Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Year of publication: 1750-1753

Your search matched 7970 borrowing records.



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Page 70 of 80

Record ID 166554

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 64

Shakespear's Works 6 & 8 Vol

Borrowed: 1772/7/1 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/7/1 (Wednesday). Classmark: --- -. Original Returned Text: Shakespear's Works 6 & 8V..


Thomas Raitt
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6, Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1772/7/1 (Wednesday). Returned: 1772/7/1 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Thomas Raitt

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6, Volume 8

Record ID 166536

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 64

Spirit of  laws  Vol 3d

Borrowed: 1772/4/27 (Monday). Returned: 1772/5/1 (Friday). Classmark: Q7. 26. Original Returned Text: Spirit of laws Vol 3d.


Thomas Raitt
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Baron Charles de Secondat Montesquieu (Male, born 1689, died 1755)
Genre: Law, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
De l'esprit des loix, ou du rapport que les loix doivent avoir avec la constitution de chaque gouvernement, les moeurs, le climat, la religion, le commerce, &c. A quoi l'auteur a ajoûté des recherches nouvelles sur les loix Romaines touchant les successions, sur les loix Françoises, & sur les loix Féodales. Corrigée par l'auteur, & augmentée d'une table des matieres, & d'une carte géographique, pour servir à l'intelligence des articles qui concernent le commerce.
Classmark: K.8.19, Q.7.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Borrowed: 1772/4/27 (Monday). Returned: 1772/5/1 (Friday).

Borrower: Thomas Raitt

Author: Baron Charles de Secondat Montesquieu (Male, born 1689, died 1755), Genre: Law, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy

Spirit of Laws

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 166521

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 64

Spirit of laws in French 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1772/1/10 (Friday). Returned: 1772/1/10 (Friday). Classmark: Q7. 26. Original Returned Text: Spirit of laws 1 & 2 Vol..


Thomas Raitt
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Baron Charles de Secondat Montesquieu (Male, born 1689, died 1755)
Genre: Law, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy
De l'esprit des loix, ou du rapport que les loix doivent avoir avec la constitution de chaque gouvernement, les moeurs, le climat, la religion, le commerce, &c. A quoi l'auteur a ajoûté des recherches nouvelles sur les loix Romaines touchant les successions, sur les loix Françoises, & sur les loix Féodales. Corrigée par l'auteur, & augmentée d'une table des matieres, & d'une carte géographique, pour servir à l'intelligence des articles qui concernent le commerce.
Classmark: K.8.19, Q.7.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1772/1/10 (Friday). Returned: 1772/1/10 (Friday).

Borrower: Thomas Raitt

Author: Baron Charles de Secondat Montesquieu (Male, born 1689, died 1755), Genre: Law, Genre: Politics, Society and Political Economy

Spirit of Laws

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 166593

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 65

Gentleman's Companion 1 & 2 V:

Borrowed: 1769/7/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/7/11 (Tuesday). Classmark: Q7. 38. Original Returned Text: Gentlemans Com: 1 & 2 V:.


John Stark
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Country Gentleman (Male)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
The country gentleman’s companion. In two volumes. ... . Contains, I. Of the horse in general. II. Of riding in general. III. Of breeding all Sorts of Horses. IV. Of ordering and dietting all Sorts of Horses. V. The most approv’d Methods of Cure for all Diseases in Horses. VI Of the Bull, Ox, Cow, or Calf. Vii. The best Methods of curing their Diseases. Viii. Of Sheep and Lambs. IX. Their Diseases, and how to cure them. X. Of Goats. XI. Their Diseases, and Methods of Cure. XII. Of Swine. XIII. Their Diseases, and the best Methods of curing them. XIV. Of Poultry, &c. XV. Their Diseases, and Methods of Cure. XVI. The Nature, Ordering and Preservation of Bees. XVII. Of Fishing in general, and of making Fish-Ponds. XVIII. Of taking all sorts of fish. By a country gentleman, from his own experience.
Classmark: Q.7.38.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1769/7/5 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/7/11 (Tuesday).

Borrower: John Stark

Author: Country Gentleman (Male), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Country Gentleman’s Companion

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 166755

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 66

Congrav Works  Vol 1 & 2d

Borrowed: 1769/1/21 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/1/24 (Tuesday). Classmark: P7 . 11. Original Returned Text: Congravworks Vol 1 &2d.


John Scott
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1750-1813. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Mr. William Congreve: in three volumes. Consisting of his plays and poems. The sixth edition.
Classmark: P.7.11, P.9.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Mr. William Congreve: in three volumes. Consisting of his plays and poems. The sixth edition.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 75 times in 42 borrowing records

Book Work

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Congreve

Borrowed: 1769/1/21 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/1/24 (Tuesday).

Borrower: John Scott

Author: William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Congreve

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 166776

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 66

Peregrin Pickle Vol. 1 & 2d

Borrowed: 1769/2/22 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/2/27 (Monday). Classmark: D6. 3. Original Returned Text: Peregrin Pickle V1 & 2d.


John Scott
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1750-1813. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a lady of quality. In four volumes. ...
Classmark: K.8.29, D.6.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a lady of quality. In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 77 times in 37 borrowing records

Book Work

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Borrowed: 1769/2/22 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/2/27 (Monday).

Borrower: John Scott

Author: Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771), Genre: Fiction

Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 166830

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 67

Shakespear's works Vol 3d

Borrowed: 1769/11/25 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/12/2 (Saturday). Classmark: Q6. 15. Original Returned Text: Shakespear works Vol 3d.


Charles Stewart
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-1825. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1769/11/25 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/12/2 (Saturday).

Borrower: Charles Stewart

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 166857

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 67

Shakespear works  Vol 8th

Borrowed: 1770/1/19 (Friday). Returned: 1770/2/14 (Wednesday). Classmark: Q6- 15. Original Returned Text: Shakespear's works Vol 8.


Charles Stewart
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-1825. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1770/1/19 (Friday). Returned: 1770/2/14 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Charles Stewart

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Record ID 166833

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 67

Shakes pear's  work Vol 1st

Borrowed: 1769/12/2 (Saturday). Returned: 1770/1/15 (Monday). Classmark: Q6. 15. Original Returned Text: Shakespear's work V 1st.


Charles Stewart
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-1825. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1769/12/2 (Saturday). Returned: 1770/1/15 (Monday).

Borrower: Charles Stewart

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 166809

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 67

Smiths  Longinius

Borrowed: 1769/3/11 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/5/8 (Monday). Classmark: N6 . 32. Original Returned Text: Smiths Longinius.


Charles Stewart
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-1825. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Longinus (Male)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Dionysius Longinus on the Sublime: translated from the Greek, with notes and observations, and some account of the life, writings, and character of the author. By William Smith, A. M. Rector of Trinity in Chester.
Classmark: N.6.32, L.5.30.

Borrowed: 1769/3/11 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/5/8 (Monday).

Borrower: Charles Stewart

Author: Longinus (Male), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

On the Sublime

Record ID 166881

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 68

Roline Roman hist:2 Vol

Borrowed: 1768/12/15 (Thursday). Returned: 1769/1/28 (Saturday). Classmark: B,4,11. Original Returned Text: Rollin's R. hist 2 Vol.


Thomas Stewart
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1751-1819. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium: that is, To the end of the Commonwealth. By Mr. Rollin, late Principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French.
Classmark: J.5.2, K.4.8, B.4.11, B.3.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1768/12/15 (Thursday). Returned: 1769/1/28 (Saturday).

Borrower: Thomas Stewart

Author: Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741), Genre: History

Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium [Charles Rollin]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 166926

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 68

Broun's  Essay's

Borrowed: 1769/11/25 (Saturday). Returned: 1770/1/13 (Saturday). Classmark: Q4. 12. Original Returned Text: Broun's Essays.


Thomas Stewart
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1751-1819. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays on the characteristics / by John Brown...
Classmark: Q.4.12, D.6.6?.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays on the characteristics / by John Brown...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 32

Book Work

John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays on the Characteristics [John Brown]

Borrowed: 1769/11/25 (Saturday). Returned: 1770/1/13 (Saturday).

Borrower: Thomas Stewart

Author: John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Essays on the Characteristics [John Brown]

Record ID 166983

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 69

Hume's  Enquiray

Borrowed: 1769/4/15 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/5/10 (Wednesday). Classmark: P6. .44. Original Returned Text: Hume's Enquiry.


John Stewart
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
An enquiry concerning the principles of morals. By David Hume, Esq.
Classmark: P.6.44, R.7.7.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
An enquiry concerning the principles of morals. By David Hume, Esq.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 38

Book Work

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Enquiry concerning the principles of morals [David Hume]

Borrowed: 1769/4/15 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/5/10 (Wednesday).

Borrower: John Stewart

Author: David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Enquiry concerning the principles of morals [David Hume]

Record ID 167049

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 70

Amelia  1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1769/1/28 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/2/14 (Tuesday). Classmark: M7, 8. Original Returned Text: Amelia 1 & 2 d Vol.


David Sim
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-1823. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1769/1/28 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/2/14 (Tuesday).

Borrower: David Sim

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 167058

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 71

Rollines Roman Hist: V. 3 & 4th

Borrowed: 1768/12. Returned: 1769/2/14 (Tuesday). Classmark: B.4: 11. Original Returned Text: Rolline's R . hist Vol 3 & 4th.


