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1. Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday). Classmark: N7. 4. Original Returned Text: Pope's Works 6 & 7 Vol.


Alexander McAulay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Classmark: N.7.4, N.8.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6, Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1757. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 306 times in 157 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope

Borrowed: 1771/1. Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday).

Borrower: Alexander McAulay

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Genre: Poetry

Works of Alexander Pope

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6, Volume 7

Record ID 173256

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 147

Pope's  Works Vol 8th

Borrowed: 1771/1/16 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday). Classmark: -- -. Original Returned Text: Pope's Works Vol 8th.


Alexander McAulay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Classmark: N.7.4, N.8.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In ten volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; together with all his notes, as they were delivered to the editor a little before his death: printed verbatim from the octavo edition of Mr. Warburton.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1757. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 306 times in 157 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Alexander Pope

Borrowed: 1771/1/16 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday).

Borrower: Alexander McAulay

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Genre: Poetry

Works of Alexander Pope

Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Record ID 173346

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 148

Wharton's  Essay on Pope

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/25 (Monday). Classmark: O 6 . 1. Original Returned Text: Wharton's Essay.


Alexander Salmon/Salmond
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Joseph Warton (Male, born 1722, died 1800)
Genre: Belles Lettres
An essay on the genius and writings of Pope / [by Joseph Warton].
Classmark: O.6.1, E.7.35.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1 (1762)

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Joseph Warton (Male, born 1722, died 1800)
Genre: Belles Lettres
An essay on the genius and writings of Pope / [by Joseph Warton].
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1762. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 13

Book Work

Joseph Warton (Male, born 1722, died 1800)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Joseph Warton (Male, born 1722, died 1800)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Essay on the writings and genius of Pope. Vol. 2
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1782. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 20 times in 17 borrowing records

Book Work

Joseph Warton (Male, born 1722, died 1800)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/25 (Monday).

Borrower: Alexander Salmon/Salmond

Author: Joseph Warton (Male, born 1722, died 1800), Genre: Belles Lettres

Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1 (1762)

Record ID 173337

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 148

Preceptor  Vol 2d

Borrowed: 1771/1/9 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/1/24 (Thursday). Classmark: D3. 7. Original Returned Text: Precptor Vol 2d.


Alexander Salmon/Salmond
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Robert Dodsley (Male, born 1704, died 1764)
Genre: Education
The preceptor: containing a general course of education. Wherein the first principles of polite learning are laid down in a way most suitable for trying the genius, and advancing the instruction of youth. In twelve parts. Viz. I. On reading, speaking, and writing letters. II. On geometry. III. On geography and astronomy. IV. On chronology and history. V. On rhetoric and poetry. VI. On drawing. VII. On logic. VIII. On natural history. IX. On ethics, or morality. X. On trade and commerce. XI. On laws and government. XII. On human life and manners. Illustrated with maps and useful cuts.
Classmark: J.6.5, D.3.7.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Borrowed: 1771/1/9 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/1/24 (Thursday).

Borrower: Alexander Salmon/Salmond

Author: Robert Dodsley (Male, born 1704, died 1764), Genre: Education

Preceptor: Containing A General Course of Education

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 173343

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 148

Pitt's  Virgil 2 . 3 & 4 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/24 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Classmark: N6 . 19. Original Returned Text: Pitts Virgil 2 . 3 & 4 V..


Alexander Salmon/Salmond
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Virgil (Male, born BCE70-10-15, died BCE19-9-21)
Genre: Poetry
The Works of Virgil. In English Verse. The Aeneid Translated by the Rev. Mr. Christopher Pitt, The Eclogues and Georgics, with Notes on the Whole, by the Rev. Mr. Joseph Watson. With several New Observations by Mr. Holdsworth, Mr. Spence, and Others. Also, A Dissertation on the Sixth Book of the Aeneid, by Mr. Warburton. On the Shield of Aeneas, by Mr. W. Whitehead. On the Character of Iapis, by the late Dr. Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester. And, Three Essay on Pastoral, Didactic and Epic Poetry, by the Editor. In Four Volumes.
Classmark: N.6.19, R.9.14.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Borrowed: 1771/1/24 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/1/26 (Saturday).

Borrower: Alexander Salmon/Salmond

Author: Virgil (Male, born BCE70-10-15, died BCE19-9-21), Genre: Poetry

Works of Virgil

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 173478

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 150

Paradise lost 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/19 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/25 (Monday). Classmark: L7. 31. Original Returned Text: Paradiselost 1 &2 Vol.


John Wilkie
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

John Milton (Male, born 1608, died 1674)
Genre: Poetry
Milton’s Paradise lost. A poem, in twelve books. With notes, Etymological, Critical, Classical, and Explanatory. Collected from Dr. Bentley; Dr. Pearce, the present Bishop of Bangor; Richardson and Son; Addison; Paterson; Newton, and other Authors; intended as a Key to this Divine Poem; whereby Persons unacquainted with the Learned Languages, and Polite Literature, will be introduced into a familiar Acquaintance with the various Beauties and Excellencies of this Master-Piece of Heroic Poetry. Dedicated to the King, By John Marchant, Gent. Author of the Exposition of the Old and New Testament, &c.
Classmark: L.7.31.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1771/1/19 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/25 (Monday).

Borrower: John Wilkie

Author: John Milton (Male, born 1608, died 1674), Genre: Poetry

Paradise Lost

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 173475

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 150

McKenzie's lives S. Writ. V. 1st

Borrowed: 1771/1/5 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/19 (Saturday). Classmark: A4 . 3. Original Returned Text: McKenizie lives.V 1st.


John Wilkie
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

George Mackenzie (Male, born 1669, died 1725)
Genre: Lives
The lives and characters of the most eminent vvriters of the Scots nation : with an abstract and catalogue of their works; their various editions; and The Judgment of the learn'd concerning them / by George Mackenzie, M.D. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh.
Classmark: A.4.22, A.4.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

George Mackenzie (Male, born 1669, died 1725)
Genre: Lives
The lives and characters of the most eminent vvriters of the Scots nation: with an abstract and catalogue of their works; their various editions; and The Judgment of the learn'd concerning them.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1708-1722. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 99 times in 69 borrowing records

Book Work

George Mackenzie (Male, born 1669, died 1725)
Genre: Lives
Lives and Characters of the Most Eminent Writers of the Scots Nation

Borrowed: 1771/1/5 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/19 (Saturday).

Borrower: John Wilkie

Author: George Mackenzie (Male, born 1669, died 1725), Genre: Lives

Lives and Characters of the Most Eminent Writers of the Scots Nation

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 173568

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 151

Gordon's  Sallust

Borrowed: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday). Classmark: P3.37. Original Returned Text: Gordon's Sallust.


Wemyss Robertson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Sallust (Male, born BCE86, died BCE35)
Genre: History
The works of Sallust, translated into English. With political discourses upon that author. To which is added, a translation of Cicero's four orations against Catiline.
Classmark: K.2.20, K.3.8, K.3.7, P.3.37, P.4.28.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sallust (Male, born BCE86, died BCE35)
Genre: History
The works of Sallust, translated into English. With political discourses upon that author. To which is added, a translation of Cicero's four orations against Catiline.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1744. Format: 4to.
Translators: T. Gordon
Number of borrowings: 19

Book Work

Sallust (Male, born BCE86, died BCE35)
Genre: History
Works of Sallust

Borrowed: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Wemyss Robertson

Author: Sallust (Male, born BCE86, died BCE35), Genre: History

Works of Sallust

Record ID 173571

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 151

Sallustii  Vol 1st

Borrowed: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday). Classmark: P4 35. Original Returned Text: Sallustii Vol 1st.


Wemyss Robertson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Sallust (Male, born BCE86, died BCE35)
Genre: History
C. Crispi Sallustii quae exstant. Cum notis integris Glareani, Rivii, Ciacconii, Ursini, Carrionis, Manutii, Coleri, C. et A. Popmae, Palmerii, Putschii, Douzae, Gruteri, Ruperti, Graswinckelii, et Josephi Wasse. Atque selectis Castilionei, Zanchii, J. Fr. Gronovii, Jani Brouckhusii, &c. Accedunt Julius Exsuperantius et Porcius Latro, ut et fragmenta historicorum, cum notis integris A. Popmae, Coleri, Ruperti, Wasse, Brouckhusii, &c. Cura Sigberti Havercampi. Cum indicibus copiosissimis.
Classmark: P.4.35.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Borrowed: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Wemyss Robertson

Author: Sallust (Male, born BCE86, died BCE35), Genre: History

Works of Sallust

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 173601

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 152

Voltair's  Henriad

Borrowed: 1771/1/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/2/14 (Thursday). Classmark: N3 . 23. Original Returned Text: Voltair's Henriad.


