Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Year of publication: 1784-1791

Your search matched 13362 borrowing records.



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Page 31 of 134

Record ID 7810

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 6: Students Receipt Book (1765-1771, Type: Student). Page: 84v

Mon: Review V 2.d

Borrowed: 1770/2/19 (Monday). Returned: 1770/2/22 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 19 Feb 1770. Original Returned Date: 22 Feb 1770. Professor 1: James Williamson.


David Dickson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Physic, Natural Philosophy. Original Full Name: David Dickson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review (London).
Press: AU. Shelf: 4. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Library Research Annexe Store Pm4691. Original Author: Monthly Review..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 7832

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 6: Students Receipt Book (1765-1771, Type: Student). Page: 84v

M: Review V 3d

Borrowed: 1770/2/22 (Thursday). Returned: 1770/2/26 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 22 Feb 1770. Original Returned Date: 26 Feb 1770. Professor 1: Thomas Reid.


David Dickson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Physic, Natural Philosophy. Original Full Name: David Dickson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review (London).
Press: AU. Shelf: 4. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Library Research Annexe Store Pm4691. Original Author: Monthly Review..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 7941

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 6: Students Receipt Book (1765-1771, Type: Student). Page: 86v

Monthly Review V 4th

Borrowed: 1770/4/4 (Wednesday). Returned: 1770/4/16 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 4 Apr 1770. Original Returned Date: 16 Apr 1770. Professor 1: James Williamson.


David Dickson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Physic, Natural Philosophy. Original Full Name: David Dickson.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review (London).
Press: AU. Shelf: 4. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Library Research Annexe Store Pm4691. Original Author: Monthly Review..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 8020

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 6: Students Receipt Book (1765-1771, Type: Student). Page: 87v

Critical Review for 49

Borrowed: 1770/6/13 (Wednesday). Returned: 1770/8/8 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 13 Jun 1770. Original Returned Date: 8 Aug 1770. Professor 1: Robert Trail. Professor 2: George Muirhead.


Nehemiah Nisbett
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Moral Philosophy, Ethics, Physic, Divinity. Original Full Name: Nehemiah Nisbett.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Critical review, or, Annals of literature.
Press: A. Shelf: 4. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi3.1-30. Original Author: Critical Review..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 49

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Critical review, or, Annals of literature.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1756-1817. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 94 times in 75 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Critical Review, or Annals of Literature

Borrowed: 1770/6/13 (Wednesday). Returned: 1770/8/8 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Nehemiah Nisbett

Genre: Periodicals

Critical Review, or Annals of Literature

Volumes borrowed: Volume 49

Record ID 8161

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 6: Students Receipt Book (1765-1771, Type: Student). Page: 89v

Memoires de l'Academie 1747

Borrowed: 1770/5/26 (Saturday). Returned: 1770/10/1 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 26 May ?. Original Returned Date: 1 Oct ?. Professor 1: None.


William Trail
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Natural Philosophy, Divinity. Original Full Name: William Trail.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Record ID 8166

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 6: Students Receipt Book (1765-1771, Type: Student). Page: 89v

Memoirs de l'Acad. Tom. 8

Borrowed: 1770/6/17 (Sunday). Returned: 1770/7/22 (Sunday). Original Borrowed Date: 17 Jun ?. Original Returned Date: 22 Jul ?. Professor 1: None.


William Trail
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Theology, Natural Philosophy, Divinity. Original Full Name: William Trail.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 4. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences (Paris).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1770/6/17 (Sunday). Returned: 1770/7/22 (Sunday).

Borrower: William Trail

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Record ID 48069

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 1v

Memoire De L'Acacdmie in anno 1730

Borrowed: 1757/11/21 (Monday). Returned: /5/22. Original Borrowed Date: 21 Nov 1757. Original Returned Date: 22 May.


James Moor
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Mr Moor. Life dates: c. 1712-1779. Academic dates: MA 1732; LLD 1763.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Librarian. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1730

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1757/11/21 (Monday). Returned: /5/22.

Borrower: James Moor

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1730

Record ID 48113

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 2v

Catalogue of the Advocates library

Borrowed: 1765/2/28 (Thursday). Returned: 1765/3/1 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 28 Feb 1765. Original Returned Date: 1 Mar 1765.


Robert Simson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Dr Simpson. Life dates: 1687-1768.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Reference Works
Catalogue of the library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh.
Press: CR. Shelf: 4. Number: 6. Original Author: Advocates Library.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Reference Works
A catalogue of the library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1742-1807. Format: folio.
Editors: Part 1 compiled by Thomas Ruddiman and Walter Goodall; part 2 by Alexander Brown.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 7 times in 6 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Reference Works
Catalogue of the Faculty of Advocates Library

Borrowed: 1765/2/28 (Thursday). Returned: 1765/3/1 (Friday).

Borrower: Robert Simson

Genre: Reference Works

Catalogue of the Faculty of Advocates Library

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 48128

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 3v

Monthly review volume 8th

Borrowed: 1762/10/25 (Monday). Returned: /11/6. Original Borrowed Date: 25 Oct 1762. Original Returned Date: 6 Nov.


William Leechman
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Leechman. Life dates: 1706-1785. Academic dates: DD 1754.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Professor. Religion and Clergy > Chaplain.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review (London).
Press: AU. Shelf: 4. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Library Research Annexe Store Pm4691. Original Author: Monthly Review..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 8

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 48182

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 6r

Monthly Review

Borrowed: 1758/2/26 (Sunday). Original Borrowed Date: 26 Feb 1758. Original Returned Date: 7 Mar.


James Buchanan
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Mr Buchanan. Life dates: d. 1761. Academic dates: MA 1744.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review (London).
Press: AU. Shelf: 4. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Library Research Annexe Store Pm4691. Original Author: Monthly Review..
Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 48344

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 11r

Monthly Review Vol. 1

Borrowed: 1758/12/29 (Friday). Returned: /7/4. Original Borrowed Date: 29 Dec 1758. Original Returned Date: 4 Jul .


George Muirhead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor of Oriental Languages 1753-1754; Chair of Humanity 1754-1773; Dean of Faculty 1764-1766; Clerk of the University 1769.
Original Full Name: Mr Muirhead. Life dates: 1715-1773. Academic dates: 1728; MA 1742 (Edin.).
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review (London).
Press: AU. Shelf: 4. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Library Research Annexe Store Pm4691. Original Author: Monthly Review..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 48377

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 11v

Memoires De Academie De Scien

Borrowed: 1759/11/22 (Thursday). Returned: /12. Original Borrowed Date: 22 Nov 1759. Original Returned Date: Dec.


Dr Joseph Black
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Black. Life dates: 1728-1799. Academic dates: 1744-1752; MD (Edin), 1754.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1759/11/22 (Thursday). Returned: /12.

Borrower: Dr Joseph Black

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified

Record ID 48362

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 11v

Memoire De L'Academie in an. 1714

Borrowed: 1758/1/25 (Wednesday). Returned: /2/9. Original Borrowed Date: 25 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 9 Feb.


Dr Joseph Black
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Black. Life dates: 1728-1799. Academic dates: 1744-1752; MD (Edin), 1754.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1714

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1758/1/25 (Wednesday). Returned: /2/9.

Borrower: Dr Joseph Black

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1714

Record ID 48378

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 11v

Memoire De S. Acad. Vol 1703

Borrowed: 1760/11/22 (Saturday). Original Borrowed Date: 22 Nov 1760. Original Returned Date: [blank].


Dr Joseph Black
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Black. Life dates: 1728-1799. Academic dates: 1744-1752; MD (Edin), 1754.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1703

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Record ID 48370

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 11v

Memoire De L'Academie in an num 1735

Borrowed: 1759/2/12 (Monday). Returned: /7/2. Original Borrowed Date: 12 Feb 1759. Original Returned Date: 2 Jul.


Dr Joseph Black
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Black. Life dates: 1728-1799. Academic dates: 1744-1752; MD (Edin), 1754.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1735

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1759/2/12 (Monday). Returned: /7/2.

Borrower: Dr Joseph Black

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1735

Record ID 48363

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 11v

Memoires Academie de Science in an 1710

Borrowed: 1758/1/25 (Wednesday). Returned: /2/9. Original Borrowed Date: 25 Jan 1758. Original Returned Date: 9 Feb.


Dr Joseph Black
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Black. Life dates: 1728-1799. Academic dates: 1744-1752; MD (Edin), 1754.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 1710

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1758/1/25 (Wednesday). Returned: /2/9.

Borrower: Dr Joseph Black

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 1710

Record ID 48383

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 11v

Memoire De Acad 1702

Borrowed: 1761/7/13 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 13 Jul 1761. Original Returned Date: [blank].