Archibald Singers
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium: that is, To the end of the Commonwealth. By Mr. Rollin, late Principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French.
Classmark: J.5.2, K.4.8, B.4.11, B.3.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Borrowed: 1768/12. Returned: 1769/2/14 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Archibald Singers

Author: Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741), Genre: History

Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium [Charles Rollin]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 167067

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 71

Rollin's  R: hist Vol 5 & 6th

Borrowed: 1769/2/14 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/4/5 (Wednesday). Classmark: B4 . 11. Original Returned Text: Rolline's Ro: Hist V5 & 6th.


Archibald Singers
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium: that is, To the end of the Commonwealth. By Mr. Rollin, late Principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French.
Classmark: J.5.2, K.4.8, B.4.11, B.3.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6

Borrowed: 1769/2/14 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/4/5 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Archibald Singers

Author: Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741), Genre: History

Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium [Charles Rollin]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6

Record ID 167133

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 71

Netleton on Virtue & happiness

Borrowed: 1771/1/4 (Friday). Returned: 1771/2/23 (Saturday). Original Returned Text: Net - on Virtue &-C..


Archibald Singers
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Thomas Nettleton (Male, born 1683, died 1742)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Some thoughts concerning virtue and happiness. [Nettleton]
Classmark: O.5.15, P.8.60.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Thomas Nettleton (Male, born 1683, died 1742)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Some thoughts concerning virtue and happiness.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 45

Book Work

Thomas Nettleton (Male, born 1683, died 1742)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Some Thoughts Voncerning Virtue and Happiness

Borrowed: 1771/1/4 (Friday). Returned: 1771/2/23 (Saturday).

Borrower: Archibald Singers

Author: Thomas Nettleton (Male, born 1683, died 1742), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Some Thoughts Voncerning Virtue and Happiness

Record ID 167085

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 71

Paradise lost 1 & 2d Vol

Borrowed: 1770/1/15 (Monday). Returned: 1770/2/16 (Friday). Classmark: L7. 31. Original Returned Text: Paradise lost 1 & 2 Vol..


Archibald Singers
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

John Milton (Male, born 1608, died 1674)
Genre: Poetry
Milton’s Paradise lost. A poem, in twelve books. With notes, Etymological, Critical, Classical, and Explanatory. Collected from Dr. Bentley; Dr. Pearce, the present Bishop of Bangor; Richardson and Son; Addison; Paterson; Newton, and other Authors; intended as a Key to this Divine Poem; whereby Persons unacquainted with the Learned Languages, and Polite Literature, will be introduced into a familiar Acquaintance with the various Beauties and Excellencies of this Master-Piece of Heroic Poetry. Dedicated to the King, By John Marchant, Gent. Author of the Exposition of the Old and New Testament, &c.
Classmark: L.7.31.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1770/1/15 (Monday). Returned: 1770/2/16 (Friday).

Borrower: Archibald Singers

Author: John Milton (Male, born 1608, died 1674), Genre: Poetry

Paradise Lost

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 167070

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 71

Melmoths  Cicero's Letters V. 3

Borrowed: 1769/3/4 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/5/5 (Friday). Classmark: Q4 , 9. Original Returned Text: Melmoth's Cicero's Letters V-3d.


Archibald Singers
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Marcus Tullius Cicero (Male, born BCE106-1-3, died BCE43-12-7), William Melmoth (Male, born c.1710, died 1799)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Lives
The letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to Several of his friends: with remarks by William Melmoth, Esq; in three volumes.
Classmark: Q.4.9, P.5.8.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Marcus Tullius Cicero (Male, born BCE106-1-3, died BCE43-12-7), William Melmoth (Male, born c.1710, died 1799)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Lives
The letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to several of his friends: with remarks by William Melmoth, Esq.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 62 times in 37 borrowing records

Book Work

Marcus Tullius Cicero (Male, born BCE106-1-3, died BCE43-12-7), William Melmoth (Male, born c.1710, died 1799)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Lives
Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to Several of his Friends: with Remarks by William Melmoth

Borrowed: 1769/3/4 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/5/5 (Friday).

Borrower: Archibald Singers

Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero (Male, born BCE106-1-3, died BCE43-12-7), William Melmoth (Male, born c.1710, died 1799), Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Lives

Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to Several of his Friends: with Remarks by William Melmoth

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 167148

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 72

Peregrine pickle 3 Vol:

Borrowed: 1768/12/26 (Monday). Returned: 1769/1/14 (Saturday). Classmark: D.6. 3. Original Returned Text: Peregrine pickle 3 Vol:.


John Stark
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a lady of quality. In four volumes. ...
Classmark: K.8.29, D.6.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a lady of quality. In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 77 times in 37 borrowing records

Book Work

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Borrowed: 1768/12/26 (Monday). Returned: 1769/1/14 (Saturday).

Borrower: John Stark

Author: Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771), Genre: Fiction

Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 167190

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 72

Amelia  3 & 4 Vol -

Borrowed: 1769/2/3 (Friday). Returned: 1769/2/13 (Monday). Classmark: M7. 8. Original Returned Text: Amelia 3 & 4 Vol:.


John Stark
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1769/2/3 (Friday). Returned: 1769/2/13 (Monday).

Borrower: John Stark

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 167232

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 73

Shakespear Works 1 & 2 V.

Borrowed: 1770/11/28 (Wednesday). Returned: 1770/12/17 (Monday). Classmark: Q 5. 16. Original Returned Text: Shakespear's Work 1 & 2 V..


Alexander Stewart
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1770/11/28 (Wednesday). Returned: 1770/12/17 (Monday).

Borrower: Alexander Stewart

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 167193

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 73

Peregrine Pickle 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1769/1/14 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/1/19 (Thursday). Classmark: D6. 3. Original Returned Text: Peregrine Pickle 1 &2 Vol.


Alexander Stewart
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a lady of quality. In four volumes. ...
Classmark: K.8.29, D.6.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a lady of quality. In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 77 times in 37 borrowing records

Book Work

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Borrowed: 1769/1/14 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/1/19 (Thursday).

Borrower: Alexander Stewart

Author: Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771), Genre: Fiction

Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 167220

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 73

Amelia 1 & 2d Vol

Borrowed: 1770/3/12 (Monday). Returned: 1770/3/16 (Friday). Classmark: M7. 8. Original Returned Text: Amelia 1 & 2 Vol.


Alexander Stewart
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1770/3/12 (Monday). Returned: 1770/3/16 (Friday).

Borrower: Alexander Stewart

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 167259

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 73

Rol-  Ro- hist. Vol 10th

Borrowed: 1772/2/4 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/2/4 (Tuesday). Classmark: B4 . 11. Original Returned Text: Rol. Ro- hist Vol 10th.


Alexander Stewart
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium: that is, To the end of the Commonwealth. By Mr. Rollin, late Principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French.
Classmark: J.5.2, K.4.8, B.4.11, B.3.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 10

Borrowed: 1772/2/4 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/2/4 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Alexander Stewart

Author: Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741), Genre: History

Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium [Charles Rollin]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 10

Record ID 167256

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 73

Rol.  Ro . hist. 8 & 9 Vol

Borrowed: 1772/1/13 (Monday). Returned: 1772/1/13 (Monday). Classmark: B4. 11. Original Returned Text: Rol. Ro .hist . 8 & 9 Vol.


Alexander Stewart
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium: that is, To the end of the Commonwealth. By Mr. Rollin, late Principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French.
Classmark: J.5.2, K.4.8, B.4.11, B.3.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 8, Volume 9

Borrowed: 1772/1/13 (Monday). Returned: 1772/1/13 (Monday).

Borrower: Alexander Stewart

Author: Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741), Genre: History

Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium [Charles Rollin]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 8, Volume 9

Record ID 167247

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 73

Rol. Ro .hist. 5 & 6 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/12/26 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/12/26 (Thursday). Classmark: B --. Original Returned Text: Rol- Ro. hist. 5 & 6 Vol.


Alexander Stewart
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium: that is, To the end of the Commonwealth. By Mr. Rollin, late Principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French.
Classmark: J.5.2, K.4.8, B.4.11, B.3.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6

Borrowed: 1771/12/26 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/12/26 (Thursday).

Borrower: Alexander Stewart

Author: Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741), Genre: History

Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium [Charles Rollin]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6

Record ID 167271

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 73

Do .. Do 17 & 18

Borrowed: 1772/3/14 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/3/14 (Saturday). Classmark: - -. Original Returned Text: Do. Do 17 & 18 Vol.


Alexander Stewart
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Classmark: K.4.1, K.4.14, M.5.1, M.6.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 17, Volume 18

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: History
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1754. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1453 times in 850 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Borrowed: 1772/3/14 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/3/14 (Saturday).

Borrower: Alexander Stewart

Genre: History

Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Volumes borrowed: Volume 17, Volume 18

Record ID 167268

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 73

 Do-      Do 15 & 16 Vol

Borrowed: 1772/2/29 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/2/29 (Saturday). Classmark: --- -. Original Returned Text: Do . Do 15 & 16 Vol.


Alexander Stewart
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Classmark: K.4.1, K.4.14, M.5.1, M.6.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 15, Volume 16

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: History
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1754. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1453 times in 850 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Borrowed: 1772/2/29 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/2/29 (Saturday).