Henry Clinton Villettes
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778)
Genre: Poetry
La Henriade de Mr. de Voltaire.
Classmark: A.6.22, N.3.23.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778)
Genre: Poetry
La Henriade de Mr. de Voltaire.
Language: French . Published: London. Date of publication: 1728. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 9

Book Work

Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778)
Genre: Poetry

Borrowed: 1771/1/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/2/14 (Thursday).

Borrower: Henry Clinton Villettes

Author: Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778), Genre: Poetry


Record ID 173598

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 152

Sully's Memoirs 4 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/3/15 (Friday). Classmark: - --. Original Returned Text: Sully's Memoirs 4thVol.


Henry Clinton Villettes
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Pierre Mathurin de L'Ecluse des Loges (Male, born 1716, died c.1783)
Genre: Lives
Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully, Prime Minister of Henry the Great : newly translated from the French edition of M. de L'Ecluse : illustrated with an accurate map of France : to which is annexed, The trial of Francis Ravaillac, for the murder of Henry the Great : in five volumes.
Classmark: M.6.4.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Pierre Mathurin de L'Ecluse des Loges (Male, born 1716, died c.1783)
Genre: Lives
Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully, Prime Minister of Henry the Great. Newly translated from the French edition of M. de L’Ecluse. Illustrated with an accurate map of France. To which is annexed, The trial of Francis Ravaillac, for the murder of Henry the Great.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1760. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 5 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 350 times in 203 borrowing records

Book Work

Pierre Mathurin de L'Ecluse des Loges (Male, born 1716, died c.1783)
Genre: Lives
Memoirs of Maximilien de Béthune, Duke of Sully

Borrowed: 1771/1/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/3/15 (Friday).

Borrower: Henry Clinton Villettes

Author: Pierre Mathurin de L'Ecluse des Loges (Male, born 1716, died c.1783), Genre: Lives

Memoirs of Maximilien de Béthune, Duke of Sully

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 173592

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 152

Popes  iliad  1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/21 (Monday). Returned: 1771/2/11 (Monday). Classmark: -- -. Original Returned Text: Pope's Iliad 1 & 2 Vol.


Henry Clinton Villettes
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry
The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope, Esq.
Classmark: L.7.3, P.8.11?, B.7.6.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry
The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope, Esq.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1759. Format: 12mo.
Translators: Alexander Pope
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 124 times in 68 borrowing records

Book Work

Homer (Male)
Genre: Poetry

Borrowed: 1771/1/21 (Monday). Returned: 1771/2/11 (Monday).

Borrower: Henry Clinton Villettes

Author: Homer (Male), Genre: Poetry


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 173595

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 152

Hist. of Petter ye Great 1 & 2 V.

Borrowed: 1771/1/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/2/28 (Thursday). Classmark: E6 . 19. Original Returned Text: Hist of Petter yeGreat 1 &2V..


Henry Clinton Villettes
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778)
Genre: History
Histoire de l'empire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand / par l'auteur de l'histoire de Charles XII.
Classmark: E.6.19, L.5.17.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778)
Genre: History
Histoire de l'empire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand / par l'auteur de l'histoire de Charles XII.
Language: French . Published: Geneva. Date of publication: 1759-1763.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 7 times in 4 borrowing records

Book Work

Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778)
Genre: History
History of the Russian Empire under Peter the Great

Borrowed: 1771/1/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/2/28 (Thursday).

Borrower: Henry Clinton Villettes

Author: Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778), Genre: History

History of the Russian Empire under Peter the Great

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 173685

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 153

Plutarchii  opera G .& L

Borrowed: 1771/1/14 (Monday). Returned: 1771/4/24 (Wednesday). Classmark: Q1 . 3. Original Returned Text: Plutarchii opera G&L..


Alexander Irvine
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Plutarch (Male, born c.46, died 119)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Ploutarchou chaironeos ta sozomena panta. Plutarchi Chaeronensis quae exstant omnia, Latina interpretatione Hermanni Cruserij: Gulielmi Xylandri, et doctorum virorum notis, et libellis variantium lectionum ex Mss. Codd. diligenter collectarum, et indicibus accuratis. (Lamprias de scriptis Plutarchi... nunc primum editus - Henrici Stephani annotationes in suam editionem vitarum Plutarchi...).
Classmark: A.1.8, Q.1.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1771/1/14 (Monday). Returned: 1771/4/24 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Alexander Irvine

Author: Plutarch (Male, born c.46, died 119), Genre: Lives, Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Works of Plutarch

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 173817

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 155

Buckingam's Work Vol 1st 4to

Borrowed: 1771/1/21 (Monday). Returned: 1771/2/4 (Monday). Classmark: A6. 6. Original Returned Text: Buckingams WorkV1st 4to.


Thomas Fleming
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-1824. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

John Sheffield Duke of Buckingham (Male, born 1647, died 1721)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The works of John Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, Marquis of Normanby, and Duke of Buckingham.
Classmark: A.5.34, A.6.6.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

John Sheffield Duke of Buckingham (Male, born 1647, died 1721)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The works of John Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, Marquis of Normanby, and Duke of Buckingham.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1723. Format: 4to. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 17 times in 12 borrowing records

Book Work

John Sheffield Duke of Buckingham (Male, born 1647, died 1721)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Works of John Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, Marquis of Normanby, and Duke of Buckingham

Borrowed: 1771/1/21 (Monday). Returned: 1771/2/4 (Monday).

Borrower: Thomas Fleming

Author: John Sheffield Duke of Buckingham (Male, born 1647, died 1721), Genre: Belles Lettres

Works of John Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, Marquis of Normanby, and Duke of Buckingham

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 173823

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 155

Blackwell on the Classics

Borrowed: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Returned: 1771/2/26 (Tuesday). Classmark: O7. 43. Original Returned Text: Blackwell on the Classiccs.


Thomas Fleming
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-1824. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Anthony Blackwall (Male, born 1674, died 1730)
Genre: Belles Lettres
An introduction to the classics: containing, a short discourse on their excellencies; and directions how to study them to advantage: with an essay, on the nature and use of those emphatical and beautiful figures which give strength and ornament to writing. By Anthony Blackwall, M.A.
Classmark: E.7.15, O.7.43, R.8?.

Borrowed: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Returned: 1771/2/26 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Thomas Fleming

Author: Anthony Blackwall (Male, born 1674, died 1730), Genre: Belles Lettres

Introduction to the Classics

Record ID 173814

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 155

Grandison's hist. Vol 4 th

Borrowed: 1771/1/19 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/20 (Sunday). Classmark: O5 . 1. Original Returned Text: Grand. hist. Vol 4 th/sup>.


Thomas Fleming
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-1824. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761)
Genre: Fiction
History of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters published from the originals, by the editor of Pamela and Clarissa. In six volumes. To the Last of which is added, An Historical and Characteristical Index. As also, A Brief History, authenticated by Original Letters, of the Treatment which the Editor has met with from certain Booksellers and Printers in Dublin. Including Observations on Mr. Faulkner’s Defence of Himself, published in his Irish News-Paper of Nov. 3. 1753.
Classmark: O.5.1, B.5.27.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Borrowed: 1771/1/19 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/20 (Sunday).

Borrower: Thomas Fleming

Author: Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761), Genre: Fiction

History of Sir Charles Grandison

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 173820

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 155

Voltair's  Essays

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/26 (Tuesday). Classmark: Q8. 11. Original Returned Text: Voltair's Essays.


Thomas Fleming
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-1824. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Critical essays on dramatic poetry / by Monsieur de Voltaire. With notes by the translator.
Classmark: Q.8.11.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Critical essays on dramatic poetry / by Monsieur de Voltaire. With notes by the translator.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1761. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 7

Book Work

Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Critical Essays on Dramatic Poetry

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/26 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Thomas Fleming

Author: Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778), Genre: Belles Lettres

Critical Essays on Dramatic Poetry

Record ID 173811

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 155


Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Classmark: E7. 18. Original Returned Text: Belsarius.