Dr Joseph Black
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Black. Life dates: 1728-1799. Academic dates: 1744-1752; MD (Edin), 1754.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1702

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Record ID 48385

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 12r

Mem: De L'academ: 1708 & 1730 9 vols

Borrowed: 1761/7/13 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 13 Jul 1761. Original Returned Date: [blank].


Dr Joseph Black
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Black. Life dates: 1728-1799. Academic dates: 1744-1752; MD (Edin), 1754.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified, Volume 1708, Volume 1730

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1761/7/13 (Monday).

Borrower: Dr Joseph Black

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified, Volume 1708, Volume 1730

Record ID 48384

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 12r

Mem. De Acad. 1705, 1699 4 vols

Borrowed: 1761/7/13 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 13 Jul 1761. Original Returned Date: [blank].


Dr Joseph Black
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Black. Life dates: 1728-1799. Academic dates: 1744-1752; MD (Edin), 1754.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified, Volume 1699, Volume 1705

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1761/7/13 (Monday).

Borrower: Dr Joseph Black

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified, Volume 1699, Volume 1705

Record ID 48437

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 13v

Histoire de L'Academ: Royal. 1704

Borrowed: /3/19. Returned: /4/10. Original Borrowed Date: 19 Mar. Original Returned Date: 10 Apr.


Alexander Wilson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Regius Professor of Astronomy 1760-1786; Clerk of Senate 1771.
Original Full Name: Mr Wilson. Life dates: 1714-1786. Academic dates: MA (St Andrews) 1733.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Print and Book Trade > Printers.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1704

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: /3/19. Returned: /4/10.

Borrower: Alexander Wilson

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1704

Record ID 48628

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 18r

Monthly Review

Borrowed: 1763/12/13 (Tuesday). Returned: 1764/3/5 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 13 Dec 1763. Original Returned Date: 5 Mar.


Patrick Cumin
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Mr Cumin. Life dates: d. 1820. Academic dates: MA (Edin) 1760; LLD 1803.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review (London).
Press: AU. Shelf: 4. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Library Research Annexe Store Pm4691. Original Author: Monthly Review..
Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 48746

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 20v

Memoires De Academie

Borrowed: 1763/11/29 (Tuesday). Returned: /5/18. Original Borrowed Date: 29 Nov [1763]. Original Returned Date: 18 May.


Dr William Wright
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Natural Philosophy, Theology, Divinity, Greek, Logic, Ethics. Original Full Name: Mr Wright. Life dates: 1730-1782.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Religion and Clergy > Chaplain.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Mémoires de mathʹematique et de physique, présentés à l'Académie royale des sciences 
Press: AY. Shelf: 3. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 494-497  . Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France)..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1751

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1763/11/29 (Tuesday). Returned: /5/18.

Borrower: Dr William Wright

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1751

Record ID 48862

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 1: Professors Receipt Book (1751-1765, Type: Professorial). Page: 23v

Ruins of Athens Stewart

Borrowed: 1766/4/10 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 10 Apr [1766].


James Moor
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Mr Moor. Life dates: c. 1712-1779. Academic dates: MA 1732; LLD 1763.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Librarian. Education > University Professor.

Book Holding

Nicolas Revett (Male, born 1720, died 1804), James Stuart (Male, born 1713, died 1788)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History
Antiquities of Athens. Measured and delineated by James Stuart and Nicholas Revett.
Press: O. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Original Author: Stuart, James, 1713-1788..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Nicolas Revett (Male, born 1720, died 1804), James Stuart (Male, born 1713, died 1788)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History
The antiquities of Athens measured and delineated by James Stuart F.R.S. and F.S.A. and Nicholas Revett painters and architects.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1762-1794. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 16 times in 6 borrowing records

Book Work

Nicolas Revett (Male, born 1720, died 1804), James Stuart (Male, born 1713, died 1788)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History
Antiquities of Athens Measured and Delineated

Borrowed: 1766/4/10 (Thursday).

Borrower: James Moor

Author: Nicolas Revett (Male, born 1720, died 1804), James Stuart (Male, born 1713, died 1788), Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History

Antiquities of Athens Measured and Delineated

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5

Record ID 49221

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 11r

Catalogue of Advs Library

Borrowed: 1768/2/23 (Tuesday). Returned: 1768/5/29 (Sunday). Original Borrowed Date: 23 Feb 1768. Original Returned Date: 29 May 1768.


William Wight
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Wight. Life dates: 1730-1782.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Professor. Religion and Clergy > Chaplain.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Reference Works
Catalogue of the library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh.
Press: CR. Shelf: 4. Number: 6. Original Author: Advocates Library.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Reference Works
A catalogue of the library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1742-1807. Format: folio.
Editors: Part 1 compiled by Thomas Ruddiman and Walter Goodall; part 2 by Alexander Brown.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 7 times in 6 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Reference Works
Catalogue of the Faculty of Advocates Library

Borrowed: 1768/2/23 (Tuesday). Returned: 1768/5/29 (Sunday).

Borrower: William Wight

Genre: Reference Works

Catalogue of the Faculty of Advocates Library

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 49295

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 13r

Hist: de L'Acad: Des Sciences 1762

Borrowed: 1767/3/18 (Wednesday). Returned: 1767/12/7 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 18 Mar 1767. Original Returned Date: 7 Dec 1767.


William Wight
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Wight. Life dates: 1730-1782.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Professor. Religion and Clergy > Chaplain.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Mémoires de mathʹematique et de physique, présentés à l'Académie royale des sciences 
Press: AY. Shelf: 3. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 494-497  . Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France)..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1751

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1767/3/18 (Wednesday). Returned: 1767/12/7 (Monday).

Borrower: William Wight

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1751

Record ID 49325

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 14r

Catalogue of Advocatis Library

Borrowed: 1769/7/18 (Tuesday). Returned: 1770/2/23 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 18 Jul 1769. Original Returned Date: 23 Feb 1770.


William Wight
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Wight. Life dates: 1730-1782.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Professor. Religion and Clergy > Chaplain.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Reference Works
Catalogue of the library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh.
Press: CR. Shelf: 4. Number: 6. Original Author: Advocates Library.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Reference Works
A catalogue of the library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1742-1807. Format: folio.
Editors: Part 1 compiled by Thomas Ruddiman and Walter Goodall; part 2 by Alexander Brown.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 7 times in 6 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Reference Works
Catalogue of the Faculty of Advocates Library

Borrowed: 1769/7/18 (Tuesday). Returned: 1770/2/23 (Friday).

Borrower: William Wight

Genre: Reference Works

Catalogue of the Faculty of Advocates Library

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 49713

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 26v

Stewarts Ruins of Athens

Borrowed: 1765/5/3 (Friday). Returned: 1765/7/24 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 3 May 1765. Original Returned Date: 24 Jul 1765.


James Moor
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Mr Moor. Life dates: c. 1712-1779. Academic dates: MA 1732; LLD 1763.
Occupation (normalised): Arts and Letters > Librarian. Education > University Professor.

Book Holding

Nicolas Revett (Male, born 1720, died 1804), James Stuart (Male, born 1713, died 1788)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History
Antiquities of Athens. Measured and delineated by James Stuart and Nicholas Revett.
Press: O. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Original Author: Stuart, James, 1713-1788..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Nicolas Revett (Male, born 1720, died 1804), James Stuart (Male, born 1713, died 1788)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History
The antiquities of Athens measured and delineated by James Stuart F.R.S. and F.S.A. and Nicholas Revett painters and architects.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1762-1794. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 16 times in 6 borrowing records

Book Work

Nicolas Revett (Male, born 1720, died 1804), James Stuart (Male, born 1713, died 1788)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History
Antiquities of Athens Measured and Delineated

Borrowed: 1765/5/3 (Friday). Returned: 1765/7/24 (Wednesday).

Borrower: James Moor

Author: Nicolas Revett (Male, born 1720, died 1804), James Stuart (Male, born 1713, died 1788), Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History

Antiquities of Athens Measured and Delineated

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5

Record ID 49736

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 27v

Histoire de L'academie 1742

Borrowed: 1766/4/16 (Wednesday). Returned: 1766/7/30 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 16 Apr 1766. Original Returned Date: 30 Jul 1766.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1766/4/16 (Wednesday). Returned: 1766/7/30 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 49738

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 28r

Histoire de L'academie 1746

Borrowed: 1766/5/15 (Thursday). Returned: 1766/12/8 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 15 May 1766. Original Returned Date: 8 Dec 1766.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Mémoires de mathʹematique et de physique, présentés à l'Académie royale des sciences 
Press: AY. Shelf: 3. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 494-497  . Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France)..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1751

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1766/5/15 (Thursday). Returned: 1766/12/8 (Monday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1751

Record ID 49737

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 28r

Histoire de L'academie de Sciences (1761-1762

Borrowed: 1766/5/15 (Thursday). Returned: 1766/10/18 (Saturday). Original Borrowed Date: 15 May 1766. Original Returned Date: 18 Oct 1766.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Mémoires de mathʹematique et de physique, présentés à l'Académie royale des sciences 
Press: AY. Shelf: 3. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 494-497  . Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France)..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1751

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1766/5/15 (Thursday). Returned: 1766/10/18 (Saturday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1751

Record ID 49818

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 30r

Histoire de l'Acad de Sciences 1757

Borrowed: 1768/9/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1768/9/21 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 7 Sep 1768. Original Returned Date: 21 Sep 1768.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Mémoires de mathʹematique et de physique, présentés à l'Académie royale des sciences 
Press: AY. Shelf: 3. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 494-497  . Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France)..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1751

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1768/9/7 (Wednesday). Returned: 1768/9/21 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1751

Record ID 49853

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 31r

Antiquities of Athens

Returned: 1767/8/25 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: Feb 1767. Original Returned Date: 25 Aug 1767.