Borrower: Alexander Stewart

Genre: History

Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Volumes borrowed: Volume 15, Volume 16

Record ID 167223

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 73

Amelia 3 & 4 Vol

Borrowed: 1770/3/16 (Friday). Returned: 1770/3/16 (Friday). Classmark: M7 . 8. Original Returned Text: Amelia 3 & 4 Vol.


Alexander Stewart
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1770/3/16 (Friday). Returned: 1770/3/16 (Friday).

Borrower: Alexander Stewart

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 167196

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 73

Peregrine Pickle Vol 4th

Borrowed: 1769/1/19 (Thursday). Returned: 1769/1/28 (Saturday). Classmark: D6. 3. Original Returned Text: Peregrin Pickle Vol 4th.


Alexander Stewart
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a lady of quality. In four volumes. ...
Classmark: K.8.29, D.6.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a lady of quality. In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 77 times in 37 borrowing records

Book Work

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Borrowed: 1769/1/19 (Thursday). Returned: 1769/1/28 (Saturday).

Borrower: Alexander Stewart

Author: Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771), Genre: Fiction

Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 167265

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 73

Universal hist.13 & 14 Vol

Borrowed: 1772/2/17 (Monday). Returned: 1772/2/29 (Saturday). Classmark: -- -. Original Returned Text: Uni- hist. 13 & 14 Vol-.


Alexander Stewart
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Classmark: K.4.1, K.4.14, M.5.1, M.6.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 13, Volume 14

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: History
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1754. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1453 times in 850 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Borrowed: 1772/2/17 (Monday). Returned: 1772/2/29 (Saturday).

Borrower: Alexander Stewart

Genre: History

Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Volumes borrowed: Volume 13, Volume 14

Record ID 167262

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 73

Universal hist 11 & 12 Vol

Borrowed: 1772/2/15 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/2/15 (Saturday). Classmark: M5 . 1. Original Returned Text: Uni. hist. 11 & 12 Vol..


Alexander Stewart
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Classmark: K.4.1, K.4.14, M.5.1, M.6.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 11, Volume 12

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: History
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1754. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1453 times in 850 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Borrowed: 1772/2/15 (Saturday). Returned: 1772/2/15 (Saturday).

Borrower: Alexander Stewart

Genre: History

Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Volumes borrowed: Volume 11, Volume 12

Record ID 167298

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 74

Peter Willkins

Borrowed: 1769/1/17 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/2/27 (Monday). Classmark: D.6. 4. Original Returned Text: Peter Wilkins.


John Stark
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Robert Paltock (Male, born 1697, died 1767)
Genre: Fiction
The life and adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish man: relating particularly, his shipwreck near the South Pole; his wonderful Passage thro’ a subterraneous Cavern into a kind of new World; his there meeting with a Gawry or flying Woman, whose Life he preserv’d, and afterwards married her; his extraordinary Conveyance to the Country of Glums and Gawrys, or Men and Women that fly. Likewise a Description of this strange Country, with the Laws, Customs, and Manners of its Inhabitants, and the Author’s remarkable Transactions among them. Taken from his own Mouth, in his Passage to England, from off Cape Horn in America, in the Ship Hector. With an Introduction, giving an Account of the surprizing Manner of his coming on board that surprizing Manner of his coming on board that Vessel, and his Death on his landing at Plymouth in the Year 1739. Illustrated with several Cuts, clearly and distinctly representing the Structure and Mechanism of the Wings of the Glums and Gawrys, and the Manner in which they use them either to swim or fly. By R.S. a passenger in the Hector. In two volumes. ...
Classmark: K.8.24, D.6.4.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Paltock (Male, born 1697, died 1767)
Genre: Fiction
The life and adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish man: relating particularly, his shipwreck near the South Pole; his wonderful Passage thro’ a subterraneous Cavern into a kind of new World; his there meeting with a Gawry or flying Woman, whose Life he preserv’d, and afterwards married her; his extraordinary Conveyance to the Country of Glums and Gawrys, or Men and Women that fly. Likewise a Description of this strange Country, with the Laws, Customs, and Manners of its Inhabitants, and the Author’s remarkable Transactions among them. Taken from his own Mouth, in his Passage to England, from off Cape Horn in America, in the Ship Hector. With an Introduction, giving an Account of the surprizing Manner of his coming on board that surprizing Manner of his coming on board that Vessel, and his Death on his landing at Plymouth in the Year 1739. Illustrated with several Cuts, clearly and distinctly representing the Structure and Mechanism of the Wings of the Glums and Gawrys, and the Manner in which they use them either to swim or fly. By R.S. a passenger in the Hector. In two volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 82 times in 46 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Paltock (Male, born 1697, died 1767)
Genre: Fiction
Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish Man

Borrowed: 1769/1/17 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/2/27 (Monday).

Borrower: John Stark

Author: Robert Paltock (Male, born 1697, died 1767), Genre: Fiction

Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish Man

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 167331

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 74

Peregrine  Pickle   1 . 2. &4 Vol

Borrowed: 1769/3/9 (Thursday). Returned: 1769/4/14 (Friday). Classmark: D6 . 3. Original Returned Text: Peregrin Pick: 1 . 2 - 4.


John Stark
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a lady of quality. In four volumes. ...
Classmark: K.8.29, D.6.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a lady of quality. In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 77 times in 37 borrowing records

Book Work

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Borrowed: 1769/3/9 (Thursday). Returned: 1769/4/14 (Friday).

Borrower: John Stark

Author: Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771), Genre: Fiction

Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 4

Record ID 167400

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 75

Petter Wilkin's 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1769/5/24 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/5/31 (Wednesday). Classmark: D6. 4. Original Returned Text: Petter Wilkin 's 1 & 2 Vol.


Andrew Duncan
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1755-1827. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Robert Paltock (Male, born 1697, died 1767)
Genre: Fiction
The life and adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish man: relating particularly, his shipwreck near the South Pole; his wonderful Passage thro’ a subterraneous Cavern into a kind of new World; his there meeting with a Gawry or flying Woman, whose Life he preserv’d, and afterwards married her; his extraordinary Conveyance to the Country of Glums and Gawrys, or Men and Women that fly. Likewise a Description of this strange Country, with the Laws, Customs, and Manners of its Inhabitants, and the Author’s remarkable Transactions among them. Taken from his own Mouth, in his Passage to England, from off Cape Horn in America, in the Ship Hector. With an Introduction, giving an Account of the surprizing Manner of his coming on board that surprizing Manner of his coming on board that Vessel, and his Death on his landing at Plymouth in the Year 1739. Illustrated with several Cuts, clearly and distinctly representing the Structure and Mechanism of the Wings of the Glums and Gawrys, and the Manner in which they use them either to swim or fly. By R.S. a passenger in the Hector. In two volumes. ...
Classmark: K.8.24, D.6.4.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Paltock (Male, born 1697, died 1767)
Genre: Fiction
The life and adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish man: relating particularly, his shipwreck near the South Pole; his wonderful Passage thro’ a subterraneous Cavern into a kind of new World; his there meeting with a Gawry or flying Woman, whose Life he preserv’d, and afterwards married her; his extraordinary Conveyance to the Country of Glums and Gawrys, or Men and Women that fly. Likewise a Description of this strange Country, with the Laws, Customs, and Manners of its Inhabitants, and the Author’s remarkable Transactions among them. Taken from his own Mouth, in his Passage to England, from off Cape Horn in America, in the Ship Hector. With an Introduction, giving an Account of the surprizing Manner of his coming on board that surprizing Manner of his coming on board that Vessel, and his Death on his landing at Plymouth in the Year 1739. Illustrated with several Cuts, clearly and distinctly representing the Structure and Mechanism of the Wings of the Glums and Gawrys, and the Manner in which they use them either to swim or fly. By R.S. a passenger in the Hector. In two volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 82 times in 46 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Paltock (Male, born 1697, died 1767)
Genre: Fiction
Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish Man

Borrowed: 1769/5/24 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/5/31 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Andrew Duncan

Author: Robert Paltock (Male, born 1697, died 1767), Genre: Fiction

Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish Man

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 167433

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 75

Mod:  Characters 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1769/6/14 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/6/21 (Wednesday). Classmark: M7, 9. Original Returned Text: Mod : Characters 1 & 2 V..


Andrew Duncan
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1755-1827. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Genre: Lives
Modern characters: illustrated by histories in real life, and address’d to the polite world. ...
Classmark: M.7.9.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Lives
Modern characters: illustrated by histories in real life, and address’d to the polite world.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 42 times in 23 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Lives
Modern Characters: Illustrated by Histories in Real Life, and Address’d to the Polite World

Borrowed: 1769/6/14 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/6/21 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Andrew Duncan

Genre: Lives

Modern Characters: Illustrated by Histories in Real Life, and Address’d to the Polite World

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 167442

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 75

Lady   Fraill

Borrowed: 1769/6/21 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/6/28 (Wednesday). Classmark: P6 44. Original Returned Text: Lady Fraill.


Andrew Duncan
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1755-1827. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Student.