Thomas Fleming
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-1824. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Jean-François Marmontel (Male, born 1723, died 1799)
Genre: Fiction
Belisarius / by M. Marmontel, Member of the French Academy.
Classmark: E.7.18.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Jean-François Marmontel (Male, born 1723, died 1799)
Genre: Fiction
Belisarius / by M. Marmontel, Member of the French Academy.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1767. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 15

Book Work

Jean-François Marmontel (Male, born 1723, died 1799)
Genre: Fiction
Belisarius [Jean-François Marmontel]

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Thomas Fleming

Author: Jean-François Marmontel (Male, born 1723, died 1799), Genre: Fiction

Belisarius [Jean-François Marmontel]

Record ID 174057

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 157

Tillotson's  Works Vol 11th

Borrowed: 1771/1/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday). Classmark: N7. 2. Original Returned Text: Tillotson's Works Vol 11th.


John Gordon
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

John Tillotson (Male, born 1630, died 1694)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
The Works Of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. In Twelve Volumes. Containing, Two Hundred and Fifrty Four Sermons and Discourses on Several Occasions: Together with the Rule of Faith; Prayers Composed by him for his own Use; A Discourse to his Servants before the Sacrament; And a Form of Prayer, Composed by him, for the Use of King William.
Classmark: L.8.1, N.7.2, A.8.30.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 11

Borrowed: 1771/1/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday).

Borrower: John Gordon

Author: John Tillotson (Male, born 1630, died 1694), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Works of John Tillotson

Volumes borrowed: Volume 11

Record ID 174147

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 158

Borrowed: 1771/1/4 (Friday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday).

Borrower: James Wemyss

Author: Cornelius Tacitus (Male, born c.56, died 120), Genre: History

Works of Tacitus

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 174156

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 158

Rob.s hist . Chas 5th  Vol 1st

Borrowed: 1771/1/12 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/25 (Monday). Original Returned Text: Robs hist C. 5th Vol 1st.


James Wemyss
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793)
Genre: History
The history of the reign of the Emperor Charles V. With a view of the progress of society in Europe, From the Subversion of the Roman Empire, to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century. In three volumes. By William Robertson, D. D. Principal of the University of Edinburgh, and Historiographer to His Majesty for Scotland.
Classmark: E.5.4; E.5.19; N.6.18; N.6.23; G.3.4; 0.7.10.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793)
Genre: History
The history of the reign of the Emperor Charles V. With a view of the progress of society in Europe, from the subversion of the Roman Empire, to the beginning of the sixteenth century.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1769. Format: 4to. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 604 times in 453 borrowing records

Book Work

William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793)
Genre: History
History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V

Borrowed: 1771/1/12 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/25 (Monday).

Borrower: James Wemyss

Author: William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793), Genre: History

History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 174153

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 158

Letters Abelard & Heloisa

Borrowed: 1771/1/12 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday). Classmark: D. 7..39. Original Returned Text: Letters alberd & Helosia.


James Wemyss
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Peter Abelard (Male, born 1079, died 1142), Héloïse (Female, born c.1095, died 1163)
Genre: Lives
Letters of Abelard and Heloise. To which is prefix’d a particular account of their lives, amours, and misfortunes, extracted chiefly from Monsieur Bayle. Translated from the French.
Classmark: J.7.8, D.7.39.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Peter Abelard (Male, born 1079, died 1142), Héloïse (Female, born c.1095, died 1163)
Genre: Lives
Letters of Abelard and Heloise. To which is prefix’d a particular account of their lives, amours, and misfortunes, extracted chiefly from Monsieur Bayle. Translated from the French.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1713. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 6

Book Work

Peter Abelard (Male, born 1079, died 1142), Héloïse (Female, born c.1095, died 1163)
Genre: Lives
Letters of Abelard and Heloise

Borrowed: 1771/1/12 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday).

Borrower: James Wemyss

Author: Peter Abelard (Male, born 1079, died 1142), Héloïse (Female, born c.1095, died 1163), Genre: Lives

Letters of Abelard and Heloise

Record ID 174144

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 158

Calmet's  Dict. Vol 1st

Borrowed: 1771/1/4 (Friday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday). Classmark: N1 . 4. Original Returned Text: Calmet's Dicti. Vol 1st.


James Wemyss
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Augustin Calmet (Male, born 1672, died 1757)
Genre: Theology
An Historical, Critical, Geographical, Chronological, and Etymological Dictionary of the Holy Bible, In Three Volumes. Wherein are Explained all the Proper Names mentioned in the Old or New Testament, whether of Men, Women, Cities, Countries, Rivers, Mountains, &c. As also Most of the Significant and Remarkable Appellatives that any where occur therein. With Accounts of All the Natural Productions, as Animals, Vegetables, Minerals, Stones, Gems, &c. The Whole digested into Alphabetical Order, and Illustrated with above One Hundred and Sixty Copper-Plates. Representing the Antiquities, Habits, Buildings, Sepulchres, and other Curiosities of the Jews. To which is annexed, Bibliotheca Sacra, or a Copious Catalogue of the Best Editions and Versions of the Bible; With a large Account of the most Valuable Commentaries, Expositions, and Paraphrases upon the Whole, or any Part thereof, and the Authors of the same. And An ample Chronological Table of the History of the Bible, a Jewish Calendar, Tables of all the Hebrew Coins, Weights, and Measures, reduced to our own. A Dissertation upon Jewish Coins and Medals; another upon the Tacticks of the ancient Hebrews, by the Chevalier Folard: concluding with a Literal Translation of all the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, and Greek Names in the Bible. With Prefaces proper to each Part. Written originally in French, By the Reverend Father Dom Augustin Calmet, a Benedictine Monk, Abbot of Senones. And now Translated into English, from the Author's last Edition, with occasional Remarks, by Samuel D'Oyly, M.A. late Fellow of Trinity-College in Cambridge, and Vicar of Chalk in Kent.
Classmark: L.2.4, N.1.4.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Augustin Calmet (Male, born 1672, died 1757)
Genre: Theology
An Historical, Critical, Geographical, Chronological, and Etymological Dictionary of the Holy Bible, In Three Volumes. Wherein are Explained all the Proper Names mentioned in the Old or New Testament, whether of Men, Women, Cities, Countries, Rivers, Mountains, &c. As also Most of the Significant and Remarkable Appellatives that any where occur therein. With Accounts of All the Natural Productions, as Animals, Vegetables, Minerals, Stones, Gems, &c. The Whole digested into Alphabetical Order, and Illustrated with above One Hundred and Sixty Copper-Plates. Representing the Antiquities, Habits, Buildings, Sepulchres, and other Curiosities of the Jews. To which is annexed, Bibliotheca Sacra, or a Copious Catalogue of the Best Editions and Versions of the Bible; With a large Account of the most Valuable Commentaries, Expositions, and Paraphrases upon the Whole, or any Part thereof, and the Authors of the same. And An ample Chronological Table of the History of the Bible, a Jewish Calendar, Tables of all the Hebrew Coins, Weights, and Measures, reduced to our own. A Dissertation upon Jewish Coins and Medals; another upon the Tacticks of the ancient Hebrews, by the Chevalier Folard: concluding with a Literal Translation of all the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, and Greek Names in the Bible. With Prefaces proper to each Part. Written originally in French, By the Reverend Father Dom Augustin Calmet, a Benedictine Monk, Abbot of Senones. And now Translated into English, from the Author's last Edition, with occasional Remarks, by Samuel D'Oyly, M.A. late Fellow of Trinity-College in Cambridge, and Vicar of Chalk in Kent.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1732. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 24 times in 12 borrowing records

Book Work

Augustin Calmet (Male, born 1672, died 1757)
Genre: Theology
Historical, Critical, Geographical, Chronological, and Etymological Dictionary of the Holy Bible

Borrowed: 1771/1/4 (Friday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday).

Borrower: James Wemyss

Author: Augustin Calmet (Male, born 1672, died 1757), Genre: Theology

Historical, Critical, Geographical, Chronological, and Etymological Dictionary of the Holy Bible

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 174150

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 158

Moss's  Ser.  Vol  1st

Borrowed: 1771/1/5 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday). Classmark: B8. 10. Original Returned Text: Moss's Ser. Vol 1st.


James Wemyss
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Robert Moss (Male, born 1666, died 1729)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons and discourses on practical subjects: by Robert Moss, D.D. Late Dean of Ely, and preacher to the Honourable Society of Grays-Inn. Publish'd from the originals at the request of the said society. With a preface, giving some account of the author, by a learned hand.
Classmark: J.5.20, J.5.19, B.8.10, B.4.25.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Moss (Male, born 1666, died 1729)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons and discourses on practical subjects: by Robert Moss, D.D. Late Dean of Ely, and preacher to the Honourable Society of Grays-Inn. Publish'd from the originals at the request of the said society. With a preface, giving some account of the author, by a learned hand.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1736. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 128 times in 104 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Moss (Male, born 1666, died 1729)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons and Discourses on Practical Subjects [Robert Moss]

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Robert Moss (Male, born 1666, died 1729)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons and discourses on practical subjects; never before printed. By Robert Moss, ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1737. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 85 times in 73 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Moss (Male, born 1666, died 1729)
Genre: Sermons
Sermons and Discourses on Practical Subjects [Robert Moss]

Borrowed: 1771/1/5 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday).