George Muirhead
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor of Oriental Languages 1753-1754; Chair of Humanity 1754-1773; Dean of Faculty 1764-1766; Clerk of the University 1769.
Original Full Name: Mr Muirhead. Life dates: 1715-1773. Academic dates: 1728; MA 1742 (Edin.).
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Professor.

Book Holding

Nicolas Revett (Male, born 1720, died 1804), James Stuart (Male, born 1713, died 1788)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History
Antiquities of Athens. Measured and delineated by James Stuart and Nicholas Revett.
Press: O. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Original Author: Stuart, James, 1713-1788..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Nicolas Revett (Male, born 1720, died 1804), James Stuart (Male, born 1713, died 1788)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History
The antiquities of Athens measured and delineated by James Stuart F.R.S. and F.S.A. and Nicholas Revett painters and architects.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1762-1794. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 16 times in 6 borrowing records

Book Work

Nicolas Revett (Male, born 1720, died 1804), James Stuart (Male, born 1713, died 1788)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History
Antiquities of Athens Measured and Delineated

Returned: 1767/8/25 (Tuesday).

Borrower: George Muirhead

Author: Nicolas Revett (Male, born 1720, died 1804), James Stuart (Male, born 1713, died 1788), Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History

Antiquities of Athens Measured and Delineated

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 50010

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 36v

Memoirs de L Acad. De Sciences depuis 1666 & 1669 Tom 7th part 2d, Tom 8th, 9th & 10th being 4 Volumes - also Histoire de L Acad Au 1702, 1703, 1705, 1708, 1730 being 5 Vol. more

Borrowed: 1765/5/20 (Monday). Returned: 1765/7/30 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 20 May 1765. Original Returned Date: 30 Jul 1765.


Dr Joseph Black
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Black. Life dates: 1728-1799. Academic dates: 1744-1752; MD (Edin), 1754.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique
Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394  . Original Author: Académie Royale des sciences..

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1765/5/20 (Monday). Returned: 1765/7/30 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Dr Joseph Black

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Record ID 50143

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 42r

Bibliothe: facultatis JuridicæCatalogus

Borrowed: 1767/8/21 (Friday). Returned: 1767/12/4 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 21 Aug 1767. Original Returned Date: 4 Dec 1767.


Robert Trail
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Trail. Life dates: 1720-1775.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Reference Works
Catalogue of the library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh.
Press: CR. Shelf: 4. Number: 6. Original Author: Advocates Library.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Reference Works
A catalogue of the library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1742-1807. Format: folio.
Editors: Part 1 compiled by Thomas Ruddiman and Walter Goodall; part 2 by Alexander Brown.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 7 times in 6 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Reference Works
Catalogue of the Faculty of Advocates Library

Borrowed: 1767/8/21 (Friday). Returned: 1767/12/4 (Friday).

Borrower: Robert Trail

Genre: Reference Works

Catalogue of the Faculty of Advocates Library

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 50339

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 48v

Memoires D L.Acad - vol 6 7 & 10

Borrowed: /10/16. Returned: /12/1. Original Borrowed Date: 16 Oct. Original Returned Date: 1 Dec.


Dr William Irvine
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: W Irvine. Life dates: 1743-1787.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 6, Volume 7, Volume 10

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: /10/16. Returned: /12/1.

Borrower: Dr William Irvine

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 6, Volume 7, Volume 10

Record ID 50338

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 48v

Memoires D'L Acad de Scienc 1746

Borrowed: /10/12. Returned: /5/22. Original Borrowed Date: 12 Oct. Original Returned Date: 22 May.


Dr William Irvine
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: W Irvine. Life dates: 1743-1787.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Mémoires de mathʹematique et de physique, présentés à l'Académie royale des sciences 
Press: AY. Shelf: 3. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 494-497  . Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France)..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1751

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: /10/12. Returned: /5/22.

Borrower: Dr William Irvine

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1751

Record ID 50342

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 48v

Memoire D L Acad 1711

Borrowed: /12/21. Returned: /1/8. Original Borrowed Date: 21 Dec. Original Returned Date: 8 Jan.


Dr William Irvine
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: W Irvine. Life dates: 1743-1787.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1711

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: /12/21. Returned: /1/8.

Borrower: Dr William Irvine

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1711

Record ID 50340

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 48v

Memoires D L Acad per 1737 & 1749

Borrowed: /11/7. Returned: /1/8. Original Borrowed Date: 7 Nov. Original Returned Date: 8 Jan.


Dr William Irvine
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: W Irvine. Life dates: 1743-1787.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1737, Volume 1749

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: /11/7. Returned: /1/8.

Borrower: Dr William Irvine

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1737, Volume 1749

Record ID 50367

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 49v

Memoires presentées V 2.3

Borrowed: /11/18. Returned: /12/14. Original Borrowed Date: 18 Nov. Original Returned Date: 14 Dec.


John Robison
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: John Robison. Life dates: 1739-1805.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Académie Royale des sciences (Paris) Académie des sciences (Paris) (Unspecified)
Genre: History, Genre: Mathematics
Mémoires de mathʹematique et de physique, présentés à l'Académie royale des sciences.
Press: BB. Shelf: 6. Number: 20-1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Cu.1.19, 20.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 50372

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 49v

Mem de l'Acad des Sciences 1751

Borrowed: /12/16. Returned: /5/23. Original Borrowed Date: 16 Dec. Original Returned Date: 23 May.


John Robison
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: John Robison. Life dates: 1739-1805.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Mémoires de mathʹematique et de physique, présentés à l'Académie royale des sciences 
Press: AY. Shelf: 3. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 494-497  . Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France)..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1751

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: /12/16. Returned: /5/23.

Borrower: John Robison

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1751

Record ID 50375

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 49v

Comment de Rebus en Medicina gestis ' 3

Borrowed: /2/3. Returned: /5/23. Original Borrowed Date: 3 Feb. Original Returned Date: 23 May.


John Robison
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: John Robison. Life dates: 1739-1805.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy
Commentarii de rebus in scientia naturali et medicina gestis
Press: AT. Shelf: 5. Number: 4,5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk.3.20-26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy
Commentarii de Rebus in Scientia Naturali et Medicina gestis.
Language: Latin . Published: Leipzig. Date of publication: 1752-1798. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 11 times in 7 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy
Commentarii de Rebus in Scientia Naturali et Medicina Gestis

Borrowed: /2/3. Returned: /5/23.

Borrower: John Robison

Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy

Commentarii de Rebus in Scientia Naturali et Medicina Gestis

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 50373

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 49v

Comment. de rebus en Medn gestis Vol 1.2

Borrowed: /1/12. Returned: /1/19. Original Borrowed Date: 12 Jan . Original Returned Date: 19 Jan.


John Robison
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: John Robison. Life dates: 1739-1805.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy
Commentarii de rebus in scientia naturali et medicina gestis
Press: AT. Shelf: 5. Number: 4,5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk.3.20-26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy
Commentarii de Rebus in Scientia Naturali et Medicina gestis.
Language: Latin . Published: Leipzig. Date of publication: 1752-1798. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 11 times in 7 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy
Commentarii de Rebus in Scientia Naturali et Medicina Gestis

Borrowed: /1/12. Returned: /1/19.

Borrower: John Robison

Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy

Commentarii de Rebus in Scientia Naturali et Medicina Gestis

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 50394

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 50r

Comment de Rebus in Mida &c 11.12.19

Borrowed: 1768/3/1 (Tuesday). Returned: 1768/3/6 (Sunday). Original Borrowed Date: 1 Mar 1768. Original Returned Date: 6 Mar 1768.


John Robison
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: John Robison. Life dates: 1739-1805.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy
Commentarii de rebus in scientia naturali et medicina gestis
Press: AT. Shelf: 5. Number: 4,5. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk.3.20-26.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 11, Volume 12, Volume 19

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy
Commentarii de Rebus in Scientia Naturali et Medicina gestis.
Language: Latin . Published: Leipzig. Date of publication: 1752-1798. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 11 times in 7 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy
Commentarii de Rebus in Scientia Naturali et Medicina Gestis

Borrowed: 1768/3/1 (Tuesday). Returned: 1768/3/6 (Sunday).