Book Holding

John Hill (Male, born c.1714, died 1775)
Genre: Lives
The history of a woman of quality: or, the adventures of Lady Frail. By an impartial hand.
Classmark: K.8.27, P.6.47.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

John Hill (Male, born c.1714, died 1775)
Genre: Lives
The history of a woman of quality: or, the adventures of Lady Frail. By an impartial hand.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 24

Book Work

John Hill (Male, born c.1714, died 1775)
Genre: Lives
History of a Woman of Quality: or, The Adventures of Lady Frail

Borrowed: 1769/6/21 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/6/28 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Andrew Duncan

Author: John Hill (Male, born c.1714, died 1775), Genre: Lives

History of a Woman of Quality: or, The Adventures of Lady Frail

Record ID 167340

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 75

Shakspairs work Vol 4- 7 & 8

Borrowed: 1769/1/27 (Friday). Returned: 1769/1/27 (Friday). Classmark: Q 6. 15. Original Returned Text: Shackspaire's works4. 7 & 8 V:.


Thomas Scott
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1746-1824. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 7, Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1769/1/27 (Friday). Returned: 1769/1/27 (Friday).

Borrower: Thomas Scott

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 7, Volume 8

Record ID 167385

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 75

Buffon's N,  Hist: V, 1st

Borrowed: 1769/5/9 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/5/24 (Wednesday). Classmark: L4 . 2. Original Returned Text: Buffon's N: hist: Vol 1st.


Andrew Duncan
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1755-1827. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi. [By Buffon, L. J. M. D'Aubenton, P. Guéneau de Montbeillard, G. L. C. A. Bexon, and the Count de Lacépède.]
Classmark: L.4.2, O.6.14.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi. [By Buffon, L. J. M. D'Aubenton, P. Guéneau de Montbeillard, G. L. C. A. Bexon, and the Count de Lacépède.]
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1749-1767. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 243 times in 129 borrowing records

Book Work

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Natural History, General and Particular, by the Count de Buffon

Borrowed: 1769/5/9 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/5/24 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Andrew Duncan

Author: Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788), Genre: Natural Philosophy

Natural History, General and Particular, by the Count de Buffon

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 167436

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 75

Pompy ye Little

Borrowed: 1769/6/21 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/6/28 (Wednesday). Classmark: P6. 41. Original Returned Text: Pompy the little.


Andrew Duncan
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1755-1827. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Francis Coventry (Male, born c.1725, died 1759)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Pompey the little: or, the life and adventures of a lap-dog.
Classmark: K.8.25, P.6.41, R.7.6.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

Francis Coventry (Male, born c.1725, died 1759)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Pompey the little: or, the life and adventures of a lap-dog.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 12

Book Work

Francis Coventry (Male, born c.1725, died 1759)
Genre: Fiction
History of Pompey the Little: or, The Life and Adventures of a Lap-dog

Borrowed: 1769/6/21 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/6/28 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Andrew Duncan

Author: Francis Coventry (Male, born c.1725, died 1759), Genre: Fiction

History of Pompey the Little: or, The Life and Adventures of a Lap-dog

Record ID 167577

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 77

Shakspear's Works 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/11/29 (Friday). Returned: 1771/12/14 (Saturday). Classmark: --- -. Original Returned Text: Shakespears Works 1 & 2 Vol.


David Thomson
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1771/11/29 (Friday). Returned: 1771/12/14 (Saturday).

Borrower: David Thomson

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 167703

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 79

Buffon's Na. hist 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/10/9 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/10/9 (Wednesday). Classmark: L4. 2. Original Returned Text: Buffon's hist 1 & 2 Vol.


William Thomson
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1745-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi. [By Buffon, L. J. M. D'Aubenton, P. Guéneau de Montbeillard, G. L. C. A. Bexon, and the Count de Lacépède.]
Classmark: L.4.2, O.6.14.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi. [By Buffon, L. J. M. D'Aubenton, P. Guéneau de Montbeillard, G. L. C. A. Bexon, and the Count de Lacépède.]
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1749-1767. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 243 times in 129 borrowing records

Book Work

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Natural History, General and Particular, by the Count de Buffon

Borrowed: 1771/10/9 (Wednesday). Returned: 1771/10/9 (Wednesday).

Borrower: William Thomson

Author: Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788), Genre: Natural Philosophy

Natural History, General and Particular, by the Count de Buffon

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 167820

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 80

Amelia 1 & 2 Vol.

Borrowed: 1771/4/20 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/5/11 (Saturday). Classmark: M7. 8. Original Returned Text: Amelia 1 & 2 Vol.


James Milne Mylne
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1771/4/20 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/5/11 (Saturday).

Borrower: James Milne Mylne

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 167874

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 81

Uni.   hist . 3 & 4 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/23 (Wednesday). Classmark: M5 . 1. Original Returned Text: Uni. hist 3 & 4 Vol.


James Milne Mylne
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Classmark: K.4.1, K.4.14, M.5.1, M.6.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: History
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time. Compiled from Original Authors; and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, &c. With a general Index to the Whole.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1747-1754. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 1453 times in 850 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: History
Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Borrowed: 1771/1/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1771/1/23 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Milne Mylne

Genre: History

Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 167832

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 81

Hume's enqwiry

Borrowed: 1768/12/16 (Friday). Returned: 1769/1/13 (Friday). Classmark: P 6 : 4. Original Returned Text: Hume's enqur..


Charles Webster
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book Holding

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
An enquiry concerning the principles of morals. By David Hume, Esq.
Classmark: P.6.44, R.7.7.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
An enquiry concerning the principles of morals. By David Hume, Esq.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 38

Book Work

David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Enquiry concerning the principles of morals [David Hume]

Borrowed: 1768/12/16 (Friday). Returned: 1769/1/13 (Friday).

Borrower: Charles Webster

Author: David Hume (Male, born c.1711, died 1776), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Enquiry concerning the principles of morals [David Hume]

Record ID 167931

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 82

Jemmy & Jenny Jessamy 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1770/4/4 (Wednesday). Returned: 1770/4/7 (Saturday). Classmark: 6- 21. Original Returned Text: Jemmy & Jenny Jess .1&2 Vol.


James Wood
Gender: Male.
Life dates: bap. 1752-1825.

Book Holding

Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy. In three volumes. ... . By the author of The history of Betsy Thoughtless.
Classmark: M.6.21, R.8.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy. In three volumes. ... . By the author of The history of Betsy Thoughtless.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 98 times in 40 borrowing records

Book Work

Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756)
Genre: Fiction
History of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy

Borrowed: 1770/4/4 (Wednesday). Returned: 1770/4/7 (Saturday).

Borrower: James Wood

Author: Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756), Genre: Fiction

History of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 167940

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 82

Congreave's Works Vol 1st

Borrowed: 1770/4/10 (Tuesday). Returned: 1770/4/16 (Monday). Classmark: P7. 11. Original Returned Text: Congreave's Works V 1st.


James Wood
Gender: Male.
Life dates: bap. 1752-1825.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Mr. William Congreve: in three volumes. Consisting of his plays and poems. The sixth edition.
Classmark: P.7.11, P.9.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Mr. William Congreve: in three volumes. Consisting of his plays and poems. The sixth edition.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 75 times in 42 borrowing records

Book Work

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Congreve

Borrowed: 1770/4/10 (Tuesday). Returned: 1770/4/16 (Monday).

Borrower: James Wood

Author: William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Congreve

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 167934

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 82

Jemmy & Jenny Jess- Vol 3d

Borrowed: 1770/4/7 (Saturday). Returned: 1770/4/10 (Tuesday). Classmark: --- -. Original Returned Text: Jemmy & Jenny Jess.V 3d.


James Wood
Gender: Male.
Life dates: bap. 1752-1825.

Book Holding

Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy. In three volumes. ... . By the author of The history of Betsy Thoughtless.
Classmark: M.6.21, R.8.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy. In three volumes. ... . By the author of The history of Betsy Thoughtless.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 98 times in 40 borrowing records

Book Work

Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756)
Genre: Fiction
History of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy

Borrowed: 1770/4/7 (Saturday). Returned: 1770/4/10 (Tuesday).

Borrower: James Wood

Author: Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756), Genre: Fiction

History of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 168036

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 83

Peregrin  Pickle 1 - 2 & 4 Vol

Borrowed: 1769/8/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/10/11 (Wednesday). Classmark: D6- 3. Original Returned Text: Peregrin Pickle 1 . 2 &4 V..


Stewart West
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a lady of quality. In four volumes. ...
Classmark: K.8.29, D.6.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a lady of quality. In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 77 times in 37 borrowing records

Book Work

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Borrowed: 1769/8/23 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/10/11 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Stewart West

Author: Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771), Genre: Fiction

Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 4

Record ID 167997

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 83

Hogarth Analysis

Borrowed: 1769/1/17 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/1/28 (Saturday). Classmark: P4 . 9. Original Returned Text: Hogarth Analysis.


Stewart West
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Hogarth (Male, born 1697, died 1764)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
The analysis of beauty. Written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste, By William Hogarth.
Classmark: P.4.9.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Hogarth (Male, born 1697, died 1764)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
The analysis of beauty. Written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 29

Book Work

William Hogarth (Male, born 1697, died 1764)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Analysis of Beauty. Written with a View of Fixing the Fluctuating Ideas of Taste

Record ID 168012

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 83

Monthly review V. 19 & 18 for 1758

Borrowed: 1769/2/17 (Friday). Returned: 1769/2/21 (Tuesday). Classmark: T6. 14. Original Returned Text: Monthly review V: 19&18th.


Stewart West
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly Review. A periodical work, giving An Account, with proper Abstracts of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c. as they come out. Vol. ... By several hands.
Classmark: T.7.1, C.4.2, BB.5.2, E.4.1?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 18, Volume 19

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 167988

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 83

Hanway's Travels to the Caspian

Borrowed: 1768/12/23 (Friday). Returned: 1769/1/2 (Monday). Classmark: O. 3. 2. Original Returned Text: Hanway's Travels to the Caspian.