Borrower: James Wemyss

Author: Robert Moss (Male, born 1666, died 1729), Genre: Sermons

Sermons and Discourses on Practical Subjects [Robert Moss]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 174216

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 159

Addison's Works Vol2d

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday). Classmark: A5 . -. Original Returned Text: Addison's Works Vol 2d.


James Ramsay
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1754-1775. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Joseph Addison (Male, born 1672, died 1719)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Periodicals, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Works of ... Joseph Addison.
Classmark: A.5.14, A.5.15, S.6.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Joseph Addison (Male, born 1672, died 1719)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Periodicals, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
The works of...Joseph Addison.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1721. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 210 times in 196 borrowing records

Book Work

Joseph Addison (Male, born 1672, died 1719)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Periodicals, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
Works of Joseph Addison

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday).

Borrower: James Ramsay

Author: Joseph Addison (Male, born 1672, died 1719), Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Periodicals, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy

Works of Joseph Addison

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 174213

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 159

Ward's oratory 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1. Returned: 1771/2/23 (Saturday). Classmark: -------. Original Returned Text: Ward oratory 1 & 2 Vol.


James Ramsay
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1754-1775. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

John Ward (Male, born c.1679, died 1758)
Genre: Education
A system of oratory, delivered in a course of lectures publicly read at Gresham College, London. To which is prefixed an inaugural oration, spoken in Latin... / by John Ward... [In two volumes].
Classmark: Q.5.16, P.6.41, Q.3.16?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

John Ward (Male, born c.1679, died 1758)
Genre: Education
A system of oratory, delivered in a course of lectures publicly read at Gresham College, London. To which is prefixed an inaugural oration, spoken in Latin... / by John Ward... [In two volumes].
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1759. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 100 times in 54 borrowing records

Book Work

John Ward (Male, born c.1679, died 1758)
Genre: Education
System of Oratory

Borrowed: 1771/1. Returned: 1771/2/23 (Saturday).

Borrower: James Ramsay

Author: John Ward (Male, born c.1679, died 1758), Genre: Education

System of Oratory

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 174390

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 161

Pope's Letters

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Classmark: B7. --. Original Returned Text: Pope's Letters.


William Villettes
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-1808. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Lives
Letters of Mr. Pope, and several eminent persons, from the year 1705, to 1711. Vol 1 [only].
Classmark: J.4.37, B.7.6.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Lives
Letters of Mr. Pope, and several eminent persons, from the year 1705, to 1711. Vol 1 [only].
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1735. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 9

Book Work

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Lives
Letters of Alexander Pope

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/26 (Saturday).

Borrower: William Villettes

Author: Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30), Genre: Lives

Letters of Alexander Pope

Record ID 174387

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 161

Voltair's hist. of Lewies 14th

Borrowed: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday). Classmark: N4. 15. Original Returned Text: Voltair's hist. of Lew. 14th.


William Villettes
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-1808. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778)
Genre: History
Le siecle de Louis XIV. Publié par M. de Francheville Conseiller aulique de sa Majesté, & membre de l'académie roiale des sciences & belles lettres de Prusse.
Classmark: N.4.15, N.4.1.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778)
Genre: History
Le siecle de Louis XIV. Publié par M. de Francheville Conseiller aulique de sa Majesté, & membre de l'académie roiale des sciences & belles lettres de Prusse.
Language: French . Published: London. Date of publication: 1752. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 9

Book Work

Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778)
Genre: History
Age of Louis XIV

Borrowed: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday).

Borrower: William Villettes

Author: Voltaire (Male, born 1694, died 1778), Genre: History

Age of Louis XIV

Record ID 174726

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 165

Voyage to Cartes

Borrowed: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Returned: 1771/4/4 (Thursday). Classmark: C7. 16. Original Returned Text: Voyage to Cartes.


Patrick Hood
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Gabriel Daniel (Male, born 1649, died 1728)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
A voyage to the world of Cartesius. Written originally in French. Translated into English by T. Taylor, M.A. of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford.
Classmark: E.7.58, C.7.16.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Gabriel Daniel (Male, born 1649, died 1728)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
A voyage to the world of Cartesius. Written originally in French. Translated into English by T. Taylor, M.A. of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1694. Format: 8vo.
Translators: T. Taylor
Number of borrowings: 5

Book Work

Gabriel Daniel (Male, born 1649, died 1728)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Voyage to the World of Cartesius

Borrowed: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Returned: 1771/4/4 (Thursday).

Borrower: Patrick Hood

Author: Gabriel Daniel (Male, born 1649, died 1728), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Voyage to the World of Cartesius

Record ID 174723

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 165

Leland's View Vol 1st

Borrowed: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Returned: 1771/4/4 (Thursday). Classmark: P5 . 38. Original Returned Text: Leland View Vol 1st.


Patrick Hood
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

John Leland (Male, born 1691, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology
A view of the principal deistical writers, that have appeared in England in the last and present century; ... The second edition with additions. By John Leland, D.D.
Classmark: P.5.38, P.7.10.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

John Leland (Male, born 1691, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology
A view of the principal deistical writers, that have appeared in England in the last and present century; ... The second edition with additions. By John Leland, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1755. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 77 times in 49 borrowing records

Book Work

John Leland (Male, born 1691, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology
View of the Principal Deistical Writers

Borrowed: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Returned: 1771/4/4 (Thursday).

Borrower: Patrick Hood

Author: John Leland (Male, born 1691, died 1766), Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology

View of the Principal Deistical Writers

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 174750

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 166

Prceptor  Vol 2d

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/16 (Saturday). Classmark: D3 . 7. Original Returned Text: Preceptor V. 2d..


Andrew Duncan
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1755-1827. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Robert Dodsley (Male, born 1704, died 1764)
Genre: Education
The preceptor: containing a general course of education. Wherein the first principles of polite learning are laid down in a way most suitable for trying the genius, and advancing the instruction of youth. In twelve parts. Viz. I. On reading, speaking, and writing letters. II. On geometry. III. On geography and astronomy. IV. On chronology and history. V. On rhetoric and poetry. VI. On drawing. VII. On logic. VIII. On natural history. IX. On ethics, or morality. X. On trade and commerce. XI. On laws and government. XII. On human life and manners. Illustrated with maps and useful cuts.
Classmark: J.6.5, D.3.7.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/16 (Saturday).

Borrower: Andrew Duncan

Author: Robert Dodsley (Male, born 1704, died 1764), Genre: Education

Preceptor: Containing A General Course of Education

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 174744

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 166

The Lover's by D. Verg

Borrowed: 1771/1/19 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Classmark: E4. 2. Original Returned Text: The Lovers.


Andrew Duncan
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1755-1827. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Pierre Henri Treyssac de Vergy (Male, died 1774)
Genre: Fiction
The lovers: or the memoirs of Lady Sarah B- and the Countess P-. Published by Mr. Treyssac de Vergy, ...
Classmark: E.4.21, L.5.24.

Record ID 174741

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 166

Grandison's  hist - 3 & 4 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/19 (Saturday). Classmark: O 5 . 1. Original Returned Text: Grand : hist. 3 & 4 V..


Andrew Duncan
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1755-1827. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761)
Genre: Fiction
History of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters published from the originals, by the editor of Pamela and Clarissa. In six volumes. To the Last of which is added, An Historical and Characteristical Index. As also, A Brief History, authenticated by Original Letters, of the Treatment which the Editor has met with from certain Booksellers and Printers in Dublin. Including Observations on Mr. Faulkner’s Defence of Himself, published in his Irish News-Paper of Nov. 3. 1753.
Classmark: O.5.1, B.5.27.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Borrowed: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/19 (Saturday).

Borrower: Andrew Duncan

Author: Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761), Genre: Fiction

History of Sir Charles Grandison

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 174747

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 166

Coriat Junior 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/19 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Classmark: E7 . 6. Original Returned Text: Coriat Junior 1 &2 V..