Borrower: John Robison

Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy

Commentarii de Rebus in Scientia Naturali et Medicina Gestis

Volumes borrowed: Volume 11, Volume 12, Volume 19

Record ID 50383

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 50r

Description des Arts et Metiers 1st

Borrowed: 1767/1/15 (Thursday). Returned: 1767/4/21 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 15 Jan 1767. Original Returned Date: 21 Apr 1767.


John Robison
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: John Robison. Life dates: 1739-1805.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Académie Royale des sciences (Paris) Académie des sciences (Paris) (Unspecified)
Genre: Reference Works
Description des arts et métiers, faites ou approuvées par messieurs de l'Academie royale des sciences.
Press: H. Shelf: 2. Number: 8. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RX 19. Original Author: Académie des sciences (France).

Record ID 50410

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 50v

Mem. De l acad 1699 Tom 1

Original Borrowed Date: 23 Oct. Original Returned Date: 8 Dec.


Dr William Irvine
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: W Irvine. Life dates: 1743-1787.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Record ID 50409

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 50v

Memoires Academ Royale pour 1703-05-08-30 4 Vol

Borrowed: /10/22. Returned: /12/8. Original Borrowed Date: 22 Oct. Original Returned Date: 8 Dec.


Dr William Irvine
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: W Irvine. Life dates: 1743-1787.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1703, Volume 1705, Volume 1708, Volume 1730

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: /10/22. Returned: /12/8.

Borrower: Dr William Irvine

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1703, Volume 1705, Volume 1708, Volume 1730

Record ID 50424

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 51r

Memoires d l acad. De Scienc pour les ann: 1734-38-49

Borrowed: /11/2. Returned: /12/19. Original Borrowed Date: 2 Nov. Original Returned Date: 19 Dec.


Dr William Irvine
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: W Irvine. Life dates: 1743-1787.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1734, Volume 1738, Volume 1749

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: /11/2. Returned: /12/19.

Borrower: Dr William Irvine

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1734, Volume 1738, Volume 1749

Record ID 50420

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 51r

Memoires d l Academie de Sciences pour les annus 1734-38-39

Borrowed: /2/3. Returned: /11/2. Original Borrowed Date: 3 Feb. Original Returned Date: 2 Nov.


Dr William Irvine
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: W Irvine. Life dates: 1743-1787.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 1734, Volume 1738, Volume 1739

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: /2/3. Returned: /11/2.

Borrower: Dr William Irvine

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4, Volume 1734, Volume 1738, Volume 1739

Record ID 50429

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 51r

Memoir d l Acad pour 1702-30

Borrowed: /12/19. Returned: /3/7. Original Borrowed Date: 19 Dec. Original Returned Date: 7 Mar.


Dr William Irvine
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: W Irvine. Life dates: 1743-1787.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: /12/19. Returned: /3/7.

Borrower: Dr William Irvine

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified

Record ID 50421

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 51r


Borrowed: /2/3. Returned: /11/2. Original Borrowed Date: 3 Feb. Original Returned Date: 2 Nov.


Dr William Irvine
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: W Irvine. Life dates: 1743-1787.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Mémoires de mathʹematique et de physique, présentés à l'Académie royale des sciences 
Press: AY. Shelf: 3. Number: 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 494-497  . Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France)..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1749

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: /2/3. Returned: /11/2.

Borrower: Dr William Irvine

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1749

Record ID 50480

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 53r

Decisions 1735. to 1739.

Returned: /12/16. Original Borrowed Date: [blank]. Original Returned Date: 16 Dec.


William Craig
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Moral Philosophy. Original Full Name: Will: Craig. Life dates: 1745-1813.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Court of Session Scotland (Unspecified)
Genre: Law
Decisions of the Court of Session, from the month of November 1735 to the month July 1744.
Press: AA. Shelf: 6. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RF 157  . Original Author: Scotland. Court of Session..

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Court of Session Scotland (Unspecified)
Genre: Law
Decisions of the Court of Session, from The Month of November M,DCC,XXXV, to The Month of July M,DCC,XLIV.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1791. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 2

Book Work

Court of Session Scotland (Unspecified)
Genre: Law
Decisions of the Court of Session

Returned: /12/16.

Borrower: William Craig

Author: Court of Session Scotland (Unspecified), Genre: Law

Decisions of the Court of Session

Record ID 50487

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 4: Professors Receipt Book (1765-1770, Type: Professorial). Page: 53r

Gilmour & Falconers Decisions 

Returned: /12/14. Original Borrowed Date: [blank]. Original Returned Date: 14 Dec.


William Craig
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Moral Philosophy. Original Full Name: Will: Craig. Life dates: 1745-1813.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Court of Session Scotland (Unspecified)
Genre: Law
Decisions of the Court of Session, from the month of November 1735 to the month July 1744.
Press: AA. Shelf: 6. Number: 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RF 157  . Original Author: Scotland. Court of Session..

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Court of Session Scotland (Unspecified)
Genre: Law
Decisions of the Court of Session, from The Month of November M,DCC,XXXV, to The Month of July M,DCC,XLIV.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1791. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 2

Book Work

Court of Session Scotland (Unspecified)
Genre: Law
Decisions of the Court of Session

Returned: /12/14.

Borrower: William Craig

Author: Court of Session Scotland (Unspecified), Genre: Law

Decisions of the Court of Session

Record ID 50509

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 1r

Tom. 3 of Herculaneum prints sent to M.r Foulis

Borrowed: 1776/11/14 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 14 Nov 1776.


Mr Andrew Foulis younger
Gender: Male.
Class: Printer. Original Full Name: Andrew Foulis.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Print and Book Trade > Printers.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Pasquale Carcani (Male, born 1721, died 1783)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History
Pitture antiche d'Ercolano e contorni.
Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RX 74-82.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Pasquale Carcani (Male, born 1721, died 1783)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History
Le Pitture antiche d'Ercolano e contorni incise con qualche spiegazione.
Language: Italian . Published: Naples. Date of publication: 1755-1792. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 1

Book Work

Pasquale Carcani (Male, born 1721, died 1783)
Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History
Pitture Antiche d'Ercolano e Contorni Incise con Qualche Spiegazione

Borrowed: 1776/11/14 (Thursday).

Borrower: Mr Andrew Foulis younger

Author: Pasquale Carcani (Male, born 1721, died 1783), Genre: Fine Arts, Genre: History

Pitture Antiche d'Ercolano e Contorni Incise con Qualche Spiegazione

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 50506

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 1r

Sent Henry's History V. and Dalrymple's Memoirs to Dunlop & Wilson as Patterns for the Bookbinders

Borrowed: 1774/12/30 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 30 Dec 1774.


Dunlop and Wilson
Gender: Male. Address: Glasgow.
Occupation (normalised): Print and Book Trade > Booksellers. Print and Book Trade > Printers. Print and Book Trade > Publishers.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar.
Press: T. Shelf: 1. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi8-e.10-15. Original Author: Henry, Robert, 1718-1790..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
The history of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans Under Julius Caesar.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771-1793. Format: 4to. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 362 times in 250 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Borrowed: 1774/12/30 (Friday).

Borrower: Dunlop and Wilson

Author: Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790), Genre: History

History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 50568

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 4v

Henry's History Vol. 1

Borrowed: 1773/11/30 (Tuesday). Returned: 1774/5/17 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 30 Nov 1773. Original Returned Date: 17 May 1774.


John Anderson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: Mr Anderson. Life dates: 1726-1796. Academic dates: MA 1745.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar.
Press: T. Shelf: 1. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi8-e.10-15. Original Author: Henry, Robert, 1718-1790..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
The history of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans Under Julius Caesar.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771-1793. Format: 4to. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 362 times in 250 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Borrowed: 1773/11/30 (Tuesday). Returned: 1774/5/17 (Tuesday).

Borrower: John Anderson

Author: Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790), Genre: History

History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 50577

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 4v

Lusini Aphrodisiacus 2 Vol.

Borrowed: 1774/10/24 (Monday). Returned: 1775/5/12 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 24 Oct 1774. Original Returned Date: 12 May 1775.


John Anderson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: Mr Anderson. Life dates: 1726-1796. Academic dates: MA 1745.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Medicine
Aphrodisiacus: sive de lue venerea.
Press: Q. Shelf: 3. Number: 2&3. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bl3-a.2-3. Original Author: Luisini, Luigi..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Medicine
Aphrodisiacus, sive de Lue Venerea; in duos tomos bipartitus, continens omnia quæcumque hactenus de hac re sunt ab omnibus medicis conscripta ... Opus ... ab ... A. Luisino ... collectum.
Language: Latin . Published: Leiden | Jena. Date of publication: 1728-1789. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 2 times in 1 borrowing record

Book Work

Genre: Medicine
Aphrodisiacus, sive De Lue Venerea

Borrowed: 1774/10/24 (Monday). Returned: 1775/5/12 (Friday).