Stewart West
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Jonas Hanway (Male, born 1712, died 1786)
Genre: History, Genre: Travel
An historical account of the British trade over the Caspian Sea: with a journal of travels from London through Russia into Persia; and back again through Russia, Germany and Holland. To which are added, the revolutions of Persia during the present century, with the particular history of the great usurper Nadir Kouli. In four volumes. By Jonas Hanway, merchant.
Classmark: O.3.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Borrowed: 1768/12/23 (Friday). Returned: 1769/1/2 (Monday).

Borrower: Stewart West

Author: Jonas Hanway (Male, born 1712, died 1786), Genre: History, Genre: Travel

Historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 168072

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 84

Rol : Ro: hist Vol 10th

Borrowed: 1769/8/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/8/9 (Wednesday). Classmark: B4 . 11. Original Returned Text: Rol: Ro: hist Vol 10th.


Alexander Wilson
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1742-1789. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium: that is, To the end of the Commonwealth. By Mr. Rollin, late Principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French.
Classmark: J.5.2, K.4.8, B.4.11, B.3.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 10

Borrowed: 1769/8/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/8/9 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Alexander Wilson

Author: Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741), Genre: History

Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium [Charles Rollin]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 10

Record ID 168069

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 84

Rol: Ro: hist.Vol 8 & 9

Borrowed: 1769/7/19 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/8/2 (Wednesday). Classmark: B4. 11. Original Returned Text: Rol: Ro: hist Vol 8 & 9th.


Alexander Wilson
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1742-1789. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: History
Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium: that is, To the end of the Commonwealth. By Mr. Rollin, late Principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French.
Classmark: J.5.2, K.4.8, B.4.11, B.3.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 8, Volume 9

Borrowed: 1769/7/19 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/8/2 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Alexander Wilson

Author: Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741), Genre: History

Roman History from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium [Charles Rollin]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 8, Volume 9

Record ID 168123

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 85

The  Reflector

Borrowed: 1769/2/10 (Friday). Returned: 1769/2/21 (Tuesday). Classmark: Q4 . 7. Original Returned Text: The Reflector.


Patrick/Peter Watson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Peter Shaw (Male, born 1694, died 1763)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The reflector: representing human affairs, as they are; and may be improved.
Classmark: Q.4.7.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Peter Shaw (Male, born 1694, died 1763)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The reflector: representing human affairs, as they are; and may be improved.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1750. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 21

Book Work

Peter Shaw (Male, born 1694, died 1763)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Reflector: Representing Human Affairs, As They Are; and May Be Improved

Borrowed: 1769/2/10 (Friday). Returned: 1769/2/21 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Patrick/Peter Watson

Author: Peter Shaw (Male, born 1694, died 1763), Genre: Belles Lettres

Reflector: Representing Human Affairs, As They Are; and May Be Improved

Record ID 168150

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 85

Milton's  Paradise Vol 2d

Borrowed: 1769/4/10 (Monday). Returned: 1769/4/15 (Saturday). Classmark: R5 . 13. Original Returned Text: Milton's Paradise Vol 2d.


Patrick/Peter Watson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

John Milton (Male, born 1608, died 1674)
Genre: Poetry
Paradise regain'd. A poem, in four books. To which is added Samson Agonistes: and poems upon several occasions. The author John Milton. The second edition, with notes of various authors / by Thomas Newton.
Classmark: R.5.13, R.5.7.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Likely

John Milton (Male, born 1608, died 1674)
Genre: Poetry
Paradise regain'd. A poem, in four books. To which is added Samson Agonistes: and poems upon several occasions. The author John Milton. The second edition, with notes of various authors / by Thomas Newton.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 22 times in 13 borrowing records

Book Work

John Milton (Male, born 1608, died 1674)
Genre: Poetry
Paradise Regain’d. A Poem, in Four Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes: and Poems upon Several Occasions

Borrowed: 1769/4/10 (Monday). Returned: 1769/4/15 (Saturday).

Borrower: Patrick/Peter Watson

Author: John Milton (Male, born 1608, died 1674), Genre: Poetry

Paradise Regain’d. A Poem, in Four Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes: and Poems upon Several Occasions

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 168303

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 87

Dodrige family expositer V3d

Borrowed: 1769/1/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/2/15 (Wednesday). Classmark: M4. 7. Original Returned Text: Dodrdge F : expositorV 3.


David Wilkie
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
The family expositor: or, a paraphrase and version of the New Testament. With critical notes; and a Practical Improvement of each Section. ... . Containing the Former Part of The History of our Lord Jesus Christ, As recorded by the Four Evangelists, Disposed in the Order of an Harmony. By P. Doddridge, D.D.
Classmark: J.3.19, M.4.7, P.4.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
The family expositor: or, a paraphrase and version of the New Testament. With critical notes; and a Practical Improvement of each Section. ... . Containing the Former Part of The History of our Lord Jesus Christ, As recorded by the Four Evangelists, Disposed in the Order of an Harmony. By P. Doddridge, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1739-1756. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 56 times in 46 borrowing records

Book Work

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
Family Expositor

Borrowed: 1769/1/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/2/15 (Wednesday).

Borrower: David Wilkie

Author: Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751), Genre: Theology

Family Expositor

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 168354

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 88

Amelia  1 & 2 d Vol.

Borrowed: 1768/12/27 (Tuesday). Returned: 1768/12/29 (Thursday). Classmark: M. 7 . 8. Original Returned Text: Amelia 1 & 2d Vol.


Robert Young
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1768/12/27 (Tuesday). Returned: 1768/12/29 (Thursday).

Borrower: Robert Young

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 168369

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 88

Amelia  1 & 2 V :

Borrowed: 1769/3/27 (Monday). Returned: 1769/3/31 (Friday). Classmark: M7. 8. Original Returned Text: Amelia 1 & 2 Vol :.


Robert Young
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1769/3/27 (Monday). Returned: 1769/3/31 (Friday).

Borrower: Robert Young

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 168393

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 88

Congreave's plays Vol 1 & 2d

Borrowed: 1770/3/20 (Tuesday). Returned: 1770/4/25 (Wednesday). Classmark: P7. 11. Original Returned Text: Congreave's plays 1 & 2 V..


Patrick/Peter Watson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Mr. William Congreve: in three volumes. Consisting of his plays and poems. The sixth edition.
Classmark: P.7.11, P.9.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Mr. William Congreve: in three volumes. Consisting of his plays and poems. The sixth edition.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 75 times in 42 borrowing records

Book Work

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Congreve

Borrowed: 1770/3/20 (Tuesday). Returned: 1770/4/25 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Patrick/Peter Watson

Author: William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Congreve

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 168357

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 88

Amelia  3 & 4 Vol

Borrowed: 1768/12/29 (Thursday). Returned: 1769/1/7 (Saturday). Classmark: M7 , 8. Original Returned Text: Amelia 3 & 4 th Vol:.


Robert Young
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1768/12/29 (Thursday). Returned: 1769/1/7 (Saturday).

Borrower: Robert Young

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 168375

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 88

Amelia   3 & 4 Vol:

Borrowed: 1769/4/1 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/4/7 (Friday). Classmark: M7. 8. Original Returned Text: Amelia 3 & 4 Vol:.


Robert Young
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1769/4/1 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/4/7 (Friday).

Borrower: Robert Young

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 168351

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 88

Perregrin - pickle 3 Vol

Borrowed: 1768/12/19 (Monday). Returned: 1768/12/26 (Monday). Classmark: D.6 . 3. Original Returned Text: Perregrin--pickle 3 Vol:.


Robert Young
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a lady of quality. In four volumes. ...
Classmark: K.8.29, D.6.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a lady of quality. In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 77 times in 37 borrowing records

Book Work

Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771)
Genre: Fiction
Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Borrowed: 1768/12/19 (Monday). Returned: 1768/12/26 (Monday).

Borrower: Robert Young

Author: Tobias George Smollett (Male, born 1721, died 1771), Genre: Fiction

Adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 168456

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 89

Doddridge Family Expositer V 3d

Borrowed: 1769/2/22 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/3/21 (Tuesday). Classmark: M4. 7. Original Returned Text: Dodridge F : Ex: V 3d.


Duncan Mackay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
The family expositor: or, a paraphrase and version of the New Testament. With critical notes; and a Practical Improvement of each Section. ... . Containing the Former Part of The History of our Lord Jesus Christ, As recorded by the Four Evangelists, Disposed in the Order of an Harmony. By P. Doddridge, D.D.
Classmark: J.3.19, M.4.7, P.4.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
The family expositor: or, a paraphrase and version of the New Testament. With critical notes; and a Practical Improvement of each Section. ... . Containing the Former Part of The History of our Lord Jesus Christ, As recorded by the Four Evangelists, Disposed in the Order of an Harmony. By P. Doddridge, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1739-1756. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 56 times in 46 borrowing records

Book Work

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
Family Expositor

Borrowed: 1769/2/22 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/3/21 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Duncan Mackay

Author: Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751), Genre: Theology

Family Expositor

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 168468

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 89

Jortine  remarks Vol 2d

Borrowed: 1769/3/3 (Friday). Returned: 1769/3/3 (Friday). Classmark: Q4. 20. Original Returned Text: Jortin's remark V 2d.


