Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

List of libraries

St Andrews University Library


List of registers

Library Receipt Book 1748-1753. (UYLY205-2)

This ledger features a combination of student and professorial borrowings, with the students typically borrowing on the authority of professors (‘on order’).

Borrowings of multivolume editions that do not state a number of volumes are taken as indicating all volumes (e.g. the entirety of a three-volume novel) unless this seems unreasonable, as in the case of extensive editions such as periodicals.

Where they are not clearly stated in the ledger, return years should be treated with a degree of caution for professors especially, since they potentially held onto books for long periods.

Start year: 1748. End year: 1753. Type: Other. This register contains 179 pages, 113 distinct borrowers and 663 distinct book holdings.