Borrower: John Anderson

Genre: Medicine

Aphrodisiacus, sive De Lue Venerea

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 50609

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 5r

Archaeologia Vol. 1.2.

Borrowed: 1780/3/20 (Monday). Returned: 1780/5/5 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 20 Mar. Original Returned Date: 5 May.


John Anderson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: Mr Anderson. Life dates: 1726-1796. Academic dates: MA 1745.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Society of Antiquaries of London (Unspecified)
Genre: History
Archaeologia, or Miscellaneous tracts, relating to antiquity.
Press: D. Shelf: 9. Number: 1-2. Possible modern shelfmark: Store Pm3866. Original Author: Society of Antiquaries of London..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Society of Antiquaries of London (Unspecified)
Genre: History
Archaeologia, or Miscellaneous tracts, relating to antiquity.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1770-1792. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 3 times in 2 borrowing records

Book Work

Society of Antiquaries of London (Unspecified)
Genre: History
Archaeologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts, Relating to Antiquity

Borrowed: 1780/3/20 (Monday). Returned: 1780/5/5 (Friday).

Borrower: John Anderson

Author: Society of Antiquaries of London (Unspecified), Genre: History

Archaeologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts, Relating to Antiquity

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 50634

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 6r

Hist. de l'Academie Royal des Scienes An 1771 (1721)

Borrowed: 1786/11/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1787/1/18 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 28 Nov 1786. Original Returned Date: 18 Jan.


John Anderson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: Mr Anderson. Life dates: 1726-1796. Academic dates: MA 1745.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1786/11/28 (Tuesday). Returned: 1787/1/18 (Thursday).

Borrower: John Anderson

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 50635

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 6r

Histoire de l'Academie des Sciences, an. 1741

Borrowed: 1787/4/24 (Tuesday). Returned: 1787/4/9 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 24 Apr 1787. Original Returned Date: 9 Apr.


John Anderson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Theology. Original Full Name: Mr Anderson. Life dates: 1726-1796. Academic dates: MA 1745.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1741

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1787/4/24 (Tuesday). Returned: 1787/4/9 (Monday).

Borrower: John Anderson

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1741

Record ID 50819

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 11r

Academie De Science 1765 one Vol.m

Borrowed: /7/1. Returned: /8/12. Original Borrowed Date: 1 Jul. Original Returned Date: 12 Aug.


Robert Trail
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Trail. Life dates: 1720-1775.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1765

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: /7/1. Returned: /8/12.

Borrower: Robert Trail

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1765

Record ID 50839

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 11v

a Catalogue of the Advocates Library

Borrowed: /9/2. Returned: /9/9. Original Borrowed Date: 2 Sep. Original Returned Date: 9 Sep.


Robert Trail
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Trail. Life dates: 1720-1775.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Reference Works
Catalogue of the library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh.
Press: CR. Shelf: 4. Number: 6. Original Author: Advocates Library.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Reference Works
A catalogue of the library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1742-1807. Format: folio.
Editors: Part 1 compiled by Thomas Ruddiman and Walter Goodall; part 2 by Alexander Brown.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 7 times in 6 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Reference Works
Catalogue of the Faculty of Advocates Library

Borrowed: /9/2. Returned: /9/9.

Borrower: Robert Trail

Genre: Reference Works

Catalogue of the Faculty of Advocates Library

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 50882

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 12v

Tracts by the Antiquarian Society

Borrowed: /4/5. Returned: /4/27. Original Borrowed Date: 5 Apr. Original Returned Date: 27 Apr.


Robert Trail
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Trail. Life dates: 1720-1775.
Occupation (normalised): Religion and Clergy > Minister/Priest > Church of Scotland. Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Society of Antiquaries of London (Unspecified)
Genre: History
Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts, relating to antiquity.
Press: AD. Shelf: 4. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Store Pm3866. Original Author: Society of Antiquaries of London..
Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Society of Antiquaries of London (Unspecified)
Genre: History
Archaeologia, or Miscellaneous tracts, relating to antiquity.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1770-1792. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 3 times in 2 borrowing records

Book Work

Society of Antiquaries of London (Unspecified)
Genre: History
Archaeologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts, Relating to Antiquity

Borrowed: /4/5. Returned: /4/27.

Borrower: Robert Trail

Author: Society of Antiquaries of London (Unspecified), Genre: History

Archaeologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts, Relating to Antiquity

Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified

Record ID 51050

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 17r

Monthly Review for 1784 2 Vols

Borrowed: 1786/1/9 (Monday). Returned: 1786/5/7 (Sunday). Original Borrowed Date: 9 Jan 1786. Original Returned Date: 7 May 1786.


Hugh MacLeod
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: H. Macleod.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review (London).
Press: AU. Shelf: 4. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Library Research Annexe Store Pm4691. Original Author: Monthly Review..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 70, Volume 71

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 51066

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 17v

Arnot's Criminal Trials

Borrowed: 1788/1/9 (Wednesday). Returned: 1788/1/24 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 9 Jan 1788. Original Returned Date: 24 Jan 1788.


Hugh MacLeod
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: H. Macleod.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Hugo Arnot (Male, born 1749, died 1786)
Genre: Law
Collection and abridgement of celebrated criminal trials in Scotland, from A.D. 1536, to 1784. With historical and critical remarks.
Press: N Room. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RQ 1152. Original Author: Arnot, Hugo, 1749-1786..

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Hugo Arnot (Male, born 1749, died 1786)
Genre: Law
A collection and abridgement of celebrated criminal trials in Scotland, from A.D. 1536, to 1784. With historical and critical remarks. By Hugo Arnot, Esq. Advocate.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1785. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: 23

Book Work

Hugo Arnot (Male, born 1749, died 1786)
Genre: Law
Collection and Abridgement of Celebrated Criminal Trials in Scotland

Borrowed: 1788/1/9 (Wednesday). Returned: 1788/1/24 (Thursday).

Borrower: Hugh MacLeod

Author: Hugo Arnot (Male, born 1749, died 1786), Genre: Law

Collection and Abridgement of Celebrated Criminal Trials in Scotland

Record ID 51207

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 21r

Henry's History 2 Vols

Borrowed: 1775/6/1 (Thursday). Returned: 1776/1/30 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 1 Jun 1775. Original Returned Date: 30 Jan 1776.


John Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Mr Millar. Life dates: 1735-1801.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Law > Advocate.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar.
Press: T. Shelf: 1. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi8-e.10-15. Original Author: Henry, Robert, 1718-1790..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
The history of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans Under Julius Caesar.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771-1793. Format: 4to. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 362 times in 250 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Borrowed: 1775/6/1 (Thursday). Returned: 1776/1/30 (Tuesday).

Borrower: John Millar

Author: Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790), Genre: History

History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 51327

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 24r

Henry's History Vol. 1.

Borrowed: 1781/9/21 (Friday). Returned: 1782/5/29 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 21 Sep 1781. Original Returned Date: 29 May 1782.


John Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Mr Millar. Life dates: 1735-1801.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Law > Advocate.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar.
Press: T. Shelf: 1. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi8-e.10-15. Original Author: Henry, Robert, 1718-1790..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
The history of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans Under Julius Caesar.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771-1793. Format: 4to. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 362 times in 250 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Borrowed: 1781/9/21 (Friday). Returned: 1782/5/29 (Wednesday).

Borrower: John Millar

Author: Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790), Genre: History

History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 51346

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 24v

Henry's history Vol. 1.

Borrowed: 1782/5/29 (Wednesday). Returned: 1782/12/5 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 29 May 1782. Original Returned Date: 5 Dec 1782.


John Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Mr Millar. Life dates: 1735-1801.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Law > Advocate.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar.
Press: T. Shelf: 1. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi8-e.10-15. Original Author: Henry, Robert, 1718-1790..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
The history of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans Under Julius Caesar.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771-1793. Format: 4to. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 362 times in 250 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Borrowed: 1782/5/29 (Wednesday). Returned: 1782/12/5 (Thursday).

Borrower: John Millar

Author: Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790), Genre: History

History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 51358

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 24v

Henry's History Vol. 2d

Borrowed: 1782/6/18 (Tuesday). Returned: 1783/4/28 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 18 Jun 1782. Original Returned Date: 28 Apr 1783.


John Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Mr Millar. Life dates: 1735-1801.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Law > Advocate.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar.
Press: T. Shelf: 1. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi8-e.10-15. Original Author: Henry, Robert, 1718-1790..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
The history of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans Under Julius Caesar.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771-1793. Format: 4to. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 362 times in 250 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Borrowed: 1782/6/18 (Tuesday). Returned: 1783/4/28 (Monday).