Duncan Mackay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

John Jortin (Male, born 1698, died 1770)
Genre: History
Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. [Jortin]
Classmark: Q.4.20, G.6.10, P.5.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

John Jortin (Male, born 1698, died 1770)
Genre: History
Remarks on Ecclesiastical History.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751-1773. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 22 times in 12 borrowing records

Book Work

John Jortin (Male, born 1698, died 1770)
Genre: History
Remarks on Ecclesiastical History

Borrowed: 1769/3/3 (Friday). Returned: 1769/3/3 (Friday).

Borrower: Duncan Mackay

Author: John Jortin (Male, born 1698, died 1770), Genre: History

Remarks on Ecclesiastical History

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 168555

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 90

Bower's hist of ye popes Vol 3d

Borrowed: 1771/1/11 (Friday). Returned: 1771/1/27 (Sunday). Classmark: M3.26. Original Returned Text: Bower's hist . popes V. 3d.


Alexander Duncan
Gender: Male.
Life dates: b. c. 1747. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Archibald Bower (Male, born 1686, died 1766)
Genre: History, Genre: Lives
The history of the popes, from the Foundation of the See of Rome, to the present time. By Archibald Bower, Esq; Heretofore Public Professor of Rhetoric, History, and Philosophy, in the Universities of Rome, Fermo, and Macerata, And, in the latter Place, Counsellor of the Inquisition.
Classmark: L.4.7, M.3.26, Q.5.25.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Archibald Bower (Male, born 1686, died 1766)
Genre: History, Genre: Lives
The history of the popes, from the foundation of the See of Rome, to the present time
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1750. Format: 4to. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 71 times in 42 borrowing records

Book Work

Archibald Bower (Male, born 1686, died 1766)
Genre: History, Genre: Lives
History of the Popes, from the Foundation of the See of Rome, to the Present Time

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Archibald Bower (Male, born 1686, died 1766)
Genre: History, Genre: Lives
The history of the popes, from the Foundation of the See of Rome, to the present time.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1748-1766. Format: 4to. Pagination: 7 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 98 times in 70 borrowing records

Book Work

Archibald Bower (Male, born 1686, died 1766)
Genre: History, Genre: Lives
History of the Popes, from the Foundation of the See of Rome, to the Present Time

Borrowed: 1771/1/11 (Friday). Returned: 1771/1/27 (Sunday).

Borrower: Alexander Duncan

Author: Archibald Bower (Male, born 1686, died 1766), Genre: History, Genre: Lives

History of the Popes, from the Foundation of the See of Rome, to the Present Time

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 168693

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 92

Amelia 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1770/2/14 (Wednesday). Returned: 1770/2/19 (Monday). Classmark: M7 . 8. Original Returned Text: Amelia 1 & 2d Vol.


Patrick Hood
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1770/2/14 (Wednesday). Returned: 1770/2/19 (Monday).

Borrower: Patrick Hood

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 168690

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 92

Phi: Trans: Vol 4 thtoye 1700to1721

Borrowed: 1770/1/29 (Monday). Returned: 1770/1/30 (Tuesday). Classmark: L5 . 4. Original Returned Text: Phi . Trans . Vol 4th 1700to1721.


Patrick Hood
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Royal Society (Great Britain) (Unspecified, born 1660)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Periodicals
Philosophical transactions : giving some accompt of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious in many considerable parts of the world.
Classmark: F.5.18, F.7?, L.5.4.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 168633

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 92

Wat's works  Vol  6th

Borrowed: 1769/1/17 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/2/9 (Thursday). Classmark: M.4. 1. Original Returned Text: Wat's work Vol 6 th.


Patrick Hood
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Isaac Watts (Male, born 1674, died 1748)
Genre: Education, Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology
The Works Of the late Reverend and Learned Isaac Watts, D.D. Published by himself, and now collected into Six Volumes. In which are also inserted The Second Part of the Improvement of the Mind, An Essay on Education, And some Additions to his Miscellaneous Thoughts in Prose and Verse. Now first published from his Manuscripts, and, by the Direction of his Will, Revised and Corrected by D. Jennings, D.D. And the late P. Doddridge, D.D.
Classmark: M.4.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Borrowed: 1769/1/17 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/2/9 (Thursday).

Borrower: Patrick Hood

Author: Isaac Watts (Male, born 1674, died 1748), Genre: Education, Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology

Works of Isaac Watts

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Record ID 168696

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 92

Amelia 3 & 4 Vol

Borrowed: 1770/2/19 (Monday). Returned: 1770/2/19 (Monday). Classmark: -- --. Original Returned Text: Amelia 3 & 4 Vol.


Patrick Hood
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1770/2/19 (Monday). Returned: 1770/2/19 (Monday).

Borrower: Patrick Hood

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 168675

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 92

Philosophical Tran: 53 & 54 Vol

Borrowed: 1770/1/15 (Monday). Returned: 1770/1/20 (Saturday). Classmark: L5. 4. Original Returned Text: Philosophical Tran: 53 &54 V..


Patrick Hood
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Royal Society (Great Britain) (Unspecified, born 1660)
Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Periodicals
Philosophical transactions : giving some accompt of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious in many considerable parts of the world.
Classmark: F.5.18, F.7?, L.5.4.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 53, Volume 54

Record ID 168636

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 92

Wats works Vol 1 & 2d

Borrowed: 1769/1/20 (Friday). Returned: 1769/2/9 (Thursday). Classmark: M4. 1. Original Returned Text: Wat's works Vol 1 & 2 d.


Patrick Hood
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Isaac Watts (Male, born 1674, died 1748)
Genre: Education, Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology
The Works Of the late Reverend and Learned Isaac Watts, D.D. Published by himself, and now collected into Six Volumes. In which are also inserted The Second Part of the Improvement of the Mind, An Essay on Education, And some Additions to his Miscellaneous Thoughts in Prose and Verse. Now first published from his Manuscripts, and, by the Direction of his Will, Revised and Corrected by D. Jennings, D.D. And the late P. Doddridge, D.D.
Classmark: M.4.1.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Borrowed: 1769/1/20 (Friday). Returned: 1769/2/9 (Thursday).

Borrower: Patrick Hood

Author: Isaac Watts (Male, born 1674, died 1748), Genre: Education, Genre: Philosophy and Morality, Genre: Theology

Works of Isaac Watts

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 168699

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 93

Shakespeer's Work 's  vols . 6 & 7.

Borrowed: 1768/12/14 (Wednesday). Returned: 1768/12/23 (Friday). Classmark: Q.6.15. Original Returned Text: Shakespears Works Vol 6 & 7.


James Buick
Gender: Male.
Life dates: b. 1750. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6, Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1768/12/14 (Wednesday). Returned: 1768/12/23 (Friday).

Borrower: James Buick

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6, Volume 7

Record ID 168708

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 93

Shakespears Works Vol 5 &8th

Borrowed: 1768/12/23 (Friday). Returned: 1769/1/12 (Thursday). Classmark: Q. 6 .15. Original Returned Text: Shakespairs Works V. 5 & 8.


James Buick
Gender: Male.
Life dates: b. 1750. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1768/12/23 (Friday). Returned: 1769/1/12 (Thursday).

Borrower: James Buick

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 8

Record ID 168747

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 93

Congrav's  Works Vol 3d

Borrowed: 1769/4/15 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/4/17 (Monday). Classmark: P7 . 11. Original Returned Text: Congrave's Works V-3d.


James Buick
Gender: Male.
Life dates: b. 1750. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Mr. William Congreve: in three volumes. Consisting of his plays and poems. The sixth edition.
Classmark: P.7.11, P.9.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Mr. William Congreve: in three volumes. Consisting of his plays and poems. The sixth edition.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 75 times in 42 borrowing records

Book Work

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Congreve

Borrowed: 1769/4/15 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/4/17 (Monday).

Borrower: James Buick

Author: William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Congreve

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 168744

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 93

Congrave's works 1 & 2 Vol:

Borrowed: 1769/4/10 (Monday). Returned: 1769/4/15 (Saturday). Classmark: P7 . 11. Original Returned Text: Congrave's Works 1 &2d V..


James Buick
Gender: Male.
Life dates: b. 1750. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Mr. William Congreve: in three volumes. Consisting of his plays and poems. The sixth edition.
Classmark: P.7.11, P.9.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Mr. William Congreve: in three volumes. Consisting of his plays and poems. The sixth edition.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 75 times in 42 borrowing records

Book Work

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Congreve

Borrowed: 1769/4/10 (Monday). Returned: 1769/4/15 (Saturday).

Borrower: James Buick

Author: William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Congreve

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 168792

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 94

Melmoth's Cicero's letters 1 &2 Vol

Borrowed: 1770/3/26 (Monday). Returned: 1770/4/5 (Thursday). Classmark: Q4. 9. Original Returned Text: Mel. Cicero's letters 1 &2V..