Andrew Duncan
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1755-1827. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Samuel Paterson (Male, born 1728, died 1802)
Genre: Travel
Another traveller! or cursory remarks and tritical [sic] observations made upon a journey through part of the Netherlands in the latter end of the year 1766. By Coriat junior. In two volumes. ...
Classmark: E.7.6.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Samuel Paterson (Male, born 1728, died 1802)
Genre: Travel
Another traveller! or cursory remarks and tritical [sic] observations made upon a journey through part of the Netherlands in the latter end of the year 1766. By Coriat junior. In two volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1767-1769. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 8 times in 4 borrowing records

Book Work

Samuel Paterson (Male, born 1728, died 1802)
Genre: Travel
Another Traveller! or Cursory Remarks and Critical Observations made upon a Journey through Part of the Netherlands

Borrowed: 1771/1/19 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/26 (Saturday).

Borrower: Andrew Duncan

Author: Samuel Paterson (Male, born 1728, died 1802), Genre: Travel

Another Traveller! or Cursory Remarks and Critical Observations made upon a Journey through Part of the Netherlands

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 174852

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 167

Andrew's Virgil

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/3/6 (Wednesday). Classmark: P4 .20. Original Returned Text: Andrew's Virgil.


Wemyss Robertson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Virgil (Male, born BCE70-10-15, died BCE19-9-21)
Genre: Poetry
The works of Virgil, Englished by Robert Andrews.
Classmark: P.4.20, P.3.24.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Virgil (Male, born BCE70-10-15, died BCE19-9-21)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Virgil, Englished by Robert Andrews.
Language: English . Published: Birmingham. Date of publication: 1766. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 24

Book Work

Virgil (Male, born BCE70-10-15, died BCE19-9-21)
Genre: Poetry
Works of Virgil

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/3/6 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Wemyss Robertson

Author: Virgil (Male, born BCE70-10-15, died BCE19-9-21), Genre: Poetry

Works of Virgil

Record ID 174849

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 167

Virgilius Burmanii Tom 2d

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/3/6 (Wednesday). Classmark: M6.23. Original Returned Text: Virgilius Burmanii Tom2d.


Wemyss Robertson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Virgilius Maro Grammaticus (Male)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Education
P. Virgilii Maronis Opera, cum integris & emendatioribus commentariis servii, philargyrii, pierii. Accedunt Fulvii Ursini, Georgii Fabricii, Francisci Nansii, Joh. Musonii, Tanaquilli fabri, et aliorum, ac praecipue Nicolai Heinsii notae nunc primum editae: quibus & suas in omne opus animadversiones, & variantes in servium lectiones addidit Petrus Burmannus. Post cujus obitum interruptam editionis curam suscepit & adornavit Petrus Burmannus Junior. Cum indicibus absolutissimis & figuris elegantissimis.
Classmark: M.6.23.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/3/6 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Wemyss Robertson

Author: Virgilius Maro Grammaticus (Male), Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Education

Works of Virgilius Maro Grammaticus

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 174888

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 168

Hume's  Essays

Borrowed: 1771/1/16 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/3/7 (Thursday). Classmark: B8. 3. Original Returned Text: Hume's Essays.


Alexander Wilson
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1742-1789. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays and treatises on several subjects. By David Hume, Esq;
Classmark: B.8.3.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays and treatises on several subjects. By David Hume, Esq;
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1758. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 33

Book Work

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects

Borrowed: 1771/1/16 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/3/7 (Thursday).

Borrower: Alexander Wilson

Author: David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects

Record ID 174891

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 168

Hutchison's Ethicks

Borrowed: 1771/1/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/3/7 (Thursday). Classmark: P7. 10. Original Returned Text: Huthchison's Ethicks.


Alexander Wilson
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1742-1789. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Francis Hutcheson (Male, born 1694, died 1746)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Philosophiae moralis institutio compendiaria, ethices & jurisprudentiae naturalis elementa continens : lib. III. / auctore Francisco Hutcheson in Academia Glasguensi P. P.
Classmark: K.7.16, P.7.10.

Borrowed: 1771/1/29 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/3/7 (Thursday).

Borrower: Alexander Wilson

Author: Francis Hutcheson (Male, born 1694, died 1746), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy

Record ID 174975

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 169

Cudworth's  System 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Classmark: N3. 8. Original Returned Text: Cudworth's System 1 & 2 Vol.


John Buddo
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1748-1814. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Ralph Cudworth (Male, born 1617, died 1688)
Genre: Theology
Radvlphi Cvdworthi, Theol. D. et in academia Cantabrigiensi Professoris systema intellectvale hvivs vniversi de veris natvrae rervm originibvs commentarii qvibvs omnis eorvm philosophia, qvi devm esse negant, fvnditvs evertitvr. Accedvnt reliqva eivs opvscula. Iannes Lavrentivs Moshemivs, Theol. D. Seren. Dvcis Brvnsv. a consiliis rervm sanctiorvm, abbas coenobiorvm vallis S. Mariae et lapidis S. Michaelis, reliqva. Omnia ex Anglico Latine vertit, recensvit, variisqve observationibvs et dissertationibvs illvstravit et avxit.
Classmark: N.3.8.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1771/1/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday).

Borrower: John Buddo

Author: Ralph Cudworth (Male, born 1617, died 1688), Genre: Theology

True Intellectual System of the Universe

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 175083

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 170

Salmon's Mod. hist Vol 2d

Borrowed: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Returned: 1771/2/26 (Tuesday). Classmark: - --. Original Returned Text: Salmon's Mod. hist. V 2d.


Andrew Duncan
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1755-1827. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Herman Moll (Male, died 1732), Thomas Salmon (Male, born 1679, died 1767)
Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy, Genre: Travel
Modern history: or, the present state of all nations. Describing their respective situations, persons, habits, and buildings; manners, laws and customs, religion, and policy; arts and sciences, trades, manufactures and husbandry; plants, animals, and minerals. By Mr Salmon. Illustrated with cuts and maps, accurately drawn according to the geographical part of this work, by Herman Moll. In three volumes.
Classmark: O.1.9.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Borrowed: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Returned: 1771/2/26 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Andrew Duncan

Author: Herman Moll (Male, died 1732), Thomas Salmon (Male, born 1679, died 1767), Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy, Genre: Travel

Modern History: or, The Present State of All Nations

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 175182

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 171

Abernethy's Sermons

Borrowed: 1771/1/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/1/3 (Thursday). Classmark: B 5-20. Original Returned Text: abernethy's Ser..


Mr William Ritchie
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

John Abernethy (Male, born 1680, died 1740)
Genre: Theology
Discourses concerning the Being and Natural Perfections of God, in which That First Principle of Religion, the Existence of the Deity, is prov'd, From the Frame of the Material World, from the Animal and Rational Life, and from Human Intelligence and Morality; and The Divine Attributes of Spirituality, Unity, Eternity, Immensity, Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Infinite Wisdom, are explain'd. By John Abernethy, M.A.
Classmark: B.5.20.

Borrowed: 1771/1/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/1/3 (Thursday).

Borrower: Mr William Ritchie

Author: John Abernethy (Male, born 1680, died 1740), Genre: Theology

Discourses Concerning the Being and Natural Perfections of God

Record ID 175188

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 171

Charnock Ser,

Borrowed: 1771/1/5 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday). Classmark: O 2 . 18. Original Returned Text: Charnock Ser..


Mr William Ritchie
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Stephen Charnock (Male, born 1628, died 1680)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late learned divine Stephen Charnock, B.D. Being several discourses upon the existence and attributes of God.
Classmark: C.1.16, O.2.18, R.1.5.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Stephen Charnock (Male, born 1628, died 1680)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late learned divine Stephen Charnock, B.D. Being several discourses upon the existence and attributes of God.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1684. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 29 times in 22 borrowing records

Book Work

Stephen Charnock (Male, born 1628, died 1680)
Genre: Sermons
Works of Stephen Charnock

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Stephen Charnock (Male, born 1628, died 1680)
Genre: Sermons
The works of the late learned divine Stephen Charnock, B.D. Being several discourses upon various divine subjects. Vol. II.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1684. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 23 times in 16 borrowing records

Book Work

Stephen Charnock (Male, born 1628, died 1680)
Genre: Sermons
Works of Stephen Charnock

Borrowed: 1771/1/5 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/9 (Saturday).

Borrower: Mr William Ritchie

Author: Stephen Charnock (Male, born 1628, died 1680), Genre: Sermons

Works of Stephen Charnock

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 175185

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 171

Tillotson's  Ser- 8 & 97thVol

Borrowed: 1771/1/3 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/2. Classmark: N7. 2. Original Returned Text: Tillotson's Ser. 8 & 7 Vol.


