Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Book Edition: A new ecclesiastical history of the seventeenth century: containing an account of the controversies in religion; the Lives and Writings of Ecclesiastical Authors, an Abridgment of their Works, And a Judgment on their Style and Doctrine: also A Compendious History of All Affairs Transacted in the Church. Volume the first. Written in French by Lewis Ellies Dupin, Doctor of the Sorbon, And Regius Professor of Philosophy. Translated, and illustrated with additional annotations, by Digby Cotes, M. A. Principal of Magdalen-Hall, And Publick Orator of the University of Oxford.

Your search matched 5 borrowing records.

A new ecclesiastical history of the seventeenth century: containing an account of the controversies in religion; the Lives and Writings of Ecclesiastical Authors, an Abridgment of their Works, And a Judgment on their Style and Doctrine: also A Compendious History of All Affairs Transacted in the Church. Volume the first. Written in French by Lewis Ellies Dupin, Doctor of the Sorbon, And Regius Professor of Philosophy. Translated, and illustrated with additional annotations, by Digby Cotes, M. A. Principal of Magdalen-Hall, And Publick Orator of the University of Oxford.


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Record ID 130190

Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.10 (1773-1775, Type: Student). Page: 82

Record ID 15704

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1748-1753. (UYLY205-2) (1748-1753, Type: Other). Page: 35

Dupins Eccl. Hist of ye 17th Cent. Vol. 1st

Borrowed: 1748/12/27 (Friday). Returned: 1749/1/20 (Monday). Classmark: A.4.18. Original Returned Text: Dupins Eccl. Hist. of ye 17<sup>th</sup> Cent. V. 1<sup>st</sup>. Professor: James Murison.


Thomas Thomson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Louis-Ellies Du Pin (Male, born 1657, died 1719)
Genre: Theology
A new ecclesiastical history of the seventeenth century: containing an account of the controversies in religion; the Lives and Writings of Ecclesiastical Authors, an Abridgment of their Works, And a Judgment on their Style and Doctrine: also A Compendious History of All Affairs Transacted in the Church. Volume the first. Written in French by Lewis Ellies Dupin, Doctor of the Sorbon, And Regius Professor of Philosophy. Translated, and illustrated with additional annotations, by Digby Cotes, M. A. Principal of Magdalen-Hall, And Publick Orator of the University of Oxford.
Classmark: A.4.18, A.4.5.

Borrowed: 1748/12/27 (Friday). Returned: 1749/1/20 (Monday).

Borrower: Thomas Thomson

Author: Louis-Ellies Du Pin (Male, born 1657, died 1719), Genre: Theology

New Ecclesiastical History of the Seventeenth Century

Record ID 16006

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1748-1753. (UYLY205-2) (1748-1753, Type: Other). Page: 49

Dupins Eccles. Hist. of 17th Cent. V. 1st

Borrowed: 1749/1/25 (Saturday). Returned: 1749/2/16 (Sunday). Classmark: A.4.18. Original Returned Text: Dupins Eccles. Hist. 17<sup>th</sup> C<sup>t</sup>.V. 1<sup>st</sup>. Professor: James Murison.


Alexander Ferrier
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1728-1764. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Louis-Ellies Du Pin (Male, born 1657, died 1719)
Genre: Theology
A new ecclesiastical history of the seventeenth century: containing an account of the controversies in religion; the Lives and Writings of Ecclesiastical Authors, an Abridgment of their Works, And a Judgment on their Style and Doctrine: also A Compendious History of All Affairs Transacted in the Church. Volume the first. Written in French by Lewis Ellies Dupin, Doctor of the Sorbon, And Regius Professor of Philosophy. Translated, and illustrated with additional annotations, by Digby Cotes, M. A. Principal of Magdalen-Hall, And Publick Orator of the University of Oxford.
Classmark: A.4.18, A.4.5.

Borrowed: 1749/1/25 (Saturday). Returned: 1749/2/16 (Sunday).

Borrower: Alexander Ferrier

Author: Louis-Ellies Du Pin (Male, born 1657, died 1719), Genre: Theology

New Ecclesiastical History of the Seventeenth Century

Record ID 110801

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1772-1776. (UYLY207-2) (1772-1776, Type: Student). Page: 126-127

Dupine's Ecle. hist V 1st

Borrowed: 1775/3/24 (Friday). Returned: 1775/4/3 (Monday). Classmark: A4. 5. Original Returned Text: Dupine's Ecle. hist. Vol 1st.


Andrew Bell (2nd)
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Louis-Ellies Du Pin (Male, born 1657, died 1719)
Genre: Theology
A new ecclesiastical history of the seventeenth century: containing an account of the controversies in religion; the Lives and Writings of Ecclesiastical Authors, an Abridgment of their Works, And a Judgment on their Style and Doctrine: also A Compendious History of All Affairs Transacted in the Church. Volume the first. Written in French by Lewis Ellies Dupin, Doctor of the Sorbon, And Regius Professor of Philosophy. Translated, and illustrated with additional annotations, by Digby Cotes, M. A. Principal of Magdalen-Hall, And Publick Orator of the University of Oxford.
Classmark: A.4.18, A.4.5.

Borrowed: 1775/3/24 (Friday). Returned: 1775/4/3 (Monday).

Borrower: Andrew Bell (2nd)

Author: Louis-Ellies Du Pin (Male, born 1657, died 1719), Genre: Theology

New Ecclesiastical History of the Seventeenth Century

Record ID 167682

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1768-1772. (UYLY207-1) (1768-1772, Type: Student). Page: 79

Dupins  Ec: hist Vol 1st

Borrowed: 1769/12/8 (Friday). Returned: 1770/2/26 (Monday). Classmark: A4. 5. Original Returned Text: Dupin's Ec. hist. Vol 1st.


Andrew Thomson
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1746-1836. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Louis-Ellies Du Pin (Male, born 1657, died 1719)
Genre: Theology
A new ecclesiastical history of the seventeenth century: containing an account of the controversies in religion; the Lives and Writings of Ecclesiastical Authors, an Abridgment of their Works, And a Judgment on their Style and Doctrine: also A Compendious History of All Affairs Transacted in the Church. Volume the first. Written in French by Lewis Ellies Dupin, Doctor of the Sorbon, And Regius Professor of Philosophy. Translated, and illustrated with additional annotations, by Digby Cotes, M. A. Principal of Magdalen-Hall, And Publick Orator of the University of Oxford.
Classmark: A.4.18, A.4.5.

Borrowed: 1769/12/8 (Friday). Returned: 1770/2/26 (Monday).

Borrower: Andrew Thomson

Author: Louis-Ellies Du Pin (Male, born 1657, died 1719), Genre: Theology

New Ecclesiastical History of the Seventeenth Century