William Rankin
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Marcus Tullius Cicero (Male, born BCE106-1-3, died BCE43-12-7), William Melmoth (Male, born c.1710, died 1799)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Lives
The letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to Several of his friends: with remarks by William Melmoth, Esq; in three volumes.
Classmark: Q.4.9, P.5.8.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Marcus Tullius Cicero (Male, born BCE106-1-3, died BCE43-12-7), William Melmoth (Male, born c.1710, died 1799)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Lives
The letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to several of his friends: with remarks by William Melmoth, Esq.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 62 times in 37 borrowing records

Book Work

Marcus Tullius Cicero (Male, born BCE106-1-3, died BCE43-12-7), William Melmoth (Male, born c.1710, died 1799)
Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Lives
Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to Several of his Friends: with Remarks by William Melmoth

Borrowed: 1770/3/26 (Monday). Returned: 1770/4/5 (Thursday).

Borrower: William Rankin

Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero (Male, born BCE106-1-3, died BCE43-12-7), William Melmoth (Male, born c.1710, died 1799), Genre: Belles Lettres, Genre: Lives

Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to Several of his Friends: with Remarks by William Melmoth

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 168759

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 94

Brown Essay's s

Borrowed: 1768/12/15 (Thursday). Returned: 1769/2/14 (Tuesday). Classmark: Q: 4. 12. Original Returned Text: Brown Essey's.


Mr William Ritchie
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays on the characteristics / by John Brown...
Classmark: Q.4.12, D.6.6?.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays on the characteristics / by John Brown...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 32

Book Work

John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays on the Characteristics [John Brown]

Borrowed: 1768/12/15 (Thursday). Returned: 1769/2/14 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Mr William Ritchie

Author: John Brown (Male, born c.1715, died 1766), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Essays on the Characteristics [John Brown]

Record ID 168819

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 95

Fables & Tales

Borrowed: 1769/1/27 (Friday). Returned: 1769/1/28 (Saturday). Classmark: Q 4. 9. Original Returned Text: Fables & Tales.


William Rankin
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Genre: Fiction
Fables and tales for the ladies. To which are added, Miscellanies, by another hand.
Classmark: L.7.2, Q.4.15.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Fiction
Fables and tales for the ladies. To which are added, Miscellanies, by another hand.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1750. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 11

Book Work

Genre: Fiction
Fables and Tales for the Ladies

Borrowed: 1769/1/27 (Friday). Returned: 1769/1/28 (Saturday).

Borrower: William Rankin

Genre: Fiction

Fables and Tales for the Ladies

Record ID 168834

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 95


Borrowed: 1769/2/22 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/3/4 (Saturday). Classmark: Q4. 7. Original Returned Text: Reflector.


William Rankin
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Peter Shaw (Male, born 1694, died 1763)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The reflector: representing human affairs, as they are; and may be improved.
Classmark: Q.4.7.

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Peter Shaw (Male, born 1694, died 1763)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The reflector: representing human affairs, as they are; and may be improved.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1750. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 21

Book Work

Peter Shaw (Male, born 1694, died 1763)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Reflector: Representing Human Affairs, As They Are; and May Be Improved

Borrowed: 1769/2/22 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/3/4 (Saturday).

Borrower: William Rankin

Author: Peter Shaw (Male, born 1694, died 1763), Genre: Belles Lettres

Reflector: Representing Human Affairs, As They Are; and May Be Improved

Record ID 168912

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 96

Peter Wilkin's  1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1770/1/30 (Tuesday). Returned: 1770/2/8 (Thursday). Classmark: D6. 4. Original Returned Text: Petter Wilkins 1 &2 Vol..


William Gourlay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Robert Paltock (Male, born 1697, died 1767)
Genre: Fiction
The life and adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish man: relating particularly, his shipwreck near the South Pole; his wonderful Passage thro’ a subterraneous Cavern into a kind of new World; his there meeting with a Gawry or flying Woman, whose Life he preserv’d, and afterwards married her; his extraordinary Conveyance to the Country of Glums and Gawrys, or Men and Women that fly. Likewise a Description of this strange Country, with the Laws, Customs, and Manners of its Inhabitants, and the Author’s remarkable Transactions among them. Taken from his own Mouth, in his Passage to England, from off Cape Horn in America, in the Ship Hector. With an Introduction, giving an Account of the surprizing Manner of his coming on board that surprizing Manner of his coming on board that Vessel, and his Death on his landing at Plymouth in the Year 1739. Illustrated with several Cuts, clearly and distinctly representing the Structure and Mechanism of the Wings of the Glums and Gawrys, and the Manner in which they use them either to swim or fly. By R.S. a passenger in the Hector. In two volumes. ...
Classmark: K.8.24, D.6.4.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Paltock (Male, born 1697, died 1767)
Genre: Fiction
The life and adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish man: relating particularly, his shipwreck near the South Pole; his wonderful Passage thro’ a subterraneous Cavern into a kind of new World; his there meeting with a Gawry or flying Woman, whose Life he preserv’d, and afterwards married her; his extraordinary Conveyance to the Country of Glums and Gawrys, or Men and Women that fly. Likewise a Description of this strange Country, with the Laws, Customs, and Manners of its Inhabitants, and the Author’s remarkable Transactions among them. Taken from his own Mouth, in his Passage to England, from off Cape Horn in America, in the Ship Hector. With an Introduction, giving an Account of the surprizing Manner of his coming on board that surprizing Manner of his coming on board that Vessel, and his Death on his landing at Plymouth in the Year 1739. Illustrated with several Cuts, clearly and distinctly representing the Structure and Mechanism of the Wings of the Glums and Gawrys, and the Manner in which they use them either to swim or fly. By R.S. a passenger in the Hector. In two volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 82 times in 46 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Paltock (Male, born 1697, died 1767)
Genre: Fiction
Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish Man

Borrowed: 1770/1/30 (Tuesday). Returned: 1770/2/8 (Thursday).

Borrower: William Gourlay

Author: Robert Paltock (Male, born 1697, died 1767), Genre: Fiction

Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish Man

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 168960

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 97

Congrev's works V1 & 2d

Borrowed: 1769/11/4 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/11/4 (Saturday). Classmark: P7. 11. Original Returned Text: Congrev's works V1st& 2d.


Thomas Ranken
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Mr. William Congreve: in three volumes. Consisting of his plays and poems. The sixth edition.
Classmark: P.7.11, P.9.26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Mr. William Congreve: in three volumes. Consisting of his plays and poems. The sixth edition.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 75 times in 42 borrowing records

Book Work

William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Congreve

Borrowed: 1769/11/4 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/11/4 (Saturday).

Borrower: Thomas Ranken

Author: William Congreve (Male, born 1670, died 1729), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Congreve

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 169008

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 97

Harriot Stuart 1 & 2 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/3/14 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/4/4 (Thursday). Classmark: B8. 16. Original Returned Text: Harriot Stuart 1 & 2 V..


Thomas Ranken
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Charlotte Lennox (Female, born c.1729, died 1804)
Genre: Fiction
The life of Harriot Stuart. Written by herself. In two volumes. ...
Classmark: K.8.28, B.8.16, B.7.7.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Charlotte Lennox (Female, born c.1729, died 1804)
Genre: Fiction
The life of Harriot Stuart. Written by herself. In two volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 68 times in 35 borrowing records

Book Work

Charlotte Lennox (Female, born c.1729, died 1804)
Genre: Fiction
Life of Harriot Stuart

Borrowed: 1771/3/14 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/4/4 (Thursday).

Borrower: Thomas Ranken

Author: Charlotte Lennox (Female, born c.1729, died 1804), Genre: Fiction

Life of Harriot Stuart

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 168993

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 97

Borrowed: 1770/10/25 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/1/8 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Thomas Ranken

Author: John Wilson Teacher of mathematics (Male, died 1746), Genre: Mathematics

Introduction to Arithmetic [John Wilson]

Record ID 169074

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 98

Monthly review 2 Vol 1762

Borrowed: 1769/5/24 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/5/31 (Wednesday). Classmark: T6 . 14. Original Returned Text: Mon: review 2 Vol: 1762.


Patrick Bower
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-c. 1790. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly Review. A periodical work, giving An Account, with proper Abstracts of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c. as they come out. Vol. ... By several hands.
Classmark: T.7.1, C.4.2, BB.5.2, E.4.1?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 26 (Jan-June 1762), Volume 27 (July-Dec 1762)

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Borrowed: 1769/5/24 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/5/31 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Patrick Bower

Genre: Periodicals

Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Volumes borrowed: Volume 26 (Jan-June 1762), Volume 27 (July-Dec 1762)

Record ID 169059

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 98

Monthly review 16 & 17 Vol

Borrowed: 1769/4/21 (Friday). Returned: 1769/5/2 (Tuesday). Classmark: T6. 14. Original Returned Text: Monthly review 16&17 V:.


Patrick Bower
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-c. 1790. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly Review. A periodical work, giving An Account, with proper Abstracts of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c. as they come out. Vol. ... By several hands.
Classmark: T.7.1, C.4.2, BB.5.2, E.4.1?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 16, Volume 17

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 169062

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 98

Monthly review 1st & 29 Vol

Borrowed: 1769/5/2 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/5/15 (Monday). Classmark: T6 . 14. Original Returned Text: Monthly review 1 & 29 V.


Patrick Bower
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1754-c. 1790. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly Review. A periodical work, giving An Account, with proper Abstracts of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c. as they come out. Vol. ... By several hands.
Classmark: T.7.1, C.4.2, BB.5.2, E.4.1?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 29

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 169125

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 99

Shakesper's  works Vol 5 & 7th

Borrowed: 1769/11/14 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/11/14 (Tuesday). Classmark: Q6. 15. Original Returned Text: Shakespear's Works 5 & 7 Vol.