Mr William Ritchie
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

John Tillotson (Male, born 1630, died 1694)
Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology
The Works Of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. In Twelve Volumes. Containing, Two Hundred and Fifrty Four Sermons and Discourses on Several Occasions: Together with the Rule of Faith; Prayers Composed by him for his own Use; A Discourse to his Servants before the Sacrament; And a Form of Prayer, Composed by him, for the Use of King William.
Classmark: L.8.1, N.7.2, A.8.30.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 7, Volume 8

Borrowed: 1771/1/3 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/2.

Borrower: Mr William Ritchie

Author: John Tillotson (Male, born 1630, died 1694), Genre: Sermons, Genre: Theology

Works of John Tillotson

Volumes borrowed: Volume 7, Volume 8

Record ID 175191

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 171

Boyle's  lectures  Vol 3d

Borrowed: 1771/1/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/5/7 (Tuesday). Classmark: N3. 7. Original Returned Text: Boyle's lectures Vol 3d.


Mr William Ritchie
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Sampson Letsome (Male, born c.1703, died 1760), John Nicholl (Male)
Genre: Sermons
A defence of Natural and Revealed religion: Being a collection of the sermons Preached at the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; (From the Year 1691 to the Year 1732.) With the Additions and Amendments of the several authors, And general indexes. In three volumes. Containing those Preached by Dr. Bentley, Bp. Kidder, Bp. Williams, Bp. Gastrel, Dr. Harris, Bp. Bradford, Bp. Blackhall, Dr. Stanhope.
Classmark: N.3.7.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sampson Letsome (Male, born c.1703, died 1760), John Nicholl (Male)
Genre: Sermons
A defence of natural and revealed religion: being a collection of the sermons preached at the Lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle (from the year 1691 to the year 1732.) With the additions and amendments of the several authors, and general indexes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1739. Format: folio.
Editors: Edited by Sampson Letsome and John Nicholl
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 99 times in 84 borrowing records

Book Work

Sampson Letsome (Male, born c.1703, died 1760), John Nicholl (Male)
Genre: Sermons
Defence of Natural and Revealed Religion [Collection]

Borrowed: 1771/1/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/5/7 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Mr William Ritchie

Author: Sampson Letsome (Male, born c.1703, died 1760), John Nicholl (Male), Genre: Sermons

Defence of Natural and Revealed Religion [Collection]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 175251

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 172

Fitzosburn's letters 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/2/5 (Tuesday). Classmark: B5, 29. Original Returned Text: Fitzosburns letters 1&2 V..


David Ritchie
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Melmoth (Male, born c.1710, died 1799)
Genre: Lives
Letters on several subjects. By the late Sir Thomas Fitzosborne [Pseud. i. e. W. Melmoth]...To which is added, (translated by the same hand) a dialogue upon oratory: attributed to Quinctilian [sic].
Classmark: L.6.3, B.5.29, B.6.12?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Melmoth (Male, born c.1710, died 1799)
Genre: Lives
Letters on several subjects. By the late Sir Thomas Fitzosborne [Pseud. i. e. W. Melmoth]...To which is added, (translated by the same hand) a dialogue upon oratory: attributed to Quinctilian [sic].
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 84 times in 48 borrowing records

Book Work

William Melmoth (Male, born c.1710, died 1799)
Genre: Lives
Letters of Sir Thomas Fitzosborne, on Several Subjects

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

William Melmoth (Male, born c.1710, died 1799)
Genre: Lives
The letters of Sir Thomas Fitzosborne, on several subjects.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1754. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 82 times in 46 borrowing records

Book Work

William Melmoth (Male, born c.1710, died 1799)
Genre: Lives
Letters of Sir Thomas Fitzosborne, on Several Subjects

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/2/5 (Tuesday).

Borrower: David Ritchie

Author: William Melmoth (Male, born c.1710, died 1799), Genre: Lives

Letters of Sir Thomas Fitzosborne, on Several Subjects

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 175302

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 173

Rol .  Ro. his 5 & 6 V.

Borrowed: 1771/1/22 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Classmark: --- --. Original Returned Text: Rol. Ro . hist 5 & 6 Vol.


Thomas Craigdally Craigdallie
Gender: Male.
Life dates: b. c. 1755. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium: that is, To the end of the Commonwealth. By Mr. Rollin, late Principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French.
Classmark: J.5.2, K.4.8, B.4.11, B.3.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6

Borrowed: 1771/1/22 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/28 (Monday).

Borrower: Thomas Craigdally Craigdallie

Author: Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741), Genre: History

Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium [Charles Rollin]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6

Record ID 175299

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 173

Rol- Ro. hist 3 & 4 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/22 (Tuesday). Classmark: B4. 11. Original Returned Text: Rol. Ro. hist. 3 & 4 V..


Thomas Craigdally Craigdallie
Gender: Male.
Life dates: b. c. 1755. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium: that is, To the end of the Commonwealth. By Mr. Rollin, late Principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French.
Classmark: J.5.2, K.4.8, B.4.11, B.3.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/22 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Thomas Craigdally Craigdallie

Author: Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741), Genre: History

Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium [Charles Rollin]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 175305

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 173

Rol .  Ro . hist Vol 7th

Borrowed: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Returned: 1771/2/11 (Monday). Classmark: -------. Original Returned Text: Rol . Ro. Shist Vol 7th.


Thomas Craigdally Craigdallie
Gender: Male.
Life dates: b. c. 1755. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium: that is, To the end of the Commonwealth. By Mr. Rollin, late Principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French.
Classmark: J.5.2, K.4.8, B.4.11, B.3.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 7

Borrowed: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Returned: 1771/2/11 (Monday).

Borrower: Thomas Craigdally Craigdallie

Author: Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741), Genre: History

Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium [Charles Rollin]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 7

Record ID 175296

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 173

Boswell's Corsica

Borrowed: 1771/1/12 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Classmark: P5 . 9. Original Returned Text: Boswell's Corsica.


Thomas Craigdally Craigdallie
Gender: Male.
Life dates: b. c. 1755. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Boswell (Male, born 1740, died 1795)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Travel
An account of Corsica, the journal of a tour to that island; and memoirs of Pascal Paoli / by James Boswell, Esq; illustrated with a new and accurate map of Corsica.
Classmark: P.5.9.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

James Boswell (Male, born 1740, died 1795)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Travel
An account of Corsica, the journal of a tour to that island; and memoirs of Pascal Paoli.
Language: English . Published: Glasgow. Date of publication: 1768. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 85 times in 83 borrowing records

Book Work

James Boswell (Male, born 1740, died 1795)
Genre: Lives, Genre: Travel
Account of Corsica, the Journal of a Tour to that Island; and Memoirs of Pascal Paoli

Record ID 175359

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 174

Balfour's Deleniation

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/4/4 (Thursday). Classmark: N6 . 16. Original Returned Text: Balfour's Dilination.


George Gordon
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

James Balfour (Male, born 1705, died 1795)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
A delineation of the nature and obligation of morality. With reflexions upon Mr. Hume’s book, intitled, An inquiry concerning the principles of morals. [Balfour]
Classmark: N.6.16, R.9.7.

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/4/4 (Thursday).

Borrower: George Gordon

Author: James Balfour (Male, born 1705, died 1795), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Delineation of the Nature and Obligation of Morality

Record ID 175362

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 174

Broun's Essays 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/4/4 (Thursday). Classmark: Q4.12. Original Returned Text: Broun Essays.


George Gordon
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays on the characteristics / by John Brown...
Classmark: Q.4.12, D.6.6?.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays on the characteristics / by John Brown...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 32

Book Work

John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays on the Characteristics [John Brown]

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/4/4 (Thursday).

Borrower: George Gordon

Author: John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Essays on the Characteristics [John Brown]

Record ID 175407

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 175

Femle Spectator Vol 1st

Borrowed: 1771/1/18 (Friday). Returned: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Classmark: B5 .10. Original Returned Text: Female Spectator Vol 1st.


John Jobson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756)
Genre: Periodicals
The female spectator.
Classmark: L. ., J.6.3, B.5.10, B.5.18.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756)
Genre: Periodicals
The female spectator.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1745-1746. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 206 times in 134 borrowing records

Book Work

Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756)
Genre: Periodicals
Female Spectator

Borrowed: 1771/1/18 (Friday). Returned: 1771/1/28 (Monday).

Borrower: John Jobson

Author: Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756), Genre: Periodicals

Female Spectator

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 175410

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 175

Fodyce's Ser.  1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/22 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/2/4 (Monday). Classmark: P7. 29. Original Returned Text: Fordyce's Ser. 1 & 2 Vol.


