Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Editor: Hugh+Blair

Your search matched 260 borrowing records.



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Page 3 of 3

1 2 3

Record ID 148905

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 171

Shakespear's Works  1 - 2d Vol

Borrowed: 1779/3/16 (Tuesday). Returned: 1779/3/16 (Tuesday). Classmark: Q6. 15. Original Returned Text: Shakes . 1 . 2d Vol.


Alexander Maule
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1779/3/16 (Tuesday). Returned: 1779/3/16 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Alexander Maule

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 155202

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1776-1779. (UYLY207-3) (1776-1779, Type: Student). Page: 254

Shakespear's Works 3. 4 th 6thV.

Borrowed: 1778/11/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1778/11/28 (Saturday). Classmark: Q6. 15. Original Returned Text: Shakespear 3 - 4,, 6th Vol.


Henry David Hill
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1762-1820. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1778/11/25 (Wednesday). Returned: 1778/11/28 (Saturday).

Borrower: Henry David Hill

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 6

Record ID 298978

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 19

Shakespeare  1 & 7th

Borrowed: 1789/2/12 (Thursday). Returned: 1789/4/21 (Tuesday). Classmark: S 8. 2. Original Returned Text: Shakespeare 1.&7.


William McCulloch
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1789/2/12 (Thursday). Returned: 1789/4/21 (Tuesday).

Borrower: William McCulloch

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 7

Record ID 301672

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 27

Shakespeare Vol 4. & 7 th

Borrowed: 1789/2/18 (Wednesday). Returned: 1789/2/18 (Wednesday). Classmark: S7. 10. Original Returned Text: Shakespeare Vols 4 & 7.


William Sinclair
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1789/2/18 (Wednesday). Returned: 1789/2/18 (Wednesday).

Borrower: William Sinclair

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 7

Record ID 306016

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 44

Shakes peares Plays V 3. 7th

Borrowed: 1789/3/10 (Tuesday). Returned: 1789/3/10 (Tuesday). Classmark: S 8. 2. Original Returned Text: Shakespears Plays V. 3. 7th.


Robert Spankie
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1789/3/10 (Tuesday). Returned: 1789/3/10 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Robert Spankie

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 7

Record ID 139014

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 62

Shakespear's Plays. -V. 1  3   6th

Borrowed: 1789/2/28 (Saturday). Returned: 1789/2/28 (Saturday). Classmark: S. 8. 2. Original Returned Text: Shakespeares Works 1. 3. 6.


James Dorward
Gender: Male.
Life dates: b. c. 1776. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 3, Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1789/2/28 (Saturday). Returned: 1789/2/28 (Saturday).

Borrower: James Dorward

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 3, Volume 6

Record ID 133173

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 63

Shakespeare  Vol 2 d& 7.3& 5th                                 9th & 10

Borrowed: 1789/3/7 (Saturday). Returned: 1789/4/4 (Saturday). Classmark: S 8. 6. Original Returned Text: Shakespeare 2d Vol -& 7th3d&5 | 9th & 10th.


David Brichan
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1774-1814. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 5, Volume 7, Volume 9?, Volume 10?

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1789/3/7 (Saturday). Returned: 1789/4/4 (Saturday).

Borrower: David Brichan

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 5, Volume 7, Volume 9?, Volume 10?

Record ID 317767

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 72

Shakespeare  2 Vols

Borrowed: 1789/3/7 (Saturday). Returned: 1789/3/7 (Saturday). Classmark: S8 . 3.. Original Returned Text: Shakespear 2 Vols.


Andrew Burns
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1773-1823. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1789/3/7 (Saturday). Returned: 1789/3/7 (Saturday).

Borrower: Andrew Burns

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 317827

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 73

Shakespeare's Plays. Vol. 1. 3d & 6th

Borrowed: 1788/11/15 (Saturday). Returned: 1788/11/22 (Saturday). Classmark: S. 8. 2. Original Returned Text: Shakespeare's Plays V.1. 3d & 6th.


Thomas Thomson
Gender: Male.
Life dates: 1773-1852. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 3, Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1788/11/15 (Saturday). Returned: 1788/11/22 (Saturday).

Borrower: Thomas Thomson

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 3, Volume 6

Record ID 317947

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 74

Shakespeares Plays Vol1st 3d&6

Borrowed: 1788/11/29 (Saturday). Returned: 1788/12/2 (Tuesday). Classmark: S8. 2. Original Returned Text: Shakespear's Plays Vol.1. 3d & 6th.