Archibald Stevenson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1769/11/14 (Tuesday). Returned: 1769/11/14 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Archibald Stevenson

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 7

Record ID 169128

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 99

Pamphlets Vol 1st

Borrowed: 1769/11/17 (Friday). Returned: 1769/11/17 (Friday). Classmark: B4 . 4. Original Returned Text: Pamphlets Vol 1st.


Archibald Stevenson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

John Payne (Male, died 1787)
Genre: Theology
Pamphlets, Plays, Sermons &c. 22 vols. [B.4.4]
Classmark: B.4.4.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

John Payne (Male, died 1787)
Genre: Theology
Paradise restored: being a visitation of love to the Jews... Also a salutation of love, to the professors of Christianity, of the Romish, Protestant, and Greek churches / [by John Payne].
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: c.1750. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 88 times in 52 borrowing records

Book Work

John Payne (Male, died 1787)
Genre: Theology
Paradise Restored: Being a Visitation of Love to the Jews

Borrowed: 1769/11/17 (Friday). Returned: 1769/11/17 (Friday).

Borrower: Archibald Stevenson

Author: John Payne (Male, died 1787), Genre: Theology

Paradise Restored: Being a Visitation of Love to the Jews

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 169149

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 99

Ja. & Jen. Jess .1 . 2 & 3 Vol

Borrowed: 1771/4/13 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/4/17 (Wednesday). Original Returned Text: Ja. Jen . Jess .1 . 2 & 3 Vol.


Thomas Ranken
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy. In three volumes. ... . By the author of The history of Betsy Thoughtless.
Classmark: M.6.21, R.8.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy. In three volumes. ... . By the author of The history of Betsy Thoughtless.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 98 times in 40 borrowing records

Book Work

Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756)
Genre: Fiction
History of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy

Borrowed: 1771/4/13 (Saturday). Returned: 1771/4/17 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Thomas Ranken

Author: Eliza Fowler Haywood (Female, born c.1693, died 1756), Genre: Fiction

History of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 169161

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 100

whytt's Essay's

Borrowed: 1768/12/19 (Monday). Returned: 1769/4/10 (Monday). Classmark: P. 5, 30. Original Returned Text: Whytt's Essay's.


John Steedman
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Robert Whytt (Male, born 1714, died 1766)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
An essay on the vital and other involuntary motions of animals / by Robert Whytt, M.D. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, and Professor of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh.
Classmark: P.5.30, H.4.16.

Borrowed: 1768/12/19 (Monday). Returned: 1769/4/10 (Monday).

Borrower: John Steedman

Author: Robert Whytt (Male, born 1714, died 1766), Genre: Natural Philosophy

Essay on the Vital and Other Involuntary Motions of Animals

Record ID 169281

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 102

Dodridge'sExpositer Vols 3, 4,5,6

Borrowed: 1772/1/3 (Friday). Returned: 1772/1/3 (Friday). Classmark: M . 4. 7.. Original Returned Text: Dodridge Expo. V.3.4.56 V..


William Thomson
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1745-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
The family expositor: or, a paraphrase and version of the New Testament. With critical notes; and a Practical Improvement of each Section. ... . Containing the Former Part of The History of our Lord Jesus Christ, As recorded by the Four Evangelists, Disposed in the Order of an Harmony. By P. Doddridge, D.D.
Classmark: J.3.19, M.4.7, P.4.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
The family expositor: or, a paraphrase and version of the New Testament. With critical notes; and a Practical Improvement of each Section. ... . Containing the Former Part of The History of our Lord Jesus Christ, As recorded by the Four Evangelists, Disposed in the Order of an Harmony. By P. Doddridge, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1739-1756. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 56 times in 46 borrowing records

Book Work

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
Family Expositor

Borrowed: 1772/1/3 (Friday). Returned: 1772/1/3 (Friday).

Borrower: William Thomson

Author: Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751), Genre: Theology

Family Expositor

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6

Record ID 169263

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 102

Amelia 3 & 4 Vol:

Borrowed: 1769/3/18 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/3/27 (Monday). Classmark: M7, 8. Original Returned Text: Amelia 3 & 4 V:.


James Clayhills
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1753-1825. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1769/3/18 (Saturday). Returned: 1769/3/27 (Monday).

Borrower: James Clayhills

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 169305

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 102

Buffon's Na . hist . V . 2d.

Borrowed: 1772/4/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/5/14 (Thursday). Classmark: L. .. Original Returned Text: Buffon's Na- hist V. 2d.


William Thomson
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1745-1817. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi. [By Buffon, L. J. M. D'Aubenton, P. Guéneau de Montbeillard, G. L. C. A. Bexon, and the Count de Lacépède.]
Classmark: L.4.2, O.6.14.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi. [By Buffon, L. J. M. D'Aubenton, P. Guéneau de Montbeillard, G. L. C. A. Bexon, and the Count de Lacépède.]
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1749-1767. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 243 times in 129 borrowing records

Book Work

Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Natural History, General and Particular, by the Count de Buffon

Borrowed: 1772/4/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1772/5/14 (Thursday).

Borrower: William Thomson

Author: Comte de Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Male, born 1707, died 1788), Genre: Natural Philosophy

Natural History, General and Particular, by the Count de Buffon

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 169260

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 102

Amelia  1 & 2d  Vol

Borrowed: 1769/3/15 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/3/18 (Saturday). Classmark: M7 . 8. Original Returned Text: Amelia 1 & 2 V:.


James Clayhills
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1753-1825. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1769/3/15 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/3/18 (Saturday).

Borrower: James Clayhills

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 169344

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 103

Dodrige Family ExpositorV2d

Borrowed: 1769/2/8 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/2/20 (Monday). Classmark: M4 .7. Original Returned Text: Doddridge F: Exposi: Vo 2d.


James Scott
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1746-1804. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
The family expositor: or, a paraphrase and version of the New Testament. With critical notes; and a Practical Improvement of each Section. ... . Containing the Former Part of The History of our Lord Jesus Christ, As recorded by the Four Evangelists, Disposed in the Order of an Harmony. By P. Doddridge, D.D.
Classmark: J.3.19, M.4.7, P.4.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
The family expositor: or, a paraphrase and version of the New Testament. With critical notes; and a Practical Improvement of each Section. ... . Containing the Former Part of The History of our Lord Jesus Christ, As recorded by the Four Evangelists, Disposed in the Order of an Harmony. By P. Doddridge, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1739-1756. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 56 times in 46 borrowing records

Book Work

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
Family Expositor

Borrowed: 1769/2/8 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/2/20 (Monday).

Borrower: James Scott

Author: Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751), Genre: Theology

Family Expositor

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 169314

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 103

Dodridge Family ExpositorVol  4th

Borrowed: 1768/12/28 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/1/20 (Friday). Classmark: M 4 .7. Original Returned Text: Dodridge Family Expositer.


James Scott
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1746-1804. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
The family expositor: or, a paraphrase and version of the New Testament. With critical notes; and a Practical Improvement of each Section. ... . Containing the Former Part of The History of our Lord Jesus Christ, As recorded by the Four Evangelists, Disposed in the Order of an Harmony. By P. Doddridge, D.D.
Classmark: J.3.19, M.4.7, P.4.3.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
The family expositor: or, a paraphrase and version of the New Testament. With critical notes; and a Practical Improvement of each Section. ... . Containing the Former Part of The History of our Lord Jesus Christ, As recorded by the Four Evangelists, Disposed in the Order of an Harmony. By P. Doddridge, D.D.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1739-1756. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 56 times in 46 borrowing records

Book Work

Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751)
Genre: Theology
Family Expositor

Borrowed: 1768/12/28 (Wednesday). Returned: 1769/1/20 (Friday).

Borrower: James Scott

Author: Philip Doddridge (Male, born 1702, died 1751), Genre: Theology

Family Expositor

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 169401

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 104

Fletcher's  Universal measurer

Borrowed: 1772/3/5 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/3/26 (Thursday). Classmark: D5. 41. Original Returned Text: Fletcher's Univer Meas.


David Thomson
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Abraham Fletcher (Male, born 1714, died 1793)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
The Universal Measurer. In Two Parts: The First Part, Contains the Theory of Measuring in Projecting and Dividing the Forms of Superficial and Solid Figures. The Second Part, Teacheth the Practice of Measuring in all it's various uses whether Artificers Works, Gauging, Surveying, or Minin. By A. Fletcher. Philomath.
Classmark: D.5.41.

Borrowed: 1772/3/5 (Thursday). Returned: 1772/3/26 (Thursday).

Borrower: David Thomson

Author: Abraham Fletcher (Male, born 1714, died 1793), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Universal Measurer

Record ID 169371

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 104

Amelia 1.2 2. 3 & 4 Vols

Borrowed: 1771/7/11 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/8/28 (Wednesday). Classmark: M7. 8. Original Returned Text: Amelia 1.2. 3 & 4 Vol.


Dr David Hunter
Gender: Male.
Life dates: c. 1724-1771. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Classmark: M.7.8, R.7.2, B.6.9?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction
Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq; In four volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1751. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 272 times in 128 borrowing records

Book Work

Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754)
Genre: Fiction

Borrowed: 1771/7/11 (Thursday). Returned: 1771/8/28 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Dr David Hunter

Author: Henry Fielding (Male, born 1707, died 1754), Genre: Fiction


Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4