An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers' Registers
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Date of borrowing: 1788/10/28
Your search matched 7 borrowing records.
Record ID 54075
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 88v
Dalrymple's Annals. Vol. 1 (M.r B)
Borrowed: 1788/10/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1789/2/10 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 28 Oct 1788. Original Returned Date: 10 Feb 1789.
William Richardson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: M.r Richardson. Life dates: 1743-1814. Academic dates: 1757-1763; MA 1763.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.
Mr B
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.
Sir David Dalrymple Lord Hailes (Male, born 1726, died 1792)
Genre: History
Annals of Scotland.
Press: AH. Shelf: 5. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll q198-199. Original Author: Dalrymple, David, Sir, 1726-1792..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Confidence level: Certain
Sir David Dalrymple Lord Hailes (Male, born 1726, died 1792)
Genre: History
Annals of Scotland.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1776. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 54 times in 31 borrowing records
ESTC: T82751
Sir David Dalrymple Lord Hailes (Male, born 1726, died 1792)
Genre: History
Annals of Scotland [David Dalrymple]
Borrowed: 1788/10/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1789/2/10 (Tuesday).
Borrowers: William Richardson , Mr B
Author: Sir David Dalrymple Lord Hailes (Male, born 1726, died 1792), Genre: History
Annals of Scotland [David Dalrymple]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1
Record ID 54076
Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 88v
Johnson's Shakespear [sic] vol. 2. (M.r B
Borrowed: 1788/10/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1789/6/9 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 28 Oct 1788. Original Returned Date: 9 Jun 1789.
William Richardson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: M.r Richardson. Life dates: 1743-1814. Academic dates: 1757-1763; MA 1763.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.
Mr B
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.
William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama
Plays of William Shakespeare. With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators; to which are added notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens
Press: AO. Shelf: 5. Number: 1-10. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bh10-g.1-10. Original Author: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama
The plays of William Shakespeare. In ten volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators; to which are added notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1773. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 10 vols.
Editors: Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784; Steevens, George, 1736-1800.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 144 times in 48 borrowing records
ESTC: T138855
William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama
Plays of William Shakespeare
Confidence level: Certain
William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama
Supplement to the edition of Shakspeare’s plays published in 1778 by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1780. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Editors: Malone, Edmond.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 76 times in 19 borrowing records
ESTC: T98170
William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama
Supplement to the Edition of Shakspeare’s Plays published in 1778 by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens
Borrowed: 1788/10/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1789/6/9 (Tuesday).
Borrowers: William Richardson , Mr B
Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama
Plays of William Shakespeare, Supplement to the Edition of Shakspeare’s Plays published in 1778 by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 234914
Library: Royal High School of Edinburgh. Register: SL137144 (Type: Student). Page: 65
Goldsmith's Natural History v. 2
Borrowed: 1788/10/28 (Tuesday). Returned: yes.
Jacob Williamson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Pupil.
Occupation (normalised): Education > School Child.
Oliver Goldsmith (Male, born c.1730, died 1774)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Goldsmith's Natural History
Shelfmark: 530.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
Oliver Goldsmith (Male, born c.1730, died 1774)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
An history of the earth, and animated nature: by Oliver Goldsmith. In eight volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1774. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 8 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 721 times in 469 borrowing records
ESTC: T146096
Oliver Goldsmith (Male, born c.1730, died 1774)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
History of the Earth, and Animated Nature
Borrowed: 1788/10/28 (Tuesday).
Borrower: Jacob Williamson
Author: Oliver Goldsmith (Male, born c.1730, died 1774), Genre: Natural Philosophy
History of the Earth, and Animated Nature
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 294388
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 3
Six Pieces of Musick
Borrowed: 1788/10/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1788/11/13 (Thursday). Classmark: - ---. Original Returned Text: Six pieces of Music.
William Horton
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Six Pieces of Music
Classmark: ---.
Borrowed: 1788/10/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1788/11/13 (Thursday).
Borrower: William Horton
Record ID 294391
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 3
Æneas & Dido Burlesqued
Borrowed: 1788/10/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1788/11/20 (Thursday). Classmark: L10. 18. Original Returned Text: Æneas & Dido Burlesqued.
William Horton
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Rowland Rugeley (Male)
Genre: Poetry
The story of Aeneas and Dido burlesqued: from the fourth book of the Aeneid of Virgil.
Classmark: L.10.18.
Confidence level: Certain
Rowland Rugeley (Male)
Genre: Poetry
The Story of Aeneas and Dido burlesqued: from the fourth book of the Aeneid of Virgil.
Language: English . Published: Charlestown. Date of publication: 1774. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 2
ESTC: W7583
Rowland Rugeley (Male)
Genre: Poetry
Story of Aeneas and Dido Burlesqued: from the Fourth Book of the Aeneid of Virgil
Borrowed: 1788/10/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1788/11/20 (Thursday).
