An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers' Registers
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Record ID 300154
Blackwood 156. 157.
Borrowed: 1829/9/1 (Tuesday). Returned: 1829/11/26 (Thursday).
Mr Heathcot
Gender: Male. Address: Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.
Subscription Type: New Books I Year. Latitude: 55.921978. Longitude: -3.1325512. Subscription Type (Map): New. Start Day: 12. Start Month: 10. Start Year: 1828. End Day: 26. End Month: 11. End Year: 1829.
Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine
Volumes borrowed: Volume 26.156 (Sept. 1829 pt I), Volume 26.157 (Sept. 1829), Volume 26.57 (Sept. 1829 pt II)
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1817-1905. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 2527 times in 2041 borrowing records
Borrowed: 1829/9/1 (Tuesday). Returned: 1829/11/26 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Heathcot
Genre: Periodicals
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine
Volumes borrowed: Volume 26.156 (Sept. 1829 pt I), Volume 26.157 (Sept. 1829), Volume 26.57 (Sept. 1829 pt II)
Record ID 300157
Quarterly 81.
Borrowed: 1829/9/1 (Tuesday). Returned: 1829/11/26 (Thursday).
Mr Heathcot
Gender: Male. Address: Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.
Subscription Type: New Books I Year. Latitude: 55.921978. Longitude: -3.1325512. Subscription Type (Map): New. Start Day: 12. Start Month: 10. Start Year: 1828. End Day: 26. End Month: 11. End Year: 1829.
Genre: Periodicals
Quarterly Review
Volumes borrowed: Volume 81 (July 1829)
Confidence level: Likely
Genre: Periodicals
Quarterly Review
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1809-1967. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 36 times in 34 borrowing records
Genre: Periodicals
Quarterly Review
Borrowed: 1829/9/1 (Tuesday). Returned: 1829/11/26 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Heathcot
Genre: Periodicals
Volumes borrowed: Volume 81 (July 1829)
Record ID 300160
Westminster 21
Borrowed: 1829/9/1 (Tuesday). Returned: 1829/11/26 (Thursday).
Mr Heathcot
Gender: Male. Address: Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.
Subscription Type: New Books I Year. Latitude: 55.921978. Longitude: -3.1325512. Subscription Type (Map): New. Start Day: 12. Start Month: 10. Start Year: 1828. End Day: 26. End Month: 11. End Year: 1829.
Genre: Periodicals
Westminster Review
Volumes borrowed: Volume 21
Confidence level: Certain
Genre: Periodicals
The Westminster Review
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1824-1836. Format: 4to. Pagination: 47 vols.
Number of borrowings: 27
Borrowed: 1829/9/1 (Tuesday). Returned: 1829/11/26 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Heathcot
Genre: Periodicals
Volumes borrowed: Volume 21
Record ID 300163
New Monthly Oct
Borrowed: 1829/10/1 (Thursday). Returned: 1829/11/26 (Thursday).
Mr Heathcot
Gender: Male. Address: Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.
Subscription Type: New Books I Year. Latitude: 55.921978. Longitude: -3.1325512. Subscription Type (Map): New. Start Day: 12. Start Month: 10. Start Year: 1828. End Day: 26. End Month: 11. End Year: 1829.
Borrowed: 1829/10/1 (Thursday). Returned: 1829/11/26 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Heathcot
Record ID 300166
Devereux v 1
Borrowed: 1829/10/1 (Thursday). Returned: 1829/11/26 (Thursday).
Mr Heathcot
Gender: Male. Address: Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.
Subscription Type: New Books I Year. Latitude: 55.921978. Longitude: -3.1325512. Subscription Type (Map): New. Start Day: 12. Start Month: 10. Start Year: 1828. End Day: 26. End Month: 11. End Year: 1829.
Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton (Male, born 1803, died 1873)
Genre: Fiction
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton (Male, born 1803, died 1873)
Genre: Fiction
Devereux. A tale. By the author of Pelham. In three volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1829. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 3 vols (I vii, 299p; II 310p; III 344p)..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 64 borrowing records
Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton (Male, born 1803, died 1873)
Genre: Fiction
Devereux. A Tale
Borrowed: 1829/10/1 (Thursday). Returned: 1829/11/26 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Heathcot
Author: Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton (Male, born 1803, died 1873), Genre: Fiction
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 300169
Devereux 2 3
Borrowed: 1829/10/1 (Thursday). Returned: 1829/11/26 (Thursday).