Borrower: John Millar

Author: Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790), Genre: History

History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 51371

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 25r

Henry's history vol. 1

Borrowed: 1782/12/5 (Thursday). Returned: 1783/4/28 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 5 Dec 1782. Original Returned Date: 28 Apr 1783.


John Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Mr Millar. Life dates: 1735-1801.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Law > Advocate.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar.
Press: T. Shelf: 1. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi8-e.10-15. Original Author: Henry, Robert, 1718-1790..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
The history of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans Under Julius Caesar.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771-1793. Format: 4to. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 362 times in 250 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Borrowed: 1782/12/5 (Thursday). Returned: 1783/4/28 (Monday).

Borrower: John Millar

Author: Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790), Genre: History

History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 51399

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 25v

Henry's History vol. 3.d

Borrowed: 1784/7/28 (Wednesday). Returned: 1784/11/5 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 28 Jul 1784. Original Returned Date: 5 Nov 1784.


John Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Mr Millar. Life dates: 1735-1801.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Law > Advocate.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar.
Press: T. Shelf: 1. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi8-e.10-15. Original Author: Henry, Robert, 1718-1790..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
The history of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans Under Julius Caesar.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771-1793. Format: 4to. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 362 times in 250 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Borrowed: 1784/7/28 (Wednesday). Returned: 1784/11/5 (Friday).

Borrower: John Millar

Author: Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790), Genre: History

History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 51394

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 25v

Henry's History of England V. 3.d

Borrowed: 1784/2/5 (Thursday). Returned: 1784/4/28 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 5 Feb 1784. Original Returned Date: 28 Apr 1784.


John Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Mr Millar. Life dates: 1735-1801.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Law > Advocate.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar.
Press: T. Shelf: 1. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi8-e.10-15. Original Author: Henry, Robert, 1718-1790..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
The history of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans Under Julius Caesar.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771-1793. Format: 4to. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 362 times in 250 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Borrowed: 1784/2/5 (Thursday). Returned: 1784/4/28 (Wednesday).

Borrower: John Millar

Author: Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790), Genre: History

History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 3

Record ID 51419

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 26r

Ruffhead's Statutes at large V. 1 &2

Borrowed: 1785/6/13 (Monday). Returned: 1786/1/26 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 13 Jun 1785. Original Returned Date: 26 Jan 1786.


John Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Mr Millar. Life dates: 1735-1801.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Law > Advocate.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769)
Genre: Law
Statutes at large.
Press: CL. Shelf: 6. Number: 1, 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Library Level 7 Parliamentary Papers  . Original Author: Ruffhead, Owen..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769)
Genre: Law
The statutes at large, from the thirty first year of King George the Second, to the fourth year of King George the Third, inclusive.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1769-1800. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 6 times in 3 borrowing records

Book Work

Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769)
Genre: Law
Statutes at Large

Borrowed: 1785/6/13 (Monday). Returned: 1786/1/26 (Thursday).

Borrower: John Millar

Author: Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769), Genre: Law

Statutes at Large

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 51467

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 27r

Henry's History. V. 1. M.r Lapslie

Borrowed: 1787/4/24 (Tuesday). Returned: 1787/5/4 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 24 Apr 1787. Original Returned Date: 4 May 1787.


John Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Mr Millar. Life dates: 1735-1801.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Law > Advocate.

James Lapslie
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Logic, Ethics, Physic, Divinity. Original Full Name: James Lapslie.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar.
Press: T. Shelf: 1. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi8-e.10-15. Original Author: Henry, Robert, 1718-1790..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
The history of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans Under Julius Caesar.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1771-1793. Format: 4to. Pagination: 6 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 362 times in 250 borrowing records

Book Work

Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Borrowed: 1787/4/24 (Tuesday). Returned: 1787/5/4 (Friday).

Borrowers: John Millar , James Lapslie

Author: Robert Henry (Male, born 1718, died 1790), Genre: History

History of Great Britain [Robert Henry]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 51489

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 27v

Ruffhead's Statutes at large Vol. 1-3

Borrowed: 1787/8/1 (Wednesday). Returned: 1788/6/10 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 1 Aug 1787. Original Returned Date: 10 Jun 1788.


John Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Mr Millar. Life dates: 1735-1801.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Law > Advocate.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769)
Genre: Law
Statutes at large.
Press: CL. Shelf: 6. Number: 1, 2. Possible modern shelfmark: Library Level 7 Parliamentary Papers  . Original Author: Ruffhead, Owen..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769)
Genre: Law
The statutes at large, from the thirty first year of King George the Second, to the fourth year of King George the Third, inclusive.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1769-1800. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 6 times in 3 borrowing records

Book Work

Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769)
Genre: Law
Statutes at Large

Borrowed: 1787/8/1 (Wednesday). Returned: 1788/6/10 (Tuesday).

Borrower: John Millar

Author: Owen Ruffhead (Male, born 1723, died 1769), Genre: Law

Statutes at Large

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 51495

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 27v

Johnson's Works. Vols. 5, 6, 7

Borrowed: 1788/2/5 (Tuesday). Returned: 1788/6/4 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 5 Feb 1788. Original Returned Date: 4 Jun 1788.


John Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Mr Millar. Life dates: 1735-1801.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Law > Advocate.

Book Holding

Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Together with his life, and notes on his lives of the poets, by Sir John Hawkins
Press: New room. Original Author: Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Together with his life, and notes on his lives of the poets, by Sir John Hawkins
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1787. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 11 vols.
Editors: Hawkins, John
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 243 times in 114 borrowing records

Book Work

Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Works of Samuel Johnson

Borrowed: 1788/2/5 (Tuesday). Returned: 1788/6/4 (Wednesday).

Borrower: John Millar

Author: Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13), Genre: Belles Lettres

Works of Samuel Johnson

Volumes borrowed: Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7

Record ID 51514

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 28r

Millars historical view (M.r Fraser)

Borrowed: 1789/2/16 (Monday). Returned: 1789/3/3 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 16 Feb 1789. Original Returned Date: 3 Mar 1789.


John Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Mr Millar. Life dates: 1735-1801.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Law > Advocate.

Mr Fraser
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.

Book HoldingLibrary record

John Millar (Male, born 1735, died 1801)
Genre: History
Historical view of the English government.
Press: N. Room. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RQ 630  . Original Author: Millar, John, 1735-1801..

Record ID 51513

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 28r

Reid's essay on the intellectual power (M. Chalmers)

Borrowed: 1789/1/6 (Tuesday). Returned: 1789/5/7 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 6 Jan 1789. Original Returned Date: 7 May 1789.


John Millar
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Class: Logic. Original Full Name: Mr Millar. Life dates: 1735-1801.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Education > University Professor. Law > Advocate.

Alexander Chalmers
Gender: Male. Borrower type: Other.
Occupation (original): Student.
Class: Greek. Original Full Name: Alexander Chalmers.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Thomas Reid (Male, born 1710, died 1796)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays on the intellectual powers of man.
Press: N Room. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RQ 1542  . Original Author: Reid, Thomas, 1710-1796..

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Thomas Reid (Male, born 1710, died 1796)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays on the intellectual powers of man. By Thomas Reid, D.D. F.R.S.E. Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Glasgow.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1785. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 150 times in 104 borrowing records

Book Work

Thomas Reid (Male, born 1710, died 1796)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man

Borrowed: 1789/1/6 (Tuesday). Returned: 1789/5/7 (Thursday).

Borrowers: John Millar , Alexander Chalmers

Author: Thomas Reid (Male, born 1710, died 1796), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man

Record ID 51697

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 32v

Cunningham's hist. of G. Britain vol. 2.

Borrowed: 1776/4/15 (Monday). Returned: 1776/4/23 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 15 Apr 1776. Original Returned Date: 23 Apr 1776.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Alexander Cunningham (Male)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain : from the revolution in 1688, to the accession of George the First.
Press: N. Room. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RQ 1829-1830. Original Author: Cunningham, Alexander, 1654-1737..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Alexander Cunningham (Male)
Genre: History
The history of Great Britain: from the revolution in 1688, to the accession of George the First.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1787. Format: 4to.
Translators: Thomson, William, 1746-1817.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 42 times in 28 borrowing records

Book Work

Alexander Cunningham (Male)
Genre: History
History of Great Britain [Alexander Cunningham]

Borrowed: 1776/4/15 (Monday). Returned: 1776/4/23 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: Alexander Cunningham (Male), Genre: History

History of Great Britain [Alexander Cunningham]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 51698

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 32v

Monthly Review. Janry Feb. Appendix

Borrowed: 1776/3/7 (Thursday). Returned: 1776/5/18 (Saturday). Original Borrowed Date: 7 Mar 1776. Original Returned Date: 18 May 1776.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review (London).
Press: AU. Shelf: 4. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Library Research Annexe Store Pm4691. Original Author: Monthly Review..
Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 51732

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 33r

Breslaw's legacy &c V. 4

Borrowed: 1778/1/14 (Wednesday). Returned: 1778/1/19 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 14 Jan 1778. Original Returned Date: 19 Jan 1778.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Philip Breslaw (Male, born 1726, died 1803)
Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Breslaw's last legacy; or, The magical companion: containing all that is curious, pleasing, entertaining, and comical ... 
Press: CP. Shelf: 7. Number: 7. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bi10-i.23  . Original Author: Breslaw, Philip, 1726-1803..