Borrower: William Horton
Author: Rowland Rugeley (Male), Genre: Poetry
Story of Aeneas and Dido Burlesqued: from the Fourth Book of the Aeneid of Virgil
Record ID 294382
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 3
Molieres Plays Vol 2d
Borrowed: 1788/10/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1788/11/13 (Thursday). Classmark: R9 .18.. Original Returned Text: Molieres Plays Vol 2d.
William Horton
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Molière (Male, born 1622-1-15, died 1673-2-17)
Genre: Drama
Select comedies / of Mr. de Molière. French and English. In eight volumes. With a frontispiece to each comedy. To which is prefix'd a curious print of the author, with his life in French and English.
Classmark: E.7.23, O.7.2, R.9.18.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Likely
Molière (Male, born 1622-1-15, died 1673-2-17)
Genre: Drama
Select comedies of Mr. de Molière. French and English. In eight volumes. With a frontispiece to each comedy. To which is prefix'd a curious print of the author, with his life in French and English.
Language: French | English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1732. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 264 times in 138 borrowing records
Molière (Male, born 1622-1-15, died 1673-2-17)
Genre: Drama
Select Comedies of Molière
Borrowed: 1788/10/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1788/11/13 (Thursday).
Borrower: William Horton
Author: Molière (Male, born 1622-1-15, died 1673-2-17), Genre: Drama
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Record ID 294385
Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 3
Guthries Grammar 2d Vol ..
Borrowed: 1788/10/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1788/11/13 (Thursday). Classmark: F4. 10. Original Returned Text: Guthrie's Grammar 2d Vol.
William Horton
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
William Guthrie (Male, born 1708, died 1770)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
A new geographical, historical, and commercial grammar; and present state of the several Kingdoms of the world. Containing I. The Figures, Motions, and Distances of the Planets, according to the Newtonian System and the latest Observations. II. A general View of the Earth considered as a Planet; with several useful Geographical Definitions and Problems. III. The grand Divisions of the Globe into Land and Water, Continents and Islands. IV. The Situation and Extent of Empires, Kingdoms, States, Provinces, and Colonies. V. Their Climate, Air, Soil, vegetable Productions, Metals, Minerals, natural Curiosities, Seas, Rivers, Bays, Capes, Promontories, and Lakes. VI. The Birds and Beasts peculiar to each Country. Vii. Observations on the Changes that have been any where observed upon the Face of Nature since the most early Periods of History. Viii. The History and Origin of Nations: their Forms of Government, Religion, Laws, Revenues, Taxes, naval and military Strength. IX. The Genius, Manners, Customs, and Habits of the People. X. Their Language, Learning, Arts, Sciences, Manufactures, and Commerce. XI. The chief Cities, Structures, Ruins, and artificial Curiosities. XII. The Longitude, Latitude, Bearings, and Distances of principal Places from London. XIII. A General Index. With a table of the coins of all nations, and their value in English money. By William Guthrie, Esq. Illustrated with a New and Correct Set of Large Maps, Engraved by Mr. Kitchin, Geographer. The second edition. In two volumes. ...
Classmark: E.4.16, F.4.10?.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2
Confidence level: Very likely
William Guthrie (Male, born 1708, died 1770)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
A new geographical, historical, and commercial grammar; and present state of the several Kingdoms of the world. Containing I. The Figures, Motions, and Distances of the Planets, according to the Newtonian System and the latest Observations. II. A general View of the Earth considered as a Planet; with several useful Geographical Definitions and Problems. III. The grand Divisions of the Globe into Land and Water, Continents and Islands. IV. The Situation and Extent of Empires, Kingdoms, States, Provinces, and Colonies. V. Their Climate, Air, Soil, vegetable Productions, Metals, Minerals, natural Curiosities, Seas, Rivers, Bays, Capes, Promontories, and Lakes. VI. The Birds and Beasts peculiar to each Country. Vii. Observations on the Changes that have been any where observed upon the Face of Nature since the most early Periods of History. Viii. The History and Origin of Nations: their Forms of Government, Religion, Laws, Revenues, Taxes, naval and military Strength. IX. The Genius, Manners, Customs, and Habits of the People. X. Their Language, Learning, Arts, Sciences, Manufactures, and Commerce. XI. The chief Cities, Structures, Ruins, and artificial Curiosities. XII. The Longitude, Latitude, Bearings, and Distances of principal Places from London. XIII. A General Index. With a table of the coins of all nations, and their value in English money. By William Guthrie, Esq. Illustrated with a New and Correct Set of Large Maps, Engraved by Mr. Kitchin, Geographer. The second edition. In two volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 9 times in 8 borrowing records
ESTC: T68979
William Guthrie (Male, born 1708, died 1770)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
New Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar
Borrowed: 1788/10/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1788/11/13 (Thursday).
Borrower: William Horton
Author: William Guthrie (Male, born 1708, died 1770), Genre: Natural Philosophy
New Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2