John Jobson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

James Fordyce (Male, born 1720, died 1796)
Genre: Education
Sermons to young women: in two volumes. ... [Fordyce]
Classmark: P.7.29, P.9.19.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

James Fordyce (Male, born 1720, died 1796)
Genre: Education
Sermons to young women: in two volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1766. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 10 times in 5 borrowing records

Book Work

James Fordyce (Male, born 1720, died 1796)
Genre: Education
Sermons to Young Women [James Fordyce]

Borrowed: 1771/1/22 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/2/4 (Monday).

Borrower: John Jobson

Author: James Fordyce (Male, born 1720, died 1796), Genre: Education

Sermons to Young Women [James Fordyce]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 175413

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 175

Baxter's Matho 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Returned: 1771/2/4 (Monday). Classmark: B6. 2. Original Returned Text: Baxter's Matho 1 & 2 Vol.


John Jobson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Andrew Baxter (Male, born c.1686, died 1750)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Theology
Matho: or, the Cosmotheoria Puerilis, a dialogue. In which The first Principles of Philosophy and Astronomy are accommodated to the Capacity of young Persons, or such as have yet no Tincture of these Sciences. Hence the Principles of Natural Religion are deduced. Translated, and enlarged by the Author. In Two Volumes.
Classmark: J.5.24, B.6.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Returned: 1771/2/4 (Monday).

Borrower: John Jobson

Author: Andrew Baxter (Male, born c.1686, died 1750), Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Theology

Matho: or, the Cosmotheoria Puerilis, A Dialogue

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 175479

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 176

Borrowed: 1771/1/11 (Friday). Returned: 1771/2/4 (Monday).

Borrower: William Menzies

Author: William Robertson (Male, born 1721, died 1793), Genre: History

History of Scotland During the Reigns of Queen Mary and King James VI

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 175539

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 177

Watson's Horace 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Returned: 1771/2/20 (Wednesday). Classmark: D3 - 3. Original Returned Text: Watson's Horace 1 & 2 Vol.


John Malcolm
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Horace (Male, born BCE65-12-8, died BCE8-11-27)
Genre: Poetry
The Odes, epodes, and carmen Seculare of Horace, Translated into English Prose, As near as the Two Languages will admit. Together with the Original Latin from the Best Editions. Wherein The Words of the Latin Text are put in their Grammatical Order; the Observation of the most Valuable Commentators, both ancient and modern, represented; and the Author's Design and Beautiful Descriptions fully set forth in a Key annexed to each Ode and Poem; with Notes both Geographical and Historical. The Whole adapted to the Capacities of Youth at School, as well as of Private Gentlemen. By David Watson, M.A. Of St. Leonard's College, St. Andrew's. Revised by a Gentleman will-skilled in this sort of Literature at London.
Classmark: J.4.11, D.3.3, R.5.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1771/1/28 (Monday). Returned: 1771/2/20 (Wednesday).

Borrower: John Malcolm

Author: Horace (Male, born BCE65-12-8, died BCE8-11-27), Genre: Poetry

Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Seculare of Horace

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 175536

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 177

Amelia by Feilding 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/2/1 (Friday). Classmark: - -. Original Returned Text: Amelia 1 & 2 Vol.


John Malcolm
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/2/1 (Friday).

Borrower: John Malcolm

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 175533

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 177

Emily  Mont. 13 & 4 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/5 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Classmark: - .--. Original Returned Text: Emily Mont 3 & 4 Vol.


John Malcolm
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Frances Brooke (Female, born c.1724, died 1789)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Emily Montague. In four volumes. By the author of Lady Julia Mandeville. ...
Classmark: E.7.32, B.7.4.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Frances Brooke (Female, born c.1724, died 1789)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Emily Montague. In four volumes. By the author of Lady Julia Mandeville. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1769. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 160 times in 62 borrowing records

Book Work

Frances Brooke (Female, born c.1724, died 1789)
Genre: Fiction
History of Emily Montague

Borrowed: 1771/1/5 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday).

Borrower: John Malcolm

Author: Frances Brooke (Female, born c.1724, died 1789), Genre: Fiction

History of Emily Montague

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 175761

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 180

Amelia  3 & 4 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/16 (Wednesday). Classmark: M7. 8. Original Returned Text: Amelia 3 & 4 Vol.


George Gordon Lord Haddo
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1764-1791. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/16 (Wednesday).

Borrower: George Gordon Lord Haddo

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 175818

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 181

Hist . of Grcee

Borrowed: 1771/1/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/1/5 (Saturday). Classmark: E7. 3. Original Returned Text: Hist . of Grcee.


Alexander MacKenzie
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Pons Augustin Alletz (Male, born c.1705, died 1785)
Genre: History
The history of ancient Greece; from the earliest times, till it became a Roman province.
Classmark: E.7.5, R.9.11.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Pons Augustin Alletz (Male, born c.1705, died 1785)
Genre: History
The history of ancient Greece; from the earliest times, till it became a Roman province.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1768. Format: 12mo.
Translators: Robertson, William, 1740-1803
Number of borrowings: 75

Book Work

Pons Augustin Alletz (Male, born c.1705, died 1785)
Genre: History
History of Ancient Greece; from the Earliest Times, till it Became a Roman Province [Pons Augustin Alletz]

Record ID 175821

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 181

Borrowed: 1771/1/5 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/5 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Alexander MacKenzie

Author: Jean Jacques Burlamaqui (Male, born 1694, died 1748), Genre: Law

Principles of Natural Law [Jean Jacques Burlamaqui]

Record ID 175911

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 182

Lucian's Dialogues

Borrowed: 1771/1/11 (Friday). Returned: 1771/1/11 (Friday). Classmark: B5 .23. Original Returned Text: Lucianen's Dialogus.


Robert Burnett
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Lucian of Samosata (Male, born c.125, died 185)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The Select Dialogues of Lucian. To which is added, a new literal translation in Latin, with notes in English. By the Revd. Edward Murphy, M. A.
Classmark: K.4.10, B.5.23.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Lucian of Samosata (Male, born c.125, died 185)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The Select Dialogues of Lucian. To which is added, a new literal translation in Latin, with notes in English. By the Revd. Edward Murphy, M. A.
Language: Greek | Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1744. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 18

Book Work

Lucian of Samosata (Male, born c.125, died 185)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Works of Lucian of Samosata

Borrowed: 1771/1/11 (Friday). Returned: 1771/1/11 (Friday).

Borrower: Robert Burnett

Author: Lucian of Samosata (Male, born c.125, died 185), Genre: Belles Lettres

Works of Lucian of Samosata

Record ID 176040

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 184

Pope's  Essay on Man &C

Borrowed: 1771/1/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Classmark: P3. 40. Original Returned Text: Pope's Essay on Man &.C..


David Grant
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1750-1791. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Alexander Pope (Male, born 1688-5-21, died 1744-5-30)
Genre: Poetry
The essay on man, Eloisa to Abelard, Verses to the memory of an unfortunate lady, Messiah a sacred eclogue, and a few other copies of Mr. Pope’s, on the most generally interesting subjects, being translated into Latin verse, with a second edition of the Essay on criticism corrected, amounting, in the whole, to near 3000 lines, the following proposals and specimen are submitted, with the greatest deference, to his literary admirers.
Classmark: P.3.40.

Record ID 176043

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 184

Rol.  Ro. hist. 3 & 4 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/3/19 (Tuesday). Classmark: B4. 11. Original Returned Text: Rol. Ro. hist .3 &4 V..


David Grant
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1750-1791. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium: that is, To the end of the Commonwealth. By Mr. Rollin, late Principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French.
Classmark: J.5.2, K.4.8, B.4.11, B.3.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/3/19 (Tuesday).

Borrower: David Grant

Author: Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741), Genre: History

Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium [Charles Rollin]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 176076

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 185

Brooke's Na. hist. 5 & 6 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/8 (Friday). Classmark: L6- 12. Original Returned Text: Brooke's Na. hist. 5 & 6 V..