Mr Heathcot
Gender: Male. Address: Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.
Subscription Type: New Books I Year. Latitude: 55.921978. Longitude: -3.1325512. Subscription Type (Map): New. Start Day: 12. Start Month: 10. Start Year: 1828. End Day: 26. End Month: 11. End Year: 1829.
Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton (Male, born 1803, died 1873)
Genre: Fiction
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Certain
Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton (Male, born 1803, died 1873)
Genre: Fiction
Devereux. A tale. By the author of Pelham. In three volumes.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1829. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 3 vols (I vii, 299p; II 310p; III 344p)..
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 141 times in 64 borrowing records
Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton (Male, born 1803, died 1873)
Genre: Fiction
Devereux. A Tale
Borrowed: 1829/10/1 (Thursday). Returned: 1829/11/26 (Thursday).
Borrower: Mr Heathcot
Author: Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton (Male, born 1803, died 1873), Genre: Fiction
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 300172
Boudoir 1.2.
Borrowed: 1830/1/20 (Wednesday). Returned: 1830/4/19 (Monday).
Mrs Mary Baillie née Pringle
Gender: Female. Address: Mellerstain, Kelso.
Subscription Type: New Books I Quarter (Country). Latitude: 55.6442. Longitude: -2.562. Subscription Type (Map): New. Start Day: 20. Start Month: 1. Start Year: 1830. End Day: 19. End Month: 4. End Year: 1830.
Lady Sydney Morgan (Female, born 1783, died 1859)
Genre: Fiction
Book of the Boudoir
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Very likely
Lady Sydney Morgan (Female, born 1783, died 1859)
Genre: Fiction
The Book of the Boudoir.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1829. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 58 times in 41 borrowing records
Lady Sydney Morgan (Female, born 1783, died 1859)
Genre: Fiction
Book of the Boudoir
Borrowed: 1830/1/20 (Wednesday). Returned: 1830/4/19 (Monday).
Borrower: Mrs Mary Baillie née Pringle
Author: Lady Sydney Morgan (Female, born 1783, died 1859), Genre: Fiction
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 300175
Borderers 1.2.3.
Borrowed: 1830/1/20 (Wednesday). Returned: 1830/4/19 (Monday).
Mrs Mary Baillie née Pringle
Gender: Female. Address: Mellerstain, Kelso.
Subscription Type: New Books I Quarter (Country). Latitude: 55.6442. Longitude: -2.562. Subscription Type (Map): New. Start Day: 20. Start Month: 1. Start Year: 1830. End Day: 19. End Month: 4. End Year: 1830.
James Fenimore Cooper (Male, born 1789, died 1851)
Genre: Fiction
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Very likely
James Fenimore Cooper (Male, born 1789, died 1851)
Genre: Fiction
The Borderers: A Tale
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1829. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 171 times in 74 borrowing records
James Fenimore Cooper (Male, born 1789, died 1851)
Genre: Fiction
Borderers: A Tale
Borrowed: 1830/1/20 (Wednesday). Returned: 1830/4/19 (Monday).
Borrower: Mrs Mary Baillie née Pringle
Author: James Fenimore Cooper (Male, born 1789, died 1851), Genre: Fiction
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Record ID 300178
Anglo Irish 1.2.3.
Borrowed: 1830/1/20 (Wednesday). Returned: 1830/4/19 (Monday).
Mrs Mary Baillie née Pringle
Gender: Female. Address: Mellerstain, Kelso.
Subscription Type: New Books I Quarter (Country). Latitude: 55.6442. Longitude: -2.562. Subscription Type (Map): New. Start Day: 20. Start Month: 1. Start Year: 1830. End Day: 19. End Month: 4. End Year: 1830.
John Banim (Male, born 1798, died 1842)
Genre: Fiction
Anglo-Irish of the Nineteenth Century
Catalogue Number: 889.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Confidence level: Certain
John Banim (Male, born 1798, died 1842)
Genre: Fiction
The Anglo-Irish of the Nineteenth Century. A novel.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1828. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 87 times in 35 borrowing records
John Banim (Male, born 1798, died 1842)
Genre: Fiction
Anglo-Irish of the Nineteenth Century. A Novel
Borrowed: 1830/1/20 (Wednesday). Returned: 1830/4/19 (Monday).
Borrower: Mrs Mary Baillie née Pringle
Author: John Banim (Male, born 1798, died 1842), Genre: Fiction
Anglo-Irish of the Nineteenth Century. A Novel
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3