Borrowed: 1778/1/14 (Wednesday). Returned: 1778/1/19 (Monday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: Philip Breslaw (Male, born 1726, died 1803), Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge

Breslaw’s Last Legacy; or, The Magical Companion

Record ID 51762

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 33v

Carmelita &c

Borrowed: 1779/11/30 (Tuesday). Returned: 1780/1/7 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 30 Dec. Original Returned Date: 7 Jan .


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Richard Cumberland (Male, born 1732, died 1811)
Genre: Drama
Carmelite: a tragedy. Performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane.
Press: N. Room. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll 317  . Original Author: Cumberland, Richard, 1732-1811..

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Richard Cumberland (Male, born 1732, died 1811)
Genre: Drama
The Carmelite: a tragedy. Performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1784. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 1

Book Work

Richard Cumberland (Male, born 1732, died 1811)
Genre: Drama
Carmelite: A Tragedy

Borrowed: 1779/11/30 (Tuesday). Returned: 1780/1/7 (Friday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: Richard Cumberland (Male, born 1732, died 1811), Genre: Drama

Carmelite: A Tragedy

Record ID 51765

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 33v

Life of Badeley 6 vol.

Borrowed: 1780/1/7 (Friday). Returned: 1780/1/12 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 7 Jan . Original Returned Date: 12 Jan.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Elizabeth Steele (Female, born c.1740, died 1787)
Genre: Lives
Memoirs of Mrs. Sophia Baddeley, late of Drury Lane Theatre.
Press: N. Room. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RB 4340-4342. Original Author: Steele, Elizabeth, 1740?-1787..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1-2, Volume 3-4, Volume 5-6

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Elizabeth Steele (Female, born c.1740, died 1787)
Genre: Lives
Memoirs of Mrs. Sophia Baddeley, late of Drury Lane Theatre.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1787. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 3 times in 1 borrowing record

Book Work

Elizabeth Steele (Female, born c.1740, died 1787)
Genre: Lives
Memoirs of Mrs Sophia Baddeley, Late of Drury Lane Theatre

Borrowed: 1780/1/7 (Friday). Returned: 1780/1/12 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: Elizabeth Steele (Female, born c.1740, died 1787), Genre: Lives

Memoirs of Mrs Sophia Baddeley, Late of Drury Lane Theatre

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1-2, Volume 3-4, Volume 5-6

Record ID 51761

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 33v

Journal thro' Spain

Borrowed: 1779/12/17 (Friday). Returned: 1779/12/30 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 17 Dec. Original Returned Date: 30 Dec.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Jean-Marie-Jérôme Fleuriot (Male, born 1749, died 1807)
Genre: Travel
Sentimental journey through Spain; written in French, by the Marquis de Langle, and translated from the Paris edition, that was burnt by the common hangman
Press: N. Room. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RB 4245. Original Author: Langle, marquis de, 1749-1807..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Jean-Marie-Jérôme Fleuriot (Male, born 1749, died 1807)
Genre: Travel
Sentimental journey through Spain; written in French, by the Marquis de Langle, and translated from the Paris edition, that was burnt by the common hangman.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1786. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 2 times in 1 borrowing record

Book Work

Jean-Marie-Jérôme Fleuriot (Male, born 1749, died 1807)
Genre: Travel
Sentimental Journey through Spain [Jean-Marie-Jérôme Fleuriot]

Borrowed: 1779/12/17 (Friday). Returned: 1779/12/30 (Thursday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: Jean-Marie-Jérôme Fleuriot (Male, born 1749, died 1807), Genre: Travel

Sentimental Journey through Spain [Jean-Marie-Jérôme Fleuriot]

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 51763

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 33v

Miss Greville. 3 vols

Borrowed: 1779/12/30 (Thursday). Returned: 1780/1/7 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 30 Dec . Original Returned Date: 7 Jan.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book Holding

Elizabeth Keir (Female)
Genre: Fiction
History of Miss Greville.
Press: N. Room. Original Author: Keir, Elizabeth..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Elizabeth Keir (Female)
Genre: Fiction
The history of Miss Greville.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1787. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 3 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 94 times in 36 borrowing records

Book Work

Elizabeth Keir (Female)
Genre: Fiction
History of Miss Greville

Borrowed: 1779/12/30 (Thursday). Returned: 1780/1/7 (Friday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: Elizabeth Keir (Female), Genre: Fiction

History of Miss Greville

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 51757

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 33v

Annual Register vol. 23, 24 (D. C.)

Borrowed: 1779/12/8 (Wednesday). Returned: 1780/4/21 (Friday). Original Borrowed Date: 8 Dec. Original Returned Date: 21 Apr.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Annual register, or, A view of the history, politics, and literature for the year ...
Press: CI. Shelf: 4. Number: 6, 7. Possible modern shelfmark: Store Pers No 3  .
Volumes borrowed: Volume 23, Volume 24

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The annual Register, or a view of the history, politicks, and literature, of the year.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1759-1837. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 854 times in 498 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Annual Register, or A View of the History, Politics, and Literature

Borrowed: 1779/12/8 (Wednesday). Returned: 1780/4/21 (Friday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Genre: Periodicals

Annual Register, or A View of the History, Politics, and Literature

Volumes borrowed: Volume 23, Volume 24

Record ID 51760

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 33v

Georgina 4 vols

Borrowed: 1779/12/17 (Friday). Returned: 1779/12/30 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 17 Dec . Original Returned Date: 30 Dec .


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Georgina Bouverie (Female)
Genre: Fiction
Georgina: or, memoirs of the Bellmour family.
Press: N. Room. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Z6-i.21-24. Original Author: Bouverie, Georgina..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Georgina Bouverie (Female)
Genre: Fiction
Georgina: or, memoirs of the Bellmour family.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1787. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 24 times in 6 borrowing records

Book Work

Georgina Bouverie (Female)
Genre: Fiction
Georgina: or, Memoirs of the Bellmour Family

Borrowed: 1779/12/17 (Friday). Returned: 1779/12/30 (Thursday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: Georgina Bouverie (Female), Genre: Fiction

Georgina: or, Memoirs of the Bellmour Family

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Record ID 51764

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 33v

Interesting Memoirs

Borrowed: 1780/1/7 (Friday). Returned: 1780/1/12 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 7 Jan . Original Returned Date: 12 Jan .


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book Holding

Elizabeth Keir (Female)
Genre: Fiction
Interesting memoirs.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Very likely

Elizabeth Keir (Female)
Genre: Fiction
Interesting memoirs. By a lady. In two volumes. ...
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1785. Format: 12mo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 62 times in 32 borrowing records

Book Work

Elizabeth Keir (Female)
Genre: Fiction
Interesting Memoirs

Borrowed: 1780/1/7 (Friday). Returned: 1780/1/12 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: Elizabeth Keir (Female), Genre: Fiction

Interesting Memoirs

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 51797

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 35r

Newtoni Opera Horsley tom. 2.3

Borrowed: 1782/10/24 (Thursday). Returned: 1782/12/17 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 24 Oct. Original Returned Date: 17 Dec.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20)
Genre: Mathematics, Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Theology
Opera quae exstant omnia.
Press: CL. Shelf: 3. Number: 11, 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn8-d.12-16. Original Author: Newton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20)
Genre: Mathematics, Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Theology
Opera quae exstant omnia.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1779-1785. Format: 4to.
Editors: Horsley, Samuel, 1733-1806.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 15 times in 8 borrowing records

Book Work

Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20)
Genre: Mathematics, Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Theology
Works of Isaac Newton

Borrowed: 1782/10/24 (Thursday). Returned: 1782/12/17 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20), Genre: Mathematics, Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Theology

Works of Isaac Newton

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 51798

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 35r

Monboddo on language vol. 4

Borrowed: 1782/11/20 (Wednesday). Returned: 1782/12/17 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 20 Nov. Original Returned Date: 17 Dec.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Burnet Lord Monboddo (Male, born 1714, died 1799)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Of the origin and progress of language.
Press: New Room. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk2-f.7-10. Original Author: Monboddo, James Burnett, Lord, 1714-1799..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

James Burnet Lord Monboddo (Male, born 1714, died 1799)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Of the origin and progress of language.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1773-1787. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 112 times in 58 borrowing records

Book Work

James Burnet Lord Monboddo (Male, born 1714, died 1799)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Of the Origin and Progress of Language

Borrowed: 1782/11/20 (Wednesday). Returned: 1782/12/17 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: James Burnet Lord Monboddo (Male, born 1714, died 1799), Genre: Belles Lettres

Of the Origin and Progress of Language

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 51779

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 35r

Memoires de l'Acad. des Sciences 1772

Borrowed: 1781/7/6 (Friday). Returned: 1781/7/10 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 6 Jul. Original Returned Date: 10 Jul.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences avec les mémoires de mathématique et physique.
Press: BB. Shelf: 3. Number: 15. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll HS 288-394. Original Author: Académie royale des sciences (France).
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1772

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique.
Language: French . Published: Paris. Date of publication: 1666-1789. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 180 times in 110 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Borrowed: 1781/7/6 (Friday). Returned: 1781/7/10 (Tuesday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Genre: Periodicals

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1772

Record ID 51799

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 35r

Sparmann's Voyage. 2 Vol.