Colin Campbell
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 3, Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1788/11/29 (Saturday). Returned: 1788/12/2 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Colin Campbell

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 3, Volume 6

Record ID 318217

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 75

Shakesp. Plays. V. 4.  7th

Borrowed: 1789/3/7 (Saturday). Returned: 1789/3/7 (Saturday). Classmark: S. 8. 2. Original Returned Text: Shakespeares Works V. 4. 7th.


Andrew Ramsay
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1789/3/7 (Saturday). Returned: 1789/3/7 (Saturday).

Borrower: Andrew Ramsay

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 7

Record ID 319615

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 81

Shakes peares  Works 1.&6V

Borrowed: 1789/3/26 (Thursday). Returned: 1789/3/26 (Thursday). Classmark: S8. 2. Original Returned Text: Shakespeare V 1st & 6th.


John King
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1789/3/26 (Thursday). Returned: 1789/3/26 (Thursday).

Borrower: John King

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 6

Record ID 333127

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 123

Shakespeare 3d & 5th & 7

Borrowed: 1789/3/7 (Saturday). Returned: 1789/3/7 (Saturday). Classmark: S8. 7. Original Returned Text: Shakespeare 3d & 5 .& 7 | Shakespeare vol 7th.


Alexander Stewart
Gender: Male.
Life dates: b. 1772. St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897: .
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 5, Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1789/3/7 (Saturday). Returned: 1789/3/7 (Saturday).

Borrower: Alexander Stewart

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 5, Volume 7

Record ID 333274

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 124

Shakespear's Plays. V. 1. 3 --- 6th

Borrowed: 1789/2/21 (Saturday). Returned: 1789/2/28 (Saturday). Classmark: S. 8. 2. Original Returned Text: Shakespeares Plays. V. 1 3 6th.


William Anderson
Gender: Male. Address: Monikie.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Classmark: Q.6.15, S.8.2.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 3, Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo.
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 320 times in 162 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1789/2/21 (Saturday). Returned: 1789/2/28 (Saturday).

Borrower: William Anderson

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 3, Volume 6

Record ID 45487

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 3v-4r


Borrowed: 1813/3.


John Reid
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1813/3.

Borrower: John Reid

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 45763

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 4v-5r


Borrowed: 1813/9.


George Byres Byers
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1813/9.

Borrower: George Byres Byers

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Record ID 47662

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 6v-7r


Borrowed: 1813/10.


Miss Murray
Gender: Female.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1813/10.

Borrower: Miss Murray

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 56650

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 8v-9r


Borrowed: 1814/6.


John Thomson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1814/6.

Borrower: John Thomson

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Record ID 56656

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 8v-9r


Borrowed: 1814/7.


John Thomson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1814/7.

Borrower: John Thomson

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 7

Record ID 56668

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 8v-9r


Borrowed: 1814/9.


John Thomson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1814/9.

Borrower: John Thomson

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 59233

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 11v-12r


Borrowed: 1814/9.


John Graham
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1814/9.

Borrower: John Graham

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Record ID 60490

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 13v-14r


Borrowed: 1814/12.


George Graham Geo:
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1814/12.

Borrower: George Graham Geo:

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 60694

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 14v-15r


Borrowed: 1815/6.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Ewes; Ewis.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1815/6.

Borrower: John Little

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3, Volume 5

Record ID 60541

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 14v-15r


Borrowed: 1815/7.


William Grieve Will
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1815/7.

Borrower: William Grieve Will

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 60532

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 14v-15r


Borrowed: 1815/6.


William Grieve Will
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1815/6.

Borrower: William Grieve Will

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 61441

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 15v-16r


Borrowed: 1815/1.


Miss Murray
Gender: Female.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1815/1.

Borrower: Miss Murray

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 71648

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 17v-18r


Borrowed: 1815/6.


George Graham Geo:
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6, Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1815/6.

Borrower: George Graham Geo:

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6, Volume 7

Record ID 71630

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 17v-18r


Borrowed: 1815/3.


George Graham Geo:
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1815/3.

Borrower: George Graham Geo:

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 71639

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 17v-18r


Borrowed: 1815/4.


George Graham Geo:
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1815/4.

Borrower: George Graham Geo:

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 71642

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 17v-18r


Borrowed: 1815/5.


George Graham Geo:
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1815/5.

Borrower: George Graham Geo:

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 77351

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 20v-21r


Borrowed: 1816/12.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1816/12.

Borrower: John Little

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 77339

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 20v-21r


Borrowed: 1816/11.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1816/11.

Borrower: John Little

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 78338

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 22v-23r


Borrowed: 1816/10.


Matthew Murray
Gender: Male. Address: Bailliehill.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1816/10.

Borrower: Matthew Murray

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 85400

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 27v-28r


Borrowed: 1817/6.