William Ritchie
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Richard Brookes (Male)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
A new and accurate system of natural history; containing I. The history of quadrupedes, including Amphibious Animals, Frogs, and Lizards, with their Properties and Uses in Medicine. II. The History of Birds, with the Method of bringing up those of the singing Kind. III. The History of Fishes and Serpents, including Sea-Turtles, Crustaceous and Shell-Fishes; with their medicinal Uses. IV. The History of Insects, with their Properties and Uses in Medicine. V. The History of Waters, Earths, Stones, Fossils, and Minerals; with their Virtues, Properties, and Medicinal Uses: To which is added, the Method in which Linnaeus has treated these Subjects. VI. The history of vegetables, as well Foreign as Indigenous, including an Account of the Roots, Barks, Woods, Leaves, Flowers, Fruits, Seeds, Resins, Gums, and concreted Juices; as also their Properties, Virtues, and Uses in Medicine; together with the Method of cultivating those planted in Gardens. By R. Brookes, M. D. Author of the General Practice of Physic. In six volumes.
Classmark: L.6.12.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6

Borrowed: 1771/1/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/2/8 (Friday).

Borrower: William Ritchie

Author: Richard Brookes (Male), Genre: Natural Philosophy

New and Accurate System of Natural History

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6

Record ID 176124

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 186

John's Descrption Sector

Borrowed: 1771/1/30 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/5/11 (Saturday). Classmark: B7. 22. Original Returned Text: John's Descrip. Sectr..


James Saunders
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Edmund Gunter (Male, born 1581, died 1626)
Genre: Education, Genre: Mathematics, Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
De sectore & radio : the description and vse of the sector in three bookes : the description and vse of the crosse-staffe in other three books : for such as are studious of mathematicall practise. [Jones]
Classmark: K.7.45, B.7.22.

Borrowed: 1771/1/30 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/5/11 (Saturday).

Borrower: James Saunders

Author: Edmund Gunter (Male, born 1581, died 1626), Genre: Education, Genre: Mathematics, Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Description and Use of the Sector

Record ID 176121

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 186

Borrowed: 1771/1/30 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/2/25 (Monday).

Borrower: James Saunders

Author: Robert Greene (Male, born c.1678, died 1730), Genre: Natural Philosophy

Principles of the Philosophy of the Expansive and Contractive Forces

Record ID 176118

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 186

West's  pindar

Borrowed: 1771/1/19 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/30 (Wednesday). Classmark: N4.28. Original Returned Text: West's pindar.


James Saunders
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Pindar (Male, born BCE518, died BCE438)
Genre: Poetry
Odes of Pindar, with several other pieces in prose and verse, translated from the Greek. To which is prefixed a dissertation on the Olympick Games. By Gilbert West, Esq. LL. D.
Classmark: N.4.28.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Pindar (Male, born BCE518, died BCE438)
Genre: Poetry
Odes of Pindar, with several other pieces in prose and verse, translated from the Greek. To which is prefixed a dissertation on the Olympick Games. By Gilbert West, Esq. LL. D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749. Format: 4to.
Translators: Gilbert West
Number of borrowings: 7

Book Work

Pindar (Male, born BCE518, died BCE438)
Genre: Poetry
Odes of Pindar

Borrowed: 1771/1/19 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/1/30 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Saunders

Author: Pindar (Male, born BCE518, died BCE438), Genre: Poetry

Odes of Pindar

Record ID 176166

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 187

Grandison's hist. 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/21 (Monday). Returned: 1771/1/25 (Friday). Classmark: O5 . 1. Original Returned Text: Grand. hist 1 & 2 Vol.


Walter Ogilvie
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1755-1808. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761)
Genre: Fiction
History of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters published from the originals, by the editor of Pamela and Clarissa. In six volumes. To the Last of which is added, An Historical and Characteristical Index. As also, A Brief History, authenticated by Original Letters, of the Treatment which the Editor has met with from certain Booksellers and Printers in Dublin. Including Observations on Mr. Faulkner’s Defence of Himself, published in his Irish News-Paper of Nov. 3. 1753.
Classmark: O.5.1, B.5.27.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1771/1/21 (Monday). Returned: 1771/1/25 (Friday).

Borrower: Walter Ogilvie

Author: Samuel Richardson (Male, born 1689, died 1761), Genre: Fiction

History of Sir Charles Grandison

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 176163

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 187

David  Simple 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/25 (Friday). Classmark: Q6 . 17. Original Returned Text: David Simple 1 & 2 Vol.


Walter Ogilvie
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1755-1808. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Sarah Fielding (Female, born 1710, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of David Simple: containing an account of his travels through the cities of London and Westminster, in the search of a real friend. By a Lady. In two volumes.
Classmark: J.7.4, Q.6.17.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

Sarah Fielding (Female, born 1710, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of David Simple: containing an account of his travels through the cities of London and Westminster, in the search of a real friend. By a Lady. In two volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1744. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 139 times in 64 borrowing records

Book Work

Sarah Fielding (Female, born 1710, died 1768)
Genre: Fiction
Adventures of David Simple

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/25 (Friday).

Borrower: Walter Ogilvie

Author: Sarah Fielding (Female, born 1710, died 1768), Genre: Fiction

Adventures of David Simple

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 176172

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 187

Sidnay's Arcadia

Borrowed: 1771/1/25 (Friday). Returned: 1771/2/6 (Wednesday). Classmark: A3. 24. Original Returned Text: Sidnay's Arcadia.


Walter Ogilvie
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1755-1808. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Sir Philip Sidney (Male, born 1554, died 1586), Mrs D. Stanley (Female)
Genre: Poetry
[Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia, moderniz'd by Mrs Stanley].
Classmark: A.3.12, A.3.22.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sir Philip Sidney (Male, born 1554, died 1586), Mrs D. Stanley (Female)
Genre: Poetry
[Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia, moderniz'd by Mrs Stanley].
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1725. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 26

Book Work

Sir Philip Sidney (Male, born 1554, died 1586), Mrs D. Stanley (Female)
Genre: Poetry
Arcadia [Sir Philip Sidney]

Borrowed: 1771/1/25 (Friday). Returned: 1771/2/6 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Walter Ogilvie

Author: Sir Philip Sidney (Male, born 1554, died 1586), Mrs D. Stanley (Female), Genre: Poetry

Arcadia [Sir Philip Sidney]

Record ID 176169

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 187

Emily  Montague 1 . 2 .3 & 4 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/25 (Friday). Returned: 1771/1/25 (Friday). Classmark: E7. 32. Original Returned Text: Emily Montague 1 . 2 -3 &4V..


Walter Ogilvie
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1755-1808. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Frances Brooke (Female, born c.1724, died 1789)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Emily Montague. In four volumes. By the author of Lady Julia Mandeville. ...
Classmark: E.7.32, B.7.4.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Frances Brooke (Female, born c.1724, died 1789)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Emily Montague. In four volumes. By the author of Lady Julia Mandeville. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1769. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 160 times in 62 borrowing records

Book Work

Frances Brooke (Female, born c.1724, died 1789)
Genre: Fiction
History of Emily Montague

Borrowed: 1771/1/25 (Friday). Returned: 1771/1/25 (Friday).

Borrower: Walter Ogilvie

Author: Frances Brooke (Female, born c.1724, died 1789), Genre: Fiction

History of Emily Montague

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 176214

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 188

Universal  hist 7 & 8 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/1/31 (Thursday). Classmark: M5 . 1. Original Returned Text: Universal hist. 7 & 8 Vol..


Thomas Couper
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Classmark: K.4.1, K.4.14, M.5.1, M.6.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 7, Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: History
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1754. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1453 times in 850 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Borrowed: 1771/1/17 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/1/31 (Thursday).

Borrower: Thomas Couper

Genre: History

Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Volumes borrowed: Volume 7, Volume 8

Record ID 176217

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 188

Martine's  Virgil

Borrowed: 1771/1/31 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/5/14 (Tuesday). Classmark: B5 . 12. Original Returned Text: Martine's Virgil.


Thomas Couper
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Virgil (Male, born BCE70-10-15, died BCE19-9-21)
Genre: Poetry
Publii Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum Libri Quatuor. The Georgicks of Virgil, with an English Translation and Notes. By John Martyn, F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge.
Classmark: K.5.30, B.5.12.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Virgil (Male, born BCE70-10-15, died BCE19-9-21)
Genre: Poetry
Publii Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum Libri Quatuor. The Georgicks of Virgil, with an English Translation and Notes. By John Martyn, F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge.
Language: Latin | English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1746. Format: 8vo.
Translators: Martyn, John, 1699-1768.
Number of borrowings: 28

Book Work

Virgil (Male, born BCE70-10-15, died BCE19-9-21)
Genre: Poetry
Georgics of Virgil

Borrowed: 1771/1/31 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/5/14 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Thomas Couper

Author: Virgil (Male, born BCE70-10-15, died BCE19-9-21), Genre: Poetry

Georgics of Virgil

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