Borrowed: 1782/11/20 (Wednesday). Returned: 1783/12/17 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 20 Nov. Original Returned Date: 17 Dec.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Anders Sparrman (Male, born 1748, died 1820)
Genre: Travel
Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic Polar Circle, and round the world.
Press: N. Room. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll RQ 1712-1713. Original Author: Sparrman, Anders, 1748-1820..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Anders Sparrman (Male, born 1748, died 1820)
Genre: Travel
A voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic polar circle, and round the world: but chiefly into the country of the Hottentots and Caffres, from the year 1772, to 1776.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1785. Format: 4to. Pagination: 2 vols.
Translators: Forster, Georg.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 105 times in 92 borrowing records

Book Work

Anders Sparrman (Male, born 1748, died 1820)
Genre: Travel
Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic Polar Circle, and Round the World

Borrowed: 1782/11/20 (Wednesday). Returned: 1783/12/17 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: Anders Sparrman (Male, born 1748, died 1820), Genre: Travel

Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic Polar Circle, and Round the World

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2

Record ID 51796

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 35r

Reviews, June, July and appendix

Borrowed: 1782/10/15 (Tuesday). Returned: 1782/10/21 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 15 Oct. Original Returned Date: 21 Oct.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review (London).
Press: AU. Shelf: 4. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Library Research Annexe Store Pm4691. Original Author: Monthly Review..
Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 51821

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 35v

Newtoni Opera Horsley tom. 1

Borrowed: 1781/3/31 (Saturday). Returned: 1781/5/13 (Sunday). Original Borrowed Date: 31 Mar 1781. Original Returned Date: 13 May 1781.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20)
Genre: Mathematics, Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Theology
Opera quae exstant omnia.
Press: CL. Shelf: 3. Number: 11, 12. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bn8-d.12-16. Original Author: Newton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20)
Genre: Mathematics, Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Theology
Opera quae exstant omnia.
Language: Latin . Published: London. Date of publication: 1779-1785. Format: 4to.
Editors: Horsley, Samuel, 1733-1806.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 15 times in 8 borrowing records

Book Work

Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20)
Genre: Mathematics, Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Theology
Works of Isaac Newton

Borrowed: 1781/3/31 (Saturday). Returned: 1781/5/13 (Sunday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: Sir Isaac Newton (Male, born 1642-12-25, died 1727-3-20), Genre: Mathematics, Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Theology

Works of Isaac Newton

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 51826

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 35v

Johnson's Works Vol. 2

Borrowed: 1781/5/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1781/5/13 (Sunday). Original Borrowed Date: 2 May 1781. Original Returned Date: 13 May 1781.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book Holding

Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Together with his life, and notes on his lives of the poets, by Sir John Hawkins
Press: New room. Original Author: Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Together with his life, and notes on his lives of the poets, by Sir John Hawkins
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1787. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 11 vols.
Editors: Hawkins, John
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 243 times in 114 borrowing records

Book Work

Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Works of Samuel Johnson

Borrowed: 1781/5/2 (Wednesday). Returned: 1781/5/13 (Sunday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13), Genre: Belles Lettres

Works of Samuel Johnson

Volumes borrowed: Volume 2

Record ID 51855

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 36r

Essay on Old Maids. 3 Vol.

Borrowed: 1788/3/11 (Tuesday). Returned: 1788/3/31 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 11 Mar 1788. Original Returned Date: 31 Mar 1788.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

William Hayley (Male, born 1745, died 1820)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Philosophical, historical and moral essay on old maids.
Press: N. R.. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll 310-312. Original Author: Hayley, William, 1745-1820..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

William Hayley (Male, born 1745, died 1820)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
A philosophical, historical, and moral essay on old maids.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1785. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 18 times in 6 borrowing records

Book Work

William Hayley (Male, born 1745, died 1820)
Genre: Philosophy and Morality
Philosophical, Historical, and Moral Essay on Old Maids

Borrowed: 1788/3/11 (Tuesday). Returned: 1788/3/31 (Monday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: William Hayley (Male, born 1745, died 1820), Genre: Philosophy and Morality

Philosophical, Historical, and Moral Essay on Old Maids

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Record ID 51853

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 36r

Johnson's Works Vol. 1

Borrowed: 1788/3/6 (Thursday). Returned: 1788/5/26 (Monday). Original Borrowed Date: 6 Mar 1788. Original Returned Date: 26 May 1788.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book Holding

Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Together with his life, and notes on his lives of the poets, by Sir John Hawkins
Press: New room. Original Author: Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Together with his life, and notes on his lives of the poets, by Sir John Hawkins
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1787. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 11 vols.
Editors: Hawkins, John
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 243 times in 114 borrowing records

Book Work

Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Works of Samuel Johnson

Borrowed: 1788/3/6 (Thursday). Returned: 1788/5/26 (Monday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13), Genre: Belles Lettres

Works of Samuel Johnson

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Record ID 51854

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 36r

Monthly Review Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Borrowed: 1788/3/6 (Thursday). Returned: 1788/3/11 (Tuesday). Original Borrowed Date: 6 Mar 1788. Original Returned Date: 11 Mar 1788.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review (London).
Press: AU. Shelf: 4. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Library Research Annexe Store Pm4691. Original Author: Monthly Review..
Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 51866

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 36v

Monthly Review Aug.t Sept.r and appdx

Borrowed: 1782/11/8 (Friday). Returned: 1782/11/29 (Friday).


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review (London).
Press: AU. Shelf: 4. Number: 1. Possible modern shelfmark: Library Research Annexe Store Pm4691. Original Author: Monthly Review..
Volumes borrowed: Volume unspecified

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Genre: Periodicals
The Monthly review. A periodical work, giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, &c. as they come out. ... By several hands
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1749-1789. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 349 times in 204 borrowing records

Book Work

Genre: Periodicals
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, Giving an Account ... of, and Extracts from, the New Books, Pamphlets, &c.

Record ID 51882

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 36v

Monboddo on language vol 4

Borrowed: 1783/12/19 (Friday). Returned: 1784/1/14 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 19 Dec. Original Returned Date: 14 Jan.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Burnet Lord Monboddo (Male, born 1714, died 1799)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Of the origin and progress of language.
Press: New Room. Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll Bk2-f.7-10. Original Author: Monboddo, James Burnett, Lord, 1714-1799..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

James Burnet Lord Monboddo (Male, born 1714, died 1799)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Of the origin and progress of language.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1773-1787. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 112 times in 58 borrowing records

Book Work

James Burnet Lord Monboddo (Male, born 1714, died 1799)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Of the Origin and Progress of Language

Borrowed: 1783/12/19 (Friday). Returned: 1784/1/14 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: James Burnet Lord Monboddo (Male, born 1714, died 1799), Genre: Belles Lettres

Of the Origin and Progress of Language

Volumes borrowed: Volume 4

Record ID 51883

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 36v

Johnson's works. Vol. 1.

Borrowed: 1783/12/19 (Friday). Returned: 1784/1/14 (Wednesday). Original Borrowed Date: 19 Dec. Original Returned Date: 14 Jan.


Thomas Reid
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: Dr Reid. Life dates: 1710-1796.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book Holding

Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Together with his life, and notes on his lives of the poets, by Sir John Hawkins
Press: New room. Original Author: Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1

Book Edition

Confidence level: Certain

Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Together with his life, and notes on his lives of the poets, by Sir John Hawkins
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1787. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 11 vols.
Editors: Hawkins, John
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 243 times in 114 borrowing records

Book Work

Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Works of Samuel Johnson

Borrowed: 1783/12/19 (Friday). Returned: 1784/1/14 (Wednesday).

Borrower: Thomas Reid

Author: Dr Samuel Johnson (Male, born 1709-9-18, died 1784-12-13), Genre: Belles Lettres

Works of Samuel Johnson

Volumes borrowed: Volume 1