John Thomson
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1817/6.

Borrower: John Thomson

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Record ID 85124

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 27v-28r


Borrowed: 1817/5.


James Byres Byers
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1817/5.

Borrower: James Byres Byers

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 85118

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 27v-28r


Borrowed: 1817/4.


James Byres Byers
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1817/4.

Borrower: James Byres Byers

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 85028

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 27v-28r


Borrowed: 1817/2.


Mr Little
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1817/2.

Borrower: Mr Little

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 86219

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 28v-29r


Borrowed: 1817/5.


John Borthwick
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1817/5.

Borrower: John Borthwick

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 91514

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 30v-31r


Borrowed: 1817/12.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1817/12.

Borrower: John Little

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 91499

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 30v-31r


Borrowed: 1817/11.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1817/11.

Borrower: John Little

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 90839

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 30v-31r


Borrowed: 1817/1.


Mrs Bell
Gender: Female. Address: Whitcastles.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1817/1.

Borrower: Mrs Bell

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 90842

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 30v-31r


Borrowed: 1817/2.


Mrs Bell
Gender: Female. Address: Whitcastles.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1817/2.

Borrower: Mrs Bell

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 90848

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 30v-31r


Borrowed: 1817/3.


Mrs Bell
Gender: Female. Address: Whitcastles.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1817/3.

Borrower: Mrs Bell

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6

Record ID 103454

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 32v-33r


Borrowed: 1818/9.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1818/9.

Borrower: John Little

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 108347

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 36v-37r


Borrowed: 1818/4.


David Martin
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1818/4.

Borrower: David Martin

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 108350

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 36v-37r


Borrowed: 1818/5.


David Martin
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1818/5.

Borrower: David Martin

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 112766

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 39v-40r


Borrowed: 1819/11.


John Irvine Irving
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1819/11.

Borrower: John Irvine Irving

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 112745

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 39v-40r


Borrowed: 1819/8.


John Irvine Irving
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1819/8.

Borrower: John Irvine Irving

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 323524

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 48v-49r


Borrowed: 1820/10.


Mr Little
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1820/10.

Borrower: Mr Little

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Record ID 323536

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 48v-49r


Borrowed: 1820/12.


Mr Little
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 7, Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1820/12.

Borrower: Mr Little

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 7, Volume 8

Record ID 323674

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 48v-49r


Borrowed: 1820/8.


Thomas Little
Gender: Male. Address: Knock.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1820/8.

Borrower: Thomas Little

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 323530

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 48v-49r


Borrowed: 1820/11.


Mr Little
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1820/11.

Borrower: Mr Little

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 8

Record ID 323518

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 48v-49r


Borrowed: 1820/9.


Mr Little
Gender: Male.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1820/9.

Borrower: Mr Little

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 324559

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 49v-50r


Borrowed: 1820/11.


John Irvine Irving
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1820/11.

Borrower: John Irvine Irving

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 324526

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 49v-50r


Borrowed: 1820/8.


John Irvine Irving
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6, Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1820/8.

Borrower: John Irvine Irving

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6, Volume 8

Record ID 324529

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 49v-50r


Borrowed: 1820/9.


John Irvine Irving
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1820/9.

Borrower: John Irvine Irving

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 324553

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 49v-50r


Borrowed: 1820/10.


John Irvine Irving
Gender: Male. Address: Langholm.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1820/10.

Borrower: John Irvine Irving

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5

Record ID 335233

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 52v-53r


Borrowed: 1821/12.


John Little
Gender: Male. Address: Carlesgill.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1821/12.

Borrower: John Little

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 341486

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 60v-61r


Borrowed: 1822/10.


James Glendinning
Gender: Male. Address: Cassock.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1822/10.

Borrower: James Glendinning

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 3

Record ID 341489

Library: Westerkirk. Register: Kalendar of Westerkirk Library, 1813 (1813-1842, Type: Town). Page: 60v-61r


Borrowed: 1822/12.


James Glendinning
Gender: Male. Address: Cassock.

Book Holding

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear
Catalogue Number: 189-196. Catalogue Title: Shakespeares Works.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Speculative

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
The works of Shakespear. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out. Together with the author’s life; a glossary; copious indexes; and, a list of the various readings. In eight volumes
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1753. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 8v..
Editors: Hugh Blair
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 136 times in 98 borrowing records

Book Work

William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616)
Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry
Works of William Shakespeare

Borrowed: 1822/12.

Borrower: James Glendinning

Author: William Shakespeare (Male, born 1564, died 1616), Genre: Drama, Genre: Poetry

Works of William Shakespeare

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

1 2 3